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NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - Printable Version

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NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - Dimitri - 11-12-2018

  // E. Nygma is dead brothers
// also this is pre-flood

They left a lot behind- no, they didn't just leave it behind. They let Desdemona burn it. The rest of the camp was empty. It'd been dry for a few days, they waited until everyone else was gone.
They packed one bag with what they would let each other keep- Dakota threw his books out the windows, refusing to let them burn. Dakota kept three books, they let Daisy take her painting kit, as many paintings as she wanted to keep, and one stuffed animal. Delta packed her knife and weapon sketches. Dimitri grabbed their journal. Everyone else didn't require as much- Donovan took his perfume, Dagon took two glasses and one bottle of Whiskey. By that point the first bag was full and they were only half packed. They agreed to let Darby make the trip and would let him shift to whatever form needed to leave faster.
Divertimento and Desdemona didn't have that much. Divertimento stuck a party favor in the bag, then looked at what they left behind with a sad sigh. Dagon threw out some of his alcohol stash with Dakota's books. 

Desdemona grabbed two of Dagon's bottles and popped them open, spreading the room in alcohol. She flicked a burning match inside and watched the home burn in flames with a sick grin on her face.


Darby arrived on Sunhaven's shore with a crash, tired from carrying the bag. Shifting from the bird back into a Dimitri's body, Darby shook himself and let Dimitri's paws sink into the warm sand.
They had been the ambassador for Sunhaven and decided this was the best place to go. It was warm here, and nice. It was pretty and hopefully... it would help Dimitri's mood. Dimitri had been depressed as of late, meaning the others took control. Dagon mostly, but Dagon didn't like pretending to be Dimitri - didn't these people already know about their Disorder?
Don't know.

"Hey!!! Is anyone around here? I want to join!!"


Re: NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - rhosmari - 11-12-2018

News always traveled fast and what had happened to Snowbound was no exception to the rule. The word of it being destroyed by a horrendous fire had reached Sunhaven and she had held an announcement about it to let everyone know that Snowbound members were always welcomed in her own home should they seek a place to live. It was a tragic thing to lose everything one had known and so she understood that they would need somewhere to go. Life was hard but she didn't think she could turn anyone away unless they were from the Pitt or the Ascendants. So as the other called out the large beast prowled forward from the village, paws pushing against the thinning grass that gave way to the sands of the beach. It also appeared to the woman as if the other had crashed landed as of sorts so she was also worried about what state they were currently in. "Oi, welcome then! The woman called out with a light voice upon her approach to the other. Twin tails arched and shifted as she sat down and she gave a light nod of her head to the other as she pulled her ears forward for the conversation. "I remember ya. Dimitri, right? Ya can stay here in Sunhaven at ya leisure. Name's Marina by the way and ya new leader."

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - Bell - 11-12-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]He was new to Sunhaven and its territory, and had taken it upon himself to get acquainted with the land. Traversing the beaches was tougher than he would like. His paws made it through the sands with relative ease, although the hooves attached to his back legs didn't have as much luck. Thanks to the thinness of those hind legs of his, they pierced the softer areas like knives, making him walk with a lopsided sort of gait. Thankfully his air elementals provided a sound solution. All he had to do was keep a thin layer of air beneath his hooves on the sand, only thick enough to be noticed by the most trained of eyes. At least one good thing had come from his training.

Sundae had never known Dimitri, and therefore any sudden change in personality would go unnoticed by the angelic hound. He had probably come across the disorder at least once in his life, and had definitely read about it in one of his many textbooks, but identity disorders were not his area of expertise. His childhood had been full of study, although his classes had centred mostly around the art of battle and the occasional history lesson. The skill of identifying things such as dissociative identity disorder was unnecessary to his mission at the time, and was therefore left out of his studies. Of course, now it would do him some good to set some time aside for the studying of the brain. He had been working on his mental manipulation as of late, and who knew how things like alters would effect such a skill? Perhaps now he would have an opportunity to find out.

