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TELL ME I'M ADORED // returning - Printable Version

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TELL ME I'M ADORED // returning - APHRA CIPHER . - 11-10-2018

ah, it's been so long since she had been around. truthfully, aphra had partially left the typhoon once she had her kids and was only now just returning due to hearing the drama that her father, caesar, had been stirring up. despite being here before, aphra knew it would be wise of her not to just waltz right into their camp - not just because it was the right thing to do, but because she couldn't exactly get past the gate - and sat down at the edge of the gate, using one of her paws to ring the bell.

and now all she had to do was wait. aphra yawned, wrapping her long, pluming tail around her paws, awaiting for somebody to greet her.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: TELL ME I'M ADORED // returning - cleo roux. - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px;"]Mother. This was her mother.

As the crippled bengal halted before Aphra, that vague thought flitted across her mind, intangible and hard to truly comprehend but there nevertheless. She could not remember all the little details that pertained to her deadbeat mother, just that a part of her had once loathed her with no remorse. If she recalled correctly, that hatred had been justified and not a silly extension of her own flair for the dramatic; Aphra had never cared for she and her siblings nor did she expect that to change.

But she was still scared, anticipating comments or questions that she would be unable to answer. The old Cleo would have been able to prevent such from happening, grilling her mother with questions of her own. She was not strong like that Cleo though- she was just a weak little girl who didn't quite have a grasp on her own life anymore. "Where'd you go?" It was all she could manage and gods, she hated that it sounded like she cared. Did she? Did her mother's absence in her life truly have that profound of an impact on her? Blinking large eyes, Cleo would fixate her attention upon the ground. She didn't want to be dealing with this.

Not now.

Not ever.

Re: TELL ME I'M ADORED // returning - APHRA CIPHER . - 11-10-2018

to see one of her daughter's crippled forms making their way over to her should have been quite alarming, and yet the only thing that made aphra's invisible eyebrows raise was only in shock that cleo was still here. and the first to see her, nonetheless. eventually though, aphra went back to her usual monotonous gaze, frowning down at her daughter. "i just needed some time to myself." she responded coldly, as if she never got any sort of alone time. the way that cleo was acting right now, with her crippled form and the way she looked down at her paws and refused to look up at her own mother was disgusting.

"is your father still around?" aphra decided to ask, one of her large ears flicking as she spoke. truthfully, the only reason she cared was because pincher had been the captain whenever she left. for all she knew, somebody else could have replaced him. although sleeping with him again, should it ever happen, would be quite fun.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: TELL ME I'M ADORED // returning - cleo roux. - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px;"]Wasn't everything you did for yourself?

The thought, strange and unnatural, nearly bubbled to the surface, prepared to brace cinnamon-colored lips and enter the chilly air before she managed to catch herself. How absolutely odd it was to feel the need to bite back, Cleo's cheeks reddening at the very idea. She did not like her mother, that much was certain, but even the thought of disrespecting her in such an outward fashion made her nauseous. So the undersized child resigned to keeping her mouth shut, merely processing Aphra's too-quiet words for a moment before finally drawing her gaze back up. That cold expression... those colder words... She felt the need to run away, to escape this danger before it could hurt her. She was a fool for remaining rooted in place, tiny claws hooking into the earth in some attempt to ground her.

"He's still here but... None of your other children are." Cleo doubted that she cared. Once a deadbeat, always a deadbeat, she supposed. She would not lie though: the bengal wanted a mother. She wanted someone to hold her tightly in an embrace and not let go, wiping away her tears and chasing away that crushing darkness. Pincher was more than capable of filling both roles, but he had so many responsibilities to tend to that she doubted he'd find time for his disgrace of a child. Why did it have to be Aphra? Why did it have to be someone who made her feel so utterly alone? "I'm sure," Cleo would begin in that trembling voice of hers, hardly audible as she stared at her mother, "that you know how to get settled in, Aphra."

And then, she was turning to leave.

Re: TELL ME I'M ADORED // returning - APHRA CIPHER . - 11-13-2018

if aphra could read cleo's thoughts, she likely would have laughed at her daughter's mental response. luckily for cleo, however, aphra did not have that ability. aphra's tail tip flicked when cleo confirmed that pincher was still around. of course, just as cleo predicted however, aphra had no care for her children so cleo's words went right through her. the ivory she-cat at first opened her mouth to ask cleo another question, however the little bengal she-cat had begun to walk back off towards camp.

aphra shrugged, getting to her paws and decided to try and catch up to cleo. "so," she began. "is pincher still with that canine from snowbound?" she recalled pincher being married to somebody, although she didn't quite care enough to learn his husband's name. who she was referring to, was of course, jacob, who had first come from snowbound before joining the typhoon.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━

Re: TELL ME I'M ADORED // returning - Grey - 11-14-2018

Bakugou isn't familiar with the families present within The Typhoon. Although he has some grasp on what children belonged to Luca, the ones that were spawns of Jacob and the Captain, and the tight-knit faerie family, he isn't one to pick up on any other relations. All the Quartermaster had noticed was this woman shortening the gap between herself and Cleo - Cleo who was clearly walking away from her. "Why does it matter?" the ragdoll speaks up, teleporting forward. From the looks of it, the fem was now a part of The Typhoon but, as always, he wasn't about to give just anyone a welcome. They don't mean anything to Bakugou. They are simply words that he sometimes says to joiners. "Looks like she doesn't want to talk to you so how about you shut the fuck up?" He doesn't exactly care about Cleo but he does prefer her wellbeing over that of a face he doesn't recognise.

Re: TELL ME I'M ADORED // returning - Luciferr - 11-14-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
oh how the 'mighty' fall eh?

he well remembered the story about snowbound turning their nose up at the typhoon because of Aphra's words - and given its new state of non existence well, karma, he supposed, still he watched her coldly - both for that and for her lack of care to her children, he'd cared for all of his no matter the circumstance or the estrangement.

he watched Cleo turn away and leave and felt that self same disgust for the cold mother again to care so little, maybe she was more of Caesar than he thought, feh - he inclined his head to Bakugou in agreement "I'm sure pincher can tell you himself if he feels you deserve to know" that said he got up to follow after Cleo back towards camp, he didn't feel charitable enough to offer a welcome here.

/this is all IC oof, just on past knowledge/experience IC ;-;

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: TELL ME I'M ADORED // returning - APHRA CIPHER . - 11-14-2018

"she is my daughter." aphra growled at bakugou, narrowing her eyes as she spoke to the quartermaster. the giant dragon known as lucifer arrived as well and aphra vaguely recognized him and recalled how she didn't particularly... favor him too much. "so, is my father still here?" truthfully, the only thing aphra had heard was that caesar had caused some trouble recently. "i heard he's been quite the ass lately." she laughed, her tail flicking in amusement. aphra didn't bother introducing herself, thinking that the others should know who she is.
open your eyes up, step in the ring ━