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In the spirit // open // of truth - Printable Version

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In the spirit // open // of truth - jacob w.c. - 04-19-2018

It'd been a few days now since he'd come back from the Typhoon. He'd run some therapy but he decided he needed to do more than that. Jacob knew better than anyone that sometimes getting well wasn't just a matter of doing everything the books told you to do. Sometimes you needed something or someone else to push you forward and he thought this would help with that. If he could help foster a feeling of community or even just distract his clanmates for a little while. So, he'd made all sorts of pastries and some hot chocolate. Most of the pastries were his Ma's recipes, with peanut butter cookies and brownies and even a little cake. He'd also grabbed a few recipes from a few books he'd seen and the cannolis that Jersey had taught him how to make. This was a deserts only sort of party and Jacob could only hope that the sugar would help mask all the terrible things that'd been happening lately. He put them all on trays, carefully covering them with some so he could at least keep them warm. After that, he grabbed the next tray.

Even as he went about, he found his thoughts drifting to Typhoon. He still wasn't sure how to feel about what happened there. Of course, the first part of it had been terrible. Being forced to relive his worst memories wasn't ever pleasant, whether they were put there by some outside force or projected to him from his struggling mind. He'd once read somewhere that he only got those nightmares and things because his mind was trying to protect itself but he didn't understand that. How could that possibly be protection? All of that aside, the rest of his stay in the Typhoon had been relatively pleasant, aside from the recovery of what Guru had done to him. He'd stayed with Pincher and the man had looked after him. He'd seen him in an even worse condition than Jersey had ever seen him. He'd seen all his scars, he'd seen him panic over flames and figures that weren't there, he'd seen him cry through the night and go between eating as much as possible to eating nothing at all. For being a pirate, Jacob felt like Pincher understood him more than anyone he'd met in Snowbound, maybe even more than Jersey did. There was a part of him that wanted to go back to talk to him. Pincher didn't hold any expectations towards him. He didn't have to act happy or like everything was alright, he could just be honest. Jacob didn't think there'd been anyone like that since his Ma and the idea of being honest about his conditions and feelings was a welcome one. He knew he couldn't do that, though. He didn't want to be overbearing and rushing back to be with him would be a mistake, as much as he'd love to do it. Still, ever since then he hadn't been able to pull his mind away from the doberman. His only distraction was the sweets he made now.

Once all the pastries and hot chocolate was out in the tunnels, he went back to grab the many blankets from his den, most of which he'd made. He laid them out and let out a soft sigh. Now he just had to call everyone here. Still, it'd be nice to take a few quiet moments to himself, especially after making all of this. So, he made his way over to one of his favorite blankets, one with little knitted suns all over it, and laid down. He told himself he'd just relax for a moment and then he'd call everyone over. It wasn't a big deal. He wasn't that tired. The truth was, though, that he hadn't slept a full night in days and moments after laying down, he was fast asleep. The warm deserts and hot chocolate still stood out on their trays, clearly ready to be passed out to his clanmates, but Jacob was already too far into his nap to get up and offer anyone anything. The Husky eventually rolled over onto his side, using his paw to cover his eyes as he pressed his nose deeper into the blanket.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: In the spirit // open // of truth - melantha - 04-21-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]for the longest time, melantha blamed her hatred for human-made items on the less-than-agreeable interactions she has had with them in the past. as a mundane creature lacking in any sort of supernatural power set, mel is vulnerable to their guns and their hunting dogs. rifle wounds take a long time to heal, she knows from experience, but the grudge she hold against the entire human race will probably never go away. when she saw killua sucking on a lollipop, the girl assumed that her lack of interest in the piece of candy originated from the aforementioned grudge, but as she was perusing a book on feline anatomy in an attempt to further her education, melantha learned that as a feline, she is actually unable to detect sweet tastes. how amazing is it that there is a biological reason why desserts never did anything for her? this makes her wonder if the other animals who consume sweets also cannot taste a thing and simply eat it to eat it, or if their affinity for supernatural abilities grants them the biological ability to do what normal animals like melantha cannot do.

