Beasts of Beyond
No More - Printable Version

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No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-11-2018

Chains. That was the first thing she realized, she was chained and in some kind of cell. Why was she in chains why was she here... had more suffered to the beast? No she remembered now a lion ,panther and scarred wolf. They had offered to chain her so she may that was something she had not had in a long time, and honest to goodness rest. The best was Still there but it was silent for now, sleeping or waiting she could not tell but it was not trying to take control.for once she could think clearly, the previous times she had slept it had been in short bursts filled with nightmares and fear. This had been different it had been blank.... peaceful almost. She for the first time had as chance to tame it and she felt overjoyed. She was hungry and weak but she did not care. It was silent and she could think. She could get better and regain full control with these peoples help. For once she had a chance,she had hope and it bubbled in her and she couldn't resist doing anything else in what she could only assume was a Clear night. She howled, she howled a howl like she never had before, one full of joy and hope but also preperation and caution. She had a chance at controlling the thing and she let that joy ring out no matter what damned creature heard her joy she shared it for all to hear, letting it ring out into the night

Re: No More - Stryker - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] An overjoyed howl that came close to home echoed throughout the night air, reaching the ardent's ears. The lion just smiled. Things were working for their new member. Stryker, despite thinking that he could utilize the beast as a weapon, was hoping for a positive outcome in the meantime. Whether that was one side overtaking the other or Usagi receiving her happiness, he would be satisfied. Nevertheless, he was hesitant. Heading to the chained room was a danger. Obviously, the chains would hold their spot and never release the member, but growing too close and provoking Usagi could trigger something else theoretically. All he had to do was remain towards the back.

"You sound pleased," came an enthusiastic voice from the darkness. From around the corner, the ardent appeared. Neon eyes looked the hungry wolf up and down for a moment before raising his slitted hues back up to meet hers again. Things seemed well... at least for now.

Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-13-2018

Someone had come, she had not cared either way but she swung her head to look at the lion  as he approached bowing slightly. "M-my thanks to you I have had a rest the likes I have not had in quite a while.... I- I don't hear it.. I don't know why but i cant hear it and I can actually hear myself think" happiness shines In her eyes showing how great full she was. "I...I am hungry thought I have not been able to eat for quite a few days.... not much in the desert for food a-and In worried if I grow weak again it may return...."

Re: No More - Ammon - 11-14-2018

/ Retro to injuries
This was different. To say at least, never in his entire life had Ammon seen anyone be willing to be chained to something or someone metaphorically speaking.  The blind wolf silently walked over, already deep in thought. Had he come this close to someone like this? If he had it was already too late.

"Hunger you say?" he spoke voice still that relative soft. The bluish grey wolf was an odd one for sure. But he was curious if you will, asking questions of which might get him killed or worse.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-14-2018

Usagi noticed the stranger she had never seen before walk in. She shifted her eyes to look at him wondering who he might be but nods to his question. "Y-Yes ....I..I spent a lot of time in the desert trying to survive and using what strength I had to try and keep the beast from gaining controll. Even now I can feel it trying to sap my strength for its own use... perhaps it would have been better if I had dies in the desert than possible allow it a chance to wake and hurt more people" as she said these words she truly meant it. Perhaps it would have been better for both her and the beast to perish withought allowing a chance to kill more. Would she go to hell for those who she... no it had already murdered? Or would she be spared because it had not truly been her? Either way she was begining to worry that the people she met may not be able to help her. ... but she had to try, if not for herself than for those who she had removed from this world... even if they were bigots. She had to keep the small flame of hope that these people had ignited alight.... she had to.

Re: No More - Ammon - 11-14-2018

"the desert is a cruel place for anyone to survive in. Logic be damned. So been changed is the only option?" Ammon asked carefully sitting down now, he was blind but he had somewhat experience with how what he would assume was a demon lurking within Usagi.

"Does this thing have a name?" he added growing quiet comfortable. Unusual for sure.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-14-2018

Usagi watches the wolf closely begging to get a little more comfortable "i fell unconscious one evening when i was jumped and beaten because of my....differences..." takes a steady breath trying not to act too emotional "when i woke up the two wolves were at my feet throats ripped out, half of them in my belly.... so yes the chains are necessary. w-when it comes to knowing its name, i don't i cant talk to it but i can feel it and i know its there. i can feel when it hungers and when its angry. it hungered when...." looks at skylar "my apologies i have forgotten your name.... but when they first found me after i had begun to enter the jungle i had not slept in a few days. he offered to chain me so i would not be able to hurt anyone, which i was glad to accept. now i am merely hungry myself and wish to learn to control this thing."

Re: No More - Ammon - 11-14-2018

Ammon took all that information as usual nodding. Having some kind of experience with demons after all he was a god, former but who's really counting. "If you want help you keep it under control, I can if you want me to. It'll pretty rough."
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer

Re: No More - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-14-2018

"yes please I don't want to cause anymo-" let's out a gasp and a groan curling In on herself slightly "i-I feel like I'm being ugh torn apart aahhh" she let's out a scream of pain crumpling writhing to the ground as a black inky liquid begins to slowly bleed from her slowly covering her paws and creeping upwards "i-I can't controll it aaaagggghhh!!" The blackness begins to cover her completely like a shell changing her form to that of one entirely different from hers, with curling horns jutting from her head and large wings begining to unfurl from her back, her fur changing to a sleek black on top that fades to a turquoise blue and covered in glowing glyphs. It snarles chuckling menacingly a deep rumbling voice emitting from what was once usagi's head. "Foolish blind wolf you know not what you deal with I can not be tamed or controlled and I hunger eternally for the souls of both innocent and wicked. Hers shall be mine once I have sapped enough of her strength just as yours shall be mine." the beast snarls and pulls against the chains making them creak and groan, however the chains remain steady holding fast. "Soon I shall be strong enough to tear from these bonds and tear into you, however until the  in think I shall remain in possession of this fine body". The beast chuckles menacingly once more begining to pace back and forth.

Re: No More - Ammon - 11-14-2018

Ammon looked almost bored, at the face of danger one would pale considering the death factor.  Death is a part of living, so the former god grinned. "is that all you got?"

"C'mon one good whack. I know you wanna." he taunts the demon smirking slightly. Fearless maybe, utterly stupid. Definitely.
"Cause I love the way you shine on me" —-- Ammon / The pitts  / male/ blind/ ageles. / roleplayer