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Questions no one can answer -

(Argus's corpse is inside of the main portion of the territory surrounded by trees. No one will have seen Vagabond do the deed, but there are faint traces of Roseblood scent and Tanglewood (Vagabond having just gotten done visiting that group before coming here). Note, that her corpse had the flesh removed from her entire face including her eyes, revealing her bloody skull underneath. This is Vagabond's calling card. There's also a dead guard at the entrance of the gate with a throwing knife in his neck.)

Actions had consequences. They always did, and the gang he had been used to probably knew that all too well. They knew that as soon as they did something, something else would happen that would put them in danger. He guessed that was one of the ways it was at least kept exciting and interesting. Although, he did prefer to know what was going to happen occasionally. He didn't like going in without a plan if he could help it, but if he was wired enough, he would be more than willing to go in head first and see what happened later. The skill he had when he was a human usually kept him alive long enough during battles like that, and he had around seven other guys that were willing to back him up as well. He also knew that in the beginning that they didn't completely trust him either. After all, he did end up shooting one of their own so that he could have the money by himself, but hey, he didn't kill the guy at least. That had to mean something right? They held a grudge against him for a little bit, and that was fine with him. He just cared about getting money and nothing else, while occasionally tracking down those that he was once connected too and cutting loose ends in case they were going to become a problem later. It was a typical business for the gang usually, and they always their slipups. Some more than others. There were a couple times where everything went off without a hitch, and when everything was said and done and they met up again, it was almost as if it was wrong that nothing went wrong. He had once been the upholder of the law, one that believed that criminals should be arrested and put away. That was until his higher-ups transferred him to an organization that dealt with underground work that the government didn't want to touch. He became almost like that of a hitman, and he was partnered with someone else to make sure that the plan went through smoothly.

He had his doubts a little bit about the organizations, but being younger he didn't dare speak up against their orders as he was just a soldier and nothing else. He did what he was told, and it was because of that that he climbed up the ranks fairly quickly at his age. Eventually, the nagging in his head was far too much for him to ignore, and he couldn't take it anymore and had to dig deeper until he found a pattern on the facilities that they were hitting. They were all similar and belonged to what seemed to be like a monopoly. There was competition between the organization and the people that they were killing, and it was for their own personal benefit. All the horrible things the enemy had been said that they had done probably was completely false. They had lied to him, and he had been working with them for six years before he finally pulled the plug. He couldn't tell his partner because he knew that if he did, there was a chance that the organization would find out sooner than he would have liked. He remembered the day the building blew up in flames and when he put on the mask. Was he a changed man? Not really. He had been trained to be a killer with the organization, before joining a gang and becoming a criminal in the end, while taking out those that were corrupted at the same time. He wasn't a good guy, and one could say that there were no redeeming qualities about him at all. He didn't know how he had gotten into this world exactly. He believed that this was some strange simulation that he was in just to fuck with him and mess with his minds. If they thought that he was easily going to break. Getting to this place hadn't exactly been easier compared to like that of the others, but hey it might be worth the effort. He had one kill under his belt already, and he was looking for another. He needed to get his name out there, as it would be better for business. He could run from his enemies if he really needed to in a world like this. The issue with Vagabond was he didn't know what kind of creatures there were in this world, and just thought there were a couple strange things here and there.

The killer had seen plenty of strange things his entire life, so few things came to a shock, but half the time he wasn't prepared for what he saw in this world. It was late at night when he had made it onto the island. He obviously bypassed the gate, noticing that there was a guard that was sleeping on the job. Typical. He should have taken the guard out, but thought against it. Maybe he would just take him out when he left. That would make a little bit more sense to him. The 6ft tall black Hellhound made his way through the jungle until he heard something slightly off in the distance. Even if it sounded close, it was probably far away because of the fact that he had enhanced senses on without even realizing it. The large black beast hid in the shadows like he had done when he was a human on a mission or looking for the target of said mission. A canine eventually came into view, and the Roseblood member halted where he was standing. The other seemed to be slumped over slightly. He remained silent as best as he could before one of the throwing knives against his sash started to move without him touching it. Throwing knives. Throwing knives that could be thrown at incredible speeds and with deadly accuracy. He sent the throwing knife toward and watched as it impaled the winged canine's shoulder, causing the other to vocalize slightly in pain but not scream. As soon as he threw the knife, the masked killer sped out from underneath the undergrowth and slammed his larger body into the female's own, knocking her onto the ground. It stunned her for a minute, but as he was on top of her, he watched as the wolf sank her teeth into his arm, causing his body to flinch slightly in pain. He raised one of his paws and slashed across the side of the female's face, but it didn't seem like she was letting go. A snarl would release from the Hellhound's jaws behind the mask as he could feel her chomping down into his flesh getting closer and closer to the bone.

