Beasts of Beyond

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Questions no one can answer -

He had to admit that he had seen some pretty shitty places as a human. Going toward the slum places of town not to raise suspicion from the cops. Going to the bad areas of town if they had a target that was in the area at the same time. He had seen people living in the worst living conditions, but he had no idea what could be considered bad living conditions for the likes of a human. The former human didn't know what it even meant to be an animal, and he had yet to even try to hunt himself. Hunting would mean that he would have to either use his abilities or take off his mask. Two things that he wasn't willing to do. It seemed like he didn't really have to pull his weight around as long as he could just do whatever the hell he wanted. No one had told him otherwise, and he had no idea how the clans even worked or what they were even called for that matter.  So far, he had been through a couple different environments, not really caring what they were because he wasn't going to be staying around that area for a good amount of time either. The one place that he was considering the base of operations was the Rosebloods and they had a desert where they lived in the canyon. The Hellhound could really do without the aspect of the sand, but it wasn't a begger or chooser. He could complain all he wants and nothing would change the shape of the world for him. Coming across another desert slightly disappointed the Hellhound. Well, this kinda sucked. He was tired of seeing sand over and over again and how it got stuck in between his toes was annoying as hell. He didn't have wings like Rimmy did and couldn't fly over his troubles either.

The 6ft tall Hellhound lashed his two tails behind him as he didn't bother stopping at the border of the place. Being a former human meant that he didn't really understand what it meant to be an animal. He didn't know what scent markers meant, not like he would be able to tell considering the mask he wore kept him from being able to smell anything in the first place. But he was here on business. The business of getting his name out there for anyone that wanted the job done. He needed to let other creatures know that he was around though. It could mean make great enemies, but he was used to being hunted for the majority of his life so this wouldn't really change anything. Vagabond had no idea that these groups formed enemies and allies with one another. It also meant that he had no intention of following whatever anyone said either. The Hellhound had always done whatever the hell he wanted, and this was why he was here. The large black beast stuck out like a sore thumb as he began to walk around the desert. It was getting close to night time, so the Hellhound wasn't worried about dying of heat stroke just yet. Thanks to his weight though, he sank slightly in the sand and was well within the Pitt's territory. The metal skull mask that he wore on his face hid his entity as if the rest of him couldn't be memorized to track him down for his looks, but it still helped. The skull itself wasn't in the shape of a canine skull, but it was a morphed human skull instead, indents of human teeth along the mask itself. A low huff escaped his jaws as he continued walking waiting to see if he could see anyone that he could mess with. He wasn't here to kill anyone after all. Faint Roseblood scent came off of his body, but he didn't really think it mattered all that much.



To be quiet honest, Ammon was not used to this body.  It was fairly weak, while his old one hummed with the power.  This one was different, and much weaker.  He wondered on what this body could do, but again what was up with all these hellhounds running wild around here? Was a gate of hell opened without him realizing it? Never the less the bluish grey wolf was minding his own bussiness.

There were one thing that Vagabond had against Ammon, Ammon would never ever know what he would look like. But that didn't do shit against him remembering how the person and what the person smelled like since he would always remember that whenever someone did harm to him.  This scent unfamilar masking another scent that didn't make any logic sense, how can a person smell that much of gunpowder or something dark and metalic.

It brought nothing but fear towards the former god, and he didn't want anything to do with him.  Not alone speak to the hellhound,  he just wished the hellhound would avoid him.  Or even better spare him.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer


Questions no one can answer -

He wasn't someone that was even remotely religious. The former had no reason to be when he was subjected to such terrible things that if a god wanted to come and help him they had plenty of chances to. Maybe there was a god for the matter that he had survived so many operations with just a small sliver of life left in him. He couldn't count how many times he nearly got himself killed, and he was certainly lucky to be alive. Although, was he really alive at this point? The former human was basically just some sort of animal, and he wasn't even sure how he had ended up getting into this damn world. He guessed it was almost ironic that he was an animal as that's what some enemies had described him to be from other gangs. He was always unpredictable with what he wanted to do and there was no changing that. The Hellhound had no reason to play nice with anyone, as he had learned from the get-go with the gangs it was a good way for him to get shot in the back in just a moments notice. Vagabond still didn't know what he was, and instead just thought himself as being the likes of a big dog. From the animals that he had seen recently, he only considered them to either be dogs, cats, or unknown animal. He wasn't about to start opening up a book and identifying all the species that were in this world after all.

The canine didn't believe in the aspect of there a god in the world and had no reason to. He remembered that they were once hired to kill a cult, and the way that they organized themselves was much worse than the gang that they were actually in. Religious people were insane in Vagabond's mind, but that was only his opinion and few offered to listen to what he said in the first place. He was getting tired of sand though, that much was certain. He lashed his two tails behind him in a frustrated matter of not having seen anything just yet. The Roseblood member had no reason to hide the likes of his scent, as he didn't even know that was even a factor. They never had to hide their scents as humans didn't have a strong sense of smell and couldn't smell them from a good distance away while they set up their positions. Vagabond saw movement out of the corner of his eye, his perifials slightly obscured thanks to the raised edges of the mask. The large beast stopped where he was walking and noticed that there was another canine not too far away from him. A wolf from the looks of it.

Oh, that was ironic. He had killed two canines recently and had left their corpses for other's to see. It was obvious that the creature had managed to see him, and the former human couldn't help but grin a little bit as he turned himself in the direction of the other canine, showing that other that he knew he was there. Looked like someone was a little bit scared. That was good. One of the throwing knives that were holstered in the sash that was across his chest began to hover next to him, as he began to make his way over toward the animal that was trying to avoid him. "Well that's a little bit rude. Don't wanna say hello?" Vagabond joked in his deep voice, his voice slightly muffled thanks to the mask that he wore on his face. After he spoke, the throwing knife would immediately speed toward the canine at around 30mph. Not the fastest he could throw it, but it would be fast enough. As the knife flew through the air, Vagabond had aimed to impale the canine in the back leg to restrict the other's movement. Vagabond slightly quickened his pace but didn't immediately run over toward him, his twin-tailed held up in a slightly dominant position like that of a wolf itself. Immediately as soon as the other was thrown, another throwing knife unhitched itself and hovered near the large best.


Pain was something Ammon was familar with.  But pain in his leg, now that really triggered a memory that the wolf would love to forget.  The wolf spat out a curse in a unknown and promptly dead language.  Damn his blindness, he would wish he could see vagabond for what he did.

When the hellhound spoke about him not greeting him, the former god raised an metaphorical eyebrow. " Why in creations name would I even attemp that? You were the one who spoke first and threw a damn dagger at me." his voice tight from the flaring pain his leg was pulsing through his body, burning hot like a brand mark, and spreading like fever does fighting an infection.

Of course it would be easier to make quick work of someone who was much smaller than he was. If he was going to die again for a mere moment, then so be it.  He was briefly happy anyway.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer


Questions no one can answer -

From a distance, the Hellhound hadn't realized that the other was actually blind at all. It was only when Vagabond was near him that he saw the cloudiness in his eyes. Did he feel bad about attacking a blind guy? Not really, because he wasn't going to any form of extreme damage either. It wasn't like he was going to kill the guy either. This wolf was just going to be a messenger for something a whole lot bitter. Vagabond didn't know the language that he spoke when he shouted, but it wasn't really much of any concern to him for the factor that there were plenty of languages that he had actually had no idea about. It wasn't the end of the world. The other didn't really seem to bother and try to run away, and Vagabond moved closer till he was directly in front of the wolf. Not much of a fight. The Hellhound would shrug his shoulders as the other spoke in English, and sounded kinda strange when he did so. "Well, I'd assume you'd at least smell me, or whatever you animals do." Vagabond stated, not really caring at this point. It was there that he would aim to use one of his paws and knock the other's paws out from under him. If that worked, Vagabond would aim to pin the smaller animal to the ground so that the other wouldn't be able to get away somehow and it would be easy to get to work. Both of his tails moved independently from one another. "The name's Vagabond. This is just business really." The former human explained to the other. Not bothering to hide his name. He wanted other's to know his name after all. The Hellhound needed to get his name out there as it wasn't exactly a secret. It was then that the Hellhound aimed to latch onto the other's mind with his mental manipulation, something that he didn't believe that he was actually doing, aiming to make the other FEAR him. There was a chance that he could see memories, but those didn't really matter to him. He just wanted to make the guy terrified him every time he heard his voice.


