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PROVE TO ME | JOINING - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]The longer he had stayed in The Typhoon, the more restless the child had become. Although he knows that he won't be able to find his way back, knows that — he doesn't want to know what he does, but when the pup thinks about it, he feels sick. Nauseous. Being there hadn't helped either. It constantly felt as if the child was in someone's way, barely glanced over in the grand scheme of things. He had been used to a family, where all the attention was for each other, and now he was a distraction. Something about all of it made his stomach turn, and so with a quiet farewell and a parting gift, Garrett had headed back off into the world. What had started out as a journey homewards had not ended like that. The area he's in now is unfamiliar. Again. His thoughts wander to the night he left home, the looks on his parents' faces. Troubled. Scared. He knows it by heart now, can feel it in his gut.

He had learned what borders meant in The Typhoon, and at least now he knows to respect them. The fluffy canine sits down with greyish-green eyes turned over his shoulder, back the way he came. When the strap of his bag begins to cut into his shoulder, he stops and looks forward again with a slow, heavy breath. Whatever was behind him still mattered, but for now he needed to keep looking forward. "Hello?"

Re: PROVE TO ME | JOINING - teef - 11-10-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


a small gray molly emerged from the scenery, tail twitching as she carried a bundle of herbs bound together in slender grass slips. "Oh! Hello, dear child. What brings you here?" she asked softly, startled when his scent reached her nose.

(sorry it's short, I'm running out the door,,,,)

Re: PROVE TO ME | JOINING - rhosmari - 11-10-2018

"Oi.." The words were a soft greeting, low and tempered because she always had a soft spot for children. She remembered when Pele had lived with her in a home that was now broken and gone because of the swelling river. It still broke her heart to think that all the memories she had in that home were all gone now. There was nothing there but a gaping hole in the boardwalk. Her chest swelled with tiredness as she came forward though she attempted to make her largeness less intimidating by lowering her head. After all she wasn't one to attempt to scare away any joiners that were looking to make Sunhaven a home. The birds still sang in the trees despite the temperatures that were getting increasingly cold as days moved on toward winter. She wished it was spring again but that wasn't how the seasons worked. Couldn't skip one in favor of another. Yet the beast gave a warm smile as she sat down, breathing in the scent of the Typhoon. An ally? Tilting her head she grew curious of the circumstances before clearing her throat. "What can Sunhaven do for ya, laddie?"

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡


i don't fight because i want to win, i fight to win!
Ichigo didn't know most of the places that was around a group like this. The over-sized wildcat usually wondered where he wanted, but it would also mean that he had the potential of getting himself into trouble if he wasn't careful. Which, he almost never was. There were reasons why he had as many scars as he does now, although most were from different types of creatures anyway. Finding children on the border wasn't an uncommon thing to see when it came to groups like these, and it was up to the point where Ichigo found it almost normal. That didn't mean that he had to like it though as everyone had some kind of parents even if they were different. The Shinigami had made friends usually with children despite him believing that he wasn't that great with children in the first place. Despite having been a father once before his offspring were killed, but he tried not to think of those moments at least. The wildcat usually patrolled as much as he could, not in favor of Sunhaven of course, but for anything else that he needed to take care of. He had to make sure that no corrupted spirits came within a certain distance of the group in order to keep them safe.

He flicked one of his rounded ears when he heard voices ahead, thanks to his enhanced hearing that he usually kept on while he was patrolling. He began to make his way over, feeling two somewhat familiar presences. Although he was as large as a jaguar, there were plenty of creatures that were much larger than he was that lived in Sunhaven. Ichigo was used to being one of the smaller creatures in the group, but he was also used to being the only of his species in the groups that he did take shelter in. His pelt was slightly dripping thanks to the rain that they had been getting the past couple of days. Ichigo approached behind the two females, keeping a slight distance between him and the child. When he caught the scent of Typhoon, he thought it was going to be his granddaughter on the border, but it was no as it was a pup. He wasn't able to figure out what kind of breed of dog it was, not like it mattered. The kid seemed to be in decent condition, and he wondered what he was doing here in Sunhaven if he was from the Typhoon. Ichigo sat himself down, his yellow and brown eyes looking at him as he raised one of his paws and waved at the kid. "Yo." Was all the Shinigami said, rolling his shoulders to adjust the sword on his back.

Re: PROVE TO ME | JOINING - Aelios S. - 11-10-2018

Every once in a while a child would be found on the border at here in Sunhaven. Fin had no problem with that, they just wished whomever the child parents knew how irresponsible but reasonable place to dump their child onto the border and vanish.

But this was different in terms, the vampire was familiar with the scent of typhoon, the scent of the sea.  That was what brought them over how interesting.

Coming up to the border seeing that the situation was been handled, curious than ever. These rains were nothing but a diaster driven incident. Hopefully something good comes out of this stress driven incident.

Re: PROVE TO ME | JOINING - Luciferr - 11-10-2018

CRYPTICWHISPER is an Angeli Divine, in the form of a 5ft Angeleon - he is of the exceedingly rare 'black Ichor' caste of which only a theorised handful exist [mine].
Currently he resides in Sunhaven as a hearthkeeper. Is considered 'fallen' by his brethren for his renegade status. Aura and abilities are black-purple as is signature to black Ichor caste. Wears silver-black 'black star' armour & wields the Eclipse Sword.
he follows after the group quietly, wary and watchful but not as tense - this is only a child after all and judging by the scent they are from an ally, it eases his suspicious nature at the least, though much like Marina he has a soft spot for children - mortal children perhaps an inkling more so given their more fragile selves.

still the massive divine idles to the back, he'll offer his name if he's asked or after the child has spoken but the necessary questions were asked by others and he feels not the need to add to this conversation, instead his aura fluctuates calmly invisibly around him - idly taking in the expressions and general mood of the group.

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300]THE SILVER SHADOW[/glow]
[glow=purple,2,300]C R Y P T I C W H I S P E R[/glow]
© ceilidh