Beasts of Beyond
she's my cherry cola / visitor - Printable Version

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she's my cherry cola / visitor - JORDYN - 11-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10pt;"] Time and time again they had been separated, time and time again they were brought back together. It seemed just yesterday the two had been laughing and playing, her crawling up on his back as he strutted around the woods chuckling. She missed it dearly. The bittersweet memories brought tears to her eyes and pain to her heart when she reflected on them, and she would always sit craving that feeling of joy again. It seemed she would never truly be ready to live out on her own, always chasing after her brother wherever he went. She wondered if he was ever bothered by seeing her pop up everywhere.

Kiipcha never meant to act like such a child, but she just couldn't help it. Without Phan or her father around, she was alone. Alone and scared, despite what she told everyone. Sure, she'd make a few friends here and there, but none of them ever brought the same comfort family did. In fact, she never actually found herself truly trusting any of them. She never stuck around too long in the same place, wouldn't speak unless spoken to, perhaps her actions were the cause of such grief. Yet she still couldn't recognize it. After months of the same routine she wondered what the problem was with it, and always came to the same pathetic conclusion. One would assume she'd know better by now or at least have an inkling of doubt that what she was doing would fix it, but she didn't. Loneliness was always her problem and Luca was always her answer.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been walking along the railway track before coming upon the gate, but she did have a feeling it had been a little too long to be practical. Then again, that's probably what they were going for. She doubted this group really wanted too many people invading in on their land.

Wings folded neatly against her slender frame, the tiny canine trotted towards the rock walls before settling herself beside the bells on the one side. Soft crimson eyes studied the shiny objects swaying gently in the breeze, taking her time watching them swing back and forth and breathing in deeply to calm her prickling nerves. What if Luca wasn't here? What if she was waltzing right into hostile territory? Maybe they'd kill her without a second thought - or maybe they'd torture her. Kiipcha winced at the thought of the latter, subconsciously pulling her wings tighter to her sides. More deep breaths. She struggled to calm herself again.

Forcing her thoughts away from the terrible what-if's the young coyote gulped reached up to gently bat at the set of silver bells before she lost her nerve and left. If Luca was here he wouldn't let anything happen to her. Kiipcha tried to focus on that thought as she waited anxiously to be noticed.

Re: she's my cherry cola / visitor - Grey - 11-10-2018

Time was intangible. Like threads, it could go on forever - rolling across hills, forming mountains and taking shape. At the same time, it was water. Free flowing and taking any shape, frozen or turning to steam, drifting endlessly away. The strings of time like to tangle and unravel, clicking cogs and ticking. Sometimes it was as if time stopped, fixated for a while before speeding up again, running as if it had never halted to begin with. It's frustrating, he thinks, to know how awful time could be. Her indifferent eyes, the malicious intent to continue, to force him into her worldly game of being alive. He would have been fine left in the void, left as only a blank memory, a moving life force in the form of a comet, racing through the emptiness of space and stars. Time forced him to live again, to breathe again, to open his eyes again. His own gaze felt familiar to him, sanguine and bitter, calculating and angry. The only thing that hadn't changed was his heart, consuming everything in its path as if it were the embodiment of fire itself. Then again, he could feel it within himself. He was changing, he was becoming someone else. Even then, Bakugou still held the same immature aura as he always had. Too much excess pride, too much passion to let his anger slide.

Normally, the bells would annoy him. One ring, two rings, three rings. He would naturally want to gut whoever had done it, regardless of their intent because the metal clangs were infuriating to hear. But, at this moment in time, the sound of bells were his savior. He wanted to ignore all the recent events that had been plaguing his sleep, the unnecessary stresses that came with being one of the young Quartermasters. He didn't like having to deal with Caesar's pettiness or listen to Owen attempting to sound smart. Then again, he also didn't want to hear one of Feliks' intelligent snarks, not sure who he would rather deal with between the two fellows. He simply wanted time alone and to himself, seeing that investigating the source of ringing would be a good enough escape when he teleports towards the railroad, walking calmly to see the strangely-patterned coyote at the bell. When he came closer, he begin to notice the wings tucked at her sides and then her expression, the discomfort upon her face. "If you keep looking so anxious, someone's goin' to think you're a nasty Pittian who's come here to spy," the ragdoll comments, smoke dissipating from his lips before speaking again. "This is Typhoon - the fuck do you want here?"

Re: she's my cherry cola / visitor - JORDYN - 11-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10pt;"] Soft pawsteps would alert Kiipcha to the approaching feline, and as he grew closer the female would allow a nervous yet warm smile to flicker across her features. Her mentor had always preached to her relentlessly about how much first impressions really mattered to some folks, and thus she wanted the make the best one she possibly could, especially if Luca was here.

As Bakugou made his way ever closer Kiipcha would stand up and press forward past the bells, hoping to get into comfortable speaking distance faster. The awkward silence that came with waiting always made her nervous, and as she was already anxious enough to faint she could certainly do without the extra time to stew in her thoughts. As the cream tabby finally spoke she was taken aback by his sudden sharpness and language. It reminded her vaguely of the way her mother spoke, harsh and blunt, ignorant of the delicacy of conversation. She couldn't say it was something she was particularly tolerant of, but she could hold back an angry quip or two for the sake of seeing her brother.

"Pittian?" The canine echoed in a questioning tone, hinting lightly her her ignorance of both the area and it's inhabitants. Perhaps she should have tried to educate herself a little before approaching this group so out of the blue, especially if she came off as what she assumed was a rival. "Oh, um... I'm Kiipcha and I'm here looking for my brother, if he's around." She responded rather vaguely, pausing for a few moments before adding, as if as an afterthought, "Luca. His name's Luca."

Re: she's my cherry cola / visitor - Grey - 11-11-2018

He didn't think anything in particular to her shy smile, simply observing the fem's reactions when he spoke. The repetition of 'Pittian' didn't exactly phase him, though he would have to admit that he wasn't particularly sure if she was playing dumb or was genuinely unaware of the groups within their universe. He was willing to believe either of them because Bakugou himself had started off unaware of what exactly this 'Typhoon' place was. And yet, as time went on, he begun to view his situation as something abnormal. He simply suspected everyone to be holding back on secrets, suspicious in every way. Kiipcha. He didn't really care for her name. If she was joining, the male would learn it sooner or later. If she was merely visiting, there would be no need to remember anything but her appearance in the case that she would later cause troubles to stir in The Typhoon. Brother, his brain repeats. The words hold no particular weight or meaning to him other than the fact that family always seemed to be a driving force for wandering strangers to stride up to their borders, but at the mention of Luca it was clear that the Quartermaster was doing his best to stifle a snarl. "Yeah, he' He recently had kids, actually. Haven't seen him around much though."

He sighs, "I'll go get that piece of shit for you." Expecting the winged coyote to wait at the border, he turns around to go find the over-dramatic demon.
