Beasts of Beyond
then we should all die together | open, joining - Printable Version

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then we should all die together | open, joining - Felibri - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: georgia; line-height: 105%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"][font=georgia]Hobbitfoot muttered to himself as his relentless wanderings brought him to the edge of the Typhoon's borders. The short feline's eyes widened at the sight of the territory. It seemed that not too long ago, an unnatural fire had spread through this place.

"HELLO?" Hobbitfoot called, ignoring the common sense of borders as he plunged into the Typhoon territory. The pale brown cat raised his head as he tried to search for anyone who might have survived so he could understand what in the world was happening here. "IS ANYONE HOME?" There could not be much that Hobbitfoot would be able to do to help, but he was also guided by some distance ulterior motives. He was weary from walking for so long that he wanted to rest his feet in a place he could trust. Now, for all he knew, perhaps a sort of fire-breathing creature lived here and was setting up a trap, but Hobbitfoot did not think of that. Yet.

He was probably going to get in a lot of trouble, but he had virtually no knowledge of how the outside world worked after being forced to leave after his own home had been destroyed.

Re: then we should all die together | open, joining - Luciferr - 11-10-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
black smaug is here lmao

A beast of darkness cut from the ether above stirred at the edges of the treeline, claws and spikes shifting against the scant rock covering from the edges of his concealed cavern and one mercury-white eye slitted open to fix on the loud voice - of a stranger.

and given they'd had an incursion not scant a day or so ago,

the shadow moved, claws scraping along stone as he rose to emerge from his home and down towards where the yelling was coming from - a small feline it seemed.

Lucifer quirked a ridged brow "you shouldn't cross borderlines stranger" especially given they'd had an attack only a day or so ago, that left strangers that trespassed a lot less leeway than usual.

"your name and reason for trespassing?"

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: then we should all die together | open, joining - Felibri - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: georgia; line-height: 105%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"][font=georgia]yeS

And just like that, Hobbitfoot froze, his body stiffening and eyes widening. He breathed carefully through his nose and clenched his eyes shut, hoping the dragon wouldn't notice him. It seemed common sense, at least, to stand still in front of a large reptilian beast. His mother had told him stories of dragons ... and in every one of them, they had not been kind.

Hobbitfoot opened up one eye when the dragon spoke. He took one step backward, black-tipped ears folding against his skull. "I-I beg your pardon ... I ... my name is Hobbitfoot and ..." Here he did trail off, wondering if the fire had been caused by this beast who now claimed the scorched territory. "My reason ... ah, my reason is to find out who lives here." He added in a rush, holding his breath.

Re: then we should all die together | open, joining - Luciferr - 11-10-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
irony since his major fc is also aragorn from lotr

Lucifer watches the stammering cat with a critical eye for a few moments, but no he isn't lying it seems - and he carries no scent of the slave owners - still, it rankles at his nerves so soon after the scorching, not that the Pitt won't get whats coming to them, An eye for an eye after all.

the crown of horns tilts slightly as Luciferus hums low in his throat "you're very lucky I believe you, considering recent events, I'm not inclined to look kindly on trespassing" the eyes glance meaningfully at the lingering scorchmarks briefly.

"As for where you've trespassed - this is Typhoon territory, I am Luciferus and now I wonder why you've sought to find out who lives here?" he inclines his head "Looking for a place to stay perhaps? you don't carry any of the local group scents" a fortunate point considering all but sunhaven are fair game for their raids - and the pitt is despised.
tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: then we should all die together | open, joining - Keona. - 11-10-2018

✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
"We live 'ere," a tiny voice -- especially in comparison to Lucifer's rumbling tone -- answered.  The tiny, spotted feline stepped out of the shadow of the massive dragon, pale sea-green hues curious.  Her steps seemed slow, the faintest hint of pain reflected in the smallest movements.  Her injuries were healing though, slowly but surely, and Keona had wanted to patrol today.  Put some distance between herself, her kin, and the place she'd nearly been burned; also to witness the other damage.  I should freeze the Pitt over.  See how they liked that.

