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I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - rhosmari - 11-11-2018

The night was still young and the woman hadn't been sleeping for the past couple of days. There was too much to worry about and too much that was going on for her to sleep now. Her group may be in jeopardy and even now she had to wonder if she should have evacuated before now. Was she making a mistake in letting them stay this long? A frown pulled a pink stained lips before she focused on her rounds, making sure that everyone was secure in where they were currently. A bitter breath escaped her as she stood near the fountain, looking to the greenhouse, to the building that their arts used to take place. The abandoned warship was still staying where it was but who knew for how long. Shaking her head a little bit she then turned her to heavens that was still drenching them with harsh rain that pattered across the wooden boardwalk that was now promptly covered in water up to the middle of her legs. Wait, the middle of her legs? Her eyes widened a bit as she looked down at the water with anxious energy pulsing in her. It hadn't been this high a moment ago. Turning she looked to a building and it seemed the door was partially over taken. That was not good. This was all wrong.

Quickly she turned to look at the river and then back to the village and she realize with horror that the water was rising. It was rising fast and they had to get out now. This was a flash flood, something she had dreaded happening but she had hoped that the rains would stop and that they would be okay. Yet the waters were coming in now and who knew how high up it would reach. Hurriedly she ran from the fountain and began to bang on the doors of whatever home she could reach, screaming and yelling. "GET OUT! EVERYONE WAKE UP AND GET OUT OF YA HOMES! GET UP TAE THE MOUNTAIN! RUN! FLASH FLOOD! WE HAVE GOT TAE GET OUT OF HERE! GET YA NEIGHBORS AND WHAT YA CAN CARRY! HURRY!" The hellbeast tried her best to get her voice to carry and even as she cried out for her members to wake up the water was still rushing into the village, dragging wood and fallen trees with it, smashing against homes and taking some of them with them and causing more problems then what she had ever seen before. With what she could do the leader stood against the force and held back what what she could of the deluge with her powes, blood leaking down from her nostrils with how much it was.

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - teef - 11-11-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


a small lithe femme darted from the windowsill of one home seconds before a tree crashed into her brand new home, the booming crack of wood shattering and splintering fading into the general roar of the water coming crashing into the one place she thought she would be safe. she knew how to swim of course, she had otherwise grown up in the swamps from five months onward. there weren't any crocs here, she would be safe, and she could help rescue others who might be trapped.

her eyes wandered to marina, panic flashing through her heart. if only she could help her! shaking her head the previous medic gathered up her courage, joining into the hellbeast's efforts, calling on her own less-than-powerful voice to wake up those deep in danger zones.


i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
He. Hated. Water. The rains he could handle, but he had noticed the slowly rising water the past couple of days. He also noticed that there were houses that were being destroyed left and right. The wildcat had decided to stay a little bit further away from the boardwalk, but stay close enough just in case trouble happened. He had the power to teleport whenever he wanted, and that could mean that he could potentially get out of trouble whenever it did end up happening. A get out of jail free card mostly. The Shinigami had only decided to come back to the boardwalk because he was hungry and needed to find a place to eat. He had yet to claim a house of his own and actually refused to do so because he just didn't feel comfortable on the boardwalk. If anything he slept near the mountains, or just simply slept underneath one of the trees. Thanks to what he was, the Shinigami was usually out and about when it came to the likes of staying up late at night, making sure that he wasn't followed. His wounds had healed from his last run in with a corrupted creature, and he was ready to start training again. He didn't really sleep, but sleep was the least of his worries most days. Protection was the top priority in his mind, and he wasn't going to let anyone else die in front of him as long as he could handle it.

The Shinigami was making his way toward the edge of the boardwalk where he could get some food, an exhausted look spread across his facial features. He was tired and sore, and wet, but he had been through worse and didn't think complaining would eventually be a good thing. The Shinigami had just been talking to someone when he heard something off in the distance and turned himself around instead of looking over his shoulder. What was that? Ichigo tilted his head slightly in confusion as he tried to focus on what the commotion was going on. It certainly sounded like... there was a lot happening at once. Ichigo thought it would be best to listen with his enhanced senses, and was actually able to catch what Marina was saying. A flash flood. It instantly made his blood run cold as his bi-colored eyes widened in shock. Though, thanks to experience, he wasn't remaining frozen in place out of fear of drowning. He had to help, and as long as he did he would be able to avoid the water. Even if that sounded selfish in itself. Ichigo cursed under his breath in Japanese as he grabbed hold of the person that he had just been talking to, and using his enhanced sight, teleported to the treeline along the beach away from the river.