  Now Ammon who had seen what mind reading, or what mental mainpulation can do to a person, the blind wolf did not under circumstances wanted it done to him.  But here he was pinned under his own will, how he ended up in this situation was just very quickly and he wanted it to be over.  Cut him, beat him, hell curse him until his last breathing days. But never go into his head, let alone his memories.  Those were out of bounds, and creation forbid for anyone to attempt and manage to get through it.

" GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" the pinned wolf screamed as much as a wolf could which sounded more a strangled howl but who was really counting.  For what Vagabond would either do one of many things, render the former human completely confused, or make him consider using that power towards other.  For what he saw was a dim room, a bound person on the wall under going some kind of torture.  It was not clear if it was mental, physical, or emotional torture but it was of course a memory buried under plenty of others.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer


Questions no one can answer -

Vagabond didn't really understand the concept of this world. That was from the factor that powers existed and that they could use to hurt those that they were used against on top of that. The Hellhound didn't understand why he was capable of doing some of the things that he was doing, and what it could really mean. Half of the time he didn't really question it because he didn't have the time to do so. He just wanted to worry about getting enough business in the surrounding areas, no matter what he would have to go through to get it either. Vagabond had no idea what he was doing to Ammon's mind, and the last thing he expected was suddenly to have images flash in his vision along with the other belong him screaming out. Vagabond even loosened his grip a little bit and the shock made his power immediately turn off. The hell was that?! Vagabond was fairly certain that he had never managed to do that before, and now only be able to? It didn't make a whole lot of sense to the male, and it was obvious with the other's reaction that he had managed to get into the other guy's head. That could come in handy. He had no idea what he thought he saw, it looked like it was a man being tortured, but that was never anything out of the ordinary. While the other was pinning him down onto the ground, the Hellhound aimed to sink his claws slightly into the other's flesh. "I learn something new every single day." The Hellhound said, a slight chuckle escaping his jaws. First, he could throw knives without actually holding them, and now he could look through into other's head. "What else do you have in that head of yours?" Vagabond questioned as he lowered his head in a threatening manner toward the other's own head, but the other probably couldn't really tell what he was doing. He tried to get the familiar feeling again, aiming to latch onto the other's mind and aim to cause the other more distress. He didn't care about learning the other's memories. While he was doing that he would rear slightly on his back legs, and aim to slam downward, aiming to break the wolf's front left leg.


Dread and fear now rippled through ammon like a horrible hurricane, the wolf was horrified of what else Vagabond could find in his memories.  That feeling of been afraid and powerless was damning, and he hated it.  He hated feeling the feeling of dread and fear.  Another memory came to surface relating to what was happening to the present, with the course of pain pulsing through him, as now he was already feeling the burning tears well up in his eyes.  He gritted his teeth, forcing back screams that were going to rip his vocals out.

This memory would or should have rendered him crippled various lacerations a upon his ankles running upwards. But alas it did not, but left a burning reminder and fear.  Ammon wanted nothing more for this nightmare to end, he wanted this to end.  Death was much easier than this.

/ since I am planning on ammon having another body, Vag can kill him.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer


Questions no one can answer -

(Okay buddy!)

