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DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - Printable Version

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DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - Luciferr - 11-12-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"You all know your roles - lets move"

this was the quiet command as evening descended and the great expanse of wings unfolded to take to dizzying heights, carrying the few that wished to use the dragon as a launch point. Silent wingbeats before his descent began and a knife edge of white edged flames leapt out and began scouring the jungle below, setting everything it touched alight as a furious bellow of the flames licked down towards the helpless below.

he did not banter words, did not offer callous insults or taunting threats as his wings carried him up, across and spun him around for another lance of flame on the burning foliage below - watching as it edged towards and around their pyramids.

let them burn, let them all burn

if the pitt wanted attention, they'd gotten it.

/short + if the pittcould wait until one or two more posts so we have a few opponents for ya that'd be gucci ty

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - OWEN. - 11-12-2018

Long, powerful legs carried the indominus rex behind the leader of this raid, invisibility kicking in but the loud rattles of his feet hitting the ground was one thing those around him couldn't ignore. Two massive beasts were in the raid together, their mission being destruction: Owen didn't plan on holding back. Hot air of frustration blew from large nostrils as the dinosaur finally made it into the territory, his side brushing against Lucifer's momentarily before body language gave in and Owen's tail swung around, spiked appendage crushing any architecture in its path- anything to seperate him from his objective.

A menacing, loud growl ripped from his throat, invisibility dropping as he called out for his children with a loud broadcast call, a ear wrenching hound that made the quills upon his neck quiver with anticipation. "Blue, Attack." He quacked to his children, his tail moving to the ground so the smaller, newer raptor could climb up his body. "Masie, up. Stay." He rumbled, and didn't wait for her to do so before a loud roar erupted from his jaws, saliva dripping from sharp serraded teeth.


//His physical difficulty is hard! He'll he extremely defensive as long as Masie is on his head! Minor injuries such as scratches are permitted, and if your character is big enough, a big, deep gash in one of his back legs would be good too.


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]His mouth was gaped as he flew behind Lucifer, curses upon curses repeating themselves mentally. A plethora of fire recently reminded him of how his birth powers refused to come to life, with shapeshifting only just returning, he wanted his elemental control back. Breathing out caused nothing but a strained sound to emerge from his internally scarred throat however, following by a more vigorous flap of his wings and a squawk of frustration. Feliks didn't need his powers to fight, to kill, but they were a comfort blanket in case things went south. Besides, being surrounded by giants, when his personality didn't garner enough attention away from the lucky fucks who got to be big, sometimes using aforementioned powers were a way to get eyes on him.

Against the Pitt he wanted them too. To not just claw and bite at them, but to turn their bones to ash. When fate left him weaker than he had been years ago, he had to improvise however - for now whilst the enemies were only just figuring out the Typhoon's plans, he'd take it easier. It'd give him a chance to hover, to rest sore wings before he dropped to the ground to face both pointed teeth and ally's fire. "Alright bastards, can't get your slaves to clean this mess up for ya!" he called to the molten ground (at least it felt like it) below. Emerald eyes scoured the scene, Feliks eventually dropping in a safe patch of land to begin his search for enemies. So, who's gonna own this one?

Thoughts raced as he recalled a sorry scene of a younger Feliks, feet stomping in the ground. Right, he wasn't gonna give himself the chance to be poached again.

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - ARGUS - 11-12-2018


The nights in the desert were beautiful, it was a nostalgic, and not overall unpleasant thought. Seeing what was once a staple in her old life brought out a vulnerability argus couldn't remember having. The familiar sea of sand brought back the old hurt- memories of what i was like to live in a desert like this. What it meant to struggle-to survive, rather than live. Life then was harsh, and the occupants of it were just as unforgiving- monsters in their own right. Just like the monster they made her then.

But here, now. What once was a great place no occupied by cowards. Taking the ruins of blood and shapeing it to a shell of what it could have been. Torturers , monsters, bloody war veterans turned into slavers. There is no love lost here in the desert, attacking what very well have could have been the last stand of her old home. If anything, she is thrilled to face against it. Here, she will truly be in her element- here they will never stand a chance.

With the order given, the dragon descends. a beacon against the void sky. Unlike her father- argus noes dives. a sheer drop at alarming heights and swooping at the last seconds. wings fanning down as leather white catches the closest drift to the ground and lands silently. Next to Owen- next to lucifer and her nieces and nephew- she is small. Growing in her own right but small all the same. As large as a lion, maybe- she hasn't really measured herself: but longer than that. It is fine, she does not need size to win, just an opponent. Just someone with a brain that she can break and a will she can align to her own.

