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ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST / return - Printable Version

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ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST / return - ROXANNE R. - 11-13-2018

It was all a blur.

A large ebony form had clashed against her Kalayavan, it didn't seem intent on losing either until he had gotten the salt water crocodile onto its side. She remembered there was a lot of hissing then without a second thought she had shot forward with claws outstretched, the creature growling but there was a swift snap of jaws. She had been so certain that she had died and this was the aftermath of it, floating in darkness or well, staying in one place. Her eyes half closed as she lay there, she felt something in between her paws realizing it was something gooey "What..." Was she inside someone's mouth? God. She thought they would have ate her by now, she didn't have much room so she started trying to find a way to get out of this predicament. God, this things tongue was barbed and it made her super uncomfortable but it was life or death. Frankly, Roxie didn't have any intent on dying so without much hesitation they would hit the roof of the beast's mouth screaming "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" A growl made everything shake.

"I SAID LET ME OUT!" She screeched at the top of her lungs before using a back paw to hit the beasts uvula, she could feel them immediately growling but it was cut off short as they gagged. Eventually the creature spat her out with a few hacking noises, Roxie lay in the sand covered in saliva "Oh God, it's purple..." She turned around to try and see the monster but it was already gone. It took her a moment to realize where she was did the spit covered feline hurriedly made her way to the gate blinking at the bell there and would reach up towards it only to start ringing frantically "LET ME IN! LET ME IN!" She wasn't sure if the beast would return and frankly, she didn't want to be there for when it did.

Re: ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST / return - elijah - 11-13-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]Elijah made a friend today. He was talking to his rabbit doll when saw an insect scurrying about outside, brown and soil-like in colour, antennae wriggling about. As if it understood him, he let the cockroach sit at the top of his head and look about, the child talking to the creature with a mix of Latin and English because he wasn't sure what language they spoke in. He was careful not too fly or move to sharply in fear of causing the poor insect to lose balance and fall. To put it simply, he liked the company. He liked that he had made a friend with a living creature because somewhere inside, the kitten was vaguely aware that his dolls only had imagined voices and ears to talk to him. It was to Elijah's misfortune that the sound of the bell and the shouting had startled his cockroach friend, causing the creature to unleash its set of wings and buzz away, leaving Elijah to deal with the situation on his own. It was a good thing that Elijah liked the sound of bells because it meant he wasn't deaf to the noise, his mind wasn't going to filter the sound.

The child's wings spread, launching himself off the ground to find the fem panicking, aggressively ringing the bell. He doesn't quite understand her rush, thinking it to be some kind of game when he lands and giggles. "Okay, come in!" the boy says, far too lax with the concept of strangers. This was likely because he hadn't come to associate the scent most pirates carried, unable to recognise foreigners to the island. The kitten jumps to the other side of the gate, ringing the bell himself. "Now you let me in!" He thinks it's all a game that she is playing, not particularly bothered by the look of purple saliva on her body, thinking it must have been fairly normal. Elijah wriggles his tail, hopping on the spot. "Knock, knock!"

[ ooc ] rushed since i've gotta go something then sleep sorry ahh

Re: ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST / return - APHRA CIPHER . - 11-13-2018

"you should be more careful, you know." aphra's voice came in a hum as she came to stand beside elijah, at first not batting an eye at roxanne. her focus was purely on elijah for a few seconds, a fake, concerned frown on her maw as she spoke, "what if this person was an enemy? you just endangered your clan." with that, aphra decided to finally look upon the person who had rang the bell.

