Beasts of Beyond
` ✦ ° — DOCTOR HORRIBLE / TYPHOON CAPTURE - Printable Version

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// just a general warning bc this thread is gonna have uhhhh Torture and stuff
+ pls refrain from interfering with the maiming!! thankies

Oh goodie, his first capture ( in the Rosebloods, anyways )! After the leader had declared an open season on the "Typhoon", he had immediately got to work. There was no time to waste, not when there were people waiting to be took hostage. Bugsy was excited as be, comparable to a child on his way to Disneyland. He had merrily skipped past the border and had traveled deep into the jungle, eventually making a bee-line for the Rosebloods' main camp. That was where the canine had [sub]plopped[/sub] his catch down, now eagerly waiting for his catch to wake up. Being an impatient man, though, Bugsy eventually made his own attempt to wake the bastard up. "Rise 'n shine!" He chimed, following a harsh kick to the side.

He plopped down onto his haunches, sporting a devilish grin. His eyes were gleaming with excitement, as he was eager to commence the festivities. Like the intolerable smartass he was, Bugsy kept running his mouth, "Y'know, it sucks that you guys are assholes. You probably have good piña coladas over there, huh?" They had coconuts and pineapples over in that tropical paradise, right? And rum — pirates loved their rum. "Maybe I'll make you a deal — you make me a piña colada, 'n I won't hurt ya' as much as I was plannin' to." Although Bugsy knew that it was a joke, he sure wouldn't mind a tasty, fruity beverage right now. Maybe the pirate would take the bait.

Re: ` ✦ ° — DOCTOR HORRIBLE / TYPHOON CAPTURE - Felibri - 11-12-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: georgia; line-height: 105%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"][font=georgia]Hobbitfoot had just only begun to settle in his new Typhoon home. He didn’t even have a specific house for himself yet, he would resort to sleeping under rocks or driftwood. He constantly missed the warmth of his old home - the barn. Everything had been perfect there, but the fire had driven him away to a cold new world and he honestly felt like a kit that had just been born - wet, cold, confused.

So it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise to find himself in this sort of situation. Hobbitfoot’s pale eyes widened as a harsh paw delievered a hit to his flank. He rolled over and jumped up to his paws, fur bristling. The short little cat made a defensive hissing and spitting noise at the Roseblood. ”I don’t know what a pina cal - caldron — whatever that is you’re talking about.” And unfortunately, he really didn’t. In his farm life, he wouldn’t have had exposure to alchohol. It was always stored far above reach in the house.

Too bad he couldn’t forsee Bugsy’s second statement, although he severely doubted the honesty of someone who has kidnapped him from his new home. Hobbitfoot only glared in response, muttering ”Wow, everyone was right back home, the Pitt are a bunch of assholes. Now let me go back.” Being ignorant of the reputations of other Clans, he mistakenly assumed that this was the Pitt. It had been the only other clan he was aware of, and the Typhooners hated them with a passion. Hobbitfoot himself had been nearly accused of being affliated with them.


Aw, what a shame. The fucker didn't know what a piña colada was. Looks like Bugsy would have to rip the poor soul to shreds, even if he didn't get anything out of it ( such as a certain coconutty and pineapple-y beverage ). "Whelp, that sucks." Said the dog plainly, his grin beginning to falter as he now moved onto more serious matters.

Bugsy only cocked his head, as well as arched his figurative brows, when Hobbitfoot mentioned "The Pitt". He felt like he had heard the name before, perhaps in passing or something. "Wow, you're more of a dumbass than I thought you were." Snorted the canine mockingly. Unfortunately, this wasn't The Pitt, but Bugsy would've liked to believe that the Rosebloods were the roughest and the toughest in these parts. If he wasn't apart of the meanest group around, then what the hell was he even doing? Bugsy was willing to help earn such a reputation, if not for himself, then for the whole damn group. He hummed, "The Pitt, huh? Guess we'll have ta' give them a run for their money."

With that, he attempted to grab the pirate by the scruff and slam him back onto the stoney, cold ground. Bugsy didn't have a methodical approach to this, really. He just wanted to have some fun with it, like a little child playing with a ragdoll.

Re: ` ✦ ° — DOCTOR HORRIBLE / TYPHOON CAPTURE - sephiroth - 11-13-2018

[Image: tumblr_p2mk7fd1GL1vrtvtlo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The smell of the Typhoon brought him to the scene, the sight of the enemy animal on the ground making a pleased grin spread on his face.  Sephiroth would amble up the scene that Bugsy had presented, sitting a little bit always from the torture to allow it to play out.

"Good work."  The lion would drawl with a complimentary rumble, looking down at Hobbitfoot with a lidded gaze that very plainly said 'I think very little of you'.  Sephiroth would settle himself in for a show presented to him on a silver platter.  He would watch in silence after that with an intense gaze, observing with an interested eye.

