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The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - Printable Version

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The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - Marco C. - 11-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
The wolf woke with a jolt to the sound of a train's whistle. He tried to sit up but was stopped by a sharp pain in his side, causing him to fall back onto the gravel with a grunt. His head was pounding and the short fall back to the ground didn't help. He gave himself a moment to try to clear his head before deciding to access the damage. Wincing, he tenderly prodded the area where the pain came from with his paw, bringing it back to find blood on it. Although that wasn't the only injury he had, as he failed to find the bleeding head injury on his temple. In his pain, he had also failed to even notice the belt and empty sheath he wore.

The sun was high up in the sky, signaling it was around noon and when he turned his head to look around he noticed he was next to an old set of railroad tracks. Above him there appeared to be a newer set of tracks that were still possible in use. He then tried to remember what had happened, why he was like this, but he could hardly remember anything at all. He remembered falling, and he remembered a train. Could it be he fell off and hit his head a little too hard? But then how would that explain the blood? Either way, staying here would spell certain doom for him, so he'd have to get out of here and maybe find some help. Or maybe he could somehow figure out how to patch himself up.

With his decision made, the wolf took in a deep breath before he slowly got himself up to a sitting position and then a standing position. With four directions to now choose from he decided to go along the old tracks. There seemed to be the faint scent of something in that direction, so he slowly worked his way along the tracks until he found himself on the coast. Although the tracks seemed to continue to an island, so he continued to follow as well and it wasn't long until the injured wolf limped his way onto the island only to be greeted with the somewhat familiar sight of a steam engine. While it wasn't the one he had recently been on, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight of the relic. And so instead of heading deeper into the island, he stopped at the train, attempting to read the names written on it as his mind rearranged the letters, making it impossible. "God damn, that can't be a good sign."

Re: The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - elijah - 11-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]While Elijah was more than willing to believe in the existence of pegasi, unicorns, vampires and nymphs, he didn't exactly believe in trains. They had no real place in the fantasy world he imagined himself to be in. It simply didn't belong within his realm of fiction and wonder, felt off when he tried to include it that he, more or less, ignored the presence of trains when flipping through his picture books. He was currently exploring the forest, trotting along as he pretended to be a deer. He made high steps, considering the grace of each placement of his paw, tail high because he thought it to look more elegant. His wings are tucked against his sides, leaves and dirt wedged between his delicate feathers because, as a child, he thought it was a smart decision to roll around the forest until he felt bored. He liked exploring this area more than the beach because there were more critters for him to spot, loudly squeaking in glee whenever he happened to see a bird in a tree or a mouse scurry beneath the bushes. He would always break his character and chase after it, tailing the poor rodent until he finds himself bumping into a tree.

There was, however, a smell brewing in the air that he didn't really like. It was metallic, the same awful smell he noticed when walking past blacksmiths. His nose scrunched up on instincts, the boy poking out his tongue and showing no one in particular that he didn't like the smell. However, instead of tucking his tail and turning around, he decided to follow the source. There was no use calling himself a warlock if he was too cowardly to see what evil beast was lurking around, spreading his wings and flying closer to the tree tops. He takes frequent breaks at branches to sniff at the air to see if he was getting closer or further away, stopping when he realises he can feel his own pulse for once but deciding to continue on again. He is sure his heart will keep up with him as he lands, seeing the large structure. He didn't know exactly what it was, not looking at the relic in the correct position but becoming immediately distracted by the injured wolf. Not knowing any better, he frowns: "You're hurt." It was obvious because of the blood but instead of doing what the pirates of the island would have expected him to do, he feels a pang to try and help the stranger. "Mama's temple is not too far from here. You should follow me! I've seen mama clean wounds before so I think I can help." Before letting the other speak, he's already turned around and begun marching the other direction towards the Necro Mambas' temple.

[ ooc ] super rushed have to go to church i had four minutes oof

Re: The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - PEPPINO - 11-11-2018

"Elijah, it's all right. We don't want him walking any more than he already has." The canine walked past the boy, mismatched gaze on the wolf, who was staring rather intently at the names on the train, appearing troubled by whatever he saw- or didn't see. However, that was hardly Pip's focus, which was orienting around the wounds to his head and side. Pip frowned and stepped closer, though he made certain he didn't approach too quickly or aggressively, just in case. The wolf didn't seem like he would lash out, but he didn't want to risk anything, especially not with Eli still in the vicinity. "I'm Pip. Please, let me help you." The young canine slipped out of his satchel, parting the flap and withdrawing a tin of bandages, comfrey poultice, and plantain leaves. "How did you get these injuries?" From where he was, he wasn't close enough to make any estimations of his own, but it was important to know what had the wolf bleeding.

