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jumping on a trampoline — open, joining - Printable Version

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jumping on a trampoline — open, joining - BILLIE - 11-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; font-family: raleway; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]
maybe, in different eyes, this would be poetic. maybe someone might see the way her fur seemed to glow when the light hit it just right, the way some romantic beauty lingered in pale eyes. they’d see something broken and harmed but still standing, still holding herself together, despite the tears when it all came crushing down. or perhaps someone else might see the predator, the animal, the way her teeth glistened as air past through them and she tasted the air with the same tongue that had tasted flesh and blood. they’d see the three silver rings going through eah ear, the cold calculation hidden within her.

but, every time billie looked at her reflection, she saw nothing of poetic beauty or danger. she simply saw... billie. the panthress saw dark fur that never quite had the silken gleam other had, she saw tired eyes, she saw teeth and claws that went underused, things she never quite desired to use. she was a hunter, a predator in a world full of prey, but her instincts much preferred the thrill of a good nights rest to a hunt. perhaps that was why her mother always thought she was pathetic, a predator with little predatory instinct.

so billie, who only saw billie, turned her eyes away from her reflection and stared ahead, tasting the border she stood on, waiting for someone to approach, and see whatever they saw of her.

[ i hate intros but here’s one anyway ]

Re: jumping on a trampoline — open, joining - radeken - 11-12-2018

Radeken saw an obstacle. A box she was obligated to check for the sake of fulfilling the most basic task bequeathed unto her by agreeing to be here in a community and to (more or less) play nice. Perhaps her take on the situation might go so far as to mirror Billie's mother's own opinion (despite not knowing the creature and certainly having no interest in learning about her), that Billie was pathetic, though perhaps for an entirely different reason. It was a shame nobody nicer, nobody with more of an eye for art or strength or any beauty at all showed up to usher Billie in first, but that was life. Sometimes you get a bitch.

"[color=black]These things work better when you announce yourself." Radeken stated upon her approach. No use telling her that sort of thing, you've already rewarded bad behavior. Because yeah, sure, maybe it worked better when one voiced their presence, but Radeken was here anyway, working through the process. "[color=black]What is your name and what are you here for?" She continued through gritted teeth, as if she felt like Billie had set this up specifically to be as difficult as possible, because everyone was always doing something to ruin Radeken's life, weren't they? Close-to-seething with all her unreasonable irritation, she added, "[color=black]And where are you coming here from?"

Re: jumping on a trampoline — open, joining - BABY — - 11-12-2018

Titan did not think much about his physical appearance. His mane was short and tended to stick out in a w a v y fashion if he failed to smooth it down, his pelt smelled of earth and the elements, and his amber eyes were dulled by default. He supposed that his main defining feature was his muscular build, but other than that, he didn't look too different from a normal lion.

The Astral Seraph caught a glimpse of a dark figure in the distance, and as he fixed his gaze more clearly onto them, he came to realize that it was a stranger. There was no doubt that this creature was someone of beauty and grace, as most huntresses tended to be. It was but a mere observation — Titan was not easily attracted to others in that way, after all.

The muscled lion arrived promptly, his amber gaze settling upon Billie. He took in her scent, and noted that it didn't smell of any particular group. Perhaps she was just a loner, having come from nowhere. In his [sub]deep,[/sub] monotonous voice, he would ask the female, [glow=black,2,300]"What is your business here?""[/glow] Of course, the Astral Seraph remained alert and ready for anything should any sudden trouble arise. The pantheress did not appear to pose a threat, but as always, looks could be deceiving.

// ninja'd
am i too lazy to edit? you bet

Re: jumping on a trampoline — open, joining - BILLIE - 11-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; font-family: raleway; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]
immediately, billie could sense that this first approacher was dissatisfied with the speed in which this process was going. billie, however, quite liked to take things slow. unless she was fighting of course, though the rush on a battlefield was only because everyone else hurried so she had little choice but to go along with them.

poor thing, she’d think to herself, resisting the urge to smile at her own thoughts, whoever would teach her that faster is better? thoughts like this were harmless, when they stayed in your head. but other thoughts, angry thoughts, frustrated thoughts – they were the reasons she’d been... removed from her family. but they didn’t need her, and frankly, billie didn’t need them.

”not all of us like to talk to ourselves,” she’d shoot right back, demeanor calm and composed, ”these things go better when you know you have an audience. otherwise you look like you’ve gone mad.” this didn’t seem to bother her, but rather amuse her, as did most things in life.

at the new questions, and the lion’s approach, her eyes would shift between the two. ”my name is billie, no last name, and i come from nowhere. or everywhere. take your pick. my family moved around for a while, but i figured i was a little old to live under mother’s paw, so here i am, looking for somewhere else to live. preferably not under a paw, just a leader.” this didn’t quite strike her as a crowd who enjoyed a joke, but they spilled out none the less, gaze shifting between the pair.

Re: jumping on a trampoline — open, joining - agathe. - 11-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]The only thing truly striking about Agathe were her eyes. Molten gold in nature, they seemed to glow with the otherworldliness that she tended to exude, the only indication that she was not entirely mortal. Other than her eyes though, the Astral Seraph was relatively mundane looking, her beauty long since marred by the many scars she had acquired in battle. They seemed to cover every inch of her, riddling a once sleek pelt and digging into her neck, her back, even her cheeks. But she didn't mind, not when something as trivial as beauty had never mattered to her. She was as confident in her appearance as she was her skill on the battlefield and that would never change.

The sound of voices seemed to draw the seraph from her thoughts, bright eyes blinking a few times as they fixated upon what appeared to be Titan, Radeken and a stranger. It didn't take long for her to reach them, a frown dancing upon her lips. "You're free to join," She extended lowly, the tip of her tail twitching, "My name is Agathe and I'm one of the Astral Seraphs here." She'd glance at Titan and nod in some attempt to convey that he was her coworker, that frown never budging. She had frightened too many joiners in her day to not be wary of them and that much showed, the snow leopard even more reserved than usual. "Do you need any help settling in?"

Re: jumping on a trampoline — open, joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-13-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
There wasn't much to Atbash, save for the many scars she had covering her body. Recently, the she-cat was still healing from the burns she acquired from Snowbound just before the place was destroyed, but her right ear was charred from a previous attack. A triangle brand was on her left shoulder, and her right eye was entirely missing. A long scar covered that side of her face and the eye socket was closed.

"You're actually living under two leaders." Atbash spoke up as she arrived, standing next to Agathe. And in the presence of a former. She added bitterly to herself, mostly angry at herself for not doing more to prevent things from happening to Snowbound. "Welcome, by the way. My name's Atbash Cipher."
bio | female | observer of the ascendants
© madi

Re: jumping on a trampoline — open, joining - BILLIE - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; font-family: raleway; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]another two approached, and if three was a party then she figured five was an entire festival. the first, the only one to introduce herself thus far, seemingly accepted her and offered help settling in. billie saw that look on her, however, and promptly shook her head. “nah, i can figure my way around. thanks though.”

gaze shifting to the second female, who seemed friendlier than her scars made her look, billie offered her a smile as well. she wasn’t one to judge; there were too many to count hidden beneath her fur. she bore no shame nor pride towards them, they simply were just a part of her. “thanks dude.” would be the panthress’s chirp in response. then, she’d nod in the direction most had seemed to come from. “that way to camp, i guess?”

Re: jumping on a trampoline — open, joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-13-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
'Dude'? Atbash echoed in her mind, raising an invisible eyebrow at Billie, though she didn't seem to be offended by the other female's words. "Oh, yeah. The big observatory back there." The savannah looked back and nodded towards the large dome in the distance. "I can show you around, if you'd like?"
bio | female | observer of the ascendants
© madi