Re: ` ✦ ° — DOCTOR HORRIBLE / TYPHOON CAPTURE - Felibri - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: georgia; line-height: 105%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"][font=georgia]Although he was ignorant, Hobbitfoot liked to believe he was smarter than your average cat. He could fit the pieces together and realize that this was an entirely different group than the Pitt from Bugsy’s words. Realizing his mistake, he stood still, mind whirling to think of a way out of his situation.

It was immediately cut short when his face was smashed into the ground. Hobbitfoot let out a muffled cry, blood welling up in his mouth because he had accidentially bitten his tongue on the impact. He opened up one eye to dizzingly see that another Roseblood had came over. The little brown cat twisted his body and he lashed out with one paw, attempting to slash at his tormentor’s forelegs, painfully aware that the action was done in vain.


When Sephiroth came over, Bugsy shot him a glance, a proud and toothy grin spreading across his features. "It was easy as pie. I just snatched him while nobody was around." He beamed. Not bad for a new guy, huh?

Suddenly, he had been scratched. Although the cat's claws weren't as painful as say, a knife or talons, Bugsy could still feel them stabbing into his legs like sharp pins. He yipped and jumped back in surprise, his skin still stinging from being clawed into. "Ow!" The Beauceron sent a glare towards Hobbitfoot, all previous giddiness and excitement void from his harsh features.

He sniffed and stepped forward, spitting, "Little shit. Somebody's gotta' teach you some manners." And with that, Bugsy aimed to clamp his jaws around Hobbitfoot's tail, his canines digging deep to the bone. If he was successful, he'd put a paw on the cat's backside to hold him down and then proceed to snap his head upward over and over again in an attempt to tear it off.

Re: ` ✦ ° — DOCTOR HORRIBLE / TYPHOON CAPTURE - arcy - 11-14-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Eddie had known, in theory, that the Rosebloods was fucked up. He'd figured Venom would enjoy an environment like that, and so chose this group to join. It was another thing entirely in practice. There's something a little sickening about this -- it's not like the poor guy here did anything besides be a member of the Typhoon as far as Eddie is aware. Which, considering they mistook them for the Pitt ... It didn't add up to a very good picture.
Eddie, as he skirts around Sephiroth, considers speaking up as he eyes the poor feline. Problem being, Eddie was too new of a member to be able to speak up without repercussions, even with his rank in mind.
.. But, needless to say, Eddie thinks this is too much. Tails were important to cats, weren't they? Balance, or something. Problem being, straightup attacking Bugsy would probably get him into trouble, especially since Eddie was supposed to be a protector, or something like that. Near desperately, Eddie tries to think of some loophole to help the poor guy, but, ultimately, can't come up with anything. His plans tend to boil down to beating the shit out of people, and while Venom would certainly help with that, in the long run it'd be no good for Eddie.
This being said, Eddie has to suppress a snarl as he skulks in the background. As it is, his nose is wrinkled, and while he looks mildly agitated, he successfully manages to keep it to himself. He almost wants to stay, to intervene, but he can't bring himself to witness this gory show and not do anything. But, well, he can't say he didn't sign up for it when he joined. Senseless violence and all that.
So, Eddie turns tail and walks hurriedly away, eyes set determinedly away. Venom is silent in his head for once, unobtrusive.

Re: ` ✦ ° — DOCTOR HORRIBLE / TYPHOON CAPTURE - Felibri - 11-14-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: georgia; line-height: 105%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"][font=georgia]For his valiant attempts at trying to get the much larger and dominant canine to leave him alone, he would not be paid in return equally. Hobbitfoot shook desperately, crying out as the Roseblood bit down on his tail. His tiny claws raked the ground, eyes widening to the size of plates. "No, no, stop, STOP!" Never before had he feared so much for his life. He had always been so lucky. That had been his whole theme of life. Lucky to be born alive, unlike his brother Satyrstep. Lucky to be born without a faulty respiratory system unlike his other brother Dragonbreath.

Oh, life was just a series of unfortunate and fortunate events, weren't they. Why had the fates decided he was to be punished now? What had he done wrong? It could have been any other Typhooner, but he -- he was to take the blunt of it. He wondered what Bakugou would think of him. Had he proven his loyalty? Sure, it was not the Pitt who was ripping off his tail, but to be tortured just for being affiliated with a certain group was almost enough for him to want to become a hermit and live the rest of his days in a hole.

The pain was too much for the little cat, so used to growing fat on barn mice and the warm fireplace of the housefly. With a faint whimper, Hobbitfoot passed out from the shock and pain, his body no longer struggling, his eyelids falling shut as the muscles in his legs relaxed and slumped forward, his tail reduced to a bleeding stump.