the young huntress is drawn to jacob's lounging figure out of curiosity, intending to ask him if he is capable of consuming things that he should not biologically be able to because he is sentient instead of feral. but as she trots closer, she realizes that he is asleep. any question that might have been balancing at the tip of her tongue instantly disappear as she slow to a halt, observing the resting canine with a soft expression. she does not know him very well, but it does not take a genius to tell that his experience with the typhoon people really affected him on an emotional and mental level. mel is still curious, but she does not wish to disturb the boy. she has been in a similar position before. mel sighs softly, directing her attention to the desserts arranged on the blanket. picking up a pastry, melantha takes a curious bite. annnddddd.....nothing. absolutely nothing. 

Re: In the spirit // open // of truth - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-22-2018

Killua didn't like the Typhoon. There was nothing that someone could say to him that would make him like the group just yet. Sure Guru ended up having one of her ears missing, but that literally meant nothing to Killua because the female would still be able to hear. It was literally at no disadvantage for the female to walk around with no ear attached there, as there was still be a little bit of a piece that was there. He wondered just how much it would take to instill fear into the creature. Maybe he could use some sort of mental power to dig into the way Guru thought of herself, although he would probably just find himself disgusted at her, it would be a way to use her own mind against her. He could make her into a puppet if he really wanted to. But Killua didn't want to do any of these things as a means of getting revenge on those that Guru had ended up hurting. Instead, it was for his own selfish act as he wanted nothing more than to just show the other that she was completely outclassed when it came to fighting. He knew that despite her punishment, she would most likely do it again so no one in Snowbound was exactly safe because of her. If he had been the one to give her her punishment, he would have made sure it would have been a moment that she would never end up forgetting. Killua had almost completely lost his temper during the time that Guru was continuing to run her mouth, refusing to apologize for what she had one. What did he expect from the likes of a Typhoon member to where Argus was living? Although he still didn't know Argus's name, and instead only knew her appearance and nothing else. Killua had even started to make it hail at the border that he had gotten so pissed and he didn't even seem to realize what was happening until Mel had come to speak to him. Breaking him out of the trance as he realized that violence would only lead to more violence. He was an assassin, and if he wanted to kill someone he was going to do it the way that he had been taught, whether he liked it or not. If he did manage to kill the caracal, it would mean that all the issues with the threat of someone attacking them would completely disappear. At least in Killua's mind, sure it would piss the Typhoon off but he doubted that they would do anything about it if they realized they couldn't track the creature down that had done the deed. Kilua usually leaving no trace behind when he killed his targets, although he had stayed on the recent scene where he had killed those two animals, which still racked him with guilt. The Typhoon could obviously call him out as a suspect and potentially look through his mind for proof, which would certainly make it difficult for him to go against and he would be found guilty. If they wanted to torture him, that was fine because he had been through all sorts of torture. It would mean nothing to him. It was this thought that made Killua realize how numb he was to the rest of the world. He could barely feel pain anymore, and sometimes he even caused his own injuries to make sure that he was even still alive and breathing. His family had made him this way though, and in some aspects, he thanked them for it, because without the way he was now, he doubted that he would have made it far as he did. Although the thought of a clanner trying to capture him was certainly funny in his mind.