More knives came off of the sash that he had, and he made them plummet down into the female's eyes. It didn't kill her as the weapons weren't going that fast, but it was enough to get her to loosen her grip so that he could move her body around as he sent another knife using his air elementals to sink a blade deep within her throat. A couple seconds, she was still holding onto his right arm, before she struggled to stay alive. Her wings fluttered around as if she was a bird that had just been decapitated before everything went still. Vagabond cursed under his breath as he pried her jaws off of him, and shook his arm. That was going to hurt like a bitch tomorrow. He raised his mask slightly over his muzzle so that he could grab the knives that had taken the canine's life. Four in total. He wiped them off on his own black fur so that the blood wouldn't deteriorate the metal if left for long enough. However, he left one out and began to get to work on the females corpse, grasping the knife in his mouth. He sank the blade all the way through the flesh until he reached the skull. He began to sheer muscle, flesh, and tendons from the female's skull.

He, of course, couldn't get every bit of flesh and muscle off of the skull, but it was close enough to make it seemed like the flesh was peeled away up to where her neck would start. When he got to the eyes, he carved them out, not expertly as he was going to have to get back so that he could heal his wounds properly. Vagabond took out her eyes and threw them off into the distance so it wouldn't get in the way of his skinning process. Finally, all the flesh, including the tongue, was removed from the female's face, leaving a bloody skull. Cleaning the blade on the grass, Vagabond shook his body and put his mask over his muzzle. Looked good enough. The Hellhound began to move back toward where he came from, sprinting through the forest. And when he got near the sleeping guard, a smirk came from inside of his skull mask as he used his air elementals to launch a throwing knife into the guard's throat. He listened as the other gurgled while he ran through the gate across the train tracks. Leaving the slight scent of Rosebloods, and Tanglewood behind, as he had just come from the Tanglewood from his previous kill. He did leave a slight blood trail, but the blood trail wouldn't last that long to track him all the way as blood would eventually clot his wound. This world seemed like it was going to be a lot of fun.


bumping with the trigger warning attached

Re: TIME TO CATCH A CRIMINAL | ARGUS'S DEATH | TW GORE - spacexual - 11-13-2018

priscilla "sil" rosario — female — the typhoon — tags
a young mind, untainted and unknowing of this cruel world, always creates stories in her head. the tales her fathers would tell her, the storybooks she would read, they were all just a part of her life. they are all true to her life. not in a literal sense, as far as she is aware, but in the idea that...she can be the hero, or her siblings, fathers, or anyone else she may know or even come up with. if she pretended, then it might as well be true. her fables could exist anywhere and everywhere, melting into daily life and giving her an easier way to get through the day, despite the nervousness that naturally flows through her body.

while she is making attempts to move around, get outside, at least say hello, she will always find herself returning to the jungle for relaxation. the lush plants and pretty scents that filled it kept her feeling calmer. she is home, and here, it is much easier to create stories. the ocean does not distract her and fill her with fear here simply because, the ocean is not visible here. she is mostly alone, other than the constant presence of ari, that no one else ever seemed to sense, and that leaves her mind free to hit any plot she may wish to create.

the young ragdoll decides that she is a little bird, hopping through the forested place, looking for materials to bring back to help her family. she looks at the various life around her, scanning through it all carefully. she wanted to bring back the right things - not that she has quite planned out what those will be specifically. her eyes land upon some flowers and she hops towards them in the same manner of a bird, investigating them before choosing them. her wings shift slightly on her body as she leans in to sniff them. but, instead of being greeted with the flowery scent, a stronger, familiar smell hits her senses. she cannot quite place what it is, but she knows that she knows it. so, she continues to hop towards it, deciding to investigate.

a gasp is the first thing to be let out from the girl. a singular, rapid inhale as she stares at the body in front of her. then, quickened breaths as she continues to watch it, nervous eyes no longer flickering about her surroundings, but only one thing - this corpse. her body locks in place, tense and curled in on itself. the kitten's pupils are slits, blue eyes filled with dread. she feels something overtaking her - something she has never experienced before. it is choking her, filling her with a stinging sensation. it feels as if she is going to go unconscious at any second, too weak to move. she feels as if she is bleeding out, as if she is going to die, any moment from now. she does not know what is happening. none of these problems are truly afflicting her, but, she can't make it stop, trapped within this growing sensation of death. she cannot pretend anymore. it is almost familiar. too familiar. but, she does not know what it is. she is too young, too secure to understand.

her body shakes as these feelings remain for several moments, no sounds escaping her. a fuzziness is beginning to overtake her and she cannot stop it. until, finally, a voice cuts through it. "sil," it is ari's voice. the golden crow is inching towards her. "breathe." he has never sounded so...reassuring before. that simple command is enough to ground her. ground her enough, to begin to reattach to reality, and the figure in front of her. ground her enough, that she begins to scream, and does not stop. "HELP!!"

