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WE ALL STILL DIE ☀ visitor - Printable Version

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WE ALL STILL DIE ☀ visitor - arcy - 11-11-2018

Izuku has never liked fire.
It burns and it takes and it takes and all it leaves is ashes and fear.
(he's always been scared to have stuff. He knows it won't last.)
.. It was all taken from him in two fell blows, but he's Izuku Midoriya, and he doesn't stay down long.

His first stop, after a month or two spent wandering, is the Typhoon. Kirishima came here. Kach -- Bakugou. Bakugou was here. Normally, Izuku didn't want anything to do with Bakugou. He thinks of fire and burns against his skin, and his gaze remains sharp as ever. He has worse things to fret about. Childhood burns were, in the end, meaningless. Didn't hold a candle to drowning and claws and fire.
Snowbound was gone, and Izuku thinks maybe he could have stopped it, if only he had been there, had tried. He'd always been stronger, making decisions alongside Atbash. (he heard she'd joined the Ascendants. He hopes she's happy.)
He's never really liked the Typhoon, either, and they doubt they're fond of him. A bad history, maybe. He and Tsuyu\s (Tsuyu --) hasty recollection of Kirishima .. He doubts they recognize him, either, though, except as Snowbound's ex-Frosthealer or ex-Snowseeker. In the grand scheme of things, Izuku is meaningless, just a cold-gazed smear of green against history. That doesn't mean he's forgiven them for hurting his friends, or for burning his herbs. It was .. a while ago, though. (when did he start holding grudges?
when did Izuku change?)
Flying comes naturally, now. A beat of wings only just big enough for his body. It's not as comfortable when he's not a dragon, but it's more freeing, in a way. His fur moves with it, and his eyes squint against the salty breeze and it stings and it's comforting, he thinks. (he's always been a masochist, but all of this "self destructive" shit, even small, like this, can't be good.) In the least, it's a good distraction from the sick-to-his-stomach feeling he gets as the island comes into view. The railroad. It feels like coming to collect Kirishima again.
He hates it here.
.. He lands anyways, green paws landing almost steadily on the sand. His fur feels heavy in the heat. He hates it here. Hates it hates it hates it.
He hates the force of his hate.
He wasn't made for hate.
He wishes things would go back to the way they used to be.
.. He's so tired.
"Izuku Midoriya, here for a brief visit," He says, neutral as they come. (izuku midoriya izuku midoriya izuku midoriya, why can't he just be izuku, snowbound's frosthealer again)There's not even a lingering trace of Snowbound on him. Just a green-furred tabby against the shore, waiting for people who might not come.
(maybe kirishima will show up. that'd be nice.
.. bakugou probably won't be happy to see him.
izuku won't be happy to see him, either. but the familiarity, the presumably cruelty of their interaction will, at the least, make him feel like even a sliver of a person, just for a second.)
[[ againsT my better judgement, hi.
he might join im not sure yet. (dont expect him to be happy about it though lol) ]]
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: WE ALL STILL DIE ☀ visitor - elijah - 11-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]Elijah didn't have very many memories, nothing to look back upon and fear or be repulsed by, let along nostalgic with a wane smile. He was born to Junji and Luca but the stripes and piebald pattern of his body revealed there was a third father behind his existence, Marcellus. It was strange knowing that he had three parents but the first four months of his life had been extremely sheltered. While most kids would already be up and running around Barracuda Bay at two months, Elijah and his siblings were at home. Mama (Junji) always seemed to be worried about his condition. He was different to his brother and sisters. While they had small conditions such as being noticeably cold despite their warm home environment or multiple sets of wings, Elijah's heart could hardly be heard. It was especially frightening when he fell into deep sleep, tuning out all excess sound around him and not responding to nudges or voice. For a parent to check his heart and be unable to hear a thing, only the soft shudders of his chest, one might even cry and scream. It also led to a number of problems with his social interactions with his siblings. He didn't seem to spend much time with them, always easily exhausted from a game of tag and opting to read alone.

Being a little older, he was able to build up more stamina for adventuring around. If he so much as wanted to, he too could play tag but his siblings seemed to have moved on from that. Kaisa, for example, was always adventuring around while Stella thought herself as too important. Eris' energy was almost impossible for Elijah to match and, as for Priscilla, he was scared of boring her. Her imaginary (according to Eli, that is) bird friend didn't seem to be very nice. It was simply much more easier for Elijah to go outside and imagine the world according to his fantasies, taking his rabbit doll on adventures with him to explore and be the prince warlock he wanted to be. While the child didn't have any powers, he knew he could imagine making leaves hover in the air and he counted flying as a cool superpower of its own accord. He was happy where he was in life, not realising that he was slowly beginning to pull away from others. With his young age and curiosity, such a future wasn't apparent. But to those who knew what went on in his heart, they would realise he was becoming increasingly alone. Soon his childish glee would be more reserved, more quiet, as he loses faith in how to express his many, swarming emotions.

He must have been mistaken when he saw a moving tree, leaves of green coming towards the sand before suddenly realising there was no trunk. Nature must have been confusing itself again with the wind carrying an entire mass of leaves, the boy tilting his head and furrowing his brows. He couldn't comprehend the idea of mother nature acting so strangely. Perhaps she was sick. Climate change, was it? Still, he doesn't let himself hesitate any more when he approaches the pile of leaves. His vision of the mound, however, had begun to clear. It wasn't the top of a tree at all. It was a green stranger with wings, the boy wondering if he was a tree spirit. Luckily, since the boy's attention was fixated on the former Snowbounder, he manages to pick up the foreigner's name. Izuku Midoriya. It sounded like a foreign name. Asian, he notes - still not very familiar with certain dialects and languages. "Hello," the kitten mews, gaze glistening in interest, "I'm Elijah Rosario. It's nice to meet you, sir."

Re: WE ALL STILL DIE ☀ visitor - cleo roux. - 11-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px;"]Cleo had always envied the ones that could fly. To have wings must be so freeing, the azure skies forever a friendly place for those who could no longer frequent the ground. Her body had been broken by that godforsaken snake, uninhibited movement a mere dream of time's past. What she would do to be given an opportunity to unfurl feathered wings and jet into the sky. Nobody would stop her. Nobody could stop her. She'd be free, free, free, free. And she needed that- needed freedom like she needed oxygen. Because she could hardly walk let alone hear and things were getting more difficult by the day. But she was small and insignificant and utterly wingless and a part of her knew - knew and was terrified - that that was all she would ever be.

She was a stupid little girl for gazing upon this stranger's wings with thinly-veiled longing. And so she brought her haunted, red gaze down, fixating it upon the earth. Her constant. Her only constant. Oh, how she loathed it in that brief moment; oh, how she wished that her life was different. But those thoughts (as vague and incomplete as they were) were hardly fitting for this situation. He was a visitor from some place that she couldn't really figure out and she had to be pleasant. Nice. Friendly. But she was none of those things - had never been any of those things - and felt panic blossom in her chest as she paused at Elijah's side. She hadn't heard his name nor had she heard Eli's introduction. So wrapped up in her own head, she hadn't been focusing on their words or getting close enough for them to be heard. At least her hearing hadn't gotten any worse though- she was silently anticipating the day that she stirred to discover that she had been plunged in a realm of silence all together.

"Are you joining?" She'd inquire quietly, the wavering sound of her voice paired with the hesitant look she stole at his face. Why else would he be at their border then? He didn't particularly strike her as the type to want to cause issues but then again, she had so fervently believed that Eshe had possessed good intentions as well. Looks, she decided in that moment, trying to grasp the thought and let it form, complete and whole, can be deceiving. "I'm Cleo Roux." She had long since dropped her other surname- Aphra, for all she cared, was dead to her.

Re: WE ALL STILL DIE ☀ visitor - Character Graveyard. - 11-11-2018

Eijiro was tired. Upon leaving the Typhoon's territory to train using his earth elementals and to get used to his new dragon body, he had worn himself out. Of course, he had taken Carmen with him. She was growing, but he could still carry the caiman. The large male walked through the tropical forest, yellow-eyes narrowed. He was hunting a fox that wasn't too far ahead of him. He had carefully dropped Carmen onto the ground, preparing to lung at the canine. He lunged forward, wings spreading outward quickly and he grabbed the fox with sharp claws. A satisfied huff escaped from his mouth and he began to tear the carcass into smaller pieces, for the caiman. An amused expression on Kirishima's face, he watched as she ate the carcass.

When she had finished eating,  the dragon lifted Carmen onto his back and he continued to walk towards the border, wondering if there'd be any new faces or not. He paused for a moment, to smell the air. Just the scents of those who lived in the Typhoon and a loner. Kirishima continued to walk in the direction of the border, stopping beside Elijah and staring at the green dragon in front of them.

"Oi, Midoriya, nice to see you again." He muttered, offering a toothy grin to the other dragon.

Re: WE ALL STILL DIE ☀ visitor - rhosmari - 11-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 14pt; color: grey; letter-spacing: -1px;"][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Paws jittered and moved at a rapid pace, flying through the air as a butterfly kept dancing and leaping just out of reach. But she was having fun. She had a bit of time to herself to play around and the first thing she found on her way to the jungle temple to at least try and straighten up her room again. Well, as anyone could see she didn't get that far and she was following the exotic butterfly with a keen eye. That was until she heard voices lingering in the air and her head turned to look in that direction. Most of the voices she hardly knew and because of that she was hesitant to go forth and see what was going on. But after a moment she moved, bounding over to the area in which someone was standing before a group of Typhooners She'd never seen him before and his appearance made her gasp as she took in the green coloration of his body. Her paw reached forward as if to touch him and she actually thought about climbing on him before she spoke up brightly. "You're so pretty!" She smiled then as she sat down, three tails shifting and coiling like snakes as she lifted up her paw to wave at the male whom was visiting though she had missed that part of the conversation. Instead she felt the need just to welcome him here. "Welcome to the Typhoon! We are pirates!"