Keona offered a small polite smile, not quite friendly but nowhere near cold.  Strangers were strangers after all.  And what a strange name, in this case.  The petite fae let Lucifer speak, content in silent observance as he asked the questions.
tá mé i dtiúin — ✯

Re: then we should all die together | open, joining - Felibri - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: georgia; line-height: 105%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"][font=georgia]Yes, it was strange for a dragon to speak like he had something other than material goods to protect. From what it sounded like, there were still other people here ... the dragon had just been there first to meet him. The pale-furred cat also deduced that someone other than the dragon had done the damage, seeing the way he glanced at the charred earth. Hobbitfoot was still wary, however, taking another step back as he searched for an escape route. He hesitated, however, when he saw a feline, not unlike himself, appear with seemingly no fear toward the giant beast. He glanced at her, nodded, and turned his attention back to the one who noticed him first.

"Well, why yes, indeed! I am not from any group." That was one thing he knew for sure, and he didn't think he would gain much by lying and saying that he was. Then it would be a game of Russian roulette, to guess the one Clan this Typhoon was allied with. "Raised by my mother, until ... fortune took over and now I'm here, and I guess you could say I was worried to see a place like this in ashes, and I mean, fire doesn't seem like something to come naturally here, you are on an island, after all." Hobbitfoot rambled, hoping he had somewhat answered the dragon's question.

"You know, yes, I am looking for a place to stay, so how about you let me stay here, share food and company, and I will help you all out in any way I can to rebuild after this nasty fire?" It seemed a pretty good offer to him. Now Hobbitfoot was shorter than average, but it was the thought that counted, and he really did try to have a compassionate heart. He was feeling that he could trust the dragon, so he wasn't feeling as spooked and hesitant.

Re: then we should all die together | open, joining - Grey - 11-11-2018

If it had been Bakugou who noticed the trespasser first, he would have approached the situation more aggressively. The dragon was far more civil in these matters than he was and he could have very easily agreed that just about anyone would make a more suitable Quartermaster than Bakugou. Alas, he will trust in the Captain's decisions for now. The demigod was very stern about Caesar's revolt against the ragdoll's promotion, seemingly confident with what he had announced, so for now the male was keeping quiet. He was holding in all his emotions, keeping to himself, trying not to over stress about how unworthy he felt. He was talking more walks as of late, walking until his paws had blisters because he wanted to keep his thoughts elsewhere. He wanted his mind to flow from his head and into the trees, fly with the passing wind. It wasn't hard for his sanguine eyes to meet the black, abyssal shape of Luciferus in the distance, the feline lowering his body as he stalks closer before teleporting towards the ground. His gaze lands directly onto the stranger, the male who was currently speaking, talking about how he got here and how he wished to join.

"As long as you don't have any association with The Pitt then yeah, fine. You can join," the young Quartermaster says, flicking an ear in the male's direction. Hobbitfoot's words, sweet promises, about helping rebuild The Typhoon's tavern didn't sit well with Bakugou. He didn't like it when others took advantage of their misfortunes, didn't like it when others extended help when no one asked them to. Normally joiners would just ask to join, ally with their island's community because they were looking out for themselves. Trades and deals weren't normal. Heck, they even had visitors come to The Typhoon before who were seemingly, and annoyingly, accepted. "Ya still have to do the joining ritual though. It might make you throw up or run away insane." His eyes narrow slightly at his own words, still questioning the motives of the other feline because he didn't trust him, didn't like his easy-going personality. He wasn't used to it. His whiskers, however, suddenly twitch with newfound irritation after his mind repeated the male's words in his mind. He snarls, expression morphing into that of hostility: "The only place in ashes is the tavern which is in the heart of the island. How the fuck did you know there was a fire here? Don't tell me you fuckin' watched The Pitt enter our territory and did nothing."

Re: then we should all die together | open, joining - Felibri - 11-11-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: georgia; line-height: 105%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"][font=georgia]They sured hated this Pitt society, and Hobbitfoot was still clueless as to what it was. From his plumpish figure and sleek, well-groomed fur, his appearance should resemble more of a housecat than anything else. It wasn't far from the truth. He had been born on a farm and officially took over his mother's job to eat the mice that tried to penetrate the precious grains that the housefolk wanted to keep safe.

