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The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - Printable Version

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The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - Ammon - 11-12-2018

[member=1929]JERISIDIE[/member] ( hold on responses until Jerisidie responds)
In death one could be and would remain bored for the sake of boredom.

But to live again in the mortal realm, as a mortal spoke volumes.  Ammon came to find out that been a mortal without his god form really made things even more dangerous to a certain degree.  One he was blind in this body and two this place that he was at stunk to high heaven.  The smell of rotting bodies and blood were gag worthy,  the war god would have loved this place.  This territory spoke nothing of good things.  He had wandered for oh so long since his rebirth as a mortal, looking for certain pair of golden eyes.  Once he found them, all things would fall back into place all would be right in the world.

This place was too dry and way to hot for a wolf.  A soft aquamarine eyes looked about, although it was more of his hearing that would allow for such a thing,  for at least now his scent of sweet as roses, but intoxicating at the scent of burning herbs,  mainly sage,sweetgrass, myrrh and sandalwood mingled within one another.  The wolf sat at least a three steps in front of the border not wanting blood to ever touch their body ever, since blood was very hard to clean once it was dry and sticky.    Or was it it was drying and was becoming sticky as sugar syrup. 

For now he sat at the border waiting, he was somewhat nervous and hoped for the best.  There is a possible chance that he might just grow the courage to leave.  It was wiser that way.

"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - teef - 11-12-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


jerisidie had taken to wandering the pitt, his head always up high, taking on everything he could. he just wanted to rest, but no, he had exiled himself to this fate, to walking the territory until his paws bled. it was the least he could do, courting his own thoughts. just as his mind entered an ancient stage, he stumbled across a scent, a scent more beautiful than any he had scented in a long time.

this scent made his heart ache and leap for joy, made his breath come up short, breath puffing out into the dark night as he raced, ran like the hells themselves were opening to reclaim him. there was no choice, he obeyed and unspoken command, following the strands of time back to the side of the one who had saved him. memories crashed into him as he ran, tears already streaming down his face. nothing could make this scent the same way it had been. he stumbled and righted himself, surging through the dark desert sands.

voice catching in his throat he would mumble his name over and over again, so short of breath, panic and relief and disbelief striking him in every hurried step. he knew who sat on the border, even if he didnt recognize who jerisidie was now. "h-habibi!" he shouted, legs giving way as he ran. he feared the ground would swallow him and rip him from ammon once more.

"ammon! habibi!" he would scream desperately as if the world was ending, his life depending on reaching the other. he came to a crashing halt, all of the memories of those billions of years in the past overwhelming him.

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - Ammon - 11-12-2018

Familar had a name, familar had a sound, familar had a scent, familar was what brought Ammon here.  The wolf who heard those unfamilar thunderous paws hitting the sand at a rapid speed, it the sound that traveled first not the sound of the ever familar voice.

And then the  shout .  "h-habibi"   There could only be one person who would call him that, and that alone made his heart seize and his throat close from the memories.  Oh those memories of happier times.  Of times where it didn't matter, where everything was one hundred precent normal.

" T-Toji?" the name came out in a soft whisper, voice soft has ever.  Ammon was blind, but his hearing was keen and he was so happy.  " It's been awhile huh toji? " he said struggling himself to not weep with joy.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - teef - 11-12-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


jerisidie gave a broken sound, the hellhound crumpling. his name, his goddamn name! he was a mess, whimpering, "ammon ... ammon ... oh ammon!" he could barely speak, his face soaked with tears as he struggled to get himself up and over to the one whom he was most familiar with.

stepping over the border he trembled, nose twitching at the oh so beautiful scent, wanting to be teleported back to those long ago days where they were together and nothing would separate them. shivering he stepped in close, touching his nose to ammon's shoulder, burying his nose into the other's fur, disappointed secretly that he was larger than the other in this time. breathing in deeply he let himself cry, cemented in the moment by the living warmth of his body so near again. "ammon, my love, habibi. too long, it's been too long. how ... ? how did you manage?" he croaked, voice a wreckage from his tears.

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - Ammon - 11-12-2018

Now was not the time to cry, well it was but it sort of wasnt. The former god hugged has much as he could of the hellhound. He was somewhat aware that Jerisidie was huge compared to him.  That somewhat amused him and made him sad at the same time.  This has well was not a time to make a joke in regard but to lighten the mood. " The afterlife is the afterlife, dull and boring. I sometimes heard the words of a hushed prayer and even more one sided conversations." the wolf noted softly unable to make a joke in this situation.  Poor Jerisidie this must have been a long awaited dream come true.