Re: TIME TO CATCH A CRIMINAL | ARGUS'S DEATH | TW GORE - elijah - 11-17-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]Fairy tales and adventures can lead to gruesome ends. He knows this but he also likes to think that only the villains are punished through this so-called death, a gameover for any player willing to continue. The thoughts do not really reach him as they should. He enjoys pretending to be at war, lining all his toys against each other and pretending to kill and fight enemies. It never really meant anything. He forgets that they are all capable of death, having their lives snatched away from them. To him, his family and friends are invulnerable. Within the realms of his imagination, it is impossible to die. And yet the child has seen first hand how claws can strike vulnerable flesh, how blood can spill within moments of his vision. The bloodcurdling scream that left his maw had been real and genuine fear, overwhelmed by the seconds that ran by. Even then those memories are a blur, unsure if it is the work of suppression or the fact that he had been tired when it happened. It was like a nightmare to him if not for the fact that wounds needed time to heal over, that a scratch would appear in the place of sliced skin.

He feels Thirteen's discomfort swelling within him, the boy halting from his expedition within the dense rainforest. His confused emotions touch his rodent friend, the creature's instincts replying back to him that there was something in the air that made it uneasy. Elijah's teeth press together, sitting within their grooves when he thinks to turn back, only now noticing the thick metallic smell that was rotting throughout the air. His nose scrunches and the child coughs at the stench. He doesn't know what on earth is causing the smell but he wants to leave immediately. 'Elijah, wait.' His ears drop when his rat makes the sound of Priscilla's screams apparent to hear, the pitched shrill that cuts through the trees and undergrowth. He panics, now hearing the girl cry for help and spreading his wings immediately, taking flight. It is coming from the source of the smell, the boy holding a paw over his nose as Thirteen clings to his fur. He flies recklessly and hastily, speeding ahead in fear that whatever has caused the smell is a dangerous predator trying to hurt his sister. He will not stand for Sil to be injured in his presence, not when he can save her.

Elijah's heart stops him, the child choking on air when his wings fail on him. He begins to fall, spinning and tumbling against branches, dropping directly towards the ground. Just before he falls, he uses air elementals to try and break his fall, still thudding harshly against soil. The ragdoll wheezes and coughs, a pain surging in his chest. He had forgotten his limitations, the fact that he shouldn't fly so quickly and so high. Thirteen, understanding the boy's situation, scampers off him and starts dashing forward towards Priscilla. The black rat reaches her, beady eyes glancing at her before suddenly realising the large dragon that has been slain, the missing face. Knowing that Eli too would be unable to take the emotions, it begins to move backwards, regretting its decision and suppressing the bond in between them, refusing to let his companion see what it had witnessed. But, to its misfortunate, the kitten had already been moving towards Priscilla, tunnel-visioned of the dragon in front of him and wincing from the pain of the fall and the weakness of his body. He can still move. He knows he isn't dying but his eyes soon land on the dead beast.

Elijah freezes over like ice, forgetting to breathe until his lungs screamed for air. Lips quiver, tears begin to form. He wants to cry, sulk and scream at the bloodied sight by the terror upon his sister's face stops him. The kitten pouts, trembling as he suppresses his feelings, tugging Priscilla as he tries to be brave for her. "S-Sil....let's move away from here," the child pleads, forcing a smile. His expression is shaking, tears breaking out upon his youthful features. "...Obsecro..."


The smell of blood was what caused the indominus to walk over to the scene, roseblood scent and tanglewood scent thick in the air. A soft rumble left the male's throat as he leaned down, checking the body for any other scents before he glanced over at the children standing bystander. "Go home to your parents, kiddos, let the adults handle this." Came Owen's soft, playful voice- a show, really, he was actually internally freaking out about a murderer on the loose.

