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ALL THE HEROES ARE DEAD - open; crash landing - Printable Version

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ALL THE HEROES ARE DEAD - open; crash landing - rhosmari - 11-11-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]NOT CAUSE I'M BUSY, I JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]One. It hurt. Sharp and jagged, pain like a white hot lance spearing his body. Two. What had went wrong? Three. Four. Five. Too much, too quickly. Pain was everything, it was everywhere and blood leaked out from between pale lips. Bright crimson that leaked out of the holes that were newly made in his body. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. How was he even mentally counting this? How did he keep up? Time seemed to have slowed down, vision focusing sharply in on the bursts of light that emitted from each fire, hearing sharp as he lost feeling to much of his body and he fell over as they just kept coming. Kept on shelling into him till he lost count and laid upon the floor of his armored car. His hand twitched one fingers stretching out as he attempted to reach for something, or maybe it was someone but he couldn't even begin to make anything move. He was so tired, and so numb. It didn't hurt anymore and perhaps that was a good thing. Maybe he was happier this way and he was done with his shenanigans once and for all. His head fell and the last thing he saw was him before red burst across his vision, a hole within a skull, and darkness soon consumed him. For what seemed like eternity there was just nothing, just him and his thoughts and how much he absolutely hated just floating in nothing. Like seriously what kind of shit was this? Really he though the eternal damnation of his soul was what waited for him, not some empty stretch of nothing. Yet he couldn't be that lucky.

The sound of haphazard flapping could be heard from anyone that was close by. The unnatural pattern obviously not doing anyone any good and especially not the holder of the wings that was trying to desperately to stay up in the air. He'd been trying to do this for like three days now and though the results were getting better as time went on it wasn't fast enough for him. Shit the whole situation in general almost had him flipping out when he had woken up in some place looking like, well, a freak show. What dog had freaking wings and why was he naked? Well, not that he was naked cause he had fur but fur didn't count in his mind. He missed his overcoat but at least he had his hat right. Which at the current moment was having a hard time actively staying on his head. The wind was getting a bit harsh and he clenched his jaw, trying not to bit his own tongue as he jerked to the side, legs flailing a bit as he attempted to steady himself. And then there when his hat after a particularly strong gust of wind it went sailing off of his head and on instinct he went to grab at it with what he forgot were not hands but paws. He fumbled and lost his concentration on actively staying in the air and he began to plummet like a stone thrown into the deep end of the pool. Wind whistled past him sharply, filling his ears with it's deafening sound as he scrambled to grab a hold of his hat that was falling close to him, though of course because it as lighter it was falling at a slower rate and soon he could himself turned upside down on his back. "Ah, shit!" He hissed to himself as his limbs flailed in the air almost uncontrollably. He needed to get a hold of the situation before he went splat against the ground.

Forcing himself to turn over he saw the incoming ground getting closer alarmingly fast and he tried to use his wings, beating them hard and straining muscles that would most likely be sore if he survived this at all. Hat forgotten for now the african wild down tried not to panic but who wouldn't when they were falling from the sky. "Come on, Rimmy! Pull up you fuck!" His body was just going way too fast but at least the flaring of his wings allowed him to slow somewhat before he hit the sands rather hard and went rolling across the Waste. Sand got into places sand wasn't supposed to be and he gagged as he laid upon his side, having been smeared quite a good ways across the dusty orange landscape. Spitting out saliva that had turned orange because of it, the dual eye colored male struggled to get back on his paws, shaking a little bit. One of his wings, considering he had four, felt like it had snagged and sprained but other than that he felt pretty okay, just shaken. Slowly he took a step forward and tested the weight of his body on the balls of his paws before he gave a soft breath. Good sign when he didn't go collapsing back against the ground like and idiot. Still, there was one thing missing. His hat. Taking his time he began to start looking for his little piece of aesthetic, hoping the hat wasn't going to be stained with orange red because of this place. He preferred his hat to be white or maybe tan. Whichever one of those he grabbed first. His paws carried him around one thick rock to another and finally he spotted the hate in the nearby sands, close to some strange pit. "Ah-ha! Come to daddy!"

He didn't know the dangers of this place and perhaps he should have known something was going to go wrong. This whole escapade had been nothing but trouble since he had ended up here. But man, he really wanted to catch a break even if it was just a small one. As he leaned down to grab up his hat the ground began to tremble. It was faint at first and something he probably could have easily not have noticed if it hadn't of turned into a major shaking of the earth around him. Widening his orange and purple eyes he stepped back with his hat placed back on his head when the ground seemed to open up in front of him and out came the biggest snake he had ever seen in his whole damn life. What. The. Hell. "You have got to be kidding me...." But apparently the world didn't kid as the snake hissed and opened such large jaws that it could practically swallow him whole. Jerking away he began to run, flailing his wings as if they would save him and ignoring the pain in one of them. He wanted to be in the air again, even if it was for a little while as he screamed with the thing following close behind him. "Oh come on! I just got here and I'm fixing to be a meal to some giant dong!" This was utterly humiliating and he didn't want to be eaten right now. There was no way in hell he was going to be eaten but right now he was running out of options.