The sudden crash landing on the beach drew his attention swiftly. Sundae blinked and watched with curious eyes, managing to witness their shift back into a feline. Odd, although he knew of the existence of such powers. They were common in this world, even among the mortals. Marina was already moving to greet them, and after a moment's thought, he did the same. "Greetings," he said smoothly as he approached the pair, eyes lingering on the viridian soul in front of him. "I'm Sundae. It's a pleasure to meet you." He dipped his head, although he didn't break his gaze from Dimitri's face. He was always somewhat guarded around strangers, muscles coiled subtly beneath curls of sunset-tinted fur.

Re: NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - Dimitri - 11-12-2018

"Whoops..." Darby diverted Dimitri's green eyes to the backpack, opening it with his teeth and looking and Dagon's whiskey cups. The bottle was fine, but... "Oh man..." His arm shifted into a monkey's, rifling through the bag.
Hey... I think they already know... no reason to hide. We're out as a system, aren't we?

You're right...

Darby put on a grin as his body shifted into a marbled brown tom with a white belly, face, and legs. Dark green eyes blinked at them, scar forming on his chest as the tranformation completed. He pulled out the broken glass, unknowingly cutting his hand and grinned at the folks, sharp glass pointed in hand. "Alright, a shiv!"

"I'm kidding, haha," He threw the glass into the ocean and shifted his arm back, shaking the paw ad licking it, just in case. "Yeah, Dimitri most days, but I'm Dar-by." there was an emphasis on the "Dar". He had a slight cowboy drawl, ear flicking as he looked over them.
"To clarify- we're Dimitri, but 'm Darby. We were the ambassador for 'ere once and... we liked it 'ere. It's nice." He tipped his head. "Sundae, Marina, nice ta meet ya."

Re: NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - buckingham barnes - 11-13-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
When Buckingham heard the news of what happened to Snowbound, the maine coon didn't want to believe his ears. One of their allies are gone, their home burnt to nothing but dust. From what he heard, Snowbound didn't stay together as a group when escaping the dangerous, beyond hot flames. It was terrifying to think that a simple fire can tear a group down to nothing just like that. Snowbound didn't even get to regroup and look for unoccupied land to live in, or take refuge in an ally group. And Dimitri here, was living proof that Snowbound didn't stay together after the disaster. Bucky could only wonder where other Snowbounders ran off to, hoping they all got survived the fire like Dimitri here.

The assassin silently made his way over, padding on paws as light as feathers. Each step he made was like the surface below him was thin ice- which threatened to break if he didn't pad carefully. So, the maine coon barely made a sound, making his way beside Marina, as if he suddenly appeared 'out of no where'. "Welcome to Sunhaven," The Warden meowed, with a flick of his tufted ear, "I don't believe we've met before- I'm Buckingham Barnes."

Re: NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - GORDON CIPHER. - 11-13-2018

The news of Snowbound was utterly terrifying. Gordon had visited the snowy tribe back when she had been the Ambassador for them whenever she had been apart of The Ascendants and hearing that the tribe was destroyed was heartbreaking. "Are y-you okay?" She asked, blinking up at Dimitri. "Wh-where is everyone else?"
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - | ICHIGO KUROSAKI | - 11-14-2018

i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Over the years, Ichigo had come to know a lot of faces. Some of them he would much rather forget, while others he wouldn't know what to do without them. The wildcat was who he was today because of how he interacted with those faces, whether that was a good or bad thing he wasn't quite sure how to answer something like that. Ichigo had to admit that he had somewhat of a history with Dimitri. He wasn't sure if he could say that most of the memories were good all things considered. He had forgiven whatever the other had done in the past a long time ago. What was in the past was in the past. The domestic cat always seemed to be able to stay around as long as Ichigo was, and it was certainly the relief to not have someone that he knew died in the ground for him to bury. He didn't even remember the first time that he had met the male, all he knew was that the guy had fallen in love with one of his adopted nieces, Vintagequotes, and everything went downhill because Ichigo didn't believe the other could control himself from doing something drastic and dangerous. He even remembered the time where the male had nearly drowned Vintage, and it was for awhile that he hated the guy's guts for obvious protective reasons. But after a while, he realized that it wasn't just one person that he was dealing with but several people at the same time. Ichigo didn't hate anyone right now. There was no need for him to at this age where he was just tired and exhausted and just trying to find a way to make all of this worth all of it. As far as he knew, his entire family was dead, adopted or not, it didn't even matter. The wildcat was at the end of his ropes and didn't know what he should do for the rest of his life. He was following the same path over and over again.