The brown cat noticeably frowned, tensing his shoulders at the mention of a joining ritual. Not being familiar with group life, he found it odd and troublesome to put a prospective new member through trial. From what he could tell, this group could need all the help they could get, what with rebuilding their tavern and taking their revenge on the Hitt ... or whatever it was called. "Doesn't seem like a problem." He murmured, so used to having everything handed to him on a silver platter. His previous occupation was given to him by fortune. And he had grown fat on it and respected ... he really wished he hadn't been forced to leave.

Hobbitfoot's black-tipped ears laid flat against his head as Bakugou seemed to suddenly realize a missing part of the puzzle. The short feline took a step back, warily. Those were good accusations, but there were multiple ways to figure out that a fire happened without seeing the burnt buildings themselves. It was only a lucky guess that he was right in thinking that there were things that could be rebuilt. Hobbitfoot suddenly snapped from his previously relaxed posture to something stiff and defensive. He wasn't about to let someone degrade his personality like that. "Can't you smell the burnt wood? It's an awful smell, I hate it. I know it because my own home was destroyed in a fire. And the little trails of smoke rising in the air don't do much to help cover what has happened. Don't use my sharp observation skills to blame me for something I would never do!"

Re: then we should all die together | open, joining - Grey - 11-11-2018

"We had a bonfire not too long ago in the middle of the forest - pretty much only about a day apart from the Capricorn being burnt down. You can't always deduce it's a burning building," Bakugou states, smoke dissipating from his lips. There were also a number of fire elementalists who liked to use their abilities in The Typhoon. The Quartermaster himself did blacksmithing in his spare time. He always smelt like the awful hot metal of his hut. The male's defensive nature only furthered Bakugou's aggression and sudden distaste for the other, hating the way the male had worded his sentences. "And if ya hate the smell of burning wood, don't fuckin' complain when pirates set random buildings alight. It happens." Yes, recently Goldenluxury herself had set a building on fire and toasted marshmallows against it. Furthermore, within the first few weeks of his joining months ago, Luca had set a house into flames as well. He was simply being petty, wanting to find any excuse not to allow the other male into The Typhoon but drawing himself back. "But I'll let your 'sharp observation skills' slide. If you do anything to piss me off, though, I'll cremate you on the spot." He turns and leaves, knowing that Lucifer was far better at dealing with joiners in a civil manner. With his recent drama with Caesar and the Pittian fire, the Quartermaster was simply too on edge to trust anyone so easily.

[ ooc ] rushed

Re: then we should all die together | open, joining - Felibri - 11-11-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: georgia; line-height: 105%; text-align: justify; padding: 10px"][font=georgia]The short cat forced down a growl that threatened to rumble in his throat. A mere bonfire would not explain why the dragon Lucifer had looked at the scorchmarks on the ground with a sort of mourning and spoke of not looking on trespassers kindly in recent events. Hobbitfoot firmly believed that he was in the right. He just could not figure out why this lump of fur wanted to find him in the wrong. Perhaps it was a show of pride, that they were perfectly able to clean up their fire and didn't want to feel like they had to do favors.

Retorts burned at the back of his throat. How was he supposed to know this group set things on fire purposefully? He still did not know that powers existed. The short brown cat's fault was ignorance. Hobbitfoot felt that he was being unfairly examined, but there was not much he could do, considering he was the one who has trespassed in the first place and made many assumptions. He debated turning back on his offer to join, staring back at Bakugou with a hatred and distaste almost equal to the male's own. It didn't take long for him to realize that, by leaving, it would be a victory for Bakugou rather than himself. So, it was out of spite that he put his foot down and decided to continue with his mission.

"Challenge accepted." He muttered under his breath as soon as Bakuguo left, still shaking with anger and disbelief. "Sorry." He glanced at the two other Typhooners who had been companionable to him, biting his lip with guilt. "I'll ... I'll do whatever joining ritual you have and then start making myself useful I guess." Hobbitfoot shrugged.