anger surged through her as she recognized roxanne, narrowing her icy eyes at the other female. "unfortunately, this person is not an enemy to the typhoon." no, but she was an enemy to aphra. the succubus hated roxanne and saw her as competition. after all, roxanne could be seen as a lot more beautiful than her, and aphra hated that. "what are you doing here, roxanne? i thought you died."
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST / return - PINCHER - 11-13-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
To say he missed his sister was an understatement. He missed her ability to have such a spunky fiery attitude that usually cause a crack of a smile to form on his muzzle. Sometimes they had bashed heads together, sometimes they sought each other for comfort and security. He knew Roxanne was troubled internally, a lot had happened to her that had caused her to lock up and slowly slip away from ever existing in the tropical volcanic island. As time passed, he didn't let his mind forget her as he worked and continued hoping he would be able to see her one last time before having to say goodbye to the very life he had claimed and created for himself. But he didn't exactly  expect to see her covered in saliva. The figure of the male was calmly swimming through the long waves of the sea, his head hardly breaking through the surface as he mimicked the slow swimming form of a crocodile with his piercing frost blue gaze locked onto the shore of the island as his jaws were clamped around a small net filled with writhing fish. As he finally stepped out and dumped the fish onto a nearby small boat so they couldn't escape, the loud ringing exploded and filled his charcoal black ears and he turned to focus on the direction of it.

A joiner? A voice was added and his fictional brows furrowed as the voice seemed familiar but not enough for it to immediatly connect in his head so the lean figure of the hybrid stalked forward with his drenched form picking up the pace as he noticed the small figure of Elijah descend down in front of the figure as well as Aphra he immediately realizes who it is. "Roxanne?!" Pincher's exclaim was filled with bewildered surprise and he rushed forward with his claws unsheathing, expecting to fight whoever was chasing her until he noticed her gooey slicked form. He wrinkled his nose and grimaced as he heard the excessive ringing of both Elijah and Roxanne, biting back a curse when he noticed the basket filled with mambas begin to slowly shake with the irritated snakes. He aimed to gently bite down on the scruff of Elijah and pull him back as he murmured "Oi Elijah, you're already in. Anyways, where the hell have you been, Roxxie? Are you okay....and are you covered in fucking saliva?" His questions were filled with brotherly worry as his eyes widened with concern as he turned his attention to Roxanne. He glanced towards Aphra, surprised she was around but he remained silent as she seemed laxer than Caesar and allowed Roxanne to hopefully answer their inquiries of where she had disappeared to.

Re: ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST / return - bubblegum - 11-13-2018

Re: ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST / return - elijah - 11-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]Breath is easily wasted when speaking to Elijah. Attention ungrasped, he fails to listen to Aphra's concern. He remains deaf to the worries of speaking to strangers, still not learning the exact purpose of the gate other than the door to a home that is the island. In the kitten's small world, there is no such thing as enemy or danger. He doesn't even come to notice the black mambas that uncoil restlessly in irritation, tongues flickering in displeasure before the boy feels himself suddenly lifted by the scruff and brought to the other side. He would have known who this man was had he been paying attention to his mother when they were walking to the Bay to introduce themselves. Instead he is like any other member, the boy merely smiling at him. He was glad that he was already in, wondering briefly to himself if he was missing something. His whiskers twitch, watching adults speak to adults. He feels instantly bored, as if he has been ripped out of a game. He thinks of bringing his own kind of fun, maybe taking a peak at the contents in the basket near the gate but then deciding not to.

Baby-blue eyes twinkle when he notices Goldenluxury's companion, an avian that appears to be larger than he is. He is tempted to lower his body, stalk towards the bird in belief that he is being sneaky, then catch the poor winged creature when he hears Lynn's screes. His fur bristles, the child jumping because he did not expect the creature to be so loud that he is a ball of fluff. Maybe it really was best for him to go. This place didn't feel so fun anymore, the ragdoll child spreading his wings again and flying back towards the rainforest. He wants to find that cockroach again anyway.

Re: ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST / return - Luciferr - 11-14-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
he doesn't speak as he brings up the rear but he eye this spectacle with something like bemused amusement - its not every day someone once dead - and covered in saliva? - comes back to their rag tag fold.

he remembers roxanne faintly - though he hadn't interacted with Pincher's sister much and then when he could have, she had died but he's been aware of her of course and now he sits back to simply watch this little family reunion.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme