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Lean on me when // private // you're not strong - Printable Version

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Lean on me when // private // you're not strong - jacob w.c. - 04-19-2018

Jacob just wanted to go on a walk by himself. He just wanted to think. Even if that was the way he was captured, he needed to process everything that had happened and everything that was still happening. He was significantly better than he had been at first. Pincher had looked after him, a fact he still didn't know how to feel about, and had only returned him when he was sure that Jacob was stable. Not only that, but Jacob couldn't bear to face his new home, his new family, in that condition. It was one thing to let Jersey see him that way but he didn't want everyone else to see him like that too. He was their doctor and they'd all recently experienced trauma. How was he supposed to seem like he could care for them if it was obvious he struggled as much as they did? He already couldn't hide his limp or his burns (while technically no one saw him, after all of Guru's fire jokes he wouldn't be surprised if a few people had an idea of what his bandages and sweater hid) and he wasn't trying to get anymore pity. He just wanted to do his job, that was all. So, as he walked, he tried to keep his eyes open for any hints of green beneath the layers of ice and snow. If one good thing had come from all that'd happened in Typhoon, it was that he didn't have to worry about finding herbs anymore. While it'd still be nice to find a few in their own territory, he didn't have to rely on what was here (especially considering how few they had). 

As he walked, his eyes were caught on a little dark spot a few feet away so he began to make his way towards it. What he didn't realize was there was a small span of ice between him and the spot. As soon as he hit it, the boy collapsed, his already unsteady legs unable to adjust fast enough to the slippery surface. He let out a yelp and began to push himself up only to realize that his back legs weren't responding. Tears immediately began to gather in his eyes, though he did his best to push them away. He just had to get up. He just had to make his legs work. He knew they were giving out, he knew he'd need a better solution soon but he wasn't willing to give up yet. He couldn't let someone find him like this, he couldn't freeze out here because his legs refused to work. He had to get up. Still, pain shot through his usually numb legs and he let out a soft gasp. While he usually had little to no feeling in his legs because of the burns that'd ravaged them so long ago, occasionally they'd feel as though they were burning all over again and he'd have to spend the day inside. Sometimes it was bad enough that he couldn't bring himself to even get out of bed but other times it only lasted for a few moments before it returned to normal and he was bale to move. He could only hope that this episode would pass quickly. Why had he gone out on his own? He knew why. He'd been arrogant and selfish. He'd known he shouldn't be walking around like this by himself, especially after he'd just gotten back from the Typhoon, but he wanted to be by himself. He wanted to be 'independent'. What a joke. Now he'd independently die of hypothermia if his worthless legs didn't respond to his plead for them to move.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: Lean on me when // private // you're not strong - arcy - 04-19-2018

Izuku knew a lot about medicine, for someone who hadn't ever been trained. And that was just it -- everything he knew about herbs was from books. He'd wanted to ask one of the medicsor someone to teach him, back in his old groups, but ... well, they'd had enough people on the medic team that he got the feeling he'd be brushed off. Izuku didn't even want to be a full-fledged medic or whatever, he just wanted to have field knowledge so he could help people. It'd just spiraled from there, really -- one book turned into three, and next thing he knew, he'd collected almost a whole series on it. He wasn't even done reading them all after a few months, and he'd soaked it all up like a sponge. He didn't claim to be perfect, though -- he didn't actually have a lot of experience, with only the handful of wounds he or Todoroki would receive, or the occasional stranger he ran into. It always left him feeling good, afterwards, as compared to the awful, weighting feeling after fleeing from a fight or something. He didn't mind battle, though, not really. Izuku was practically made for it, the rush of adrenaline through his veins, the warm glow of success. Those were just ... scuffles, without any cause or reason Izuku has been privy to.
This, however, isn't especially relevant. Izuku had just been on a walk -- it was something he did frequently, if only because of how restless he was. He's surprised his walks haven't gotten him into more trouble lately, considering how often they usually ended in something happening. And then, as if on cue -- he sees something out of the corner of his eyes. A flash of worry hits him, and when the little maine coon spins around, it seems his worry(usually paranoia, really) had been, well, correct. There's a husky -- husky? Wolfdog? Either way, he's laying there, and oh that's Jacob isn't it. He only knows Jacob in passing, but there he is, sprawled out on the ground. He looks like he's in -- pain? Either way, Jacob looks distraught and that's when the panic kicks in.
Izuku scrabbles forward, and though he skids a little against the snow, manages to dash over to the wolfdog in record time. His halt causes him to slide a little and kick up some snow, but the maine coon, again, barely notices. What'd happened? He knows that the other had gotten -- injured or something, but why was he just lying there?
"Wh-What happened? What's wrong?" Izuku demands, somewhat panicked and his paws are already itching for his medicine, or first aid, or whatever. He left his bag at camp, though, and apparently that's not something he should do. Conjuring it up will be ... hard. As it is, he doesn't even know what's wrong, and he's not even entirely sure he'll get an answer. No, seriously, literally nobody answers when he asks, and he doesn't want to just ... drag Jacob home and forget it.


Re: Lean on me when // private // you're not strong - jacob w.c. - 04-19-2018

Jacob smelled the Snowbounder long before he arrived. As he realized someone was getting closer and closer, he struggled to push himself to his paws but was only able to ground his front two before sliding back onto the ground. Then he heard the question that he knew had to come. Jacob didn't like to admit to being ill or incapable of moving without help. That was why when he had bad days, he primarily stayed in his den and waited it out. There weren't any good herb combinations that he'd found yet, though he never stopped experimenting. He was always careful not to take anything that'd hurt him and he'd been able to find some combinations that worked better than others, especially when paired with various physical therapy exercises (which he now also had to do alone, as he was away from the city. His Ma had been the first one to encourage him to try it but she wasn't here to help him anymore). None of that would help him right now, though, and he knew he needed a way back. "Ya' don need ta' worry," he began. He never meant to cause anyone any sort of alarm, though he knew that was usually the response when he couldn't move. Unless they'd known Jacob for a long time, most didn't know this was almost a part of his daily routine. It just generally happened early in the morning or late in the evening.

"I was in... I had an accident a long time ago. I broke a lotta' bones n' some I think I got some real bad nerve damage on the right side ah' me. My hing left leg should come back soon but 's hard ta' say how long the right one's gonna' hurt. My legs don' work too well anymore 'cause ah' what 'appened n' I think I need some help gettin' back ta' camp. From there I can look over my notes n' figure out somethin' tha' might help this a li'l or make it slow down," he explained. He continued to try to push himself to his paws and finally managed to gain ground with one of his back legs. Still, his right leg was completely limp and, should he start moving, he was sure he'd fall over, especially when he tried to drag it through the snow and back to the tunnels that made up Snowbound's camp.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: Lean on me when // private // you're not strong - arcy - 04-20-2018

Izuku grimaces as he notes how Jacob continues to struggle more as he approaches. He gets the whole 'not making anyone worry' thing, especially since Jacob was the clan doctor(Frosthealer? Was that right?), but denying something was wrong at all just ... didn't work. What if Jacob was just left there and froze or something? Even if it only took a little while for Jacob to get himself together, it was cold, especially if you just ... stayed in one place.
"I think I'm going to worry either way," Izuku tells the canine, a note of exasperation dripping from his tone. He knows he should trust Jacob's word, but he's gotten a concerning number of people avoid help, considering the low number he's helped in the first place. It at least eases his nerves a little when Jacob explains why this is happening, though -- it's better than the complete non-answer Izuku usually gets. Though, the fact it appears to be semi-normal is concerning in itself. It's also a somewhat familiar concept -- he'd gotten injured a lot as a human, and he'd been told, once, that if he broke his arms one more time, they'd probably be beyond repair.
"R-Right. How should I help, then?" Izuku isn't quite sure how to help Jacob to camp. He's a little small to do much of anything, being just one cat. He'd probably be a little more reliable if his quirk was working properly, extra strength and all that. But Jacob was a lot bigger and heavier than Izuku was, and that made this ... very problematic. They could try and get Jacob to camp, though that would be a long and grueling task(granted, at least one of his legs seemed to be working now), or they could come up with some other way. Like -- Izuku could probably fetch Jacob's stuff, if nothing else, though.


Re: Lean on me when // private // you're not strong - jacob w.c. - 04-24-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob glanced to Izuku as he spoke again and felt his stomach twist with guilt again. He'd done so well hiding all this from his new clanmates. He couldn't change his limp but he'd been so careful to stay inside on his bad days, to limit the amount he walked, to be careful in every single way possible. Yet here he was, on the floor and unable to move in front of someone he hardly knew passed a few greetings. Jacob wasn't sure why he felt so compelled to hide everything from his clanmates. Some of it made sense, such as not mentioning the specific city he lived in or his last names, those were things that he did out of habit to protect himself from whoever might be lurking in Snowbound's ranks. He tried not to think of that too much but he still withheld the Wickliff and Corleone names from most. Perhaps one day he'd tell them but he knew he wouldn't be able to do that now, maybe not ever. Then there were other things he hid that made no sense. For example, he'd known this day was going to come. He wasn't getting steadily better and his days were a mix of bad days and the ones where he could get around, although with a great deal of discomfort. It wouldn't have been hard for him to ask for some help or to finally put those plans for a wheelchair to use or to amputate his legs and try to create some prosthetic. Anything would be better than what he was doing now but, for some reason, he was stubbornly attached to his broken legs. "Sorry, I really didn' mean ta' try n' worry anyone.

The boy tried to push himself up one more time and managed to stand on shaky legs, making his way off the ice and onto the snow once again. He was trembling violently but at least he was moving now. Pain still surged through his legs but he simply bit the inside of his cheek to keep from crying out from it. "Well, I 'aven't found anythin' tha' makes this go away immediately. Once I get back, I can do some ah' the exercises n' take some herbs ta' help n' hopefully it'll pass soon. 'S already gettin' better so tha's good," he answered before continuing, "If ya' could jus' walk with me, that'd probably be good. I don' think you're gonna' be able ta' carry me but at least this way ya' can always run ta' camp ta' get someone bigger if I fall down again. Nothin' really fixes this but time n' rest or else I'd be tellin' ya' what herbs ta' get me." Jacob's body seemed to tremble a bit less with each step, though it was still clear from the tight lips and misty eyes he was still in a significant amount of pain. He just had to keep telling himself he'd be home soon. He'd get to lay on his blankets, eat some cookies, maybe even make some pasta if he was feeling up to it. He'd be fine. This wasn't anything he hadn't dealt with before. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Lean on me when // private // you're not strong - arcy - 04-26-2018

This was like -- an endless cycle of guilt. Izuku grimaces as he realizes how little he can help, but he tries to quash the negative feelings, at least for the moment. He doesn't -- he doesn't get why Jacob is withholding the information(or was it just from his new clanmates?), or maybe he does. Either way, it's not Izuku's place to pry. He barely knows Jacob, beyond things he'd heard second-hand, or, yes, passing greetings.
"Please don't apologize," Izuku begs, because Jacob shouldn't -- shouldn't have to apologize for making people worry. I mean, Izuku wouldn't lie and say he wouldn't do the same, but he just -- He's not sure. Either way, it's practically in Izuku's nature to worry, try and calculate everything that could go wrong or fret over anyone, be it strangers or clanmates. (izuku isn't saying that nobody else would worry, but it does make the weight of it feel lighter)
Izuku feels a flash of relief as Jacob manages to stand up, though the feline still half-circles around the wolfdog fretfully with eyes wide. It looks like it hurts, and Izuku's ears flatten in sheer distress. Izuku wishes he weren't so small, so Jacob could at least lean on him and not look like he'll fall at any moment but -- well, he can't, so he'll just have to help however he can.
"Okay," Izuku agrees softly as Jacob explains the plan, though he still wishes he could help more. But he'll take what he can get, and even if the remedies mentioned weren't a fix-all, at least Jacob wouldn't be stuck out in the cold, away from home. With this, the feline huffs softly, making to softly trot at the larger canine's side. He's not sure what to say -- he's not sure if he should. While Jacob is looking less and less shaky, he still looks like he's in pain. Should Izuku try and distract him from it, or should he just -- let it be? He is kind of curious as to what the mentioned 'accident' was, though. He wasn't actually gonna bring it up, not if the cause hadn't even been mentioned before. Izuku had learned his lesson about asking about injuries -- plus it might be personal, as many things appeared to be. And also, if Izuku had kept up on his bone-breaking habit, would he be in a similar situation right now? Or maybe his paws would just be useless and he'd be hopping around like all of those cats without front paws? Maybe he wouldn't get the right balance and he'd be dragging his front half around useless. He'd probably be dead, honestly. Either drowned in a river or killed, considering his lack of defense. Izuku is -- not actually sure why he's thinking about this, or how this train of thought ended up here. His nose scrunches just the slightest. Weird.