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PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE — kiip's storage - Printable Version

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PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE — kiip's storage - JORDYN - 11-10-2018

[glow=black,2,300]KIIPCHA, SOFT SPOKEN MEDIC[/glow]
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• cisgender female / she , her pronouns
• currently a loner / no titles
• 16 months / created 2016

• compulsively grooms herself when she's stressed or needing an outlet. her fur is never matted nor dirty in the least, however in times where she's often anxious her fur/feathers often begin to fall out due to over-grooming.
• takes her job as a healer very seriously and takes great pride in her work. often speaks vaguely yet fondly of her past mentor.
• speaks very often of her brothers as well, keeping them anonymous for the most part but sometimes letting revealing details slip. never mentions neither her mother or father, may get defensive if pressed about them.
• loves physical contact and is often seen pressing up against her clanmates or even trying to crawl over them. has a little trouble recognizing personal space boundaries and when to back off.
• tries to be as kind / helpful as possible but gets emotionally drained rather quickly and often has to separate herself to rest. contacting her before she's ready can result in her being rather snappy and overall miserable to be around.

• sango x npc / siblings are deceased
• unknown orientation / single
• hesitantly open for relationships

• [MAIN BODY] winged coyote
just click the ref i dont wanna write this rn
— INJURIES/ILLNESSES: none currently

• [EXTERIOR] soft spoken, compassionate, dutiful
• patient, affectionate, well-meaning
• [INTERIOR] paranoid, emotional, detached
• gloomy, anxious, fearful

• physically easy / mentally hard
• peaceful or non-violent powerplay is accepted
• attack in bold or underlined / please tag if needed
• ask before attempting to maim, kill, or capture

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