Beasts of Beyond
* chapter i: darkness / abandoned & strained kit - Printable Version

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* chapter i: darkness / abandoned & strained kit - ... - 11-11-2018

HP: 100%
[div style="background: #34bf3f; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; height: 6px; width: 100px; margin-top: 1px"]
EXP: 98%
NAME: ... ¦ GENDER: ? ¦ LEVEL: 1 ¦ : 1
STR: 1 ¦ DEF: 1 ¦ CON: 1 ¦ DEX: 1 ¦ INT: 1
PER: 1 ¦ CHR: 1 ¦ AGL: 1 ¦ WIL: 1 ¦ LCK: 1
Darkness remains within vision second after second, as blink after blink, movement after movement; it stills regardless. Consciousness recently comes at the moment They finds nothing but black. Lacking memories, mind empty but a wonder of where They is now. Though, scary it is to think about it, and should They be wary of the Unknown, that is okay.

Darkness is silent as ever, indeed so, but it is here with Them since the Beginning. It's Their new friend. First friend. Good friend. Comfort it eventually brings to Them, despite it all, and They takes it with a purr. Chest full of warmth, gradually spreading across tiny system, Their heart beats gratitude—an art of acceptance.

(  * Cherish it. Nothing lasts forever.  )

Soon, Darkness sings to Them through the winds and waves. Sounds born from Beauty, They listens well and squeaks along with them. Puny paws reaches upward, and Their head raises. Something kind touches Them, yet, They only see Darkness. Curiosity rises, a drive to reach out, but so do the music around Them. The noises becomes louder and louder. All until Light materializes over Their sight, and, there, They fall forward from Darkness.

It is a world clashing against world. A moment that leads Them, a black kitten, rolling and rolling and rolling and rol—

Heat runs quick through Their paws, and even after they sprawls across the sands, it only leaves soreness behind. They try to get on Their paws, however, the tightness wrapping around Their muscles only drags Them closer to the cold surface. Effort lost, feeble brain coats in heavy confusion, They cries as the Sun peeks above the horizon and softly kisses the island.

A plea to take care of Them.

Summary: They was in a basket that was originally placed on the Typhoon's border before the harsh wind blew it over and forcefully pulled Them out, resulting Them to cry while They have strained muscles in the limbs.

Re: * chapter i: darkness / abandoned & strained kit - Grimm - 11-11-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"][ ] ;; – Tenebrae – within no bounds does it come to find itself pushed, given no care to futile attempt for where there is light there must be such, given fragile edges gentle as it encroaches. Slight the veil of it, tones of velvet bound within what is thought as nought but shade, shifting the weight of it, drawn about the mind. It matters not the black upon the skin which it bears to the world for beneath it finds colour, gentle the strokes of blue and purple though rich their tone, drawn amongst deep grey, quiet its presence.

Accustomed to such was the youth though short had been their own existence, the touch of breath within the structure of lung first drawn but few months before, stuttering and unsure as once more exhale finds perch upon tongue. Sigh is it as from tip it raises, blink of eyes grown faded. Clear is the strange way sight is shifted and moved, found itself latching onto point where light has gathered until the colours it dances upon is given vibrant tones, faint the ache trailing about the interior of skull. Down is it drawn, found where tan has come to take the slight lilac of paws and legs stretched before them, press of small toes allowing the grains to flow over top them. Up do eyes wander, find the break where the dilute of brown becomes pale a tone of cream. Almost they believe they can see within the hollow of chest the heart, thunderous the beat of it within ears and yet there is nothing, the steady beat of it within veins seeking to drown out the quiet within solitary moment.

Tense as the muscles within shoulders, shift of head until chin presses upon the sand, uneasy the flick of gaze. Familiar had they grown with sounds of displeasure and pain, found within it a faint pull for the work of their father had found place within structure of their life, routine worked until it was given a place its own. Pain within echoing cry, sound given distinct the lack of words though strained is hearing in hopes something is there, unease curling pale toned lips.

Stretch of limbs, paws pressing into the soft texture of minuscule grains, drawing forth the slight body from where they had settled in a patch of undergrowth. Hesitant the first step, yet always is such the hardest as a great many have said, a journey began with only the first press of foot until next follows. Such is it here, seconds passing before it is once more pressing into the heated surface, another paw lifting and brief is the pause here, moments suspended before they are moving. Dark the shape within the expanse of tan, strange the structure of it as it moved in odd ways as though pained. “Oh...” Wide grow their eyes and somewhat faster are they moving, skittering to a stop close by the other, a child younger then they.

Upon sand belly rests, slow the reach of a paw. Gentle is the brush of it, moving to trail along the short spine until up it moves, resting for a brief moment in the space between little ears. Into lower lip teeth sink, pull at skin left cracked from such action repeated time before, unsure what to do within a situation such as this.

Re: * chapter i: darkness / abandoned & strained kit - elijah - 11-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]While the wings of his other siblings were too small to carry weight, Elijah was able to fly. He enjoyed the feeling of spreading his appendages, letting his feathers touch the brief skim of wind before beating them and launching off the ground. The feel nothing beneath his feet was exciting. He was like a true dragon slayer, able to his family's foes through the air. It was the sensation of air in the control of his wings, flapping gusts of wind towards the ground, that made him feel like a master of the elements. It only fed through the child's imaginative mind, the boy patrolling about the beach as if he were a superhero flying across the sky, looking down at the pirates below him. "Praeberi fari illic videbis?" he would ask his rabbit companion, the doll held between his two forepaws. He held the inanimate object tightly, ensuring he didn't drop it. His mind was already stopping to imagine what he wanted the lighthouse to be: a distant castle, a tower to heaven, a clock tower. Elijah begins circling the top, landing on its roof before looking around. "Omnes tantilla..." he breathes to his friend, noticing the tiny figure of pirates dappled across the beach.

Something, however, had caught his attention. A young child, dressed in a coat of ebony, crawling towards the shade. The brown ragdoll holds his rabbit toy between his teeth, spreading his wings again to fly towards the mysterious kitten. As he approaches, narrowing the gap between the lighthouse and the stranger, he sees his sister already there. He doesn't say anything when he lands gently beside the two, paws sinking into the sand as he puts down his companion and scans his baby-blue eyes across the child's figure. They looked so small, looking around for any adult but only noticing a basket. It looked empty now when he walks towards them, tilting his head to the side. He tries to help nudge the child closer to the shade, raising a wing to block the excess sunlight from leaking towards them considering that the child appeared to be hot. "Are you okay, little one?" Elijah asks softly. Like Kaisa, he is still too young to be able to comprehend what to do with the situation. "Stay here while I look for mama or papa." He decides that it's his best call, not quite comfortable with seeking just anyone immediately when the young boy takes off again to look for one of his parents and tell them about the child he and Kaisa had found.

[member=1660]JUNJI[/member] [member=1517]Luca[/member] [member=1489]MARCELLUS[/member]

Re: * chapter i: darkness / abandoned & strained kit - ... - 11-11-2018

[div style="background: url(; background-size: cover; height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 3px solid #000; float: left; margin-right: 10px"]
[div style="width: 60px; font-size: 11px; font-family: nyala; text-align: justify; color: #fff"]HP: 90%
[div style="background: #34bf3f; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; height: 6px; width: 90px; margin-top: 1px"]
EXP: 98%
NAME: ... ¦ GENDER: ? ¦ LEVEL: 1 ¦ : 1
STR: 1 ¦ DEF: 1 ¦ CON: 1 ¦ DEX: 1 ¦ INT: 1
PER: 1 ¦ CHR: 1 ¦ AGL: 1 ¦ WIL: 1 ¦ LCK: 1
It burns. Eyes burns, limbs burns, head burns, They is burning so much. Oh, how They is hurting so much, and They do not know how to relieve the Fire that is eating Their body away. Horrible it is to do it in such an agonizing manner. Cruel, as it only takes, and takes, and takes.

Is this what happens if you experience too much warmth in you, when you are only breathing silver serenity?

