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prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - Printable Version

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prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - sephiroth - 11-11-2018

[Image: tumblr_p2mk7fd1GL1vrtvtlo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth’s typical call to meeting in the form a feral lion roar seemed to be laced with more confidence than usual.  He practically sauntered towards the meeting room, a parade of his strength and might and control.  Mother had seemingly slinked away for the time being, allowing the one she referred to as her son in either a literal or metaphorical sense to take control and lead and be the great ruler the ethereal deity destiny had claimed he was.  The male would haul himself to the platform, turning around with the look of satisfaction on his face that some would refer to as smug but was simply how he showed that he wasn’t entirely angry at the world.  This meeting would be fun for sure.

”Rosebloods.”  His tone was honeyed, and he dragged it out as if he could taste the sweetness.  ”I wish to welcome more members to our ranks this time around.  Rosemary, Perseus, Bugsy, and Jailbird.  We are honored to have you among our ranks.”  The traditional bowl of mysterious red liquid was in front of the platform once more, and the pale beast would motion with a paw for the newcomers to take a sip. 

”This week for promotions and shout outs..”  Sephiroth’s tone would rumble throughout the chamber, his eyes scanning the crowd for those he would acknowledge.  ”I want Rosemary to be our second Physician as she had prior experience, and Eddie to step up as Guard.  Shout outs to Maekoda and Mirio for stepping up their activity in particular, you two continue with the work and you’ll have bright futures ahead of you.  Shout outs to Bugsy and Perseus as well, who both also receive the title of Squire.”  There was plenty of activity in that regard this week, something that pleased him to see among his group.  They were finally getting back onto their feet, filling out the ranks well enough.

”On the politics side of the clan, The Typhoon are no longer out allies.”  Sephiroth’s menacing eyes would narrow at the mention of the seaside group, the silvery tip of his tail flicking slightly as if the name of the group itself irritated him.  ”I am allowing all of you to go and do whatever you please to antagonize them.  Captures are allowed, encouraged even.  Show them that we will not take disrespect lying down, that if they do not stand with us they are our enemy.”  The last word was growled, his already intimidating and commanding voice lowering further because he got to more positive news.  ”In their place, The Ascendants are now allies with us.  I want ambassador activity directed there, and they are to be treated with respect, as I have heard their group is taking its own direction that I feel will mesh very well with ours.”

”Now,”  The Pharaoh would lift a paw, exposing the pads to call attention to what he had about to say.  ”I ask you all to stay here for a few minutes longer.  I have something else to discuss with you all, something I’m sure will be of high interest to a lot of you.”  Sephiroth’s voice dropped to a pleased hum once more, ears twitching as he gave his groupmates a chance to absorb all the information before he got onto the more fun part of this week’s meeting.

-welcome to [member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] [member=2771]PERSEUS.[/member] [member=2191]BUGSY[/member] and [member=2779]JAILBIRD[/member] !
-Rosemary is promoted to physician, [member=2728]eddie,[/member]  to guard, shout outs to [member=2522]maekoda[/member] , [member=2506]MIRIO![/member] , Bugsy, and Perseus.  Bugsy and Perseus also have received the Squire title!
-the Typhoon our no longer allies and aggressive action towards them is encouraged.  The Ascendants are also now our allies
-stay tuned for part two, which will be posted tomorrow!!  i hope you don't mind me splitting up the meeting into two parts this once, but this is the best way for it to work khflhaf)

Re: prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - MIRIO! - 11-11-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
Pushing through walls, Mirio had nearly tripped when he had arrived at the meeting, a cheeky grin on his face as always. The golden retriever sat down, his tail wagging as he listened to the announcements, tilting his head to the side. "Mind if I stir some trouble with the deputy there? I have a bone to pick with the dude." Mirio called out, scratching behind his ear. He really didn't have shit on Bakugou, but he knew that the feisty little feline had a bite to his bark- or meow, was it?

Other than that, Mirio watched on and waited for further announcements, dipping his head in thanks when he was given a shoutout.

Re: prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - ROSEMARY - 11-11-2018

The witch took a seat at the edge of the gathering crowd, trying to keep her distance from the other members. She abhorred physical contact -- even accidental brushes -- and she wanted to keep their chattering voices as far away from her ears as possible. Her ear flicked as she heard her name called out as part of the welcome quartet, three of her four eyes settling on the lion as he pushed the meeting's various points.

Her head dipped when he called her name, again, for the promotion to physician. Rosemary thought to speak her thanks and congratulations, but she worried about interrupting the flow of the meeting; thus, she stayed silent with only the occasional flick of her forked tail. Nothing else terribly surprised her -- not even the bit about the business with the Typhoon. The former head soothsayer knew bad blood brewed between the two groups at the time of her leaving, though she anticipated they'd settle into an accord sooner or later. But, now that she saw the Roseblood leader commanding his forces, she saw how that assumption turned out wrong; he and Pincher were of the same type, domineering with an arrogant streak. Neither would admit wrongdoing or acting stupidly. Or, of one did, the other would pounce on the shown weakness.

"Pardon my opinion, but... perhaps we ought to approach Sunhaven for an alliance? The Typhoon are rather busy with The Pitt at the moment, and we should use that distraction to befriend their ally." Besides, Rosemary liked the beachside Clan; she'd like to continue to visit the ocean, and this presented the best way to do so. Well, the political understanding primarily motivated her, but she certainly wanted to take her pet crocodile to the ocean from time to time.

Re: prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - ICARUS - 11-11-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Percy had never been to a meeting before. Really, he'd never been much of anywhere before, but that's beside the point. As always, the young tiger cub is curious — really, really curious. He had followed the sound of voices and arrived just in time to catch his name. Welcome, huh? That's sure nice of him. The boy slips through bodies to the front of the crowd so he can see better, warm brown eyes wide and awed. He hesitates for a moment at the gesture towards the red liquid, mostly not understanding what it means. "Am I supposed to drink that?" he asks hesitantly as he glances around, voice soft so as to not interrupt too much. For now, he doesn't move and simply listens to the rest of what goes on. Promotions (which he doesn't understand), titles (which he also doesn't understand, but hey he got something cool), and politics (which he really doesn't understand). Perhaps that's for the best, even though it makes him curious.

"Sephiroth?" The tiger cub's voice is hesitant. "What'd they do? The Typhoon?" The other lady says something about Sunhaven and he's sorta given up on understanding anything that went on in this place, but "allies" seems to be an important word.

Re: prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - arcy - 11-11-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Eddie has not, in fact, been a Rosebloods member for long. A little over a week, maybe. Not evem enough to fully adjust to the schedule, but getting there. Still, Eddie arrives to the meeting on time, skulking over somewhere fo the edge of his clanmates.
It's a lot like the last meeting he was at. Introductions, promotions .. wait. Wait, that's his name. He's .. a guard. He's been here a week. He thinks about this for a long, long minute. WE DESERVE IT. Venom informs ihim pushily, and so Eddie sighs amd accepts it. He's content with it, anyways.
Then some politics .. acceptable. Eddie wasn't going to go out of his way to bother the Typhoon himself if he had his way. And he would. a new ally .. Decent. Eddie isn't as caught up in Rosebloods news as he should be if he's gonna be a high position. Ugh. Responsibilities.
".. Thanks." Eddie calls, a little uncertain in how he responds, but grins awkwardly to show he appreciates it and will do his best or. Something. This being said, he settles back to listem yo the damn chaos around him. Chaos being confused questioms. Ah, the womders of clan life. He can understand why Venom rants so muc about them now, not that Eddie agrees.
[[ mobile!! ]]

Re: prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - sephiroth - 11-12-2018

[Image: tumblr_p2mk7fd1GL1vrtvtlo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth would listen in on the questions his groupmates proved him with, eyes shifting about the crowd as words met his ears.  He settled first on Mirio, satisfied with the canine’s quick response.  ”Hm.  Feel free too.”  He had encouraged trouble with the group for a reason, and he was proud to see his group stepping up right away.

He looked back down towards the newly promoted medic, ears flicking as he considered her words.  The lion’s expression did turn more serious as politics came into play.  ”I do not see how helpful that will be towards us.  Sunhaven are enemies with the Ascendants, and that is the reason they came to us in the first place for an alliance.  I would keep an eye on them to see how their alliance with the Typhoon works out however.”  If his memory recalled correctly the Sunhaven was partnered with their other ally the Tanglewood however, so he didn’t consider them full enemies for the time being.  Though if the Ascendants called upon them to strike, Sephiroth would not hesitate.

Perseus was the last to address, and Sephiroth’s face gentled at the sight of the younger animal.  ”If you wish too.  It is not required however.”  The whole tradition was something he almost forgot to even address this meeting, and perhaps the whole thing needed an overhaul.  The second question was one that made his eyes narrow slightly at the memory of his encounter with Pincher on the border.  ”They are fool-hardy dullards and their leader especially so.  One of their members came to actually help us and Pincher came along and threw a tantrum about it and broke our alliance right there.  They’re childish and beneath us.”  He kept his voice from becoming a full growl just barely, a bitter taste on his mouth as he spoke of their former ally.  But he controlled himself.  There was other business to tend too.

He acknowledged Eddie’s presence with a nod before he lifted his head up and got back to the meat of what he wanted to address.  Sephiroth’s tone went serious, his expression matching it.  ”Now, down to business.”  His rumble of a voice echoed especially intensely, authority and power lacing it greatly.

”The Aspects have spoken to me.”  Oh, so this was serious religious business.  Sephiroth hadn’t paid it much mind, which was probably why this had happened to him.  His eyes were like frozen stone, but they glowed somewhat in a haunting fashion.  This frightening gaze settled on the crowd, unblinking and intimidating.  ”They are displeased.  They are angry.  We have not been serving them properly, and they are not pleased they shall reclaim the land for themselves and slaughter us.”  His voice was dead serious, all dark amusement from before completely gone.  ”Ignis in particular is upset with us.  They demanded to appeased, and today we will start acknowledging our lords more.  Now, come foreword.”

The last sentence was not directed towards any Rosebloods before him, but beyond the crowd back to the entrance of the meeting room.  He had outstretched a paw full of unsheathed claws, nails flexing in a beckoning motion towards the back of the group that had gathered around.  His illuminated eyes remained serious, but a small smile that did not show anything positive slowly appeared on his jaws.

Something, somebody, appeared at the opening of the cavern.  It was a lion like Sephiroth, though younger with a significantly thinner mane and a normal pelt color as opposed to Sephiroth’s unholy look.  The large feline’s eyes were glazed over, a pleased and casual smile on it’s face that when matched with the lidded eyes painted a very ominous picture as the lion moved carefully through the crowd to approached the Rosebloods Pharaoh.  From the way Sephiroth beckoned him foreword and the out of it look the stranger had, it showed clearly what was going on.  The leader had taken the lion’s mind and toyed with it, pulling it apart like a ball of string and then putting it back together.  Over and over and over.  Until Sephiroth had crafted a mindless creature that obeyed his every command.  If anything it was a symbol of Sephiroth’s might, of his mental prowess and dominance.

One thing was clear; Sephiroth was otherworldly and terrifying and not a creature to be messed with.

The lion lifted themselves onto the platform and sat slightly in front of the Pharaoh and to the side, and the silverette lion himself stood and moved to stand next to the nameless.  ”This creature should consider themselves highly blessed.  They are here to appease the Aspects, to serve and please a much higher power.”  Sephiroth’s voice devolved back into a purr, lips stretched to a grin.  His eyes turned to look at the lion, who turned at the exact same time to look at Sephiroth in way that was almost adoring.  ”Now blessed one, please the beasts higher than you.”

