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I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - Printable Version

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I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - teef - 11-12-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


finnloch perched on the branch of a tree, looking down at her soaked groupmates. it had been disastrous so far, the flash flood was taking everything from them. she decided that it was time she helped to bring some brightness back to the dull eyes and pained hearts around her. "hey sunhaveners! i've got something i want to share! i am adopting right now! I'm adopting everyone who wants a home, a family, a new chance! so please! don't be shy, let me take care of you!" she called out, grey tail twitching as she shook water droplets from her ears and whiskers, teal eyes taking in all of the weary souls around her, heart aching as she wished to love them all.

Re: I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - Hope Arcanium - 11-13-2018

Leona honestly wished she had a good childhood, and someone who could take her in and deal with her emotional baggage. There was... so much there. It weighed heavily on the Solbinder's shoulders and heart. Her metaphorical wings were shackled by untold accounts of horror and abuse, blackmail and betrayal.

"Finn... Finnloch... thank you for offering shelter to those in need. A lot of folks need it..."

Including the healer herself, but she would not allow herself to become a burden upon others. There was too much that others could not handle with her. But she wished there was. God, did she wish there was someone who understood what she had been through and would take her emotional outbursts on occasion.

Re: I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - teef - 11-13-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


a gentle smile graced the former medic's lips, "if i didn't do this, who would, darling? come here, please." she murmured, the molly looking at the solbinder with affection.

she was a mother once, and a mother she always stayed. she had always seen the way others carried themselves when they carried heavy pains upon their shoulders. she might not be able to use much of her skills here as a medic, but by her ancestors, would she care for everyone here.

she already had fallen in love with this new place, this new home, this new family. it was the one gift that she could give to them. she had a secret that she wanted to share with the solbinder, a fellow practitioner of medicine. this secret that could change so many things for leona. "i might not have a big body, but i promise everyone, i will keep you warm when nothing else can. please, let me be there for you." she murmured softly, painfully aware of all of those who had lost their parents and families and everything else. she might not be able to be a mother to all, but she would be their rock, their shoulder to cry on, their confidant. whatever they told to her, she wouldnt share, it would be between them. on her tiny shoulders, she had the space to carry the weight of the world of those around her.

Re: I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - Bell - 11-13-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Adoption? Now that was a thought. Sundae's potential as a fighter had been noticed practically at his birth, so of course it hadn't taken long for the council to swoop in and take him from his parents. He was sure that they didn't mind giving him away. Serving the light in such a way was seen as a great honour, and surely they were compensated for the loss of their only child. However, this meant that the only parental figure he ever knew was his mentor. It probably should have made him sadder than it did, but he could never quite force his mind to feel sorry for itself. After all, his mentor was a kind woman, even if she was strict at times. Sundae had never needed parents, and hadn't thought about it enough to know if he wanted them. Finnlock's call was met with the rise of a metaphorical brow, a quizzical expression settling onto his face as he turned to gaze at the feline. Maternal instincts were built into some, he had come to find, and it looked like this sunbearer was one of them. He himself couldn't imagine looking after a bunch of kids. Although he was warm towards all life, he had duties to preform. Children would be too much of a burden on his already restless soul.

He would watch as she beckoned Leona forwards, lips pulled into a gentle smile of his own. Despite the trouble he had relating with Finnloch, he knew that this was a kind and generous offer. He would keep his distance though, reluctant to get involved in anything that'd force him into any sort of relationship with people. His work was exclusively no strings attached, he couldn't have family or close friends in random places like Sunhaven. Who knew how soon it'd be that he'd have to leave, called by fate to venture elsewhere.

Re: I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - Aelios S. - 11-13-2018

Fin walked over to the announcement. Eh what could be the worst thing that could happen? The worst thing that could happen is been rejected in public. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a vampire as a family member marm?" they spoke carefully already prepared for some kind of negative response.

Re: I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - teef - 11-13-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


finn looked to sundae and then to infirmaryward. she gave leona a small smile, leaping down from her tree with slight difficulty. she could sense the anxiety on the other, approaching. standing up straighter she looked at them, her teal eyes searching out their eyes, "a vampire would be a welcome addition, sweet child. welcome to my hearth and family, darling." she told them warmly, touching their shoulder with her paw.

Re: I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - MirrorEdge - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — "Is it really that easy to take people into your family? Strangers, even?" And not throw them away? Nora... wasn't sure how to feel about this. She was raised in a somewhat loving home, but in the end, her mother had chosen her own survival over her childrens', teaching them the basics and leaving them to fend for themselves, sending Nora and her siblings into the vast world. Needless to say, she was a bit wary of this offer, the underlying fear of being thrown away hidden deep within her. Finnloch seemed plenty kind, and the tortie settled her gaze on the older feline, awaiting an answer.

Re: I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - teef - 11-13-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


finnloch gave the young tortie a tender smile, "yes my dear, it is that easy. for me, it's easy, because i never had a family when i was wee, and i was adopted into one when i reached sanctuary in an old home. i was a stranger to them, one that could barely speak the common tongue as a lass. strangers are just friends waiting to be made." she answered honestly, gaze warm as she looked to the young one. "nobody in my family will have to fear for their lives, nor fear being removed from it, either. those in my family will be safe, sheltered and as well fed as we can manage. i dont kick anybody out." she told her, understanding the apprehension of those around her. she was new and barely anybody knew anything about her yet she was offering to adopt a family as a single feline with no powers and only medical skills besides her maternal calling.

Re: I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - rhosmari - 11-16-2018

She couldn't be anything but curious when the call came out about the young woman adopting others into her family. It brought back painful memories to the hellhound as she slowly walked up to just settle among the growing crowd. Yes, this had good intentions and she understood that but she was pained to listen. Her heart shuddered in her chest as she remembered Pele, the young child whom she had wanted to adopt as her own, to have a daughter that she could lovingly dote on but that never came to pass and the child had soon disappeared from living in her home with her. She still held the container that used to hold the salve in which the child had made for her. Then there was Ishayu, the mother she wanted but could never had. She saw her as a role model and someone strong that she could live up to and strive to be and yet....she didn't much know what had happened to her. Pulling back her ears the woman would sigh before giving a light nod of her head slightly. Despite everything she still thought it was a good idea for those willing to take it up. "Ya, I like the reaching hand ya are making."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: I will never know ☆☆ family adoption - teef - 11-17-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


a little startled to have the helion herself speak up, finnloch ducked her head, rather embarrassed by the words.  she didnt quite know how to respond, giving a sheepish smile in return, "a-ah, it's nothin', just want to keep spirits up." she would answer, eyes going to the group around them.