Either way, the Typhoon gave him no reason to enjoy being around them, and he didn't have a reason to want to interact with those that were there. He would much rather get to the Ascendants and have some fun with the massive telescope that they have. Maybe he could take London there to see what was going on. That would be kind of neat, but also might be considered weird so he didn't think about it again. Then there was Tanglewood, a place that he didn't quite enjoy that much, but he would probably just go back to piss off the creature that had kissed him, nearly making him throw up. He was glad that there was no one from Snowbound around because he doubted that he would have been able to live something like that down. Right about now, Killua's condition certainly wasn't the greatest. Considering that he kept his distance from literally everyone unless someone was trying to track him down for a conversation or something, they wouldn't be able to notice the types of sleeping patterns or eating patterns that he had. Killua hadn't eaten anything for the past couple of days, which was starting to make his movements a little bit sluggish. The reason why he hadn't been eating? He probably considered it to be a punishment for killing the two creatures on the border when he thought he could have stopped himself from doing so. While in actuality there had been nothing that Killua could have done to stop his brother from controlling his body. He also refused to sleep. He knew that he suffered from night terrors, but they were rare and few and far between. He was terrified to go asleep now that Illumi's voice was prominent more and more in his head during his daily activities. He could bet that there was a one hundred percent chance that he was going to have a night terror if he went to sleep. He had run across this problem before in the previous clan that he had lived in, and he was paranoid that his brother was getting closer and closer to him. There was only one animal that scared Killua, and that was his older brother Illumi. He would do everything in his power to constantly avoid him, but his brother was always looking for him to bring him back home. Killua hadn't slept for basically a week in that clan, and ultimately he passed out from exhaustion in the middle of the territory. He had one of the worst nightmares he's had in a while, and he knew that once he hit his limit it was going to happen the exact same way. But he would rather just have one bad night terror instead of several in a row. He hadn't told anyone about his condition, not even his adopted sister. He wasn't close enough to anyone in the clan right now to even talk about what his favorite color was. Killua never liked revealing information about himself as he felt like it could be used for leverage in the future if he wasn't careful enough. Killua had kept himself from even eating different sweets here and there. Normally when he was around the border's he had a lollipop in his mouth, but nowadays the sight of candy was almost completely vacant from him. At least for the past week since the incident happened. Candy being his security blanket when he was thinking or stressed was certainly a concern, but he doubted other's paid that much attention to him. And if they did, he would consider it to be quite suspicious as to why they were paying so much attention to what he did.

Killua occasionally visited the camp during the day, but usually only once. He never liked being around camp because there were too many faces and he was honestly too tired to argue with other's, which he often did consider his attitude all the time. The smell of pastries was the first to catch his attention, his pink nostrils flaring. There was only one animal that liked to bake that much. Jacob. What was the other doing? Killua had been to the other's therapy session, but not of his own accord, as the bastard Stark had decided that he was going to manhandle him and force him to join the therapy session. Which he had practically lied through the entire time because he wasn't about to start talking about his feelings to some strangers. Killua himself was different when it came to the reason why he was able to eat what he could eat. Chocolate is a major factor, as having chemicals and different poisons injected into his body, something as small as chocolate wasn't going to end up harming him. And with the large amounts of scar tissue that was in his mouth, he could barely taste anything that didn't have a strong flavor. Meaning that anything that was incredibly sweet or sour he would be the only thing that he could taste. Again, thanks to the chemicals that were poured down his throat as a kitten. Killua was practically genetically engineered by his parents, and doubted that anything normal was really pertained to him. A yawn spread across his facial features as he made his way toward the main entrance of the cave, one of his large ears flicking. At first he didn't see Jacob, and instead, he saw Mel instead. Great. Part of him hoped that the other wasn't going to give him a hard time. He wasn't in the mood. The tip of his claws usually would have made a clicking sound against the rock he was walking on, but thanks to his air elemental's no sound could be heard from him as he approached the two animals. His gaze trailed toward Mel, and noticed that she was eating a pastry. Oh? This was new. "A change in taste huh?" Killua said as he managed to form as mirk across his facial features. It was almost funny to see the larger female eating pastries, having never seen her do that before. His sapphire blue eyes directed themselves toward Jacob though, who was laying on a blanket. Oh. Killua tilted his head in a manner as he sat himself down, keeping his distance from the rest like he usually did, as he moved a mug of hot chocolate closer toward him. He conjured up a small packet of sugar that he ripped open and poured into the mug, something that London had done for him when she brought him hot chocolate. It made it a little bit sweeter but not by much. Killua manuevered his paw in the handle of the mug, using his metal claws to grip the mug as he curled that paw and used the other one to raise it to his mouth. Taking a small sip, he put the mug back down on the ground before finally speaking again. "Should we wake him?" If he was in his usual attitude, he would have figured out a funny way to wake up the healer. But now in this condition and after the current events? He would rather not wake him since it could end badly if he wasn't careful. He was tired. So tired.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: In the spirit // open // of truth - guts - 04-22-2018

Aizawa had always been fond of human things, since he had been a human himself, after all. He missed being a human, walking on two legs, having hands and, most of all, having his quirk back. He didn't hate having an animal body, it was just an inconvenience. He didn't see why he couldn't have been reincarnated back into a human. But he'd never complain about it openly, as it wouldn't do anything to reverse things--and he'd look crazy if it wasn't someone who understood his situation.

He happens across the scene after randomly walking about the cave system. He still wasn't used to it, all the winding tunnels, so he had been out trying to make a mental map. But then he was distracted by the blankets laid out, pastries and warm beverages waiting to be claimed. These things were painfully familiar to him. Looking over them now, he felt a painful tug at his chest. But he quickly pushed it away and eyed the many sheets with interest. If he had taken one of the sweets himself, it would have been mostly out of nostalgia's sake, as he had never been much for treats.

At Killua's question, he paused, looking over at the other feline. He was usually against slacking off, but this wasn't U.A. He wasn't a teacher anymore. As hard as it was to swallow, he would have to accept it. "Do what you want. He has seemed a bit tired, though," he says it in a blank tone, more attentive to curling up on the blankets offered.

The lion took up quite a bit of space, but he personally didn't mind. Anyone else who did could bite his ass. Wrapping around himself, it didn't take long for him to grow drowsy, soon falling asleep himself.


Re: In the spirit // open // of truth - melantha - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]sensitive auditory receptors twitch at the faintest sound of small paws traipsing through the melting spring frost. black-tipped ears shift from their intrigued position atop her skull, rotating backwards to better identify the sound's origin. because killua manipulates his scent so that no one can smell him, melantha cannot be positive who is approaching from behind, but she has her suspicions. the girl turns to face the unknown person just after she swallows a pastry whole and makes direct eye-contact with killua. oh. awkward. she swallows it quickly like a dog who just snatched a sandwich from the counter, rasping her tongue along the edges of her mouth to clean up any crumbs. if it is not clear from the healthy sheen of her sleek, golden brown fur, melantha prefers to keep herself clean. not even the most unobtrusive food scraps survive long enough to consider the young huntress "dirty." there are several seconds of silence in which mel does not break eye-contact, simply staring at killua with a somewhat sheepish expression as he speaks. "uh, more curious than anything else," she responds stiffly, clearly a little embarrassed to be caught eating human food. she couldn't help herself--she just really wanted to know what it was like. "i can't actually taste anything." admits melantha with a shrug. it's disappointing, really. the soft, flaky bread and the sweet smell is absolutely alluring, but the sensation on the tongue is nothing like how it smells. and she is not going to mention it, but she can already feel the indigestion.

upon the arrival of aizawa, sagacious olive green eyes flicker over to observe the massive lion. huh, it is unusual to see someone larger than her. in a clan of mostly small wildcats, melantha is accustomed to standing out, but that guy completely dwarfs her. other than that, nothing else about him is exactly intimidating. patchy, matted fur and bones protruding from beneath his skin...she wonders if she should force him to eat a pastry of something that's laced with tranquilizer so she can give him a bath. just looking at the guy makes her skin crawl. but mel is careful not to let this show upon her features; instead, her plain visage is a mask of unreadable emotion. she offers him a slight nod in greeting. nothing more. the young female is silent as the two males discuss how to approach jacob. wake him up? "no, he looks like he could use some rest." the husky dog pushes himself too hard. mel can appreciate how mentally and physically draining it is to undergo mental torture while still finding it within oneself to care about others. she doesn't know how he does it. melantha has never been that kind.

Re: In the spirit // open // of truth - arcy - 04-23-2018

One of the strangest things, to Izuku, is the presence of stuff like -- human food, he's not sure. There's definitely weirder stuff to think about, but food ... sticks out a little more to him. Possibly because it fluctuated between 'raw prey animals' and 'sweets and pastries'. That was a pretty big difference, after all. Come to think of it, Izuku hadn't tried all that many sweets yet -- just a few things he'd conjured during his tests here and there. He's surprised he can still taste sugar, really. But, well, he was still capable of crying, and also actual human languages, so why not add some more wild nonrealism to the mix, why don't you?
Izuku wasn't frequently in camp these days. It was cold in a dank sort of way, and a lot of the time, he just couldn't put up with seeing so many people in a little area. He wasn't an extrovert by any means, but, granted, he wasn't exactly an willing introvert, either. His uncertainty around others had been made worse by his stints of seclusion, and also his many unfortunate encounters with strangers. At the very least, he was generally fine with Aizawa. He hadn't spent much time with much of anyone else.
Even so, it's a little bit of a sight, stepping back into the caverns to see his clanmates crowded around a sleeping Jacob, and plates of sweets. Aizawa is sleeping. Izuku isn't sure what he expected. Still, he is interested in the sweets. Izuku hadn't been allowed all that many when he was human -- it would ruin his training plans, and even now, he still tried to keep himself in check. But when it was offered ... Alright.
"Yeah. He's definitely tired if he fell asleep like this," Izuku offers his  two cents on the situation in a hushed voice as he clumsily reaches his paws out for a hot chocolate. It was an obvious conclusion, but he just wanted to be clear on his stance here without being too presumptuous. What would be the point of waking up the wolfdog, anyways? To let him know they were there? They didn't need supervision anyways -- it was just a little group of Snowbounders eating deserts, Jacob was free to continue enjoy his rest here.


Re: In the spirit // open // of truth - Whisper - 04-25-2018


DREAMS MADE TO BE USED - WASTED ![div style="width: 90%;overflow: auto;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #212121;font-size: 8pt;text-align: right;"] IZUKU "DEKU" MIDORIA - SNOWBOUND - STORAGE
Deku had heard a little bit of Jacob's story. A small little tragedy, that. He was well to aware of his own overcomming of tourture and how it had transphormed into something bordering on obsession. At least outwardly the healer had yet to show signs. It would be a waste to have to kill him- but sometimes people were unsavable. Sometimes there was a need to keep the balance. But here and now the angora watched the husky curl up within himself with a careful collection of human goods- it made him seem all the more soft. Made the damaged parts the heartbreaking part of his stories ring a little bit more true.

He did hope that it wouldn't need to come to that, that the image of a gentle sleeping dog would only be that. Gentle. Fierce and helpful and kind and nothing else. Deku was all too aware of what happened when you were hurt, and how it changed you. How long it took for the effects to actually be able to see to the person it's affecting- too long before it can be taken back for sure. It made him want to grit his teeth, to snarl and brandish his claws with open hate. But it was not hate that ruled him, it was not fear or some misguided information. Deku lead with his mind as well as his heart and they both told him to linger.

Even among the growing crowd, the rumble of Aizawa's own breath evening out slowly. Two sleeping giants compared to the small frame of him. But he was not alone. Killua being only a few heads taller than him and Izuku about the same height if a couple inches shorter. Being around so many people made his pelt prickle with awareness and ears perked and twisting for vintage as he surveyed the scene on the edge of the growing seers.

It was obvious that he was intending to use the space for not only himself but others as well. Deku wasn't one for imposing, even an open invitation like this: Unless given an open invitation he would not jostle any of the scenes. Just a ghost drifting by. He had nothing to say- not really. Bright green pinprics settled onto the other's own actions. Clambering within the peace of Jacob's labor with careful quiet. Deku couldn't help the easy smile that fit across his features as he took his own seat. The hard press of the stone floor a reminder to be polight to people he didn't know, and charming to people he wanted to ally.

"Hnn. While he is resting it is obvious what his intention was." The feline was careful in picking his words. Tongue rasping over each syllable not in a whisper but keeping his voice quiet as not to wake either of the sleeping clanamtes. "A nice reprieve at least. How is everyone?