// lmao, anyone open to getting mentally toyed with during the battle?
[glow=#212121,2,300]She's unstable![/glow]

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - bubblegum - 11-12-2018

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - EROS - 11-12-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: grey"]He'd been let out of his cage, finally, finally he got to see light again. But under one condition that he must never look back to his past. That was easy enough said and done for the sha creature as he couldn't remember anything about his life prior and so he had no issues with doing that. There were no significant ties that he could remember so the slave felt as if he was okay right now. After all he had to listen to whatever Stryker said because if he didn't he was sure that pain would follow if he dare speak up or step out of line. After all he already knew his place and he knew better than to do anything like that. He was born to be made a slave, he was born to be molded and shaped however the Ardent saw fit and he wouldn't speak out against that. It wasn't and would never be his place. He'd already finished up much of his duties that day, shifting over cleaning out one of the store houses that held some of the herbal remedies and the like that needed to be trashed when he heard something. At first he hadn't thought much of it because he still had work to do. But as the sound got louder he decided to go and investigate.

He shouldn't have went out there, he shouldn't have ventured out into the jungle to try and see what was going on because all that greeted him was the feeling of hot flames. They scored him, spreading over his back with hot malice that caused the already smoking slave to smoke more unnaturally. His scream lifted up into the air and he turned, running harshly through the forest, blindly looking for something to put him out. He thrashed and slammed against a building, gasping as he rolled in a bucket of water that he had knocked down, extinguishing the fire that had moments before threatened to burn him alive and then without hesitation he screamed out for his master. "STRYKER! FIRE!" For some reason he could feel the collar as if it was chocking him and he turned around only to be greeted with the scent of Typhoon. No. His home was burning....


Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - EXODUS-- - 11-13-2018

[div style="width: 200px; overflow: auto; width: overflow: auto; font-family: timesnewroman; text-align: justify; max-height: 400px; "]// im so sorry for the muse vomit. tldr; exo is riding on luci's back, singing her war chant and waiting for a chance to swoop down and attack. she is open for battle, with medium to small injuries. let me know preferred injuries for y/c if engaging. she is listed as medium difficulty but is brutal when attacking

exodus sits atop lucifer, listening to the leathery crack of his wings. cracks like the endless thunder that is mother. black against the tender fabric of sky imprinted all around them and forever. ebony meets what keeps them aloft and alive and breathing through trembling, complex hearts and tender pink lungs. the wings kiss and ensuing, engendering whirls of winds are birthed from lucifer's lancing strokes like a knife.

mother has conquered the skies long ago, and it is evident in the way he moves, weaving soft and silken like stems of jasmine. exodus sinks into this motion as she sits atop mother's back, learns to mold into the sinuous movement as if she were made to glide through air on triumphant, sun blessed wings all along. flying is no stranger to her, and it is belayed in her eased posture, though the caverns and inner machinations of her very being weave a different tell. a tell of crimson laced ink and drums of war punctuated only by the tandem of her furious heart.

up here, she feels invincible. exodus is a passionate soul; the fire and the fury. the heart and eye of the tempest, and guided by only the brightest star in the sky, the sun, which shines before her. the sun, which mingled with the carnal curtains of flesh and written in a record of monstrous creatures from a time where the earth was not quite as gentle with it's tenants, and had bore creation in the form of titans terrible enough to touch the sky with their limbs and viscera soaked teeth.

exodus was a stocky being; an archaic monster not yet dashed across the sands of times to be discarded like a meer pest. ferocious enough to bring the world toppling to it's knees. the brute had come with her tongue glued to the roof of her mouth in anticipation, and the glory of battle within her heart like a toxic fuel and fire in her lungs. fire as bright and hot as the one spilling from mother's jaws.

her gaze, though emblazoned like the sigil of merciless embers, are lathered in something poised and purposeful. they were the reapers of death after all, sweeping down from the celestials to burn the earth to dust like mother's pearlescent breath and steal life in it's slumber.

when they are done, there will be nothing left in their wake.

exodus can taste their fear. it is intoxicating, and there is no greater pleasure. it makes joy coil thick in her stomach and writhing at her very core, knowing they were the reinforcing their positions as utter forces to be reckoned with, cutting down the unworthy in their path.

and as far as exodus is concerned, she and her siblings are deities in their own right.

beneath her, everything looks tiny, insignificant. she spots the indominous, a bilious freak of nature attempting to touch lucifer, who sweeps through the impossible lace of the sky, riding and manipulating it's fabric to rain hell down below. a gust of hot, warm air carries from the slits of her nostrils like warm water expelled from the angry nozzle of a hose. she wants to taunt him for his efforts, but luciferus's spacious vessel carries her higher, up up in the air, higher than can be reached through natural means, and her pulse is hammering so hard in her wrist and up her throat that she is too distracted to even bother. like the queen that she worships feverishly, exodus turns away with a derisive huff. she has far better things to focus on. like the funny thrills of war. war that she has never tasted before, yet she finds tasted so profound because it rings true to her very rugged nature.