Re: ALL THE HEROES ARE DEAD - open; crash landing - arcy - 11-11-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Some days, Eddie really has to take a second to gawk at stuff. Because, for whatever his fellow group members took at face value, Eddie really just had to take in. Dogs with wings were still a little strange to him, for example -- he understood mutations, but seeing them was another thing. His home had been made up of smaller, different species than could be found in the larger groups here.
This ... really has to take the cake, though. A dog of some sorts, with two pairs of wings, being chased by a monstrous snake. Eddie has seen some truly intimidating snakes in the jungles here, but the size of this one was a little bit more daunting. The dog was .. also screaming. With those wings, they were probably the source of the haphazard flapping from earlier, the sounds they'd come to investigate. It was .. something, in Eddie's ever professional opinion. Now, Eddie himself couldn't help. Eddie was small, like a cat, and for however ferocious a raccoon can probably be, size did, in fact, matter.
Just ask already. Comes his bodymate's annoyed, impatient demand. Eddie would roll his eyes, but there's not really time, with how close the snake was. Now, Eddie didn't frequently let Venom, said bodymate, out to play unless they were getting something to eat. It was just the principle of the matter. Besides, there's something vaguely suspicious to be found in his transformation, but Eddie currently figures there were weirder 'shift forms.
Eddie's consent wasn't really required, but it was appreciated, and so, within a few moments after the brown-furred raccoon pursues the snake terrorizing this stranger, he's replaced with something .. bigger. "Bigger" as in "a particularly large black crocodile", which was, unfortunately, still smaller than the snake. But at the least enough to help until other clanmates come along to assist. (they really needed to work out a more effective form, huh?)
The taste of blood was never particularly appealing, but it's not really Eddie's to taste when his Other is in charge right now. Jaws clamp firmly somewhere over the midsection of the snake, simply trying to bide time. No matter how insulted Venom was that he didn't think he could beat something so much larger. It wasn't worth testing, at least. A tightening of the jaws, sinking in, at least enough to temporarily halt any further actions. A temporary fix, as some would say. It took two to tango, or .. whatever the hell.

[[ its 2am im so sorry to have subjected you to this post sdhfsdfs ]]

Re: ALL THE HEROES ARE DEAD - open; crash landing - rhosmari - 11-12-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]NOT CAUSE I'M BUSY, I JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Now there was no way he was going to look back. He'd seen enough in his life to understand when the cards were stacked against him especially where there was a 50 foot snake on his ass. How the hell was this thing even surviving in a damn desert anyway? It just didn't make sense and the more he thought about it the more he got confused as he tried to deduce the nonsense that was the place he was currently stuck in. Even so he was having a hard time what with all the sand and his hat wanting to leave his damn head because of the way he was galloping to try and get away from the damn thing. He had been in worse situations sure, but this one took the cake and he didn't have much time before it caught up to him and actually swallowed him whole as it were. So he needed to think fast and try to come up with a way to top the thing before it took one good gulp and down the hatch. But something happened that caused the creature to stop, he heard hisses of agitation which made him slow down in his running to duck behind a pillar that was jutting up awkwardly out of the sand. Turning he peaked out only to see something that he didn't think he would ever see.

A damn giant alligator trying to hold the even large snake by the ass. Okay, he'd seen everything. He could die...again in peace and not even attempt to come back. But it wasn't like he had wanted to come back in the first place. He'd just woken up in a pit and had struggled or a while trying to get out of the crater. He still didn't even know if he had created the crater or not but he was just partially happy to be alive. Even if he was some kind of dog. Being one wasn't so bad besides the whole food problem and he frowned at remembering his hunger. Damn, there were no burgers around here, no hot dogs, cakes. The more he thought about it the more dejected he became and he almost forgot about the snake and the alligator that was facing off. He watched with dual colored eyes as the snake tried it's best to coil around and snap the alligator up and he really hoped that someone came by soon that could deal with it because like hell he was going back out there and trying to do anything against that. "You got this!" Yep, whoever that was surely had this and he moved back from the pillar as if he might just abandon them altogether. Hell, it was no skin off his back if the other died in the process and he made a clean get away. He had his own problems but he still partially stayed, still leaning as if he might run. "Dammit, he needs help. I'm not for the whole losing my ass for a stranger." He muttered as he looked around for something to help him with but there was just rocks and sand. What the heck was he supposed to do? "Someone help kill this damn serpent please!" He finally screamed out just so that someone might hear and show up to put an end to this before he alligator got eaten. Man, he hoped he made a good call on that because he didn't want to be eaten by the alligator after the fact.

Re: ALL THE HEROES ARE DEAD - open; crash landing - ROSEMARY - 11-13-2018

The ocelot and her odd pet came, drawn by the noises of battle and loud conversations. Her dark orange eyes narrowed skeptically, as she recognized Eddie's aura in the large alligator... but it looked muted, with a stronger color overtaking his usual light. Had those colors been in him all along, simply small enough for her to ignore? Curious about his predicament -- he reminded her of Bast, with his patchwork network of souls -- the ocelot pocketed the observation for later, potentially as an annoying question.

With a quick scritch to the top of her piebald crocodile's head, she ordered, "Eri, please take care of the threat." Without waiting for her to finish her sentence, the crocodile shot with surprising celerity towards the massive snake. Thanks to Eddie's involvement, her pet managed a clean bite around the snake's head, crushing and thrashing it in between his jaws. He continued to writhe, his scales splattered with blood as he scored massive gashes down the dying snake's flesh. He looked like a giant puppy with a frightening chewtoy.

Trusting Eri to finish his work, the ocelot turned three of her four eyes to the strange canine, envying his wings. "You appear injured," she stated factually, noticing the awkward way he carried one of his wings. Now, that made her glad she lacked the appendages; they became damaged far too easily. "I am Rosemary Roux, physician of the Rosebloods. What are you doing here?" she asked, straight to the point. As she spoke, her pet continued to chew on his meal; Rosemary watched with one of her smaller eyes, though otherwise seemed to approve of his brutality. He, after all, perfectly executed her order.