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one and only | one-shot - Printable Version

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one and only | one-shot - Stryker - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] There had been a time where peace resided within him and where chaos had never settled. It was when he called Snowbound his home. The pacifist clan had never disowned him and treated him well during those times as a child. His parents practically praised him. With their support, Stryker had thrived. The lion preached peace and love, helping anyone who approached him with any concern. These were the good times. Life was without worry and the lion had been living his best life. Things, though, had changed. Snowbound soon sank into bad times. For everyone involved, they had a new weight of dismay to carry on their back as raids came from every corner. Stryker tried his best to stay aloof. From lousy attempts to heal the broken or from sarcastic jokes to cheer up the disregarded, the lion tried to keep everyone's head above the water. Their hopes soon faded though.

The pacifist group kept taking hits. His mother had been off keeping care of the other groupmates with Stryker by her side while his father was off planning their next defense, but never a next attack. Many members were dying off, being captured, and were maimed to no end. Snowbound was heavily effected. Yet Stryker thought he would have no problems. Through kindness, he believed they could thrive on.

Soon enough, Snowbound was growing desperate. His mother, once by his side, went off to the borderlines with his father whenever an occurrence popped up. Lovers fought side-by-side. They thrived in war, successfully defending their home and children from whatever evil approached the border. With their success came his aspirations. Hopeful and prideful, Stryker continued raising morale. Snowbound followed his lead, continuing on with their victories in battles and preaching the word of the pacifists they were. To them, peace was all they wanted. If they didn't have to strike back, then their goal of pacifism was achieved. All they needed to do was defend their home. By sticking together, the clan achieved just that. Their deaths had begun to decrease and their voices began to be heard by their enemies who were tempted by their peace. Many backed off, but one group kept at the challenge.

Needless to say, his parents died on the front-lines. While they died for a cause, Stryker started to hold remorse against himself. He could of done more... Snowbound could of done more. Thoughts enveloped in his mind, no longer taking their death as something honorable. To him, they died because Snowbound was scared. The group was weak. Once honorable to the cause of pacifism, Stryker grew frustrated. With his pleads towards the higher positions about his new thoughts, he preached the word of fighting back, but no one had listened. Those who knew of his parents thought he was lost. They thought he still wasn't over it. While they were right, the word's were coming straight from the lion's heart. No longer could he stand the thought of Snowbound's pacifism. In his opinion, it had destroyed the clan... It destroyed his family... It destroyed him.

Snowbound had turned a blind-eye towards the actions of their enemies. No one who challenged Snowbound received justice. His parents did not get to strike back while in their graves and any one else who had died along the way. Frustrated and in agony, the lion revolted. For six months, he stayed silent and hid within the shadows as they were berated. Their victories had turned into losses while Snowbound's morale faded into disgust with the action being taken against their enemies. Stryker's parents were practically rolling in their grave. As Leigh and Atbash continued their reigns, his blood curdled and his mind festered in rage, planning to start what he could call a revolution against their pacifist ways. Snowbound needed something new. They needed thrill... They needed better attention. He was growing impatient and dearly wanted justice for what they had done to him.

A man by the name of 'Yes Man' came to him one day. With a jolly smile on his lips and a convincing attitude, Stryker was enthralled to hear what he had to say. The stranger mentioned a new place. Somewhere he could be himself. Everything could be left behind and he could finally take justice against the people who had wronged him. Thrilled by the idea, the lion agreed. All he had to do was lie under wraps for a bit longer while they prepared for the arrival of many like-minded individuals. It was not long before he snapped though.

The Typhoon, an enemy of Snowbound, had taken down Snowbound's herbal den with their flames. As per usual, nothing was done. Atbash cowered in fear at their enemy and proceeded to call clean up patrol instead of fighting back against them. Thus, he finally snapped. Izuku, an unlikable acquaintance of his, approached him in the midst of his bickering and challenged his willingness to help the clan out. The two butted heads rightfully. Tension built between the two of them, both beginning to get physical and personal. With no remorse, the venomous lion rushed over suddenly and bite on his groupmate's neck, paralyzing them with his venom. Not long after was Stryker exiled.

Thus he arrived in the Pitt. Yes Man welcomed him with open arms. Stryker felt at home. The Pitt was somewhere he could share his thoughts with those like him and they were willing to support him in his endeavors, no matter what they were. Enthralled, Stryker got moving. In no time, Atbash came into his grip. The newly-made Pittian had managed to takeover Snowbound in no time. Yes Man praised his work, promoting him to Skald. Though his takeover in Snowbound did not remain permanent, he achieved his goal in teaching them that they should fight back and not turn a blind-eye to what enemies came upon their doorstep.

Yes Man's reign faded, handing the role over to Esklav in his place. Though the other male's reign did not last long, the Pitt remained closed off and violent under his lead. Stryker chose to keep to himself during that time. When Esklav took his time off and had three others replace him, the male rose out of the shadows. There was no return for their former leader, paving the path to his own reign. Thus, they were here. With a hard head, cocky attitude, and a lust for revenge, the new ardent leads the Pitt to this day.

//Aka I'm throwing this in his bio and just wanted to post it if anyone was curious about his past. lmaoooo

Re: one and only | one-shot - Stryker - 11-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] going to bump this one last time before i archive it and let it die <3
also testing a template change