Once that was taken care of, he was careful to call out for Bakugou and Goldie, his voice coming out in a quick shout. "Oi! I need the Quartermasters over here!" Owen hounded, his claws tapping against the ground as he examined with squinted eyes the shape of Argus, their face ribbed off and leaving only skin. Jesus christ. And the guard was dead too- they'd have to do a proper burial for both of them.



Re: TIME TO CATCH A CRIMINAL | ARGUS'S DEATH | TW GORE - Luciferr - 11-17-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
the only thing to stop the tide of despair at what greets his eyes, is his knowledge that Argus is not truly dead - not gone at least, merely this body is.

it does nothing to stop the rage

the ground frosts under his claws and the air grows colder - theres a subtle taste of burning ozone and small, very small red sparks dance across the marred face.

you fail them again, you never were strong enough to protect those you cared about were you?

he is still as he observes the body but something is obviously wrong - for one the usually mild mannered dragon has been still and silent before but never so much that the world seemed to hush around him, as though aware of a greater danger than the mortal mind knows to heed past their prey brain's screaming they long since muffled, or the way the shadows seem to lengthen and lean in - a glimpse of teeth in the deeper darknesses and a far off thrum of a beast chained growling.

h-eh-eh-ehehe, always the martyr - and all for nothing, they still die no matter how many times you put yourself in their place, ah - the irony ehe-hehehe

his claws grasp at te frosted earth beneath his feet momentarily as he gazes seemingly into the middle distance - he scents tanglewood but he scents the fainter underneath and long experience with such murderers - and when he had been one  he knows where he places blame.

"Roseblood" is a growl - but its not the deep voice of Lucifer everyone knows, it's - distorted - like a voice coming through a heavy filter riddled with a glitch that sounds painful, a staccato beat of pure wrong.

both his eyes are red.

well my boy? done with playing house are we?

he shifts to his feet - is the red scar larger? - and goes to move away - red cracks on his form, like the fracturing of fine china - wings beginning to unfurl - edged in white but it's tinted red red red, bleeding stars and screams, it's so dark, the emptiness, the cold, he has survived this, now he is this, stars live and die, eternal is the lie, you are the son of end, accursed, pariah - "he will doom us all", they say, they spit and hiss, they never watch his family like they watch him - the cities run RED RED RED, they choke on it, they have hurt his own, the sun dies above him, dark descends and eternity screams helpless at his feet as claws that burn wrong-crimson twist inside his ribcage, choke him on his chains -

wings carry him away.

a wide grin of madness red and black in his mind.

that's my boy

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme


The sweet movements of death. Swift like a bird of prey, talons sharp when she reaches in for a final kiss. Moments are clicking and turning - metal scrapes against metal, a screeching sound that pains the ears. She creeps like a hunter. Her limbs shift into place in a surreal fashion, jerking and rattling in approach. Shadowed by distraction, clouded by hope. They say that in moments of genuine fear, once can see her toothy face flashing towards them. Losses are manifestation, time retreats. Faces become sapped of life and bravery. A monster in the midst of monsters, a beast who lurks and embraces the unsuspecting. Death is a weight, a shackle that weighs herself upon the shoulders of mortals, holding them down to the foundations of reality until they wear out. She is all consuming, engulfing the universe ahead of her. Her appetite is an abyss, a hungry void. Sometimes she has a taste for flesh, other days she seeks the taste of a dying star. Bakugou has met her before. Though she gave no name, no soul, for his taking, there is a peace that she brings with her calamity. Her justice is merciless and she has thrown him into her stomach where he was fall until she is sick of him, spits him back out and ejects him into a world unknown. Burning.

It was Owen's call that brought him here. He hadn't realised the thick scent of blood because it was similar to the stench of his forge - metallic and dreary. The only difference is that it was also accompanied with rotting. The carcass was a playground of flies, zooming in as if it were a feast. The worst sight of it was the torn out face, the missing eyes, the monstrosity of an appearance. There was no honour in that woman's death. His attention, however, was to the children present. Seeds grow from the base of his paw, protruding from the inside of his skin before he throws them outwards, letting the soil envelop them. Vines burst out, growing and untangling when he uses on to latch onto Elijah, covering his eyes and drawing him back like ropes pulling at cattle. After he pulls the child significantly away, he uses two trees as a fence post for him to wrap vines around, preventing the boy from re-entering to see the sight. He doubts the kid will try and fly around - no one in their right mind will want to sit there and look at the corpse of Argus. Then he looks at [member=2804]PRISCILLA[/member] , raising another set of vines and attempts to pull her back and move her away from the scene. The grasp of the plants shouldn't hurt unless she chooses to squirm and resist. Bakugou doesn't have the time to watch children hesitate to scamper off.