Dropping the domestic cat off, he teleported onto the boardwalk again, looking desperately around for those that wouldn't be able to make it away in time. He would have helped Marina holding off the water, but he didn't have water elementals. He was more of an expert when it came to fire, and right now it would be best for him to help as the other had the water under control for a little bit longer. His attention soon turned to Finnloch that was going around to the houses to try and evacuate everyone. She was the closest to him, and he was going to grab the closest person to him to teleport away. "Okay time to get the hell away from here!" Ichigo called out to the female as he runs over toward Finnloch. It was there that the Shinigami would aim to grab the smaller domestic cat by the scruff of her neck, and aimed to quickly turn around and teleport both of them to the treeline as he had done with a couple other Sunhaveners. [member=2827]finnloch.[/member]  "I'll bring injured to you if I find them." The Shinigami would sai if he was successful and drop the domestic cat onto the ground before teleporting away again.


[align=center][Image: REWjIqe.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px;"]Since her house had been flooded on the inside, Bex had resorted to sleeping on top of her roof. As it continued to rain however, she had given up on any hope that her fur would be dry anytime soon. Sleeping in the rain didn't seem all that bad when she accepted that simple fact, especially since the collie could literally sleep anywhere without being disturbed. What did disturb her though was Marina's endless screaming as the helion ran around like a madwoman, seemingly trying to wake everyone up for... some reason. Bex, slightly annoyed, lifted her sleepy head and shook it, trying to open up her eyes. "What's going on?" She asked herself, then finally after a moment, realization set in. "Oh shit!" The canine howled, quickly grabbing her stuff and scrambling off her roof, eyes darting to see if there was anyone around that she could help. They didn't seem to have that much time and had to move quickly, but Bex did not want a single soul to get left behind. This place was about to flood, and there was no time to waste or they'd all get trapped in it.

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - MirrorEdge - 11-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The slippery boardwalk was a bit difficult for Nora to walk on, the young feline struggling to keep her balance against the wood, soaked and a thin layer of water seeming to form on it, simply going with the flow of the crowd, not quite sure what was going on, but the fear that seemed to exude from the others only seemed to feed into her own, dark amber eyes wide and panicked as she glanced around, looking for any familiar faces, and finding none.

The sound of wood splintering and of tree roots being uprooted could be heard, and Nora turned her head in time to see another tree crash into somebody else's home, the splintered remains flying everywhere, and the young tortie could feel a few sharp pinpricks of pain as a few imbedded themselves deep into her skin and fur, prompting her to move, slipping and sliding along as she was pushed around by the bigger, panicked Sunhaveners, who didn't even notice the dark bundle of fur underneath their paws. "Wait for me! Please!"

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - miss ririchiyo - 11-12-2018

Mangle wasn't good with water- it made her all static-like and scared, and she just wanted to cry- why was this happening?

Pink and white fur flashed by as the kitsune jumped on top of a floating piece of wood, clinging to the wood desperately as Marina yelled to evacuate. "Mama!" Came the shaky, broken robotic cry from Mangle as she searched for the form of the border collie which she had attached herself to. Like a parasite. Leeching herself onto Bex like she was a saviour.

"Maaaaan-GLE doesn'-t liiiiiike waTER!" Came the distressed cry as black tears slid from her eyes, her voice cracking and glitching from the emotions she felt.

tags ♥ feminine ♥ 10 m/o ♥ kitsune ♥ sunhaven ♥ "robotic, child-like voice"

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - teef - 11-12-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


the thin femme slipped away from ichigo's grasp, "Dont worry about me -- I know how to swim! Get the others out first, let me show off a little!" she retorted with a grin on her maw. yeah, the situation was a calamity and terrifying but she wasn't scared. There were others that she could help, people that she could save.

leaping away from the shinigami, knowing that she'd likely get an earful later, she leapt back into the rising waters. let marina hold back what she could, and she would help handle the rest. diving into the rising waters she heard the cries resounding around her, crashing over her ears. taking a deep breath she dove into the crushing swell of bodies, "everyone heads up! keep going! pick up the kids!" she yowled to be heard over the roar of the river.

she heard nora's panicked cry, a visual of the tortie flashing in her eyes, determination ripping through the molly. all of the children ... crying out for help. who was she to leave them? she had to rescue them! pushing and shouldering she made her way on through the sunhaveners pushing to get past her. finally after a struggle she found nora, her own claws sinking into bloated and swollen wood. "little one! come to me!" she called, hearing mangle's broken cries for help. she growled, feeling the distress of everyone around her. taking another dep breath she thought of the past, of the tom she had loved from afar and how he would have reacted, remembering how he reacted to an invasion of their group. she felt calm with the memories, the calmness sweeping over her once more. she would do her best to get everyone out! moving even closer she attempted to grab nora by some limb or even more luckily, by her scruff to drag her closer. if she succeeded she would aim to get nora going in the direction of the crowd.

