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﹙ Bodkin ﹚ 恋人. - Printable Version

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﹙ Bodkin ﹚ 恋人. - ASYLI - 11-12-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]Will edit the first post later.

﹙ Tags ﹚ - ASYLI - 11-13-2018

[div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"][align=center]BODKIN / THE SEAMSTER

Bodkin | Bod, Kin, Point, Pinup, Tack, Stitch | [ Pronounced: B-OD-KIN ]
— He has many nicknames, will respond to anything similar to a needle.
Transgender Male | DFAB | Goes by he/him pronouns, gender confident.
12 months old | Ages semi-realistically | Spiritually 12 months old | Mortal.
The Typhoon | Member ; Crewmate | No titles | Loyal to trusted individuals.

Zigzag ( NPC ) x Nam ( NPC ) ; Deceased | Generation one
Bisexual Biromantic | No preference | Single | Not interested
( Family ) Nana Tiktak, Aunty Tiktok.
( Friends ) None, currently.
( Enemies ) None, currently.
( Crushes ) None, currently.
( Past Partners ) None, currently.
( Other ) None, currently.

( Positive Traits ) Loyal, excitable, dedicated, optimistic, trustworthy.
( Negative Traits ) Shy, cowardly, confused, clumsy, naive, semi-introverted.
Kin is not what you would call a people person; however, not in the manner that you may connect that trait with—Kin is simply not good with interacting with others despite his desperate attempts to connect with those around him. He is awkward and because he tries to wholeheartedly to understand he can often times come of a little... strong? No, no, the better word to use would be creepy. He doesn't get social ques, he doesn't understand personal space, he just doesn't get it and he always wonders what it is about himself that others just seem to dislike even though he knows he's doing everything he should do. He's kind, soft, trustworthy, and overall an actual good person and yet he still gets the stares and the uncomfortableness and the overall agitation from others. He's trying his best he just, well, he doesn't really understand people outside of his family. However, don't allow his weird exterior fool you—Kin is a fool with an over-sized heart. He enjoys making people laugh, he enjoys existence and being happy and he does his best to extend that happiness to others when he can. He knows the world is hard, he's been through some things, but he's always been someone to look forward and think about the positives in life instead of holding onto the things that drag you back down. He might not be the brightest crown in the box but he's got spunk and that's got to count for something, right?

Domestic Feline ( Mutt ) ; ; Mortal
( Voiceclaim ) Not applicable / searching.
( Faceclaim ) Not applicable, fluid.
( Disorders ) CIPA / pain disorder.
Bodkin is a gangly little thing—made solely of skin, bones, and limbs that seem far too long to be attached to his slim frame. He has little to no muscle mass and while he isn't dramatically underweight he has always struggled to keep a healthy weight and is extremely thin and bony in places. His legs are comically long and Kin often times finds himself tripping over them himself, he has developed a sort of waddle in order to keep himself from hitting the ground—it's awkward and he looks stupid doing it but that's life. He actually does not have a tail, he's not sure if he had one and it got cut off when he was young or if he was simply born without one... it's one of his own personal favorite self mysteries. His fur is an off-white color that appears to be an almost floral or cream instead of actual white; however, the color doesn't really matter much as Bodkin is always covered in dirt, blood, or some other strange substance. His hygiene practices could use some improvement, especially because he does have medium length hair that can become easily matted; although, Kin has taken to just cutting off his matted fur leaving some parts of his pelt shorter than others. Honestly, he's just a mess. Something odd or, should I say, something disturbing that Kin does is that he shoves tacks, pins, and various other needles into his shoulders for safe keeping and takes them out when he needs to use them. Obviously, this leaves a lot of scabbed and scaring tissue around that area making it just... disgusting to look at, especially because Bod tends to leave the crusty blood stains there for long periods of time. His eyes are a dark blue and while they're a little dull they are still much prettier than anything else on his body. That said, his eyes are also fairly large and appear almost comically when compared to the size of his head—it's unknown why exactly they're so large but hey, it's easier for him to convey emotion that way. Moving away from that, Kin has semi-sewn his mouth shut and while he can take the string out and replace it whenever he pleases the main point is that, for most of the time, the strings are there keeping his mouth closed. He tends to keep tacks in his mouth, either clenched between his lips or pressed against the string over his mouth. Finally, to complete his "look" Bodkin wears an old, ratty, brown knitted hat that is basically falling apart at the seems but he somehow manages to keep it from completely disintegrating.

Tag [member=2854]BODKIN[/member] or use bolded navy when attempting to attack
Please pm this account with plots, ideas, etc. or simply [member=294]ASYLI[/member]
Bodkin is a fairly easy take-down, easy mentally and physically

﹙ Notes ﹚ - ASYLI - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]— Completely mute. Bodkin is unable to communicate verbally or telepathically with others and relies on body language and other cues in order to help him communicate. It's difficult, even more so because Kin is illiterate and outside of the wobbly symbols of their own name they simply don't know how to read or write. Although, he's made due with what he has and has a few tricks up his sleeve when worse comes to worst.
— Mortal with no powers. Kin is just your everyday little freak child, nothing really supernaturally special about him. There are times when he becomes obsessively interested in individuals who are supernatural. It's rare but he's a curious idiot and likes to know things so if you get a clumsy cat following you? Let him be, he'll wear himself out.