In the span of a heartbeat Sephiroth would lift his sharpened claws and rake them through the animal’s throat, the lack of a thick mane making the flesh vulnerable and soft.  Blood spurted out darkly, and the lion gasped and gurgled and collapsed to the ground, scarlet leaking from the twitching body and spilling onto the floor and pooling, dripping off the platform.  Sephiroth looked down coldly at the dying body as life left it, sides stilling and eyes clouding over with death more than they did with Sephiroth’s mental control of him in life.  Crimson soaked his claws, and the male didn’t bother to start cleaning himself right away.

The male would look back towards the crowd, ready to gauge reaction as he spoke.  ”We will start holding sacrifices to Ignis weekly after this.  Each week after the meeting you are to meet me at the edge of the Wastes with a sentient creature of your choosing to offer up to please Ignis.”  Sephiroth would plainly stated as if sacrifice was absolutely normal throughout the world.  He had expected the first offering to be fancier then this, but he was short on time and figured this body would be enough.  Perhaps he’d go and dump it by the Wastes later to make sure it was appreciated.

”The other Aspects are not happy either, but Ignis in particular has demanded tribute this week.  They demand bloodshed in their name.  Any fight or torture or death of an enemy this week is done in their honor.  Surely this will please the deity.”  The male rumbled, finally lifting his bloody paw and lapping at the metallic tasting life force.  His savagery was cold and impulsive and completely unpredictable.  That was perhaps the most frightening thing about him.

”If there aren’t any more questions, meeting dismissed.”  And that was that, Sephiroth’s duty for the week was over with.  Quite successful is you asked him.

-You're free to go the Typhoon and capture members
-At the moment, no alliance with the Sunhaven
-SO!  Along with the meeting each week there will be a weekly sacrifice held at the Wastes to please Ignis, the serpentine Aspect of Flame!  NPC's can be sacrificed to please the Aspect, though if somebody wants their character killed in this fashion that is also acceptable
-Every week there will a prompt to perform certain tasks to appease a certain Aspect!  this week is also Ignis to get you started, and violent actions and tortures are highly encouraged!)

Re: prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - ROSEMARY - 11-12-2018

She nodded as Sephiroth explained his position on Sunhaven, her forked tail flicking lazily behind her. The witch heard of the scuffle between the two otherwise peaceful groups, but remained unaware this scuffle provided part of the basis for the Rosebloods' alliance with the stargazers. She might've continued to poke at the issue, but without further details and her relative inexperience with the Rosebloods, she simply let her opinion rest. When she heard him speak ill of Pincher, her dark orange eyes narrowed slightly in irritation -- but she supposed she'd have to get used to them speaking ill of her family.

The mood shifted abruptly as he began to talk about religion, and her jaw clenched in irritation. Rosemary, for all her magic and healing, believed voiceboxes for gods bought too deep into their own ego. She knew little about the aspects that formed the basis for the Rosebloods' religion, but she already decided she disliked them. Still, she watched with all four eyes as the brainwashed lion stepped forward. As a practitioner of mental magics herself, she guessed how the pharaoh managed to make the creature a servile caricature of a lion. She thought she'd been disturbed when she saw Caesar torture a hapless girl in the Typhoon, but now she felt quite at a loss for words. Quite at a loss for thoughts, even; how to think about this type of sacrifice, especially from a juvenile with his mind obliterated to force him along with it?

Re: prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - JAILBIRD - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"You sick fucking bastard." He'd been watching, reasonably bored with what was nothing interesting, until the fuck led out a lion whose entire body screamed, "my head's been fucked with irreparably." Of all the reasons Jailbird had heard people justify their shitty murders, to appease a stupid god was one of the worst, and most of the time, it turned out those voices in their heads? Those were bullshit. Spirits were a thing, sure, but they had no power here, and to pretend that sacrificing lives in their name would do anything but put on a good show for a murderous sadist was shit. This whole situation was shit. And Percy- did this bastard not give a single fuck about children? But hell, he got his foot in the door already- why not cross off everything else immoral along the way? "Goddamn delusional."

The smilodon strode forward, picking Percy up by his scruff, carrying him away from Sephiroth's mindless bloodshed and setting him down on the far periphery, crowding the kid's vision so he couldn't see past him. "Don't look, okay? Do you remember where your tree is? Find it and stay there. I'll come back for you." Jailbird gave Percy one last look before turning around, fangs bared, stalking over toward their fucked up excuse for a leader. But weren't they all? Give anyone enough power and they'd overestimate their own importance.

"You know, I do have a question." He began circling the lion, blue eyes searing. "Do your Aspects have a hell for you? I think you oughta give it a visit." The smilodon shot forward, feinting a body slam but altering his trajectory at the last moment to attempt and kick out one of the lion's legs, following it by aiming the broad side of his skull at Sephiroth's face in a heavy smash.

Re: prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - ICARUS - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Sephiroth's answers to him don't quite make sense. The boy continues to hesitate about the drink, glancing around for anyone else to reach for the drink. Perhaps it's a good thing he doesn't drink it, with how the rest of the meeting goes. He listens in silence about aspects and ignis and being displeased. More words that he doesn't understand and feelings that sort of glance over him like a ricocheting bullet. There's still a bit of a sting, but it's more than that. A crumpled ball of paper, a break that will never heal right. On some level, the tiger cub knows that something is wrong. He turns to watch the other lion amble closer with saucer-like brown eyes. He'd never thought about god before, had certainly never learned to fear something he couldn't see. Had never learned fear, really. But he's starting to fear something, now.

It only takes a moment for him to realize that his fear is justified. The unease that sank deeper and deeper into his chest erupted into panic at the sudden gush of red flowing down the lion's throat. Percy's wings flare out violently, the breakable edges snapping into the people next to him as he takes a step backwards with a sharp cry. There are teeth in his scruff again, and although the boy temporarily panics, he recognizes the large set of fangs framing his neck and stills. His chest heaves when he's set down, wings still held out and head tipped back to stare at Jailbird. He doesn't try to look around the much larger cat. He doesn't want to see. "Jay —" The sentence cuts off as he turns around, and then the tiger cub does the same. Perseus leaves without a glance backwards, which is probably a good thing with what happens next.

The world just got a lot more complicated.

Re: prince of the dark and the dead will walk / MEETING 11/11 - BUBONICPLAGUE - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Well, this was turning out to be quite a meeting, wasn't it?

It was obvious to even a creature blind as him that Sephiroth thought himself better than everyone else. Perhaps pharaoh was suiting for him; the historical aspect of the word told that any with the title was a "god," and yet it seemed as though the lion before him was trying far too hard to fit into that. The complex was plain, easy to spot, for it was practically thrust upon the whole of the Rosebloods. Sephiroth was a god and ethereal and he would do whatever he could to make that known. Bubonicplague almost laughed. Almost.

The demon sat alone at the back of the room, blind gaze fixed solely upon the joke of a leader standing over a corpse. He could smell the blood in the air, the rank stench of death filling the room. Sacrifices. Gods, or Aspects, whatever they wanted to be called. The beast couldn't have cared less about them. If they wanted to be pleased so badly, they could go fuck themselves; that always helped, didn't it? Bubonicplague had never understood why mortals were so dedicated to the spirits that claimed themselves as deities. As otherworldly and terrifying as he was, Sephiroth was certainly not a very smart man.

He had dealt with his fair share of divine beings. He was created from the palm of Baphomet, a servant of the devil, truly a being deserving of the otherworldly description. The Aspects, this "Ignis" did not frighten him. Perhaps a deal had been struck between the silver lion and whatever spirits were so keen on dedication. Perhaps for power. Perhaps just to make him as scary as he tried so hard to be.

Bubonicplague let out an audible snort at everything said, and the attempt on Sephiroth. A for effort, he supposed, but if the pharaoh was truly as powerful as he tried to appear, Jailbird was in for an ass kicking. Of course, only if everything about the lion checked out. Maybe the kid would pull through. Bub couldn't find it in himself to particularly care, though. He simply rose from where he had sat by the entrance, rolled his shoulders, and exhaled a black cloud. "What a fucking joke," the beast rumbled out, before turning and lumbering away.