Beasts of Beyond
found footage | open, intro - Printable Version

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found footage | open, intro - guppy - 11-10-2018

the chilled wind sifted gently through heavily-scarred peach fur, the being under the blanket-like fur shivering slightly from the sudden temperature drop. cerulean hues looked on as other creatures reacted the same way he did, some continuing on their walks or others quickly taking shelter into a guaranteed warmer area. although the clan was bustling with activity, many crossing paths with others, exchanging quick conversations and the likes, nobody had gone their way to going anywhere near him. the big brute, laying down on his bandaged up legs and watching the interactions with flaring nostrils puffing out vapor and hooded eyes, was as alone as he was ages ago.

to some, being so blatantly segregated from others might have gotten to their heads, caused anxieties to bubble up throughout ever crevice of their body and mind on what they had done wrong. but to him, nothing like that was even starting. he'd been conditioned from birth to not be so attached to both people and the attention they give. for hours on end, his mother would leave his tiny body alone in a large hut to continue with her other duties, only returning for shorts amount of time to feed the starving newborn and clean any messes he might have created. any other creatures of his tribe that might have come by to look at him were often scolded for staying nearby for too long. soon they had stopped coming by at all. the trend continued as he grew, only being talked to about official statements or duties that came with his position as royalty and scoldings from his father while in his never-ending training sessions. affection and attention were two things that were extremely foreign to him. seeing these little pathetic creatures give each other caring looks rather than neutral ones and such uplifting sounding talks rather than scoldings in his language made him almost snarl in disgust. no wonder they made him stay in their territory rather than killing him on the spot when he was the most vulnerable in his life.

they were all so damn weak.

another much-stronger breeze passed by the territory, and some of his thickening coat stuck up in weird angles. he didn't bother trying to shake it back in place. last time he tried to do that had ended with him groaning from the aches of his slowly-healing wounds. most of his body was encased with bandages, some slightly bloody from his restless shifting reopening small cuts. the moments in which his wounds would randomly shoot pain through his body caused him to remember the moment he had encountered some of the clan's members at their border, surrounding his feeble and bloody body. one had attempted to patch him up, and he had weakly attacked back out of reflex. it took a good amount of them to make him pass out. when he had awoken in some random part of their presumed camp, tied up with a heavy rope and movement-constricting bandages, he had only mild surprise in his mind. he'd assumed they would've killed him on the spot from attacking a member, not drag his large body back to their camp, clean him up and... well, keep him alive. it was one of the dumbest strategies he'd ever witnessed. unless they thought they could use him as a weapon- which it still would be dumb anyway.

the rope that was still tied around his neck was uncomfortably scratching him once more, and he rolled his massive head around to alleviate some of it. it occurred to him awhile ago that, even if he was still weak and in pain, he could easily snap the rope in half with a claw or large canine and attack everyone in sight and escape. yet he hadn't done so. he wasn't sure why. he had come up with the assumption that he had wanted to see what their ploy was in keeping him in the clan, acting only if they did something to him. so far the only thing that had occurred was having meek-looking creatures come clean his wounds and replace the bandages, some toss him very small rations of food and give half-empty filled bowls of water, and a few youngsters try to come up to him in fits of bravery. all had ended up with the blue-nosed tiger growing and snapping his jaws in their direction, watching them all freeze then run away squealing. it was... amusing, to say the least. it was like playing around with prey before snapping their necks.

the brute grumbled and rested his head on his paws after fixing the rope, watching the last creatures in his view go their separate ways, but not before giving each other some prolonged contact. he made eye contact with one of them, which had quickened their pace after seeing him lick his lips. he wondered when someone would have the courage to come up and do something to him. anything, really. it was boring being the biggest threat here, even if it boosted his already inflated-ego (though he would never admit to it himself). he needed some action happening. he'd even let those kids crawl over him if it meant having their parents come and fight him.

he was desperate.


Re: found footage | open, intro - Grimm - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"][ ] ;; – They had known only warmth within various frames, given different context and placements but it was pleasant, the sensation of it within the heavy press of a wing about the small body, the tickling breath of heat as whisper was spoke into ear, the quiet crackle of flames or the raising heat of the oven upon which rode smells that tantalised. Brief was the snatches of faint chill about the edges of wind, the stretch of sand reaching down to gently graze along the ocean bringing with it light the cold of winter as it enveloped the world, but it held little sway here. It seemed almost they lacked the true structure of seasons, rather they were contained only within heat, found ever lasting the touch of summer. And yet the morning had risen with a wash of pale golden light, dancing across expanse of cream and lilac drawn close, wracked with shivers that left little teeth clicking faintly.