With another thought, he withdrew a small jar of saline. Regardless of what caused the wounds, they would need to be cleaned. It was just better to know if it was a mouth or something else, like branches or even knives.

Re: The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - rhosmari - 11-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 14pt; color: grey; letter-spacing: -1px;"][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]"I'm here!" She called brightly as she came forward from the territory. She tried not to stumble over her own tiny quick moving paws but it was a bit of issue when she was trying to get to them so quickly. The child smelled blood and so she figured that she should be here to help should they needed it and she brought with her all sorts of plants to put on his boo boos. Wiggling a bit she came forward to stand near Pip who pulled a bottle of something out to use and she then eyed the male as she looked at his head. Her own tilted slightly before she tried to reach up and touch his head but there was no way she would be able to reach. She was just too tiny for that but she still wanted to try, sticking her tongue out as she stretched her hardest. But after a soft huff and stopped trying and just blurted out what she wanted to say. "Mister! You could have a concussion and so we will have to monitor you for a few days! Ah, we don't want you falling into a coma or anything like that." She gave a bright grin at what she knew but waited for Pip to instruct her on what she could do to help with the situation.

Re: The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - Marco C. - 11-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
His ears perked up as he heard a voice and instinctually the wolf turned while grabbing at the empty sheath in a vain attempt to grab a knife. Although upon seeing the speaker and realizing that the knife wasn't there, he relaxed. It was just some kid and a strange looking one at that, though he seemed to be accompanied by some mutt too. Although they both seemed kinda fuzzy, and he couldn't really make out any details, but they did have similar scents, so they must be apart of some local group. And from what they were saying they seemed like the helpful sort too, which was lucky for him. He wondered what would have happened to him if he hadn't chosen the direction he had.

When the mutt began to approach him the wolf started to back up until his rump hit the ruined train. The guy seemed to have something, but he vision was too blurry to make it out. But whatever he had it was fragrant and the smell and the word "medicine" came to mind. While his mind told him to resist his body told him that wasn't an option. He was exhausted and it was a surprise he'd been able to make it even this far. There so no way he could win in a fight against this guy, even if he was smaller. Hell, the winged cat could probably put up a better fight than himself.

So while remaining tense, the wolf wouldn't resist any further when Pip further approached him. "I... I'm not sure. I just woke up like this." He said in response to Pip's question, his voice tinted if a wary tone. That was when Technopaw came in, making him flinch when she tried to touch him. Another one huh? And she also seemed to know a bit about medicine. And upon looking closer at his chocolate eyes Technopaw would prove to be correct about his concussion. As for his other wounds, the one on his side was deep yet clean, hinting that it was caused by a knife. As for the wound on his temple, while it was bloody it had mostly dried up and seemed to have been caused by blunt force.

The wolf gave the girl a look with a hint of annoyance before looking back to Pip. "You sure you guys know what you're doing?" He questioned, not quite trusting them yet. While he supposed they were his best chance at getting better, he didn't know these people. Hell, he didn't really even know himself.

ooc; yee, I mean if you can get out that much in four minutes, then you have me envious

Re: The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - AMUNET - 11-11-2018

Supple muscle bobs and weaves through the jungle at cheetah pace, dark obtrusive snout diveing through the leaves of the undergrowth as his pelt is revealed through the spotted undergrowth. Ament is restless, fickle creature made to destroy and rend. Large snapping teeth chattering away contently as he runs through the forest. It is only him- him and his surveying of his land- this hunt to weed out intruders and pick apart his typhooner's from the strangers who would to them harm- most notoriously the pitt.

The sent of blood is fimiluar, like the perdior of the sea that cannot turn around he follows it ruthlessly, senses all turned to hunt out the weak- to draw the sweet honey nectar of living beings with his claws-jaws. Crippling prey and preditor alike until they are nothing but food

But ament is not hunting.

