Beasts of Beyond
` ✦ ° — NOBODY PRAY FOR ME / MEETING 11.12 - Printable Version

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` ✦ ° — NOBODY PRAY FOR ME / MEETING 11.12 - BABY — - 11-12-2018

A week had passed, and before he knew it, meeting-time had arrived yet again. It was strange; Moonmade had now been gone for well over a week, but it felt... much longer than that. Leadership was proving to be a handful at time; it was nothing that the disciplined indiviual couldn't handle, but there was so much to manage and keep track of. Thankfully, he had a co-leader to consult with for these matters. After they had discussed the agenda for today's meeting, Titan took his place at the usual meeting location.

[glow=black,2,300]"Ascendants, gather for a meeting."[/glow] Titan announced, his deep voice booming throughout the area in its entirety. As soon as everyone was gathered, the young lion began, [glow=black,2,300]"I'd like to take a moment to welcome any new arrivals. If any of you still have questions, please speak with our high positions."[/glow]

Now that the introductions were over with, Titan moved onto other matters. He cleared his throat and spoke, [glow=black,2,300]"We have successfully secured an alliance with the Rosebloods. Treat them with the utmost respect. We will be needing an ambassador for them; if you're interested, speak with us after the meeting."[/glow] They could not afford to lose another ally, not like they had lost Snowbound. Speaking of which... [glow=black,2,300]"With the total destruction of Snowbound, the surviving members are making their way to our borders. They are welcome to remain in the Ascendants for as long as they need."[/glow] Or perhaps they'd even wish to remain here as a full-time member, which Titan would have no problem with.

And, without any further ado, he would step back and look to Agathe as she took her turn for announcements.

// hey guys!
— i'd like to extend a warm welcome to [member=2782]DARTH ISKALO.[/member] [member=2801]CODY ![/member] [member=2795]SANDHEART.[/member] [member=2802]SWIFTPAW.[/member] and welcome back to [member=2607]RODION[/member] !!
— it would be appreciated if you all participated in our clanwide discussion. we will be covering topics such as traditions and changes to the clan as well as suggestions for the ic and ooc community! if you have any comments to make on the ascendants, now is the time to do so.
— make sure to check out the healer tryouts as well as our holiday choice awards!
— be on the lookout for our upcoming ambassador program!

Re: ` ✦ ° — NOBODY PRAY FOR ME / MEETING 11.12 - ATTICUS - 11-12-2018

▹▹▹▹ //I have permission to be in charge of the Ambassadors for the Ascendants! I have homework to be done, but I will be trying to get the hub up by tonight. Also, welcome to everyone! c:

With the call of Titan, Atticus approached slowly in a short homework induced post, the large melantistic jaguar slinking forward and taking a choice seat at the front of the crowd, briefly bowing his head towards Titan politely. As far as this week had gone, it felt somewhat... Quiet. Nonetheless, he gave his full attention forward as the annoucements began, pleased to hear that the alliance for the Rosebloods had gone well. Neatly sitting himself down and flicking his tail idly out of the way of anyone else, he sat and waited for the rest of the announcements.


Re: ` ✦ ° — NOBODY PRAY FOR ME / MEETING 11.12 - radeken - 11-12-2018

Roseblood. How brave of them to go by such an...interesting name. She decided to put a tentative limit on shading them if this alliance thing was really underway, ending it there with a catty half-grin eye roll combo while she seated her ass close by to listen in. She also made a mental note to hunt someone down that could tell her about them. No such group had been kicking when she left, and if there was something Radeken hated as much as she loved making fun of the names of things, it was being out of the loop. She swallowed her mounting ire and focused her attention forward for the rest.

Re: ` ✦ ° — NOBODY PRAY FOR ME / MEETING 11.12 - agathe. - 11-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]"Before I get to promotions and demotions, would anyone be willing to handle weekly tasks?" Agathe did not waste any time before starting, her voice - so unlike its low murmur - laced with faint intrigue. Golden eyes would briefly scan over those already in attendance, wondering who might step up to the plate this week. Quite honestly, she didn't care who accepted their little challenge, just that it got done. As mundane as weekly tasks tended to be, they were essential parts of the clan from what she had seen thus far.

Clearing her throat, the snow leopardess would shift her weight before briefly going over her thoughts, a rare smile curling her lips. "There will be no demotions for this week but Ren does get a warning. Shout outs to Sekai and Valemon, keep it up and there may be a promotion in your future," She paused only to glance momentarily at those who had been mentioned, rosetted head nodding in a show of unnatural respect. Hey, she needed to show them that she did in fact care somehow, didn't she? "As far as promotions go, Radeken and Silus, while we'd prefer you to step up to Clerics, if you'd rather be Starstruck Guardians, that's fine too. Atticus, you're now a Lunar Lieutenant. Keep up the good work." Agathe rifled through her announcements fairly quickly, only sitting back upon her haunches when she was confident that she was done.