mother had told her that the enemy were foolish beings seeking to enslave them, as if they had the right to rear their ugly heads over another creature, as if they weren't inferior themselves. it is unthinkable; the very thought that someone would try to tame her, control her-- sends rage, a venemous friend, slithering into her fiendish soul, hot steel slithering through cracks in vulnerable skin.

the enemy were weak. they all were. softer than her wicked claws, of ivory and bones, that would slice through them like a honed blade. they are only the paper tiger before the storm.

it is what mother wants, after all. she is here at the Glorious Morning Star, and the broodmother's behest.

true crimson begrimed her feathers in a garish display tribalistic marking; a habit learned from their journey away from tethers of amiable sand and sunfire-kissed waters, so flawlessly and blue yet glistening iridescent with the loving reflection of the day's star. it was so unorthodox, because it was abnormal for their kind to want to be coated in the stickiness of filfth. the need to be clean was programmed deeply into the lines of their genes like a spiderweb's careful hands interwoven into the jagged bark of a tree. being dirty made their feathers clot after all. but it anything, the barbaric warpaint was a remark on their will and resolve and undaunting will to spill even further blood.

the sanguine paint of life's ebb and flow runs down her back in a single stroke, and mars her austere face in erratic stripes. a face not beautiful like her sisters's elegance and radiance, but strong like rock and stone and soldiers of war.

exodus feels the fire fill her veins rising till she churrs out in shrill, bestial song. her aninalistic tribble fills with the subsonic tones of a war chant; a petrified song lost to cracked, dusty yet everlasting skin of time's orbit, yet known only to her and her young heart because it is a memory carved into the part of her mind dictated by instinct.

it is a feral sound; not of the fresher veins of modern language, only known to her and her packmates for it's sheer unintelligibility. it is a wild war cry. a beat only they can dance to, a melody to urge them to arms, something to move throughout her sibling's veins, sluggish and warm like lava to ignite them, scream them into phases of brutality. it was a beckoning roar.

and it is so curious because she has never yet known war. she wants to taste this new landscape of possibilities and endless bloodshed. and she comes not knowing the risks to her or her siblings or the damage that could be done.

atop mother's sable wings did they soar to battle. bright and glorious, because this was what she and her species knew. an ancient dance un-trumped by the passages of age. exodus longed for the blood, heavy in her mouth till she could no longer breathe.

even still, she continued to sing her terrible song. but she waited for the order of her iridescent alpha, the Queen of Queens, before she charged into the bloody broken dance of a battle fray.

fire lashes the ground once more, and exodus sweetly inhales the burning like she could memorize the glory of mother's blame forever and keep it in her chest and lungs. the destruction is so fascinating that it makes her heart kick a little fastee, ravaged claws stealing against blackened scales in quick anticipation.

soon, it will be her turn to raze the wicked!

[align=right][glow=black,2,300]You got to see the artistry
In tearing the place apart with me, baby

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - Stryker - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Karma was a bitch.

In the distance smoke clouds plumed and echoed screams of the helpless burst throughout the desert. Stryker, unaware, had not noticed. Instead, the lion was in his den with Ninazu. Things fell silent for awhile between them till a fellow Pittian ran in, notifying him of the raid. The lion had been expecting it. With Ninazu on his back and a courteous smirk across his maw, the ardent headed into battle. As the two grew close, the smell of burning flesh filled their noses and the smokey haze stung at their eyes, causing Stryker to reconcile for a moment before heading into the flames. His ears remained open for stragglers.

While Valkyr's scream was clear, they were safe. Seeing that the slave did have the perfect chance to escape, the venomous ardent took a simple precaution. Slitted eyes focused on Valkyr, attempting to take control of their mind once again. "Kill," he would urge quickly through telepathy. Hopefully the sha would listen. Otherwise, they were in for another session... That seemed settled. Though he was concerned about Valkyr escaping, that still was not his top priority (obviously). Stryker was not selfless, but if saving these buffoons meant his life, he had to.

"Ninazu, clear the fires and strike down the dragon with lightning please," the ardent would plead to the female through mental manipulation. 'I'll be handling the rest.' In the meantime, Stryker began looking for a target to take down as he awaited a Pittian in need.

