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my lease is up [ jewelry ] - Printable Version

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my lease is up [ jewelry ] - adomania - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]There was a wide array of vices that Des engaged in whenever his demons started to become too much. He smoked, drank and brooded until the dawn broke through the darkness, and then he hid everything like he didn't break apart each evening and put those broken pieces back together, each harder to pick up than the last. His smiles were getting harsher, the warmth in his gaze more strained. As much as he wanted to offer the world the kindness he never got, it was getting harder with each passing day that nothing seemed to actually change. He was still the old Desperado, the murderer, the fraud, the liar. The good he did now seemed to be so trivial and incapable of changing his past or even overshadowing it.

But he still tried, even when each cigarette never worked as good as the last, and it took more drinks to get him to black out. The only problem was that he knew it led to his quickly deteriorating health, the body he inhabited not built to withstand so many chemicals he shoved into it on the daily. As hard as it was and as much as he still indulged in the vices more than the average person, Des was trying his hardest to change. The water made it easier, the waves lapping at his body calming him when everything else seemed to fail. It was always there, always steady - the salt cleaned him, refreshed him, and the water seemed to lick at both his physical and mental wounds. It was hardly a solution, but it worked better than most of his other temporary fixes, and so it was why he was drawn so much to the waters that surrounded the Typhoon, and why it had taken him so long to leave. It was why he came back.

And it was why he was there right now, wading through the waters and humming a tune he vaguely recalled idly under his breath. It was a strange mix of a folk song he had learned in his youth with a far more melancholy tone than it had originally been made in, but it seemed to soothe him as much as the waters did. He wasn't sure what he was looking for (maybe he wasn't looking for anything), but it seemed that somehow he found something regardless, abandoned and shimmering in the clear waters. It was nothing complicated, just a simple piece of jewelry, sterling silver and largely simple compared to the other jewels that already adorned Desperado's body, but it seemed worthy enough for him to add it to his collection. There was a pause, then he lifted the necklace above his neck, letting it rest on his chest where his others were already located.

It didn't help much with his predicament, as his problems still existed no matter how many pendants he wore, but at least it made the weight a bit lighter on his shoulders. If he had to walk through hell, he figured he'd stay longer if he felt good doing it.

Re: my lease is up [ jewelry ] - spacexual - 11-13-2018

priscilla "sil" rosario — female — the typhoon — tags
trying to exit the jungle is quite a difficult thing for the girl to do. ever since her da has introduced her and her siblings to the island, she has felt a pressure, especially from ari, to explore. however, whenever she did, she would keep it contained within the jungle or moving to her other two fathers' huts along the beach, at most. but, the beach is scary. the waters could swallow her whole any minute if she was not careful. she does not like to be around them. though her siblings all seemed okay in the salty ocean, she is unable to bring herself anywhere near it. ari does not seem to mind her fear of this, either, so she believes it is the right choice, even if it will keep her trapped in such a confined space.

but, she knows she cannot remain there forever. she must, at the very least, see her home for how it is. it is an island surrounded by water, yes, but it is also full of so much life she has yet to encounter. she does not want to end up a hermit solely because she refuses to leave the jungles. besides, ari is incredibly frustrated in her decision to remain in one place. so, it was about time she tried to push herself just a bit further, one step at a time.

it is this progress that draws her to a stranger, swimming within the shores she fears so much. but, something has caught her attention upon the male - shiny objects upon his body. she brings herself a bit closer, still remaining a safe distance away. when she feels a bit of the water gently hit her paws, she tenses, wrapping her blanket around her body a bit tighter. the kitten's blue eyes looked out to the male and she let in a singular sigh before preparing to speak. she must make friends. "salve. i, um, like your jewelry, mister," she calls gently, her paws shuffling. "it's pretty!"

Re: my lease is up [ jewelry ] - elijah - 11-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]Elijah hasn't been making very good impressions of himself. He is an ignorant and foolish boy, too energetic for his own good and always jumping the gun with his assumptions. He thinks of the world to be safe because his mind censors the emotions he can't understand, the squirming feeling that bubbles inside of him. Instead, the child continues to smile along to his oblivious game of being too trusting, too gullible. He simply wanted to believe that everything around him was a pleasant adventure, here to babysit him on his adventures. And yet part of him still feels afraid. Sometimes the darkness causes flashes to appear in front of him, remembering a pink glow and the look of fury on each father's face. It traumatises him to think creatures could look so evil. It had all been fun and games up until now, all fantasy for his starry-eyes to twinkle at. There wasn't any laughter when his papa tried to rip into Caesar, no smiles when papi joined in for bloodshed. Fear. He doesn't truly understand the feeling other than the fact that it made him want to curl up into a ball, hide and scream until his lungs hurt or he faints. The world isn't as good as he initially thought it to be. It is dangerous, black and ugly. A putrid aura follows them all around, haunting him.