The smell of the sea- salt tinged breze blows agitation into him, the typhoon claim this crippled one. Got to it before him- before he could take it. He can hear them chattering together three of his own marveling over what to do to the stranger. Ament is annoyed, but not truly angry- no he just wants to understand. The strange one- the new one is crippled- is hurt and yet still they welcome him? With open arms? With open "heart"?

ament does not understand.

He steps closer, out of hiding the large apex predictor does not hesitate, but he slows. Giving his typhooners time to see him before he attempts to move them aside. Chuffing slightly as he goes. This new one- is now going to be a typhooner, and ament want a good look at it before so. Wants to see what kind of animal- wolf. Wants to see what it'll do- how it will react to the land's gods. Raptor kind- the venadi kind are all gods. and they claim this land, claim these people. If one is welcomed- ament knows he must welcome it in his own way. and see if it will be of use to him or just another one to later blend in the crowd- the legion of predictors on this land.

Ament knows that when an animal is injured, it tends to fight back with more willful intentions to survive then, and he does not try to seem forceful, a low purring deep inside his throat as he butt's Marco's side in attempt to get him up softly. But ament is large, towering even. Not full height as he will be but he towers over wolves now, three and a half feet and still growing. The move is awkward and may seem a little bit too forceful, when he pulls back he looks the other in the eye and blinks slow, the purr coming out falling out of tandem before stopping all together. Crest raised in question as he nudges them again. up upup!.

//lmao feral raptor over here trying to welcome you! Welcome to the salty crew! ^^
ɪ'ᴍ ᴅᴏɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs / ʏᴏᴜ ᴅʀᴀɪɴ ᴀʟʟ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴍᴇ

Re: The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - PEPPINO - 11-11-2018

He remained where he was, pausing when the other canine backed away. Pip didn't want to startle him into hurting himself, but he also needed to get a look at the wound in his side to stem the bleeding. If the head wound was more than superficial -it very well could be- then blood loss would only worsen his situation, and Pip did not think anyone would want that. So he resumed his approach, still slow and careful, making it easier for the wolf to track him, and the answer to his question had the mix frowning faintly. He woke up wounded. Pip doubted someone had injured him in this way while he was asleep, or drugged, so that could indicate memory loss, which would then mean a concussion or another form of head trauma. He would prefer it wasn't anything more serious than a concussion. It wasn't as though they could operate on much. "Is it all right if I treat you, then?" His gaze was set earnestly on the wolf, even as he heard someone else approach.

Pip did not think it was well-advised to try and touch the wolf before he gave his permission, so the glance the young canine gave Technopaw when she reached in a futile attempt was warning in nature. The wolf was clearly not in a position to feel comfortable, surrounded as he was by strangers and in an entirely new environment- or so Pip assumed. "It's all right. If you would prefer to wait for our mentor, that is your choice, but please understand I do not know how long that will be. I'd rather see to your bleeding." He did not know that Techno was waiting for some kind of instruction from him- he was never certain about what other people could do, but he knew what he was capable of. So if she wanted to help, she was free to fit herself where she pleased.

The canine's frown deepened when he was jostled, exhale frustrated. "You are occupying space and time," Pip chastised, but he didn't know if the creature would understand. He didn't care to know much about Owen's- whatever he called them. "I'm sorry. There are many raptors here, and they are feral, more or less." By the set of his jaw, Pip was clearly displeased with the unnecessary disruption.

Re: The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - Marco C. - 11-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
When raptor approached he couldn't help but bristle a bit in response. Even in his confused state, he knew that wasn't normal and whatever it was, it was dangerous. Unfortunately, he already had his back to the wall, so he could only sit there as the dangerous lizard prodded him. He barred his teeth only barely in warning, realizing that challenging this thing, this raptor wouldn't be good for his health. So he stood up as the raptor prompted, taking the purring as a good sign. "Okay okay, I'm up." He murmured to Ament before finally turning his gaze back to Pip.

"That's normal around here? What the hell kinda place is this?" He couldn't remember much, but he was pretty sure giant feral lizards was not normal. While he had trouble putting names to things, he could at least recognize certain things when he saw them. It seemed strange that they'd live with these things, especially if they were feral. Nothing good could possibly come out of that.