As of right now, the only one he could possibly go after was Argus due to their size comparison. Despite the other having thicker skin and hard-hitting advantages such as flight, the ardent knew this was his only choice. The others were out of reach. With Ninazu on his back, he sprinted in. Outreached claws attempted to grab at Argus' wings, scraping his jagged points down their webbing in an attempt to disable them from going up in the sky.

[member=2040]ninazu[/member] [member=2031]VALKYR[/member] [member=218]ARGUS[/member]
//Powerplayed allowed by Axiom.
//Will be physically HARD for this battle with the help of Ninazu's flame and lightning. They will be partners in battle today. Ninazu will protect Stryker as needed as he continues his own agenda. If you want to attack one of the two, please tag the both of us.

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - ninazu - 11-13-2018

© lexasperated
After their success in burning the Typhoon’s territory, the erudite expected a bit of retaliation from the pirates – but so soon? Mad at their attack interrupting her time with Stryker, the sand cat angrily mumbled under her breath about how the most moronic enemies always became the most annoying in battle. She might’ve even appreciated the lovely fire blazing across their territory, were it not for their rude timing.

Camouflaged in the back of Stryker’s coarse mane, the mage set to clearing out the fire around them; what a pity, she loved the flames almost enough to disregard her ardent’s request. Once the flames around them were at a more manageable level, Ninazu turned her golden eyes upward – towards that massive beast flying high in the sky. His fire breath made him stand out against the darkness, and she found it easy to calculate her strike’s trajectory; the hardest part was focusing while clinging to Stryker’s mane.

Soft pops and crackles laced over her skin, little lines of yellow lines zipping over her skin, for only half a second. Then she violently pushed the energy out from her body, curving upwards towards the heavens to blast towards [member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member] like a bolt from Zeus himself. Immediately after the lightning connected with something, whether her intended target or not, a loud roar of thunder shook the immediate area – and left Ninazu even more irritable, blood oozing from her nose and pupils dilating erratically from the flash of light that just passed through her.

//Will be physically HARD for this battle as she rides on Stryker's neck. Ninazu will probably be pretty hard to see and hit in the dark lightning + blending into Stryker's mane. Pls tag Ninazu and Stryker if you're attacking one of the two!

Re: DESTROYERS INVOCATION | Raid! - Grey - 11-14-2018

[ ooc ] will be posting with virgo (part of the pack of raptors that includes Exodus) later. for bakugou: i'll allow for up to his bones to break but nothing permanent. he is hard difficulty and has fire elementals, earth elementals and teleportation.

If he had been younger, anger would have consumed him in a way that he would have been clouded in vision. His mind would close, his perspective would be tunneled, thoughts wouldn't come the way they should. This time, however, rage fueled his energy. He was as calculated as ever, sanguine eyes darting through the scene as his nose scrunches at the thick metallic smell that lined The Pitt. Every fibre of his body sparks with a natural kind of electricity, itching for release. The hearth in his body bubbles like a pit of lava. He can feel the embers spitting from within his body. The flames are circling, heating up with his anger, becoming unbearably hot as the feline walks beside his fellow Quartermaster. Steps are heavy, sand becomes compressed with the touch of his paws so not to allow his body to sink. The Pitt would not be forgiven. He was furious that children had been caught in the flames of the burning down Capricorn, screaming and crying for help as they tried to survive. He wouldn't have cared that the tavern had been destroyed if not for the fact that there was young life in there. Bakugou's blood boils, sizzling at the surface. His lips curl into a snarl.

Being that flames were part his very being, intertwined in mind and soul, he is quick to notice the flames becoming smaller. It was not hard to notice that this was all happening with the presence of the lion, not noticing the woman who was hiding within his mane. His instincts were on fire, eyes glaring at the predator before, in that split moment, he sees a bolt of energy shoot up into the sky. He attempts to suddenly bump into Goldenluxury, saying "Goldie" to grasp her attention. It wouldn't be hard to notice the bright light that had shot into Luciferus' direction, the male hoping that she would be able to redirect the attack. But the lightning had moved so fast that the ragdoll bites his lip, hoping the Officer wouldn't be struck down. He glares daggers towards Stryker, seeing the way the lion had now moved to attack Argus that he teleports closer and aims to move the sand beneath him like a sink hole to trap his movement. It was a good thing he had left to practice his elementals weeks ago. Sand grains had been so difficult up until now where he realised The Pitt's desert was a haven for his abilities. Regardless of whether or not it hits, the Quartermaster will then raise the sand around him and aim to strike thousands of fast moving grains towards Stryker, using his flames to boost their speed. His goal was to disrupt Styker's view and cause him to close his eyes.

[member=1738]Stryker[/member] [member=2040]ninazu[/member]