Beasts of Beyond
MISTER MISTY-EYE — MINI MEETING 11.09 - Printable Version

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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
It was only a few span of days and already so much had happened and the male needed to make sure his schedule of meetings as they had been lopsided to either be too long and too short, it was honestly annoying as fuck to himself as a captain. Perhaps it was his bad mood as he stared at the faint thin trails of smoke that were still rising from the burned down tavern that those Pitt stain fucks had done. His lower jaw locked, a vein pulsing with frustrated energy as he was glad there were still blueprints of how the tavern had been built locked away in the lighthouse by older generations of pirates. But he would get them back, he promised himself and to the crew. Revenge was always seen in a bad light by the cookie cutter good-doers but no one could lie that it felt damn good. He rolled his aching sore shoulders, ignoring the tattoos that marked his body as they pulsed with a paler hue than what was usually seen on him. Was it because he was tired? Irritated?

Stop thinking about yourself. Pincher snapped out of his thought bubble, shaking his dark head and turning around to head over towards the main area where the main camp area of the Typhoon was. He glanced around and called out "Everyone gather for a quick ass meeting on the Tempest! I've got shit to say." It was less than the formal meeting he had where he sat like some idiot on a throne and all he wanted to do was clarify some of things as well as offer news that had been passed to him from the whispers of his spies around other groups and rogues he paid to make sure to keep track of the drama. The storm colored panthera hybrid trekked towards the dark slowly rocking ship with his paws gently thumping on the planks as he then teleported to stand in front of the ship's wheel of the ship with his long tail twitching as he paced for a while before settling down with his jaws parting to exhale altho a small swirl of blue flames puffed out as he was still getting used to controlling his fire elemental powers.

Re: MISTER MISTY-EYE — MINI MEETING 11.09 - Grey - 11-10-2018

Since the meeting, days passed like a shitshow. He was not quite feeling himself. Caesar's outcry, watching others attempt to justify and defend him, the fire caused by Pittians along with his promotion that caused half his problems, Bakugou wasn't feeling particularly patient with anything. He was either viewing situations too aggressively or too passively. Sometimes the smallest of things could get on his nerves that his training became violent, beating up parts of the forest because blacksmithing wasn't enough, while other times he felt a cold detachment towards situations - an outer body experience. The destroyed Tavern was a tipping point, where all his emotions begun to compile, swirl and transform, ready to explode. He was furious, anger overwhelming him that he felt nauseous trying to help bend the fire out, sickened of everyone and everything. He knew no one would let the act slide, knew that it was likely the island would decide to enact their own revenge, but he wasn't sure if he'd be able to keep himself contained. For all he knew, the male would likely go overboard. With their number of firebenders, it would be easy for them to set the entirety of The Pitt on fire. As far as he was concerned, they outnumbered them plenty that he was ready for a war to wipe out every last ass stain of a Pittian.

The call didn't surprise him, sanguine eyes turning towards The Tempest as he materialised towards her entrance, paws touching the wood and walking towards the main body of the ship. He was first here again, sitting down and waiting, expression unreadable. One, however, could still notice the tiredness on his face. There was an ache where he walked, a slight wobble to his balance. He felt...okay. He was fine but it was clear the young Quartermaster hadn't really been sleeping well for some time.


While Pincher's call for the clan to gather wasn't entirely unexpected, Caesar did find it odd that the Captain decided to have a meeting so soon after the last one. With the events that happened in the last one, he wouldn't be surprised if it would be brought up. Regardless, Caesar felt no remorse for his sudden outbreak and made his way calmly towards the Tempest, this time outright avoiding Bakugou at all.

Re: MISTER MISTY-EYE — MINI MEETING 11.09 - rhosmari - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 12pt; color: grey; letter-spacing: -1px;"][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Her attendance was punctual or at least as punctual as she could make it. After all she was merely there because of the call to order. Settling down the female would curl her tails against herself and focus her gaze upon the male as she gave in a light breath. It seemed like this was important and she was sure she could sit still long enough to hear what the Captain had to say and thus she waited, ears pulled forward with small paws jittering every now and then with a soft breath pushing back and forth from small lungs.

Re: MISTER MISTY-EYE — MINI MEETING 11.09 - OWEN. - 11-10-2018

With the temper tantrum that Caesar threw at the last meeting, Owen had stuck it to his brain to avoid the male from then on. In the military, nobody acted like Caesar did about promotions because punishments would await them. It was dangerous.

Loyalty was something that only ran through his body when it came to Pincher. If Pincher ever stepped down or died (if he could), Owen would be unsure about following the lines of someone else as Captain- Pincher had earned his respect and loyalty after all.

Still, as Owen found his way to the back of the room, amber eyes focused on the Captain, he couldn't help but ponder what it would be like to have Bakugou as Captain. It was probably going to be a mess at first, but Owen wasn't arrogant enough that he would say Baku would be a terrible leader. Goldie seemed more suitable for the task, and he was sure she would be the next to take the 'throne'. Then again, Owen's opinions never mattered.

Good luck, Blasty.


Re: MISTER MISTY-EYE — MINI MEETING 11.09 - Luciferr - 11-10-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
The dragon was still and silent where he stood in this meeting, he had a fair idea of what was to be announced and frankly he wanted to get right to making preparations - but he was here, watching quietly as the others filed in.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: MISTER MISTY-EYE — MINI MEETING 11.09 - cleo roux. - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px;"]Cleo seemed to be the next to arrive, taking a seat in a place where  she was confident that she wouldn't draw a lot of attention to herself. She didn't know if Pincher had been alerted of her return or not and the possibility of him being angry with her was still terrifying. She did want to hear what he had to say though, and that meant that she had to be relatively close to him. Please be busy enough to notice, She faintly thought to herself, empty eyes landing upon him. At least he was still here... At least horrors unimaginable hadn't befallen him as well. She didn't know what she would do with herself if she had lost Goldie, Silus, and her father.

Re: MISTER MISTY-EYE — MINI MEETING 11.09 - Masie - 11-10-2018

`quick post don't have much time today.

Masie remembered the last meeting very well, but she remembered other things more clearly like the night flames gone by. She had followed Owen into the meeting calmly for once instead of running around, this was still in her mind considered a time she needed to stay close to father because of possible threats, a weakened time. Yet, seeing Techno in the meeting she broke from father and darted over to the Sage, nuzzling her fondly with a relieved chitter, finally able to fully see that she was indeed alright after everything. "Techno. Up?" she said the girls name, and lowered her head, laying down in front of her encase Techno wanted to climb onto her growing form like she climbed on Owen, for a better much safer view of everything.

Re: MISTER MISTY-EYE — MINI MEETING 11.09 - bubblegum - 11-10-2018


[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The male appeared in a tracking post.