"If you're interested in being an ambassador, talk to Atticus. That's all for this week, you're dismissed."

(sorry for a short late-ish post!! my wrists have been killing me all day today
- warning to [member=2350]REN[/member]
- shout outs to [member=2748]sekai.[/member] and [member=719]valemon[/member]
- [member=2733]silus.[/member] and [member=344]radeken[/member] are free to either be clerics or starstruck guardians, it's up to you guys!
- [member=2678]ATTICUS[/member] to lunar lieutenant
- sign up to be an ambassador here!
- if someone could handle weekly tasks this week, that'd be great!!)

Re: ` ✦ ° — NOBODY PRAY FOR ME / MEETING 11.12 - ONISION. - 11-12-2018

[Image: zh8lTc5.png]
[size=8pt]tags - plotting - reference
the ascendants
- lunar lieutenant
12 months old

physically hard
easy to piss off


tsundere asshole
dating alexander

known to shift into aloysius
possession & mental manip.

"I'm fuckin' serious! If I have to die one more time I'm gonna be pissed!" Oni snapped to himself, verbally arguing with the demonic voice in his head, his tail wagging angrily behind him. Sitting down on the ground, Oni began to listen to what was being said.


all you give me is a heartbeat —


Re: ` ✦ ° — NOBODY PRAY FOR ME / MEETING 11.12 - radeken - 11-13-2018

They'd prefer she choose the Cleric title again and frankly, Radeken found herself preferring that route once again, as well. She hadn't foreseen the Ascendants having such an egregious want for healers. The plan had been to ease back in without shouldering any responsibility, just tackling her own projects as they came to her, but at this rate she realized she'd end up falling back into the habit of helping with illnesses and injuries to feed her own morbid fascination whether she had the title or not. So, why not, right? She didn't know how Silus was feeling about the choice. Didn't much care, either. She had her decision.


Re: ` ✦ ° — NOBODY PRAY FOR ME / MEETING 11.12 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-13-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
The fact that The Ascendants had two leaders was both a strange and interesting concept, as well as a confusing one. Who made the announcements, Atbash wondered. Luckily, her questions seemed answered as she joined the meeting for the first time since joining and it seemed like both leaders did their fair share of announcements. Atbash didn't have much experience with The Rosebloods, so she didn't entirely mind the announcement regarding their new alliance. Eventually, Agathe got to the promotions and final announcements, and Atbash offered her congratulations to the new promotions before taking her leave.
bio | female | observer of the ascendants
© madi

Re: ` ✦ ° — NOBODY PRAY FOR ME / MEETING 11.12 - ATTICUS - 11-13-2018

▹▹▹▹ Strictly speaking, there was a lot of good news this week. Only one warning, but Atticus had little doubt that it was a minor thing that would be improved during this week and no cause for alarm, and many new shoutouts and promotions going around. Of course, his head lifted in a moment of surprise to hear his own name called, but he dipped his head low to acknowledge it. "Thank you, Agathe," he rumbled lowly, at least allowing that much of a formality in spoken words as she wrapped up the meeting, rising himself quietly up to his feet. He had hopes that the Ambassadors would work out well, but of course they would just have to wait and see. As for everyone else, he was proud. While this week had been quieter than the last, they had all done well.


Re: ` ✦ ° — NOBODY PRAY FOR ME / MEETING 11.12 - no more - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Within a corner of his mind he had expected such, distinct the lack of interest within healing as a whole apparent, leading only to a dark hole that sucked up his time and attention, efforts largely going to waste. Amongst them all only one had seemed to hold want to do anything, eager his want to learn more, almost drawn towards it all. Strange was it to think the observer felt such, youth still if one may gauge by his looks alone, brief the flicker of thought through his mind – might the lion be the best option for this? Possibly, but so too were there complications within the matter as to who might lead his training for he lacked such, would need a guiding hand he had no wish to offer.

Familiar the call, so too the faint draw, tugging at him. Difficult is it to place the twist of features within any category, singular dark eye shadowed beneath the furrow of fictitious brow, faint the sound drawn from pursed lips. Silus had spoken of his own want to not be considered, though within the words had been hesitance, faint the offer if no other was present, between the lines of the words he permitted to touch upon tongue. Gaze found the other spoke of, one met only in brief moments but enough had been the interaction to learn he liked her not. To work with her, tend to the sick and injured as he once had, held little interest.

“Neither” clipped the tone of voice, press of chin to chest as head fell once the single word had risen. Within time he was sure he may come to regret the decision but for now he thought it best, he had come here to get away from it, begin again, not become wrapped up in something he no longer believed in.