It was strange. Vagabond quite didn't understand what exactly what he was doing, it was just happening. He usually liked to know something that he was capable of doing, but it seemed like he was discovering something about his new body every passing day. This was only the fourth day that he had been in this world, and he found it quite odd that these abilities even existed in the first place. Was he going to take advantage of having this power? You bet your ass he is. There was no reason to waste something that could prove to be useful in the future after all. The Hellhound knew that he was going to have to make this quick considering that the other had been screaming at the top of his lungs a little bit ago. The Roseblood member wasn't quite sure if leaving the other to live and tell the story would be a great idea. The other would only know his name and not appearance thanks to him being blind. Vagabond could easily lie about a name if someone came looking for him, which would be better but not that great for business either. Vagabond did have to detach himself from the wolf's mind though, as the other's emotions of fear were so strong that it was starting to make his own body shake.

Having mental manipulation meant that he could also allow himself to feel other's emotions if he wasn't careful, something yet ago that he wasn't ready for. The Hellhound's tail seemed to still themselves a little bit as nothing happened for a couple moments as he gauged what he should do. It would be better just to leave a corpse so that he wouldn't have to come back and tie up a loose end. The hellbeast hummed to himself before reaching his decision, a throwing knife hovering in the air right next to his large head. "Sorry man, doesn't seem like today is your lucky day." Vagabond would almost say casually. It wasn't uncommon for him to change direction with what he was doing, thanks to his unpredictable nature it could prove dangerous and even deadly to those that weren't prepared. Vagabond wasn't going to use his mouth to try and kill the canine he was standing on top of, and instead, he would aim to plunge the throwing knife deep into Ammon's throat. Depending on where the knife hit, the other would bleed to death, rather quickly. If that worked, Vagabond would remove his paw from the wolf's body, and sit himself down, waiting for the canine to die so that he could begin carving away the flesh from the other's skull. If the other had any final words to give, Vagabond to be there to hear them whether he liked it or not. He began to unsheathe more knives to prepare to carve.


tw: for gore and death?
Really it depended on the body mass of a person for someone to literally drain out even if it was from a slash to the juglar, from what hollywood had shown that blood splatters or gushes at rate the mere seconds in one single splurt.  It did and it didn't perhaps maybe a less than a ounce worth would fall onto someone else or something else but most of it gurgled out faster than you can think. 

"Sorry man, doesn't seem like today is your lucky day."

This was the second time death had come for Ammon, and he was not expecting it.  This was the second violent death he had been under the influence of.  At least in death, may he find a better body but would be forever cursed in the rebirth and death cycle may it be from a peaceful death or from by the hands of others.  He had lived a few days in the body, heh at least he seen what the world was, it was almost similar as the one he lived all those years ago.

How was a person supposed to feel while they knew their life's blood was spent onto the ground in a gushing riverlet that was ceasing to stop bleeding, as one's internal organs were slowly shutting off one after the other leaving the brain itself perhaps seconds or even minutes before it stopped ending neurons to other parts of the body?  Some feel peace when it came to death, others felt fear, others felt intense rage for they were not finished or they were not even close to cursing those who have brought them up to this point in their lives.

As for Ammon he felt neither of those things, the dying wolf felt his lips slightly twitch into a smile, while his body was still warm enough to set into that permant facial expression before rigor mortis set in. " Y....Yore.. n..not..s...sorry.... You... can't be."  he rasped out from that knowing that as one has committed so much death they are detached from empathy, they wouldn't even know how to empathic unless it came itself and slapped them hard.

Death came as part of life, and Ammon was not afraid of it.  Hell it was part of how things were, live and die. That is all what creation was for.  But only a very few were blessed with the curse of rebirth, and to remember their previous deaths if the death themselves were peaceful or not.

At least thankfully he was blind, perhaps he would never the granted in seeing Vagabond in his third life, for it would bring back the horrors of this life, as short as it was.  " Pray that we never met again.." came the very last words, far to soft to be passed a whisper, before he stilled and gradually his body went cold.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer