Beasts of Beyond
* chapter ii: life / exploring - Printable Version

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* chapter ii: life / exploring - ... - 11-12-2018

[div style="background: url(; background-size: cover; height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 3px solid #000; float: left; margin-right: 10px"]
[div style="width: 60px; font-size: 11px; font-family: nyala; text-align: justify; color: #fff"]HP: 92%
[div style="background: #34bf3f; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; height: 6px; width: 92px; margin-top: 1px"]
EXP: 2%
NAME: ... ¦ GENDER: ? ¦ LEVEL: 2 ¦ : 1
STR: 1 ¦ DEF: 1 ¦ CON: 1 ¦ DEX: 1 ¦ INT: 1
PER: 2 ¦ CHR: 1 ¦ AGL: 1 ¦ WIL: 1 ¦ LCK: 1
Life do this world breathes in. Bodies moves and turns all over variety of places in different ways. Jaws lowers, and They hears nothing but differences from each other. Things behind teeth and tongues that do not match the ways they speak to the forms and air. Oh, how reality shifts, and so do they all, with blurry faces and hearts squirms too easily under each breath setting in and out. Exhaling Beauty, inhaling Unknown. Such strange, and marvellous creatures have They meet so far.

Strange, and marvellous they are, indeed.

Gentleness sets between moving paws of young blood, as soft grains sticks against pads and furs. Muscles within limbs throbs each step They takes, grimacing They gives throughout Their walk. Should They rest among the clouds, but curiosity do not settle well in still mind. Thus, akin to it, always going and going, They, too, go, head raises high and mismatched eyes twinkles. All smiles and giggles, Their presence shines celestial wonder.

Soon, They spots something unusual close by. Something large, something shiny. They pads toward it and gazes at the tension it holds within its eye, while a black piece covers the other. Head tilts, lips curls downward, They places Their paw against the carved iron. Heat licks Their pads, and They hisses, immediately pulling Their paw away. "Hught, hught..." They whispers to Themself.

They senses a small tug the moment They lets Their paw rest against the cool sands. Though, They ignores it, soon, the clouds gradually begins to darken, and They feels droplets hitting Them. Something out there do not likes to be dismissed, as it appears. Not to Their eyes, however, as They watches the soft, dark grays, what They originally thought were innocent, swallowing the Sky, and, eventually, the Sun. Slowly, They gazes at Their paw and then the massive piece before Them.

Its cold tension is still there, almost is it trying to tell Them something.

What a beautiful world.

What a terrifying world.

Summary: They was exploring across the Typhoon's territory and stopped at Barracuda Bay, specifically the statue. Out of curiosity, They touched it, and here came the rains.

Re: * chapter ii: life / exploring - AMUNET - 11-12-2018

ament does not like barracuda bay.

The place is populated, and while he is equally mystified by his typhoon he is enraged by it. They are a group of predictors and their stare is meant to be piercing, like fangs and claws they all are made to hunt and kill and ament feel's each fang slice into his pelt with the stares. He knows it is belittlement that worries their brow collectively. They think because a savage cannot understand them that he does not know them. But he does- he knows they are collectively his and his siblings like this land. His to understand and his to dissect as he pleases.  He does not, care for the stares, and on pricipal sticks more to the jungle than he does the bay and more populated areas.

Today, is different.

He stands tall and proud, flexing and fluffing, with strides that take up the size of some of his mere typhooner's form. With grace he walks with purpose he does not know but feels. The great beast of the venadi do not hesitate. Even the omega like him is mear gods compared to the kind that walk. Ancient and absolute, with commands given out by his own whims and wants rather than a need for sense.

He spots the kitten, small and unimposeing, wide eyes staring at the black marble that sits along the bay. Ament is mystified by it- wants to know it's origions- both the kitten that sits before it and the statue. But he does not ask, cannot ask. The black faced terror comes to still beside the statue- beside the character and let's out a low chittering, museum to himself while letting soft vocalizations to ease anyone else to gather near him. Let's make a spectacle of it- and maybe someone will explain either or.
ɪ'ᴍ ᴅᴏɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs / ʏᴏᴜ ᴅʀᴀɪɴ ᴀʟʟ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴍᴇ

Re: * chapter ii: life / exploring - elijah - 11-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]He recognises this child and he is happy to see them, flapping his wings and landing on top of the turtle statue, standing on the head and peering down. Cheeks are rosy in greeting, the boy smiling. He likes to think he was a hero that other day, going off to find one of his fathers and stumbling across papi. He is glad Marcellus is always there to help him and listen, even more happier that Peppino had been there. Perhaps the child should go and ask his mother about healing, sit around and watch Junji heal more. Then he too can be a knight in shining armour. Before the brown ragdoll speaks, he notices the utahraptor at the bottom, speaking in some garbled tongue. He does not understand. It is another language but it seems different to whatever Masie and her owner could speak. His nose twitches, lying atop the head but careful so not to accidentally roll off and hurt himself. He doesn't want to risk a fall, doesn't want to make mama look at him in such concern. "He-Hello," the boy calls out to the other child but then flinches with a wet droplet hits his back. Elijah raises his head, looking up towards the sky before being welcomed by the patter of rain, the vast greyness of the sky.

He hops down with the flutter of his wings breaking his fall. Elijah doesn't know what he'd do without his wings. They are a part of him and he uses them every chance he gets, proud of the feathers that stem from his body. It is his angelic ancestry that blesses him with such a gift - a gift that his other siblings don't exactly have. Not even mama can fly because his wings are too heavy. He tries to gently bump the unnamed kitten, the soft glow of his baby-blue hues visible through the darkness of the world around them. "Let's go to that palm tree over there," the boy invites, then raises his wing to try and shelter the other from the rain as part of a nice act. It's important, he thinks, to be giving. A good prince is someone who is self-sacrificing, someone who can --... claws disrupt his thoughts, the glint of a strike and purple blood. He feels lightheaded again, holding his smile because he doesn't truly understand this emotion that is swelling within him. It is strangling his stomach, squeezing him. He pushes the thoughts aside, ignoring them. It was all a bad nightmare.

Elijah turns to look at Ament, not understanding that he is feral and dangerous: "Shelter." Rainy days are no fun but he doesn't want to get sick from being so exposed to the cold. His attention doesn't stay on the raptor for too long, shifting back to the unnamed child. Regardless of whether or not the dark kitten will follow his suggestion to go to the palm tree, he continues trying to talk to them. "My name's Elijah but you can call me Eli. What's your name?"

Re: * chapter ii: life / exploring - Luciferr - 11-14-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
Ament, feral yes, but one of Lucifer's children and Lucifer had long told them the typhoon were off limits - that the Typhoon was theirs to protect - and while the dragon would never restrict his children he did impress upon them those words in their chittering tongue.

its not so dissimilar to how lucifer views them after all, old and ancient as he - as it, if you wanted to be pedantic about his truest self - is he holds them in a closed embrace of shadows, they are his to protect and defend, his to cherish

maybe there was something to a dragon and his hoard - even if said dragon was actually an interdimensional cosmic horror-god and the hoard in question was a group of individuals.

still the beast happens upon the three - son, Nephew and the kitten whom he hadn't met at the border but had seen about - and he spreads a wide sweeping wing of pure void-space dotted at the edge with distant stars across the three while Elijah waits for them to take the suggestion.

he hums quietly at the statue "Curious are we?"

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: * chapter ii: life / exploring - raziel - 11-14-2018

Raziel is quite fond of the bay, although he often spends his time in his treehouse instead, nose in a book.  He felt relaxed here, beside the ocean, within the Typhoon although he was no pirate.  A prince.  A king.  Well, he liked that here, he didn't need to worry about his people's throne, or assassins or... The war... No, here he could live in peace with books, with his daughter and... Well pirates weren't all that bad. A rather interesting band of rouge's and misfits were the Typhoon.

He'd escaped his treehouse -- that new winged friend of his daughter's seemed fond of messing with him -- to the shore, content to listen to the ocean.  No wonder Kian had chosen this life... He was no criminal but all that free spirit and taste for adventure... Well, Suvi would grow up happy here.