(  * You received 10 damage.  )

How awful.

Indeed it is, as They is unable to do anything worthful in a poor condition, They curls Themself into a smaller frame and continues weeping. Along the way, a whimper or a hiccup passes through the exposed, sharp cracks that aligns between Their tiny teeth. Feeble, small, a hint of vulnerability—an epitome of Them at this very moment.

Then, something loving touches Their paw, and, immediately, Their blurred gaze locks on to what appears to be a kit. Like Them, but a bit bigger, and had wings. Noises do not reach upon Their tongue and dies in Their throat instead when the other drags their paw over Their body. Motion given as an offer of comfort, and perhaps, it is tinges with Magic even, it brings Them to breathe once again.

(  * Kaisa   )

From ease building within Their strained form, strength comes at last, and They uses it to pull Themself on Their paws, despite the Fire lashing at Them. They hisses, ears flattens against soft cranium. Though, paws trembling, thoughts chaotic, They succeeds in standing up and reaches to a shade nearby, nearly tripping and falling here and there.

Their ears twitches at an unusual sound and looks over to see a brown kit, with something held upon his maw, landing close by. Jaw slightly lowers, They stares at his wings. Their paws itches to touch the large feathers present before Them, but the thought cuts off before They knows it, being nudged at by the older creature.

They realizes he was attempting to take Them to Their destination, and They senses Their heart thumping right on Their chest. Questions rises in worn out mind, with the whos, whats, wheres, whens, and whys. However, there is no option for Them to ask. Knowledge of grasping language is bare, so, They must give what They can only know, and silence is one of them.

"Are you okay, little one?"

Light, but rich brown fills in the air, soon fades behind gentle words of the winged being and leaves Them bewildered. Once, They is fully under the shade, They rubs their eyes for a moment, either to wipe away the tears or for curiosity if They will see the soothing colour again, before They glances at the two kits who wishes to help Them. The two kits who They do not know.

"Hu-hught..." is all They can say. They try to lift one of Their fore limp towards the duo in front of Them and sniffs. Their body tenses at the air paints in the same colour They saw before as the brown kit speaks again. Slowly, They raises Their paw to touch the brown, though, while the brown ragdoll heads off, like before, it disappears.

Shaky sigh, They gives their entire attention on the lilac point kit afterwards. Uncertainty spills over consciousness, and They shuffles Their paws. Since They had received some support, now, They barely thinks about the Fire, when They mostly focuses on these strange, yet magical creatures. They can't resist but wonder what will happen next. They hopes it will be just as kind as this.

"An kuh," says They in a whisper, breaking the tension with only a touch of softness. Lips curls up into a starry smile. All bright and beautiful, as it shines gratefulness.

(  * You levelled up to 2!  )

Re: * chapter i: darkness / abandoned & strained kit - MARCELLUS - 11-11-2018

Marcellus living on the shore was usually one of the last to figure out things happening or sometimes one of the first. Sometimes things would happen at the gate with joiners or things would happen at the main hub of the Typhoon, Barracuda Bay. It was every morning that his paws would be graced by the sandy shore and every night that he would fall asleep to the melodic rhythm of the waves. Today something was off and different as he could feel it deep down that today something would happen as the rhythm just seemed off with him feeling weird. Marcellus was up in the morning this day and ready to do his daily routine when suddenly he heard the sounds of knocks on his door, his head lifting up in surprise. He didn't expect to live here much longer as nowadays he was usually at Luca or Junji's house or out of his house. Most the time his shack was now barren and empty without him inside it.

The Toyger began to limp towards his door, lifting himself onto his hind legs to press his paws against the golden knob as best as he could manage. In this small body he couldn't do much and struggled greatly in this process. Once the door swung open, he was shocked to see his kin standing there looking right at him. "Oh, hello Elijah." He rung out from his jaws, a mix of confusion but also happiness. He was a bit surprised to see Elijah over here but didn't question it, instead listening to what the domestic had to say. At first he was only more confused, face furrowing as he tried to make sense of what his child was babbling about, but then in an instant he realized what was happening. It was almost like a flash with Marcellus zooming past his son and straight out of the shack, landing on his paws but nearly toppling over himself. He raced his way to the shore where the rest of his children stood, his eyes looking over the strained kit. "Shh help is here." He muttered quietly. There was a pit of uncertainty of he tried to make sense of what to do. There was so little he could do as he wasn't a healer and barely knew anything about herbs. For now he would try to lap at the kitten's fur and curl his body around their figure to supply warmth.

