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[align=center][div style="max-width:500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]//please wait for Luli!

"So that wasn't my fault." Domani would be the first person to admit he was a fairly powerful magnet for trouble, but most of the time -almost all of the time- he had a clever enough mouth to either distance himself entirely from the situation or spin a whole new web incriminating someone else. He was good at it, so he was honestly completely baffled that the last situation had not gone well at all. Maybe he'd underestimated how aggressive the rest of the villagers were, and maybe he should have framed the brother instead of the sister, because the latter was too...believably terrible. So technically, it hadn't gone south at all, since Domani walked away free with the bonus of a raging fire behind him, but the fire wasn't supposed to happen, and he was ninety percent certain the sister was either dead or wishing she were. Those parts weren't especially ideal, but there was no fixing it now. Too late for it.

"Anyway. We'll be there soon." The cloaked leopon glanced at his smaller companion, steps pausing. Was that-? "How did you get soot on the back of your neck?" Where Domani attracted trouble, Luli seemed like a canvas for every single speck of dirt to splatter, and he'd thought, in the low lighting, that it was just a shadow, but when he swept a paw over the spot, it came back dark. "There's a bath in your future."


[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]The two of them had a way of attracting messes. Though Luli could sit still and find himself covered in dirt anyway, Domani could walk through a field of daisies and make them whisper to him. He had a way of navigating conversations so masterfully that he could only seem to be the spider at a center of the web. It was... terrifying, really. There are times when even he feels strung along a carefully designed path, even though he doesn't mind it. One wrong step and someone would find themselves tripping up under Domani's direction. With that came some sort of security in being close. (Not to say he's in this for the security.) Watching a town burn because of his misstep had been gratifying and humbling. It reminded him that he was still a living being, though his appearance is angelic and his conversational skills were impressive. The most he does is scoff lightly at his insistence, glancing up at the larger feline and back to their path.

Then he stills partially, ducking slightly at the paw swept up his neck to shake off a shiver. "Probably from trying to get away from a fire that definitely wasn't your fault," he bites back, though there's plenty of humor in the words; mismatched eyes sparkle with it. He swallows hard to get past a lump growing in his throat and laughs. It only sounds a little strangled. Barely. He'd been doing better with cleanliness as of late and was developing a fondness for water, but it's more of Domani's insistence on it that has his stomach doing things. "There needs to be water for that," the leopard points out, though the bleeding from desert to jungle is evident enough. He was right (as always) — it wouldn't be long now.

Re: UNDER MY SKIN // DOUBLE-JOINING - rhosmari - 11-12-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]NOT CAUSE I'M BUSY, I JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]"Eh, I'd say baths are overrated unless it comes with a lot of bubbles." There was a pause from the unknown voice as if there was a thought process going on before whomever it was spoke again. "Yeah, definitely with bubbles." The voice sounded friendly enough, almost too light and too carefree and yet the one whom had spoken had not yet made and appearance. That was until there was a loud 'oof' from near them as something seemed to pile drive into the ground. No, he was definitely not getting better at this and he had to force himself to lift up his head from the dirt that he had impacted. He groaned a bit before shaking his body and pushing himself to stand up on lanky legs, patched form shaking the dirt from his body. Right now the whitish cowboy hate obscured his eyes from the pair as he started to dust off his body. Man, if only he could just have someone teach him how to use his stupid wings correctly then he could actually use them to dive bomb people and drag them up into the air for interesting trick. After all the last time he had dropped someone from a precarious height was when he had been in a titan. But that was life and it was give or take, yet lately life seemed to be taking more then it should.

Lifting up his head the male would glance at the both of them, jaws parting as if he was about to say something when his nose twitched and his muzzle crinkled up. For a moment a goofy look spread over his muzzle and he shuddered as a sneeze escaped him. Then another, and another because of dirt lodged in his snout. "Oh, god! Make it stop!" He sneezed again and again, forcing himself to back up and press his paw against his snout to force the sneezes to stop as he snorted and shook his head. "Damn, ah, sorry about that. Anyway. So who are you guys?" He hadn't been here long, hadn't really gotten to know anyone else outside of seeing his buddy here as well. It was so strange seeing how big he was but then again he'd never really been tall himself and he sniffled before he sat down, wings still spread out around his body. The idea of robbing them had come and passed through his mind as they didn't really have anything so why not be nice for a change. Stop trying to have a leg up in life and just chill. "Name's Rimmy by the way. Not the whole thing but good enough for you guys. I figured you have names too and a reason for being here."

Re: UNDER MY SKIN // DOUBLE-JOINING - sephiroth - 11-13-2018

[Image: tumblr_p2mk7fd1GL1vrtvtlo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The appearance and the scent of the the strangers didn't really faze the Pharaoh.  He had seen much worse in his before and during his membership in the Rosebloods that eventually rose to leadership.  He himself had done far worse.  This was absolutely nothing to him.

Sephiroth would approach from the shadows of the territory he held ownership of, his eyes settling on the strangers before him, a hybrid and another feline.  The large pale lion would study them for a few heartbeats before he acknowledged Rimmy by word and a twitch of his ears.  "As they said."  He would murmur, his tone measured and stoic.  The silverette lion would watch unblinking for a response, vaguely creepy with the way he stared without fluttering his eyelids one bit.

Re: UNDER MY SKIN // DOUBLE-JOINING - arcy - 11-14-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Quite frankly, Eddie had been spending more time out alone in the jungle since the sacrifice. Well, 'alone' wasn't quite right, considering that Eddie had a monster in his head. Of course, the fact that he was avoiding his groupmates doesn't stop him from approaching once he actually heard them. Venom had been getting bored, so, quite frankly, he was honestly thankful that something was happening, even if it was just a pair of strangers.
The raccoon, somewhat lazily, trods over to settle nearby his groupmates, regarding the strangers with an absent curiosity. Were they here to join? Were they lost? Eddie didn't actually really care, it was just a break in schedule.
"Where'd you guys come from?" Eddie asks, largely because he's insistent on asking every single newcomer a question. .. They smell of smoke, of course he'd be curious. It's not like fires were that common unless they were .. small, thank god.