Times have changed, Ammon who knew that since he had died knew times were not going to be like the past. So there was always going to be him yearning for the past, where things were easier and simpler. " Enough about me, it's you that I'm worried about.  My death affected you didn't it aziz-am??" he asked not wanting to know the answer, but already knew the results from hearing it.  For once he was glad that he was blind, for he would have been nearly in tears himself.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - teef - 11-13-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


jerisidie felt himself helplessly pressing closer to ammon, wanting to be entangled with him once more, closer than what their skin would allow them to be. he wanted to be as close as they once had, always breathing the other's scent. and so he squished himself somehow, completely against the other canid, his breaths shuddering in his lungs as he choked on his own sadness and tears.

"if this is a dream ... i wouldn't know what to do. i... i've waited and waited. i prayed and prayed to you, hoping after hope that it would reach you. i tried so hard. i... i was so ... empty." he responded quietly, shivering as his quiet voice washed over him, soothing old wounds that had begun to ache anew, easing the pitter patter of his heart until his scent got his heart racing again.

"oh ammon ... you don't know how much it did ... i snapped, i killed millions. their blood is still soaking my hands ... what they did to you, i couldn't take it. i wanted to die, it was so bad. i killed and killed and killed until i was spent and then i got up six days later and kept killing. i was unstoppable, driven mad, until i ran myself into the ground." he murmured, not wanting to speak about how little control he'd had of himself. he didn't want to talk about the days he had lost, of the years he had been mindless, a puppet without a puppeteer.

he shivered at the only other name ammon had called him, whining out in a keening noise. he tried to press closer, ears laying back. he felt himself sinking to the ground, slipping between ammon's foreleg, very obviously laying on his own back, his paws brushing against his chest. the power in the reborn god's words had complete control over him, they had the power to make him submit. ammon was the only one to ever be able to control jerisidie.

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - Ammon - 11-13-2018

Killed millions eh? Ammon sighed and almost smiled in response.  The lupine was somewhat amused in that regard, as morbid as it was.  He knew there was going to be hell to be paid the moment he passed on into the afterlife, and the afterlife was buzzing for all those times Jer would have killed all those poor souls. " Let me ask you this were those souls worth of a death of that grand scale?" a question but again it was a question.  Ammon was not mad, he would have painted the city of where the gods resided with ichor. 

That was what when for once Ammon was very confused on what Jer was doing, his head acutally tilted. " Toji? What are you doing??"
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - teef - 11-13-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


there came a suffering silence from the demon, finally letting out a sigh. he cleared his throat, feeling shame at ammon's question about the dead. "a lot did, but i didnt have control of myself. your mark shattered as soon as you died, allowing me to use all the extent of my power. i didnt have a single piece of control, my grief destroyed me." he responded quietly.

as for the second question, he nuzzled his muzzle along ammon's foreleg. he hummed, "what do you think i'm doing, darling? please, put your mark on me again. i am so weary of the lack of control."

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - Ammon - 11-13-2018

"The afterlife was busy thanks to you and your rampage. I've never seen so many ruffled feathers in one clustered place." it was very odd for Ammon to feel a slight twinge of morbid amusement. " it was the highlight of my deceased period. The only thing that had me looking up to something and various attempts to get to hell. That went well."

"Have you seen yourself lately? You are massive toji. Mark you? How? Unless I have some kind of magicked ink that will not wash off." Ammon sounded incredibly astounded, by the looks of things if no one knew anything about them that Ammon was the more than likely keening whimpering one. Nope.

"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: The flowers, the birds, the wind, the moon| joining - teef - 11-13-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


a quick puff of breath came from the hellhound, "bite me somewhere. we used to use blood back then but I'm too bruised to be cut right now and have good blood flow. so you need to draw the blood when you bite me." he answered quietly, itching to get off his back. there was no word or explanation for their bond. not even marriage could describe it, nor could soulmates.

he snorted, "for the most of them, death was deserved. some innocents were mixed in but what can you do? I wasnt strong enough to control the urge to kill, and kill, and kill. I lost it, giving in to the rage and violence that swallowed me. I'm sorry ammon ... I was too weak." there was a lilting growl in his voice as he spoke, indicating how upset he was about this.