With that hopefully done, Marcellus closed his eyes and focused in on Luca with him trying to pass on the message of a hurt kit at the shore.

Re: * chapter i: darkness / abandoned & strained kit - Eris - 11-11-2018

eris would never have known there was a kitten at the border, had it not been for elijah's wings. eris wasn't going to lie; he wished he had elijah's wings. stella, priscilla, and kaisa's wings were nice and all, but they weren't big and impressive like his brother's. eris hadn't been watching elijah, but a bird called overhead and the gray-and-white child's head snapped up to search for the source of the call. that was when he noticed elijah, up there in the sky. he was swooping down toward the border, his flight direct enough that eris assumed he wasn't just landing for no good reason. he was landing because something there was something interesting. eris's curiosity flickered up and he started heading toward where he thought elijah had landed.

he didn't notice elijah's flight to marcellus, and in the time it took for them to return, eris would only just be arriving. he had been farther away than he had expected, and little kitten legs did not do him any favors. "hey!" he came running up, stopping sharply next to kaisa and taking in the scene. it looked like a family gathering, almost, expect half of their family was missing and marcellus was curled around some unfamiliar kitten, one that looked young, small, and not in good condition. he couldn't see any cuts on it, but it looked shaky... maybe it was sick? or maybe just really hungry and tired? junji was a soothsayer, but eris hadn't lived long enough to pick up much medical knowledge.

"what's goin' on? who's this?" eris asked nobody in particular, moving closer to stare at the dark-furred kitten. his eyes shifted away from it to look at the empty basket nearby. "oh." his eyes widened. he knew that sometimes people couldn't care for their children and abandoned them, but it wasn't like eris had ever seen it happen before.

Re: * chapter i: darkness / abandoned & strained kit - PEPPINO - 11-11-2018

Pip was not Junji, but he always kept a careful eye on the border, and he was out and about often enough that when there was even a slight commotion, he usually caught wind of it. At least nothing seemed to be on fire this time, but as the canine trotted closer, noticing the apparently abandoned kitten covered by Marcellus, the worry was back in full-force. He set the concern aside, though, because it wasn't conducive to anything except more apprehension, and Pip needed a clear head for this. "Excuse me," the young canine said, gently maneuvering Eris aside. "They seem overheated. Let's go farther into the shade." Ever so careful, Pip extended forward to retrieve the kitten from Marcellus, carrying them into greater shelter from the sun, where the sand was cooler. He set them down just as lightly as he had picked them up, and from his satchel, found a small bowl, with a canteen of water he poured into it.

"You can drink that, if you're thirsty," Pip murmured, glancing over the kitten for any external injuries, for signs of dehydration or prolonged heat exposure. Their movements had seemed a bit stiffer. Joint pain? Muscles? There weren't any protrusions from broken bones, and they could still bear weight. He dug around in his satchel again, this time a small container of diluted rosemary oil in his teeth. He set it down, pulling out the stopper, and carefully tipped it over onto his paw. "I'm going to rub this into your legs, okay? They should feel better." If there was a sprain, the oil could relieve the pain as well, so it seemed the best option.

Motions firm but gentle, Pip ran his oiled paw over one of the kitten's legs, searching for any signs of discomfort.