Re: WE ALL STILL DIE ☀ visitor - OWEN. - 11-12-2018

"A friend of yours, Kirishima?" Owen's voice rumbled softly as the massive i-rex moved through the trees, the plants parting with his large size. He wasn't too fond of the fact that there was a stranger at the borders, but he could deal with it. Slowly, the dinosaur lowered his head to greet the green dragon, a single amber eye slitting in suspicion before a huff of breath left his lips.

Leaning back with a slight frown, Owen rolled his shoulders before his talons began to tap against the ground. "My name is Owen, a Striker here. Welcome. Blasty should be here soon, probably. Or Goldie."


Re: WE ALL STILL DIE ☀ visitor - arcy - 11-13-2018

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Izuku knew that the Typhoon was a big group, bigger than Snowbound had been, but that doesn't stop the spark of hard to defend against and regular anxiety. Kirishima is her, though. The feline's breath grows shaky, and he shuffles a step or two closer to the dragon. It's fine. It's fine. One, two, three.
(if nothing else, Izuku is glad he's feeling anything at all.)
"Hi. Y -- You, too." He says, and one two three. He allows a weak smile to those gathered, friendly nontheless. New. New, new, new. Nobody here to recognize him except Kirishima. He dreads the moment somebody does. Izuku is a recognizable face. Easy to remember. "I don't ... I don't know," He tells Cleo, scarcely keeping his voice from shaking. He hates them. Hates them, hates them, hates them, but he can't say no. To these people who don't know him but are friendly and he misses being a part of something. His paws are trembling, barely noticeable unless you really look.
Marigold for wounds, feverfew for fevers, poppy for pain.
One, two, three.
"H -- Hi, Kirishima," Izuku allows himself a little, trembling grin. Weak. Weak, weak, weak, he looks weak.
Peppermint for headaches and colds, raspberry for bleeding and pain, valerian for insomnia and migraines.
One, two, three.
"Y -- yeah, we are. Nice to meet you," Striker. Stryker. He ignores the flash of anxiety to .. several things. He liked Goldie, when they were allies. Blasty .. Bakugou? He could accept either of these outcomes. He smiles to acknowledge Owen's assurances of people. "Th -- Thank you!!" Pretty? Izuku wouldn't call himself pretty, what with all of the scars and his near-bald right leg, but .. he's flattered anyways. He smiles warmly at the younger, a little more calm than he's been feeling since people showed up. "Pirates? That's cool. A -- And, thanks." He says. He's more than a little put off by the warm reception. He thinks of blood and wounds. They hurt people. But .. he's not sure. He just doesn't know. Then, at long last, Izuku turns back to Kirishima, tail sweeping. Calm seeps in as he focuses just in on Kirishima. He's missed Kirishima.
".. It's been a while. How -- how have you been? What've you been up to?" Izuku sweps his gaze across the dragon's frame worriedly. He's carrying something, someone, on his back. Who? Izuku tries not to frown. But .. Kirishima seems fine. Granted, Izuku has no fucking idea when the other became a dragon. He wasn't about to question it, though.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: WE ALL STILL DIE ☀ visitor - Grey - 11-15-2018

The past should be in the past. He would rather forget who he was before. Maybe then he won't be him - he won't be bound to fate like a prisoner awaiting his execution. A hammer of justice. It strikes and punishment is head but not deciphered. He knows that the more his history flashes back at him, the more he will be pulled back. He will be trapped there forever if he doesn't leave his past behind. Believe him, he is trying. It's easier when Kirishima isn't around, it's easier when Jiro isn't around, it's easier when no one else in his class has dared to reach the island. And yet, without knowing, another court trial awaits him. The room is both noise and silence, garbled words and chatters, watching and waiting the door. They know what is coming. They know the naivety of the one who will pass it. The people who sit within the court room are predators in wait to ambush, the emotions are lurking with silver-lined claws, monstrous eyes narrowing in. Bakugou doesn't know what he will see, who he will meet. He doesn't realise that in approaching such a gathering at the border that he will see -... someone he does not wish to see, people who he would rather have forgotten.

It is cruel of him to think that he wants to push them all aside, them them fade with time and rust like old metal. And yet breathing around even a friend such as Kirishima is difficult. He remembers what it was like to be human, the strength that he felt in being alive. The sensation of having fingers attached to palms is faint, overwhelmed by the bitterness of his dangerous emotions. But now there is another, a face that is first blurred to him. It is beginning to clear. The scars, the green, the expression. He sees the connection between the stranger and Kirishima and it becomes apparent to him. Crystalline. The Quartermaster's throat is dry. "Deku..." he begins, smoke leaving his maw. He is threatened. Just like everything else, he wants to push them all aside, all back down into the depths of an ocean. He would rather Midoriya be chained to the ocean's floor, never allow him to reach the surface. No, not in his world. This world was his for the taking. He doesn't want to see another world be taken from him. "If you're here for a visit...then hurry it up and fuck off." Sanguine eyes burn daggers in the male's direction but he immediately turns around, ears hot in anger and begins to walk away. He can't stand looking at either of them.