Mind on children, the dire wolf blinked at the sight of one beside the turtle statue. With a  fond smile, the faerie trotted over, warmth in his seagreen eyes.

"Tofu," he offered, inclining his head. "We call the statue Tofu the turtle."

To the rain, he seemed to pay no mind, recalling fondly that Kian had more than on one occasion drenched him in child play.  What a michievous boy fate had gifted the element to.  Oh well.  He'd do anything to go back to childhood, mud and books, princes and peace.

// Mobile

Re: * chapter ii: life / exploring - ... - 11-14-2018

[div style="background: url(; background-size: cover; height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 3px solid #000; float: left; margin-right: 10px"]
[div style="width: 60px; font-size: 11px; font-family: nyala; text-align: justify; color: #fff"]HP: 92%
[div style="background: #34bf3f; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; height: 6px; width: 92px; margin-top: 1px"]
EXP: 2%
STR: 1 ¦ DEF: 1 ¦ CON: 1 ¦ DEX: 1 ¦ INT: 1
PER: 2 ¦ CHR: 1 ¦ AGL: 1 ¦ WIL: 1 ¦ LCK: 1
Ears flicks at sounds reaching close to where They stand. Too close. Soft gaze now on what appears to be hunger dressed in teeth and claws. Unfamiliarity shines between ivory weapons, and They gasps. One step back, wide eyes on the young beast who finally stops at the iron crafted work. He chatters, and They listens. Ease is found beneath noises, despite them being produced from Unknown. It brings Them to come by his side and waves at him, motion pulled by uncertainty, but with heart given intention of benevolence nevertheless.

They lifts Their head to see a kit just settling on the metallic piece and They nearly jumps. Excitement runs through veins at the sight of soft familiarity. Though, Their furs are wet, and Their bones gradually turns into ice, simply, a thought of the ragdoll sends warmth across Their system and melts the entire coldness away. Mismatched eyes shines, They watches him land on the ground and—!

A squeak releases from Them at a bump from the kit. Giggling, They attempts to brush Their cheeks against where he bumped Them with and purrs, fondness revealed loud and clear.

(  * Elijah   )

They watches the creature of heart gold and silver smiles spreads his wing over Them and shortly interact with the scaled beast. They squints and notices the grains being darker than They previously remembered. They glances over to see a massive being with his own wing over not just Them, but also the two others that are with Them. Heart pace quickens, tension builds within flesh, They stares at the wing before They tries to reach Their paw out towards it, like They is catching Their own stars and dreams. "Whoa..."

Their voice drawls off and leaves Them returning to Their original position—paws against sands, head high, smiling. At his voice, own visions painted in dark gray, They points at the strange piece before Them. "Lu," They says. Soft, but the strength of questioning is there. Then, They spots a figure trotting over and gazes at him, as he speaks.

"Tofu. We call the statue Tofu the turtle."

They blinks at the royalty blue. Rich and sweet. An attraction to Their ears, as They listens well. "Toe!" They giggles, puny paws against sore mouth to end them. However, it only leads Them to giggling more and claps Their paws, gentle from the pain, yet, Their enthusiasm comes strong.

"My name's Elijah but you can call me Eli. What's your name?"

Their giggles dies off, and so do Their happiness.

-y na-e's Elijah -ut y-u -an ca- me Eli. What's your name?

They glances at everyone who have gathered around before it lands on... "Eeah." Tender gaze fixates winged kit. Similar to what he did to Them, They tries to bump him on the shoulder for them to go to...whatever he wanted to take Them to. Meanwhile, Their tail flickers at those who wishes to come with them. Now, They focuses on him, and him only. Eli.


What's your name?

They shrugs and follows Elijah's suggestion, walking along with him to shelter.

Silence is Their response.


Nothing, coming from a Nobody.

(  * Then you will be named. Let them name you whatever they want. Let them be who you will soon become.  )

Re: * chapter ii: life / exploring - elijah - 11-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]He is not deaf but his mind works in different ways, filtering sounds he does not wish to hear. His grasp of the world is morphed and strange, molded to fit a universe filled with stars - a canvas for wonders and joys. The demiangel's heart only sees what he wishes to see. A rosy landscape spreads before him, adventure swims within his baby-blue hues. It blurs and meshes with his concept of a physical reality, the true god that acts upon the child. One can speak but they will not be heard by Elijah. The rumble of the dragon is outside of his perspective, strangled by a lack of existence. He simply has not noticed the eldritch creature to have spoken, failing to realise his presence because the skies are dark and mourning. The sky stretches into a grey abyss. It is a beautiful melancholy, a perfect dissonance. Perhaps it is a good thing Elijah has not noticed the dragon, the dragon who drips a rich ebony, because he is still young and not understanding. He would look at the creature and believe him to be evil, see the contrasting scarlet upon his face and be afraid. While he would not have the power to slay the creature, he will think to try and protect the unnamed child he is talking to. The last time he had tried to defend those he cared about, it -... the memories turn to static and the dreary landscape seems to brighten in front of him, a rosy gold.

He doesn't hear the first word that came from the adult, only just realising he is in front of them. He's had another one of those moments. They are moments where he has stopped paying attention to what is in front of him, distracted by the tiniest of details he could gawk about later. He said that they called the turtle Tofu. Elijah has listened to just enough, eyes sweeping towards the giant statue in a starry fashion. Tofu was a food, wasn't it? Giggles intercept his attention and Elijah can't help but keep smiling. He is glad the child likes his presence, remembering way the kit had bumped into him in a friendly return, clearly happy to be around him. Elijah is happy to have found a friend. It is the first friend who has reacted to him the way they have, who don't seem to show disinterest. His first friend he had made walked off with a two-legged drake, left him alone, but this child doesn't seem to be running away and he is grateful. It is a joy that swells within the young boy, he is glad - so glad - that he seems to have someone to share his world with. Perhaps he can invite the nameless child on one of his adventures, maybe...for the first time...he will have a companion who won't get bored, who will actually respond to him rather than remain mute.

Nameless. The child has stopped laughing, the bubbly feelings have subsided, dissipated, retreated. He's ruined it, he has ruined the mood and Elijah's one heart sinks. He wants to go back, play rewind and hear the kitten giggle and purr with the same fondness as before. It had made him feel warm and appreciated, it had made him feel less lonely. He has done it again. He has caused others to grow distant before. The ragdoll does not understand what he has done and why they have gone quiet. Socialising is difficult, he realises, because he often ignores the ones around him. He doesn't realise they are talking until too late. Elijah jumps a little when the nameless child bumps into him again, blue eyes widening slightly in surprise. There is no response. The kitten only follows him towards the shade of the palm tree and he pulls his wing away, shaking it to the side and letting the droplets fall from his feathers. He shivers from the cold before looking back at them. He realises they don't say much to begin with. While they will echo the words of others or express how they were feeling, he notices they have told him nothing about them. Do they have a family? He remembers when he first found them, lying in the sand desperately trying to crawl to shade. No one really asked where their family was.

"You don't have a name?" he asks softly. His voice is much quieter now, almost on par with the sound of the rain, the droplets that collide into the ground. He wonders if they just don't want to share their name, wonders if there are bad memories to it. He hardly knows them, he doesn't know why he puts so much effort into looking out for them but he knows that they seem special to him. He wants to get to know this child but he can't even get a name. "I think there's still a book in mama's house that has baby names," Elijah then says, "After the rain I can take you there and I can find a name to call you." He doesn't know if that will be insulting to the kitten or not - the idea of Eli attempting to name him. He thinks that maybe, at least, he can have something temporary to call them. Then again, does it matter? Are names really that important? He decides he will wait before saying anything, knowing it was best to let them react to it first. His fur bristles from a cold breeze, the remnants of water on his fur still making him shudder. "A-Are you cold?"