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - buckingham barnes - 11-13-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Bucky has been sleeping outside in the past few days. It probably wasn't the smartest decision- as there were multiple unoccupied homes he could have chosen from after he lost his boathouse. But the problem was, all of those homes were flooding. He didn't want to be in another house during a second disaster, who knows if he'd live that time around. He was lucky to be rescued by Steve, Marina and Cryptic at his boathouse. Bucky was in a tree, one of his legs dangling from the branch he's currently resting on. This is probably another example of his bad decision making- Bucky wasn't certain how long this tree would stay upright with the floods. It was a risk he had to take.

And surprisingly, Marina's sudden yowl nearly caused Bucky to fall off the branch, rather than the tree timbering down itself. Bucky was in a light sleep when Marina's yell reached his ears, causing him to jolt awake and begin to get up- nearly forgetting he was on a tree branch. Which resulted in him nearly falling off, thankfully hanging on by his metal claws. Metal claws digging into the bark, the former assassin pulled himself back onto the branch, fully awake now. His gaze locked on Marina, and he could barely hear her yells with the roar of waves drowning his ears. Bucky didn't have to hear what she was saying to understand what she wanted to do. He can see the strong, furious waves below him- a flash flood!

When the tree began to sway, that's when Bucky decided it was time to jump. He wasn't about to wait for this tree to come crashing down into the water- who knows if he'd hit his head in the process. And then, fall unconscious in the water- drowning in a matter of seconds as his clanmates don't even realize the Warden's under the surface. That nearly sent shivers down his spine- he wasn't going to let that be his fate. Just as the tree began to sway more, Bucky pushed off of the branch with his hind legs, leaping as far as he can in the air. Gravity quickly pulled down on his body, the former assassin plunging into the rapid waves.

Only a few moments passed until the former assassin reached the surface, quickly beginning to swim over to his clanmates, keeping his head over the water as best as he can. He can only hope he'll be able to grab onto someone- he doesn't want the current to drag him away.


Gordon absolutely feared this time. The she-cat was awake most nights, terrified about the rains that were happening. It was only natural for the waters to rise due to the rains, however what the Goldenblood wasn't expecting was a flash flood. She thought there would be more time to prepare, more time to escape, however Marina's call clearly said otherwise. Panic flashed through Gordon, who had tried coming out of her house as quickly as possible at the sound of Marina's voice. Water had already risen in camp and Gordon took a step back, her back pressing against the door to her house. Letting out a terrified yowl, Gordon tried climbing to the top of her house, however that was to no avail. Again, the she-cat screeched as water touched her tail, soon making its way to cover her body.

Gordon was thrown under the water, her body tossing and turning from the current. With her being so smaller than your average feline, of course she would have trouble staying afloat - but that was not the only reason she was having trouble keeping herself above water. Gordon couldn't swim; she never learned how to. Instincts were able to kick in and Gordon resurfaced, gasping for air. "Bucky!" She screeched as much as she was able to, calling out to the first person that came to her mind. Just as she yelled out her clanmate's name however, the water forced her back under. She barely had any time to hold her breath and her lungs screamed for air as she tried moving her paws, trying to find some way to the surface.

Of course, panic would only make things worse but that was the only thing driving Gordon at this point. Eventually the she-cat slowed down in her frantic movements, feeling a brief moment of dizziness and pain from where she wasn't able to breathe, before darkness set into her vision.
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: I'LL TESTIFY || FLASH FLOOD - EVACUATION - Luciferr - 11-14-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven as a hearthkeeper. Is considered 'fallen' by his brethren for his renegade status. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
While Bucky might've been who she called for, it wasn't who [member=853]GORDON CIPHER.[/member] got - as darkness took the cipher a larger form breached the water, a silver blade into the depths as he swam down the water manipulated around him to keep himself steady - an aura of purple-black tinged around him to those that could see of elegant eldritch wings and feathers - he shot down for the small cipher.

reaching her he aimed to grab the feline at the scruff and haul her upwards as powerful hindlegs kicked up and breaching back into stormy skies as the savannah was held unconscious in his jaws - wings of pure black edged in purple now visible from the invisibility that normally enveloped them and he carried them both to the group sheltering on high ground.

eventually he landed and carefully set down his burden - clanmate - beside him on the high ground, breathing roughly for moments before he turned to Marina and heaved himself up again coming to her just behind and above on the slope, stretching out his own abilities to lend his strength in holding back the tide

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
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