The Shinigami had been dealing with the spirits in the area to make sure that they didn't get out of hand and dealing with Hollows here and there. Because of this, he could often time be seen patrolling the areas to see if he could find anything interesting or come across a joiner. These places weren't all that different from the clans that he had grown up around anyway. Not much about Ichigo's appearance had changed all that much. His sword was a lot larger, he had black markings on certain portions of his body, and his eyes were two different colors, but that was the extent. Of course, he had a couple of new scars to add to the list, but that was about it. He lumbered around, using his enhanced hearing to listen to the voices in the distance, and for once in a long time, he caught a voice that was familiar to him. His head moved upward slightly as he looked around where the voice had come from, and he heard voices soon after. It took Ichigo nearly ten minutes without using his powers to teleport to appear on the scene. It wasn't hard to hear the large wildcat coming, as his armor rattled with each step he took. A familiar form was in Sunhaven territory, someone he never thought that he would see again. His bi-colored eyes blinked slightly in surprise, as he made his way over, standing next to no one in particular. "Dimitri? That you?" Ichigo questioned. He always did when it came to seeing people that he thought were long gone. A test of his sanity to make sure that he wasn't going insane and that it was indeed Dimitri. He was relieved to see the guy seemed to be doing fairly well.

Re: NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - Dimitri - 11-14-2018

Darby didn't see Bucky coming, which bothered him. His dark green eyes looked the maine coon up and down. The tom found himself straightening up and puffing his chest out, looking his up and down. This other tomcat made him feel small, and Darby wasn't a fan of that. "Darby, though for reference next time, I'm not a fan of people trying to sneak up on me."
hat kind of thing made Delta go haywire. Sometimes, the female protector was constantly listening, watching out for danger. Sometimes that was enough to trigger her fronting.

Eyes casted to Gordon next, and her appearance was met with a slightly wrinkled brow, and squinting eyes. "We're fine, but uh, are you related to Atbash?" It was obvious, right? Few cats were that shade of yellow and black. Probably was. Maybe they would need to keep her distance from her. Dimitri's falling out with Atbash was... a bad topic. Desdemona thrived on that, and they really wanted to avoid giving her something to exploit.
Bad can 'o worms... Boys...

Last person, and seeing him for some reason made Darby reach up to touch Dimitri's piercing in a passing thought. The eyes did the same inspection- up and down, squinting. Darby heard him coming, and his tail flicked. "Uh- yeah but... I'm afraid I don't know you. At least, I don't. 'm Darby, like I said. Do you know us?" This is good... Maybe he knows something Dimitri doesn't. That's not right, someone would know him. I don't like this. We don't need mystery.

Let's not bug Dimitri about it, right now.


Re: NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - Luciferr - 11-14-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven as a hearthkeeper. Is considered 'fallen' by his brethren for his renegade status. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
"CrypticWhisper, welcome" another voice intoned with a nod at the much smaller feline, idly noting the use of names - a multiple possession? multiple personality? hm, he'd seen similar such things before - but the Angeli didn't comment on it or comment much farther - especially given some seemed to know him, or one of him anyway.

instead the he stepped back to watch the interplay between the group welcoming the ex-snowbounder - he'd heard they'd been destroyed seemingly, how fleeting were such things in these worlds of mortals - the hearthkeeper was fine with simply fading into the background of this welcoming.

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh

Re: NOWHERE MAN, PLEASE LISTEN (moving, joining) - GORDON CIPHER. - 11-14-2018

Gordon blinked at Dimitri's question, clearly confused by it. "I-I uh... I don't know?" She replied. "I-I mean, maybe?" She added quickly, remembering how Atbash had introduced herself as Atbash Cipher whenever Gordon had visited as an Ambassador from The Ascendants. "W-we, um. We share the same last name. Cipher. M-my first name is Gordon," She explained, shuffling her paws a bit. "I don't, um. I don't know wh-what my relation to her is." All Gordon knew was her father and brother; she had no idea Caesar had littermates of his own.
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━