Re: * chapter ii: life / exploring - ... - 11-15-2018

[div style="background: url(; background-size: cover; height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 3px solid #000; float: left; margin-right: 10px"]
[div style="width: 60px; font-size: 11px; font-family: nyala; text-align: justify; color: #fff"]HP: 92%
[div style="background: #34bf3f; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; height: 6px; width: 92px; margin-top: 1px"]
EXP: 2%
STR: 1 ¦ DEF: 1 ¦ CON: 1 ¦ DEX: 1 ¦ INT: 1
PER: 2 ¦ CHR: 1 ¦ AGL: 1 ¦ WIL: 1 ¦ LCK: 1
A sigh. Small, as They is. Feeble, as Their heart. Shaky, as Their mind can ever be. Melancholy spills from tiny teeth, as throat burns the way Their eyes are now. Visions blurs, and everyone is carrying the face of Unknown. Intentions hides well behind deformed eyes that are different from each other, yet, how they all breathe the same air in the end. Feels too close. Feels too much. Look away. Go away.

Once They is under the palm tree, soft gaze turns from Elijah and settles on the sands. A sniffle. A crack of sadness. They flinches at how loud it sounded and lifts a forepaw to rub Their eyes, may it be either from the rains or tears that set them ablaze. Bodies flickers before Them. All in dressed of black. Their teeth shines too brightly than They recalled. Such sights makes Them rock in Their seat. Back and forth. Forth and back.

"You don't have a name?"

Earthly tenderness soon melts with the droplets. They hangs the silence oner the question. It stays for a moment before They takes it down. Slow, almost in a way if They do otherwise, reality will break. Already, the world trembles beneath Them. "Dou-ough..." They responds to Elijah, Their tone matches with his—quiet. Let the rain speak for Them. Let the rain weep for Them. Let the rain wash Them whole, as They closes Their eyes and breathes.

"I think there's still a book in mama's house that has baby names. After the rain I can take you there and I can find a name to call you."

Streams on face, mixed with pieces of Nature and Themself. Beauty and Affliction. Tragedy do Their heart sings about at this very Time. Rocking back and forth. Rocking forth and back. They only opens Their eyes and, once more, They tries to bump Elijah with Their head. Gentle, can Their gesture bring warmness to a soul. It do not bite, when it is a sign of acceptance. Will it spread and become a mark of gratitude. A beautiful gift. Sincerely, from Them.

(  * Elijah   )

"A-Are you cold?"

"Coh...? N-no..." They attempts to place Their forepaw over Elijah's and They smiles at him. It is not much, with all trembling lips and teeth feels strange on fragile flesh, but They tries. For Themself. For Elijah.

"You... wua-wuahm... me... An kuh, Eh-Eeah..."

Re: * chapter ii: life / exploring - elijah - 11-16-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]A peace rises from the calamity of the rains, droplets pitter and patter. Music sounds from beads of water rolling from leaves, heaviness springing from the green surface, flying outwards and rippling puddles. He doesn't mind this kind of weather. It calls for the warmth of indoors where he can make hot chocolate, ask his papa if he can bake a cake with him. The smell of fresh pastries brings him serenity, a gentle happiness that washes over his skin. Like thunder, there is a vulnerability to their emotions, fragile to the break of glass. Tranquil is the brief silence that coats plaintive mood. Don't, he internally repeats, the word echoing across the valleys of his mind as if it were a warning cry. The words, although semi-pronounced, are a constellation of stars to him. Only those who do not understand wonder will draw deaf ears towards the agender child. Elijah's shoulders relax. He feels pity for the kitten. It is a kind of pity where it stems half from him not understanding and half from his empathy. It was your parents who gave you a name, wasn't it? Your parents who shaped your identity. He doesn't dare ask where the other's family might be. Perhaps there is no family at all.

A gentle agreement touches him, eyes twinkling as he dips his head in a nod. His cheeks grow hot at the kitten's attempt to smile at him, cheeks beaming in return that his baby-blue hues sparkle in return, his semi-glowing eyes appearing as though there were white stars within his irises. "You're welcome," he says, an alabaster breath escaping his maw when he speaks. He looks at the ground, fiddling with the soil before glancing back up. "I...I can call you my friend, right?"