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FLEETING EMBERS - open; poisonous plant training - Printable Version

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FLEETING EMBERS - open; poisonous plant training - rhosmari - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 14pt; color: grey; letter-spacing: -1px;"][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]The young child had been debating, tucked into her meager room within the Forest Temple. Though she hadn't gotten quite used to the eerie presence that she felt here she was just happy to have a roof over her head. Not to say she didn't admittedly enjoy being outside in the wilderness but having a place to lay down was nice. Still she wanted to be doing something, to be helping and since she was a sage she didn't want others to go without help or extra knowledge. The young feline admittedly didn't know if she was suited to the job as a Sage yet and perhaps she had been too impulsive when she had decided to attempt to join the ranks of the snakes. A rough sigh left her throat before she pushed herself to her paws, eyes glancing at the far wall of her room, watching the moss that had long since reclaimed the structure. Maybe to get her mind off of negative things she could teach something. Anything. After all she had been putting the time and effort into learning what she could and how to combat such things and ailments. A smile pulled at her scarred muzzle and she was renewed in her energy as she bounded off of her small cot and started to gather up some items. It took a small while before she was leaving the Jungle Temple and heading toward the Bay area, eyes shifting over others that looked down at her.

She greeted everyone with a smile though couldn't speak since the little bundle she had in her maw was clutched tightly between little teeth. Scampering as quickly as small limbs could take her she positioned herself just on the outskirts of the Bay before setting down her bundle. "Come over here if you want to learn about some poison stuffs!" The voice almost squeaked out as she pulled some bright red berries to herself and started to separate each plant or seed into a pile of it's own. If her memory served her correctly she remembered most of them and so she waited to see if anyone wanted to learn about the dangers of explosive diarrhea or cardiac arrest.


Re: FLEETING EMBERS - open; poisonous plant training - rhosmari - 11-10-2018


Re: FLEETING EMBERS - open; poisonous plant training - Grey - 11-11-2018

With all other emotions put aside, he thought it was fairly amusing that the recently promoted sages of The Typhoon had both received warnings about their activity. He notices there must be some kind of slump when it came to the Necro Mambas, almost as if they were a rare species going extinct. Just about nobody wanted to pursue the life of medicine, healing and magic and he, after seeing the stress on Junji's face time and time again, could understand why. It was different to those of the Grim Rays who were focused on warbound aspects and weapon-making. While spars could occur, the division seemed far more lax until raids occurred. Then there was the other division, the one responsible for holding events and entertainment, the one that Goldenluxury used to lead until her promotion. The Blackjat Rats. Both divisions, compared to the Necro Mambas, put hardly as much work and effort. One would have to be a masochist to desire to be a sage or a soothsayer so he almost understood why they appeared to be slacking. They must have been exhausted but Bakugou found himself unable to offer them any pity. It was their faults for being interested in the job in the first place.

'Poison stuffs' didn't sound very professional. She made it sound as if she wasn't particularly sure what she would be teaching others about when it caught the young Quartermaster's attention. He approaches with caution, knowing that Technopaw didn't seem to have any particular good grip on her fire elementals. He knew this because of the way the catsune seemed to light up and sizzle, steam when she was stressed. She was a walking fire hazard and everyone knew it. His gaze glosses over the red berries. If he had any logic, he knew them to be deathberries, but there were definitely plants he wasn't familiar with. Herbology had never been a subject he excelled at but the iconic glint of scarlet was enough for him to know what they were considering how popular they were in appearing in movies. He simply sat down, took a breath and waited for other members to show up for the lesson. He didn't, after all, see any particular harm in attending.