"Heus," Elijah begins, walking towards his sister and looking at the water. Ever since the day he had been caught by the waves, the child had made it his mission to learn how to swim. He found bodies of water in the depths of the rainforest, being sure to stay on the shallow side. He finds that his wings made it easier for him to stay afloat, to provide an extra boost, but the child was still incapable of swimming and being left on his own. Of course, there then came the problem of the ocean's waves that could still overpower his tiny figure. He doesn't think about it for too long. "Do you know him?" He then asks, having not heard Priscilla's earlier words due to not realising she had been speaking. Then again, he likely wouldn't have picked up that Desperado was also a unknown man to his sister. He is also hesitant to speak directly to the stranger because of Caesar. While Caesar was visibly evil in appearance which should have been a warning sign for him to tell Stella to back off, he wasn't expecting the Officer to lunge at her and cause such a scene. He didn't expect anyone to attack, didn't think anyone could be so malicious. How was he supposed to feel towards this man? He wanted to trust him but all he felt was an uneasiness towards him.

Re: my lease is up [ jewelry ] - Luciferr - 11-14-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
these days the familiar shadow of the beast is never far from either his children or his new nieces and nephews - and given recent events, he worries more than ever - and he hates himself for when they get hurt, Argus had died in one of her forms to an outsider right under his nose and he hates he wasn't there to intervene.

so he trails his young niece and nephew quietly as they explore the territories - his patrol is done for the day, he doesn't have anything much else to do and babysitting or watching out for the younger ones is hardly a chore.

still he recognises Des, the wanderer often around every now and then, so he nods to the other while the kids mill about and Priscilla inquires on the jewellery - to which he hums quietly, it reminds him of Fenris in a small way, His son often crafted things from metals - from jewellery to the more common occurrence of weapons.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: my lease is up [ jewelry ] - ... - 11-14-2018

[div style="background: url(; background-size: cover; height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 3px solid #000; float: left; margin-right: 10px"]
[div style="width: 60px; font-size: 11px; font-family: nyala; text-align: justify; color: #fff"]HP: 94%
[div style="background: #34bf3f; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; height: 6px; width: 94px; margin-top: 1px"]
EXP: 6%
NAME: ... ¦ GENDER: ? ¦ LEVEL: 2 ¦ : 1
STR: 1 ¦ DEF: 1 ¦ CON: 1 ¦ DEX: 1 ¦ INT: 1
PER: 2 ¦ CHR: 1 ¦ AGL: 1 ¦ WIL: 1 ¦ LCK: 1
Silently, is They following after the winged creature who eats the Sun as a meal of the day before it slumbers across the Sky. For how long is undetermined. Time blurs, and the last thing They can recall prior to Their walk is a wonder of what the dragon was planning to do, thus, Their curiosity took Them to stay behind him. Soreness yet wraps around Their limbs and squeezes in each little steps. Though, the appearance of the dragon manages to get Their mind away from them before They sink deeper into pain.

Eventually, They finds Themself standing before where the other kits—one being Elijah! Their friend!—are with a familiar lion. Ears prickles, They wobbles Their way over and spots something shining from the maned male's form. Their pace quickens until They nearly crashes into the black lion's body, squeaking. Once They is in Their comfortable position—head high and bottom against sands—They reaches Their forepaws towards his shiny objects, eyes bright, lips curls upward. All attention on the lion. "Buwha! Buwha!" They squeals, giggling afterward.

Re: my lease is up [ jewelry ] - elijah - 11-16-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]He doesn't expect to bump into his nameless friend. The glint of jewelry reminds him of the glint of claws in the moonlight. They make him uncomfortable the more he stares at them, let his eyes settle upon the look of refracting light. He wasn't paying attention to the noises around him that the sound of the child wobbling towards his direction is only noticed when his eyes catch the appearance of ebony fur...almost falling over that he holds his breath. He doesn't realise his lungs have stopped moving, shaking for air that it reminds him to breathe. He is glad that the kitten enjoys the appearance of of his accessories, the pendants that dressed the man. Silver looks good against black. Elijah, optimistic, is sure that the more he looks at the glitter of jewels, the more comfortable he will feel about them. And yet an uneasiness strikes the ragdoll's emotions, rattling him because of the lion's dark fur that resembled the night, the lack of light there had been when his sister was attacked. He does not smile, lips pressed together because he does not know how to word how he feels. He does not truly understand this sense of fear intertwined with dread. All he knows is that he does not feel joy seeing the sterling silver exist within the presence of sunlight.