He's about to toss a snarl towards Owen when the deep rumble of Luciferus makes his fur rise, bristled by the sound. Sanguine eyes look up to the ebony dragon whose wings stretch outwards, flying towards a direction he can only assume to be the Rosebloods. Bakugou then looks towards the gate, noticing the body that had been forgotten among the chaos of discovering Argus. There is a tradition in handling dead bodies. He is not one to cremate the two pirates. "There's no one stopping Lucifer from burning the shit out of them selfish bitches now," he mutters. Frankly, he too is deeply annoyed in the loss of two Typhooners. There is, however, no point in pursuing the Rosebloods. "Let him deal with them for now. We've only recently raided The Pitt and I'm sure Lucifer is enough, he can be his own army if he wants to." He doesn't want to give The Rosebloods any attention, they are not worth his time and, while their loss of numbers frustrates him, he cares very little about the pirates who had lost their lives today. He grieves only their lost reputation. "We'll just warn everyone to keep their guard up for now and if more people die from this then maybe they were dead weight to begin with. I ain't going to let us play their stupid little game where they cry and beg us to give them attention."


MALE | 27 M/O
- striker

"This is his daughter- He's not going to go down without a fight. Bakugou, you can't just expect him to be able to hold a whole clan off.." Owen rumbled softly, his claws tapping against the ground as he watched the vines evacuate the children. The last time he had confronted the kids, Marcellus had snapped at him, so he wasn't going to just go and move them himself. Call him a pussy, but he didn't feel like getting on the feline's bad side.

Moving to the side to let Bakugou examine the bodies, Owen watched Luciferus fly off in a flicker of black and red. It sent shivers up his spine, and Owen felt incredibly wrong. In a split second of worried word association, the indominus shifted his large body to face where Luci took off from, turning his large head back to Bakugou.

It made him angry to think that people could just waltz right into Typhoon territory and kill Luci's kid, AND one of their guards, and soon the Striker could feel the spines down his back standing up in his fueling anger and adrenaline. "I'm going after Luci, he's going to fucking obliterate the Rosebloods if someone doesn't calm him down. What if- What if he gets hurt, Blasty? I can't just.." He rambled, silently asking for permission to chase after the angry father. He could understand the rage of fatherly protection, but Owen couldn't ignore the affection he had for Luci. The thought of the blackened dragon getting harmed in his rage just didn't settle right with Owen.


"Lucifer's older than all of us. If you have no faith in his abilities than so be it," he growls to Owen. One of the principles that surrounded the ragdoll was the ability to prove oneself. The raptor hunter's suggestion only meant that he didn't believe the Officer was capable of fending his own. The Rosebloods were no threat to him and Owen's reaction was only annoying him further. It was the same as seeing others defend him, the great annoyance he felt when Goldenluxury had the audacity to speak up and step in between Bakugou and Caesar when they were about to fight. He had to prove himself. There is no point in babying each other. It only bothers him more when The Typhoon extends themselves as a charity to lost souls and the like. They are not a motel. They are pirates. There is no room for mindless compassion strewn about the island and yet there is. "If you love The Rosebloods so much go ahead and save them if you don't want them obliterated. But it won't be my fault if you get destroyed in the process since you'd already be a traitor by then." Smoke flares from his nostrils at Owen's disgusting nickname, the male snarling further. "I don't give two shits if you go after him but you'll just be dead weight for Lucifer to carry, idiot."


MALE | 27 M/O
- striker

"That's not it.. I know he can fend for himself- And I could care less about the Rosebloods, It's just.. Fuck, nevermind. You're right, I'm sorry. I'm being stupid." Owen rumbled, shaking his head to rid himself of the thoughts in his head. Bakugou was right, he'd just be a burden to Lucifer if he went after him. This was one of Owen's worst aspects of himself- when it came to anyone but his children, he was a pussy. He couldn't even talk about his feelings for Luciferus without going on an embarrassed tandem, and the words Bakugou spoke hit a chord in his cold, sarcastic asshole of a heart.

Moving his body over to nudge the dead guard onto his head, Owen lifted the body up and prepared to move towards Argus to lift her body onto his back. "I'll take them to Treasure Cove for the funeral, if that is alright with you?" Owen asked softly, sounding a bit dejected. It was cowardly of him to act this way, but he should have known better than to doubt Luci. He knew of the funerals the Typhoons held- They'd have to ship the bodies out on decorated boats and lit on fire. A rite that Owen could admire, but it wasn't his place to ship them off.