Difficult had it been to raise, force themself to disentangle their own small body from the press of more, some a tad larger though nearly all were small, gentle the beat of their hearts, ringing in ears that flicked and twitched as jaws opened in a yawn. It was nice spending a few minutes with them, wrapped up in the warmth of those deemed family, feeling the growing warmth within chest as it worked into their own heart, the gentle huffs and little snores from the others bringing a slight smile upon pale rose toned lips. But quickly had grown their hunger, delicate the press of it into stomach before it was expanding and growing, working further into the walls of it, pleading to be tended to.

With a flutter of small downy covered wings Kaisa had finally drawn away from the press of bodies, though faint was the touch of longing in dull toned eyes as they swept over them, mere splash of pale tones against the darkness of the hut awash within the bright light of morning. It had taken some doing to finally open the door, latch difficult to manoeuvre, many times the tiny paws slipping from it. Soft click and within the crack paw was slipped, apparent the tense set of muscles as weak sight found the huddle of their family once more. They knew well to venture alone was not allowed, though the hour was drawing on and morning was steadily fading away, time when the rest would awaken, but the child was not one for patience.

Rather then waiting they left, taking time to close the door behind them before along the beach they began to walk. Familiar was it now though still was the strange texture of the grains beneath their paws difficult to traverse, the moisture within greedy as it sought to keep them there, each step taking time as they lifted high their paws and carefully placed them once more. Though short was the trek it proved a great ordeal with the slow pace set, eyes focused upon the ground where lilac was set apart from the tan of the beach, making sure no obstruction was present in their path. Staggering was their halt when heavy breathing first rose, unlike any they had heard for some they had met within the short time of their life had been smaller, given no need for such, the tones upon this other strange. Faint but alluring was the point of blue upon the field of cream tones it was surrounded by, an oddity that drew along lips a small frown.

“Hello...” Soft voice rose as shuffling steps drew the small child closer, body instinctively drawn to the ground until belly was brushing the sand. Gaze lifted, found the darker line of rope and concern twisted the gentle features, fictional brow furrowed until it shadowed their eyes. They bore not the words to ask as to what or why he was within such place, though clear was the darkness within, the heavy presence of something they had felt within one other, edges crackling and sparking as though it proved a live wire. But unlike the other he spoke no harsh words within their direction, made them feel foolish and small, and so they crept a little closer.

Slow was the extension of paw, seeking to gently touch upon the blue spot, never realising it was a nose. “Salve, I'm Kaisa, what's your name?” Once more the greeting rose to their lips and slight was the tilt of little head, curl of smile grown shaky as they continued to speak.

Re: found footage | open, intro - elijah - 11-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]Elijah was untrusting of those outside of The Typhoon but once he knows they are pirates, he's simply too open to them. Being young and naive, he was gullible beyond compare. It was easy for him to believe in a crewmate's sob story or adventure of trekking into mysterious mountains to fight an evil dragon. To his luck, he still managed to maintain rather distant to The Typhoon. Although he pounced directly into situations, speaking quickly and excitedly - not caring about the consequences that may follow - his selective hearing made it difficult for him to engage in proper conversations. His mind was simply darting back and forth, refusing to stay still because boredom would always creep into his tiny, buzzing mind. The kitten simply had too much to think about. He didn't realise the joy of living in the moment, as if his heart were unable to take the mundaneness of reality swimming around him. The child liked to escape into the realms of fantasy, holding tightly at the chains as he pretends to soar on dragons or take down battle ships with an imaginary firebreath. The only problem was that it got lonely and the only ones who would listen to him would be his toys...or at least, they wouldn't walk away if they got bored. Perhaps it was why Elijah found it so easy to believe the words of other pirates, taking almost everything to heart because his heart had room for everyone.

The ragdoll waddles closer to his sister, noticing her weave through bodies and struggling to keep up. He wanted to know what she was doing, stumbling for a moment and tripping onto his belly. He coughs, shaking his head and slowly getting back up to follow her, curious with where she was going until he finally noticed the tiger who was restrained by ropes. He didn't know why the poor, bandaged creature was tied back, nor was he listening to Kaisa's words as she tried to speak to the creature. Everything fell on deaf ears, the little ragdoll toddling closer to the feral male. He blinks, seeing the way the ropes were tied. If he were allowed to, he would attempt to climb over the tiger, letting his legs dangle as he pulls himself over. He will then try to loosen the rope but will probably only achieve in making it less constricting than managing to undo it, strongly pitying the tiger because he didn't know what horrible pirate would have done this (of course, he didn't know that the stranger was dangerous - he only felt inclined to help). "The knot is too complicated..." he whispers to himself, biting his lip as he tried to figure out it.