Re: * chapter i: darkness / abandoned & strained kit - rhosmari - 11-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 14pt; color: grey; letter-spacing: -1px;"][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]The voices brought her in, keeping her from thinking on other things as she went about her day. They were all talking about something and what that was she could barely hear though she started to make her way over as quickly as she could with how small she was. Her little bag bounced against her side, though the leather was slightly blackened because of the heat of her form. She knew that new kids had been introduce to the typhoon but all relatively young and though she was excited about it she knew that she couldn't exactly play with them. There were a lot of reasons to that but the main one was that she didn't want to accidentally burn one of them. The child knew that she didn't have enough control over her fire abilities and she had no want to harm a kid because of her fire. Finally she came upon the group and she allowed her small form to slip through the crowd, easily moving around them all to get to Pip. Her eyes settled on the kid that he was caring for and she lightly tilted her head a bit before giving out a soft squeal. Well, it was a baby and they were so cute!

Setting down her bag and watched as Pip applied the oil, though a thought ran through her mind. "They might be too young to understand you..." A part of her wondered if the child would need milk and she glanced at the family that was around them before lightly tapping her paw against the ground. Her tails twitched and jerked randomly before she moved forward just a bit before taking the small bowl that water had been placed into or the child. Would they need help drinking? Ah she didn't know and so she looked at Pip for guidance. He was older than she was so she figured he would know what to do while she was still learning everything she needed to.

Re: * chapter i: darkness / abandoned & strained kit - ... - 11-11-2018

[div style="background: url(; background-size: cover; height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 3px solid #000; float: left; margin-right: 10px"]
[div style="width: 60px; font-size: 11px; font-family: nyala; text-align: justify; color: #fff"]HP: 90%
[div style="background: #34bf3f; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; height: 6px; width: 90px; margin-top: 1px"]
EXP: 0%
NAME: ... ¦ GENDER: ? ¦ LEVEL: 2 ¦ : 1
STR: 1 ¦ DEF: 1 ¦ CON: 1 ¦ DEX: 1 ¦ INT: 1
PER: 2 ¦ CHR: 1 ¦ AGL: 1 ¦ WIL: 1 ¦ LCK: 1
Curiosity settles deep within consciousness when They spots a new figure soaring towards where They is with the other kit. They glances at the lilac point, then at a creature who is much more older than the other two kits They met. One, two, three... They thinks about who else inhabits here... How many more...?

Snapping thoughts, full focus now on the male towering Them, They shrinks back. Eyes yet wide, with awe gleams in them, They utters a loud squeak at Their body being bathe in sudden warmth from gentle tongue. Pleasant it feels, pain is left behind mind, They mews and reaches Their quivering paws towards the spotted figure. Attentively, They purrs when They is close against the system that provides nothing but a joy to Them, wrapped in friendly heat. They presses Their cheeks against his flank and rubs, motion full of fondness.

( * Marcellus   )

"What's goin' on? Who's this?"

They looks up to a new kit and tilts Their head. Though, he lacks wings, as They do not expect, from his words of wonder, his presence paints Their world marigold. They squeaks at the kit, following after his gaze and, too, sees an object. Little time it takes for Them to observe it well when They senses the coldness hitting Them once more. They struggles under the Unknown's teeth and mewls. They stays that way until They feels the cool grains beneath Them.

Their furs bristles when They realizes it was a canine who did such a thing to Them. But Their annoyance quickly falls as astonishment takes over. How his structure is different. Eyes different, teeth different, all too different. They marvels at him, awareness of Their surrounding disappears for a moment, before They catches a shine of an object that is places before Them. They stares at it and blinks, lips curves downward.

"You can drink that, if you're thirsty."

Creamy tenderness coats a voice of passion, born with a soft heart. It bleeds into the air, and, somehow, despite how he took Them away from Their comfort, it appears benevolent.

"I'm going to rub this into your legs, okay? They should feel better."

They slightly leans at his words, careful eyes on a clear substance his paws are coats with. When he places his paw on Theirs, unlike how the lilac point kit did it, something touches Them, but it is not kind to Them.

( * Peppino   )

In the corner of Their eyes that fills with hot tears, a blurred figure appears by the canine, and so do a thought if she will hurt Them too. Choking on a pained gasp, They attempts to pat the doberman away and scrambles off to the king cheetah. The one who makes Them felt good. Pain that sticks inside of Their limbs grows immensely after each careless step, and once They finds Themself tripping over to the spotted furs, They lets out a wail.