Well, seeing that the raptor didn't appear to want to cause any harm at the moment, he turned his thoughts back to getting fixed up. So these two were novices huh? At least it seemed the dog was more professional than the cat fox thing. Which did help improve his confidence in the guy. Seeing that he's had this bloody hole in his side for a while now, he supposed it would probably be better to let a novice patch it up now rather than wait for a professional to do it later. Better to die of infection later than bloodloss now right? So with that, he gave Pip a solemn nod and a sigh. "Alright doc, you do what you gotta do to keep me alive." Hopefully whatever he did didn't hurt too much, while he wouldn't show it, he didn't know how much more fo this he could handle.

Re: The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - OWEN. - 11-12-2018

"That one's not mine, It's Luci's. See? It's got feathers. Mine don't have feathers." Owen rumbled as the large dinosaur walked through the trees, his massive form parting the trees, making him grumble in slight annoyance. Really, this form made him feel fat- he was so much better looking in his shepherd form!

Oh well, he supposed.

With an audible grumble towards Ament, one of annoyance- the fucker had destroyed his girls and his' nest once, after all- Owen leaned his muzzle down slightly, tilting his head to the side. "I can carry him, it'll be a faster walk." Owen offered with a bored tone, the spines running down his neck quivering slightly against the wind. The indominus rex was already the clan bus next to Luci- people couldn't help it, they were both the largest members of the Typhoon, and they were useful, so whatever.

"Welcome to the Typhoon, man. The name's Owen." He greeted the male with a toothy grin, his single scarred eye facing the male, a milky yellow in color with the scar over it. A fight with Delta and Charlie when he had shifted for the first time. He had scared them, so it was his fault.


Re: The Devil's Got You Beat // Joining, Injured - AMUNET - 11-12-2018

ament does not do mercy, he does damage. It is not mercy that keeps his typoon alive, it is the beast's patince- his want in understanding, and his sisters good graces. Mother has attempted to teach them that this group was made to protect one another, hunt for each other and thrive together- and not to eat them.  Built of preditors so closely packed it is a miricale that none have hurt each other. Their own insticts must be driving them mad now and ament wants to know why. Wants to know if these typoon have found a way to shut off the calling, and why they would. Fulfilling his insticts is holy- right. Running with his pack and preening together, tandem his pack is locked in causing carnage together- everything done together despite their ability to shine alone, they are a beacon of divinity - unity. Together-ness. it was the vens choice in regards  to this "super pack", and in the end, the gods that they are- unified in all great things, choose to claim  it as theirs.

Unholy, this group would surly have failed without their protection, because if otherwise not protected these lands would fall prey to his wraith, and all it's creatures dead in his wake. And mother would be sad, and ament does not wish to see him sad. So they remain, amung the island that is the vens their home: they remain.

This great pack that the venadi has adopted do not think highly of them, and this is fine. Of things these creatures do not understand derrives fear and in turn distaste, but not to ament. Only a wish to understand and the beast is not merciful, but tolerant. Not kind but resolute in his paitence. The healer hisses words he cannot understand and the raptor only let's out a delighted chatter at the response. As if the barrier of tongues does not stop him. He will permit this one close, it smells of plants and remedies and his new one is hurt.

A pleased thrill escapes his jaws as the other rises, and ament feels pleased that he has communicated with the new one. His new one, he decides. With a nod the raptor would have gone plainly away, to leave the typhoon to take care of it's new member. But the trees rustle and a false god rises in their mist. Ament's hakels rise as a low pur escapes him, but this time it is not friendly. Owen is not of the ven, not of his kind but claims it all the same. Dark blue eyes narrow and his crest lowers to his skull, head bowed. Owen commands another pack, weak in standing weak in general. They are not like his sisters and him, and it is not because of understanding he distatse but because of it. Raptors who follow only insticts follow an alpha without it is wrong. Ament's feels wraith bubble in his gut as he stands tall, one arm streatched to cover over his new one and purr louder. Sounding more like a growl of a wolf protecting it's offspring.

"the new one is mine, you cannot have it!" ament's speaks out, his words uncomprehensiable to the rest but Owen should know the most of it, if not the click of the repeated "mine, mine mine!" is clear enough for the 'raptor tamer'
ɪ'ᴍ ᴅᴏɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs / ʏᴏᴜ ᴅʀᴀɪɴ ᴀʟʟ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴍᴇ