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camera's running genius ☀ private - Printable Version

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camera's running genius ☀ private - arcy - 04-18-2018

//[member=186]| KILLUA ZOLDYCK |[/member] hhh sorry that this took so long :^((( i havent been having a great few days, so i was gonna ask u to make it instead but then i felt bad lmaoo. so,,,, heres this. its way worse than it shld be asgdsaffds

There was something grounding about finally being in a clan, again. He hadn't really integrated into Snowbound yet, but he hadn't exactly done so with his old group, either. But still, just having a safe place to stay, surrounded by people who ... probably wouldn't hurt him? Okay, so he was just a touch paranoid, but other than that, things were going great. But, well -- he needed to actually get to know people. No matter how long Izuku would end on staying(that just depended on if, when, he'd find Todoroki, and if he could convince the other to stay), it'd just make him feel ... less useless. It's not like Izuku was bad at making people like him, anyways. Most of his old clanmates hadn't minded his presence, and the ones he'd actually talked to had seemed to like him, at least.
Despite this, Izuku was a little concerned. His initial encounter with Snowbound was -- less than pleasant. What with the kitsune, Hisoka, mostly. The serval, Killua, had a vibe that had some part of him, deep in, danger. But even so, Killua had seemed nice enough, despite this. And he even knew Japanese! Izuku doesn't know about the other's heritage, but either way, that made Killua one of the few people Izuku had met lately that knew it fluenty.
So really, when it comes down to it, that makes Killua one of the first people Izuku wants to befriend. Or, if not that, then at least he'd like to be on positive terms with. But Izuku, for one, isn't really sure how to ... approach it. Give him time to plan a battle plan, he could come up with something good in no time flat. When it came to making friends -- not so much. Izuku hadn't ever have friends until he entered UA, and that was just because they'd liked him and stuck with him, not because of any of Izuku's own doing. And in his old clan -- he's not ... sure? He'd mostly just talked to people, or let the children follow him on his walks, adventures, whatever. And that wasn't always gonna cut it.
This is -- mostly besides the point. Izuku does want to make friends, but more pressingly, he literally he just walked into a lake by accident. Izuku can't help the affronted noise that escapes his throat as his paws sink nearly elbow-deep into the water, which is way colder than it has any right to be. Izuku scrabbles back and narrows his eyes, a shiver running through his pelt. It's not an uncommon occurrence, for Izuku to just completely zone out and mumble to himself, but it'd been happening less frequently when it kept getting him into trouble. He hadn't expected it'd cause him to step into a small lake. Insulting. The feline lets out a soft groan as he shuffles farther from the lake, and his paws are freezing. It's cold enough without the water.


Re: camera's running genius ☀ private - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-19-2018

( What no no no need to apologize seriously!! You could have totally hit me up and I would have made it tomorrow and this post is perfect what are you talking about I love it < 3)

No place in a clan was ever really safe. At least that's what the deputy had come to realize after spending three months in the likes of clans. Two different clans compared to the one that he was living in now. The assassin had seen how the clans dealt with other groups that didn't have the same mentality that they did, and how their strategies were so basic that he could have thought them up when they were just a kid. Right before he had been stationed in any clans, he didn't even know that any of them had existed even. The young male had just gone to large city to city finding animals that other's wanted to be killed and then he would get paid for doing so. When his brother had given him a job that was in a clan, he had been told that most of the clans were barbaric. They didn't know anything about stealthy movements and they had no idea how to protect one another properly. In other words, they were easy targets for those that were willing to pay for a Zoldyck's services in getting the job done. Which they never failed in achieving, so a client that hired them knew that they were getting the best service. However, it meant that they were more likely to ask for a higher price when it came to killing other's too. Hell, each of his siblings usually took on different jobs here and there, all of them have different methods that they would employ to kill their target too. It wasn't all that hard to kill someone, and when Killua did arrive in the clan, he realized that his brother had been exactly right. All of the groups that he had been in were groups that weren't a huge fan of fighting, but always got themselves into wards that probably could have been settled in other ways. They were too merciful and were too kind to those that they would just let into the clan and do whatever the hell they wanted. The wildcat found several flaws in their system, and continued to find flaws over and over again. The clans never seemed to learn their lesson even after some of their own members or killed. Or even their leader, which had been Killua's target. Over the course of his life, the assassin had killed two clan leaders and a higher position of an enemy group that someone had hired him to kill. He had only been in the clan to do his job and his brother had made sure to repeat to him what his job was so that he wouldn't forget. Eventually though, Killua began to envy the clans in the way that they interacted with one another, especially with those that were around his age as well. The assassin wanted to know what it was like to run around and laugh and actually enjoy life instead of constantly analyzing everything that was placed in front of him. During this, he realized that he didn't want to be an assassin anymore like the rest of his family, and left his family once he went back home. Having to force his way out by attacking his own mother, blinding her, and then attacking one of his older brothers that had gotten in his way.

He was the heir and extremely important to the family, but he didn't really care about that anymore. He wanted, no, needed to get away from a group like that as quick as possible. And that's where he found the second clan that he ended up living in for quite some time and actually grew close to someone. He was never really sure if she considered him to be a friend, but she did consider him to be family, and that's all that Killua needed until his families influence ultimately caught up with him. The albino serval knew that Snowbound was far from safe at the moment. Even with everything that had practically ended with the Typhoon, he still didn't trust the other group at all. He refused to. It would take a while for the deputy to get used to having them around, especially the white wolf for that matter. Killua also knew about two creatures in the group that were bound to be up to no good. That being Silent and Hisoka. He didn't trust the two bastards simply because they gave him the creeps. He didn't trust Hisoka on the fact that he was usually able to tell when someone was like him. A killer. Murderer. He could see the bloodlust that was in the other's eyes. No matter how much the bastard tried to hide it. Although Killua himself wasn't in the best condition at the moment. He was nearing the limit on the number of days that he could go without sleep. That being an entire week, and he wasn't eating properly because of the innocent animals that he had killed almost a week ago now. He felt nothing but guilt and feared that if the same situation happened again, he was bound to accidentally kill a Snowbounder instead of two loners that were bigger than he was. It was impossible for anyone to tell that he was getting skinny thanks to how fluffy his fur was compared to a regular serval. The fur also helping him with the cold weather that was always in Snowbound as there always seemed to be snow on the ground. Like Izuku, Killua had taken some interest in maine coon just on the simple factor that the other knew Japanese. The only creatures that he had run into that spoke Japanese so far in his lifetime was his own family. He spoke the language often with them, but he didn't interact with them at the moment so he hadn't had a chance to use his native language all that much. A bummer really, and so he often used the words if he was saying a curse or in an emotionally troubled state. Killua had been curious enough that he decided to tail the other for a little bit. His air elemental powers working wonders to hide his scent and to keep his movements silent as he moved around in the trees. He was strategic on the trees that he landed on, making sure that no snow would fall onto the ground if the branch did end up moving a little bit. His sapphire eyes looked at the other curiously and seemed to study him. Killua could read the other's body language like a book, seeing that the other was nervous. He flicked one of his large white ears when the other had walked into one of the lakes of the territory, and he had to stop himself from chuckling at the domestic cat. If he had, he probably would have given away his position. The other started to walk slightly away from the lake, and Killua lept to a tree that the other was bound to walk under. He doubted that he was going to be paying attention enough to look up toward him anyway. "Yo, watcha up to?" Killua asked casually, despite how tired he felt. He wanted to sleep, but he was too scared to thanks to his night terrors. Most of those that lived in Snowbound were used to Killua suddenly popping into places here and there, but newcomers probably would find it as a shock. It was a simple habit for Killua to follow, and it would probably be impossible for him not to be stealthy even if he tried.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: camera's running genius ☀ private - arcy - 04-19-2018

//asgdfsd aaaHHH thaNK U <33
For however unsafe the clans may be, Izuku had always found them more suitable than the wilds. He knew the clans had enemies, got into fights, whatever else, but it was at least better than the wilds. There may occasionally be people who just didn't feel safe, or the possibility there'd be an actual raid or attack on them, but ... Where Izuku had found himself in this world, first, had been the wilds. He hadn't known how to hunt, barely knew how to defend himself, yet despite this, it'd all been fight after fight. The clans were just so much -- easier, in comparison. He knew there were flaws in the system -- things that could be exploited, things that just weakened them. But it'd just sort of ... worked. Somehow.
As for health and their dislike/distrust of Hisoka (and probably Silent, but Izuku hadn't encountered them yet) -- well, they were similar in that regard. Izuku hadn't encountered that many killers one-on-one, but Hisoka gave off the same vibe as them. Especially Shigaraki. If Izuku had a particularly bad sleep that night, it was nobody's business but his own. He didn't sleep a lot as it was, anyways. Between nightmares and night terrors and just general restlessness, the nights Izuku actually slept, even just a few hours, just weren't that common.
"What --" A voice is what alerts Izuku to someone's presence, and a spike of pure panic runs through his spine as he whirls around to see -- Killua. It takes a few moments for the wild eyes and claws to disappear, but when they do, it's like nothing ever happened. Izuku had gotten used to his 'panic' response to being snuck up on -- he's not convinced it'll ever go away, but he's at least tampered away the immediate 'attack/defend' response after nearly getting a clawful of people's fur. Well, then again, he might get used to it, if this turns out to be a habit of Killua's. That or this will just become a semi-regular occurrence.
"Sorry," Izuku apologizes with nothing but a sheepish grin, tail twitching restlessly. Honestly, he doesn't think it's stayed still in its entire existence. No matter what was happening, his tail would be twitching nervously. "Zoning out and walking into lakes, apparently," Izuku offers after another moment, rolling his eyes. He'd really, really thought he'd kicked that habit. It left his guard down, after all. "Basically, just a walk gone wrong Izuku adds. In all honestly, he's surprised he's acting so ... calm. He'd used to get very overwhelmed meeting new people, and now he's just holding the start of a conversation like a relatively normal person? Absolutely terrifying. Like, the realization genuinely causes a flicker of panic, up until he realizes his old friends would probably be proud of him.
"What about you, though? Like, what are you even doing up there?" Izuku levels Killua with a scrutinizing look. It's mostly joking, of course, but he has to wonder if this is just a normal thing? Like, does Killua just jump from tree to tree most of the time? Izuku wouldn't even be surprised, honestly. Kismetpaw had done the same, and Killua himself just struck Izuku as the type.


Re: camera's running genius ☀ private - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-21-2018

( Of course!! : D)

The first means of being an assassin was, of course, being stealthy. That had been the first lesson that had been drilled into him. Maybe his parents had made sure to switch bodies so that they would be able to give their next offspring a feline body. That was entirely possible considering as they had practically everything planned out for him well before he was even born in that regard. Felines were great for stealth thanks to the fact that they had fur in between their paws that helped them muffle their movements already. To the point where something as large as a lion could sneak up behind a resting hyena without it even noticing until it was just a breath away from the other predator. Being stealthy in the clans seemed to give him the upper hand out of considering that he was the only one that liked to remain stealthy even if he wasn't hunting. Which he rarely did all things considered but it did still happen. Killua had adapted to being stealthy for a majority of his life, and since when he was young he had to go out on jobs to kill targets, he had no means of not being stealthy because it would get himself killed. The jobs that he went on obviously being extremely dangerous for those that weren't built for the job. Yet, his family had provided him with everything that he could ever want in becoming an assassin. He still was technically a professional, he just didn't want to be anymore. Not that it could mean that he could completely forget about the habits that had been drilled into him at such a young age so easily. It was going to take some time, but sadly he didn't really exactly have the means for when he was running away from his family. The Zoldyck's had him train many ways than one and made him go through several different types of tortures to make sure that if he ever got captured and tortured he could bear the pain without screaming out. Having a different kind of weapons run across his flesh and stab their way through thick parts of muscle that made it extremely painful. Killua became accustomed to pain and the way that his family ran, that once he was stationed in one of the clans for one of his missions, he was increasingly confused as to why other's were sometimes nice to him. He had figured there had to be an ulterior motive for being nice as no one was just nice out of the kindness of their heart. Even now, in a place like Snowbound where a majority of animals were extremely kind, he still didn't trust anyone in the group at the moment and most of the time he remained by himself. The most difficult part of his training that he had to endure would probably have to be his poison training. This was because when he was born, he wasn't exactly immune to poisons and chemicals, and so his family had to make sure that he would be once he grew older. Such as someone that would inject themselves with snake venom over small doses over their lifetime would be able to develop an immunity for the substance.

That is exactly what Killua had to endure, but instead he had to do it in a smaller interval of time and there were several different tests that he had to pass through. Being able to figure out whether or not food was poisoned or not just simply by the test, and even if he guessed correctly he would be forced to the poisoned food so that his body would get used to it. He had originally thought that this training would be a lot easier than having his brother carve himself open on the ground while he was chained. He couldn't have been more wrong as there was nothing easy about the Zoldyck family and how they dealt with each other. He never saw the look of guilt or sadness in his older brother's eyes when he was tortured, all of this happening during the time when he was just a kitten. Which some clans would consider being barbaric, but it was a lot easier to train the likes of a kitten at a young age because they were capable of retaining information a lot quicker. The wildcat remembered the feeling of his throat burning up, and how he would vomit all the contents of his stomach as his body began to reject the stomach. The process was done over and over again until his body finally stopped reacting to the poisoned food. And that led to the injections straight to his bloodstream in larger doses. There had been a time where Killua had watched his flesh decay away along his arm where he had been injected by his brother. Several moments happened during that training where he believed that death would be better than this torture. Killua didn't know how to completely cut off the training, as that was all that he could know. It also meant that he could test other's reaction to him seemingly appearing out of nowhere. There were a couple animals that weren't all too concerned about him popping up. Such as London or Jacob. Although Jacob had a little bit of a reaction when he made an appearance anyway. The young male was able to see the small movements in anyone's body language, and Izuku's body language wasn't all that different. Killua can see the realization hit the maine coon, and the fear that is expressed across all of his body language. He internally smiles, because he enjoys messing with other's to that degree here and there. Killua hums to himself at the other's reaction as his shortened tail flicks in response to the other's reaction. Killua doesn't even seem remotely shocked or really care about how the other reacted to him. He was too used to other's using threatening body language or trying to actually kill him to be phased by something like that. Killua simple shrugs his shoulder's when the other apologizes. "Ī nda yo. Anata wa ikatteiru budō no yō ni mieru yō ni narimashita" Killua would state with a little bit of a snicker toward the other. It felt... relaxing to be able to talk in Japanese again.

He wasn't exactly sure why but it made him comfortable speak in a language he had known all of his life. Considering the other's body language, the assassin had already figured out that the other was practically anxious all the time. He wondered why? Maybe there was a possibility that someone was after him and he was trying to keep it a secret and not let anyone know. Or he was hiding something else. Either way, Killua wasn't interested enough to pry just yet. The other said that he had walked into a lake while spacing out, and Killua couldn't help but raise a nonexistent eyebrow at the other. Playing it off that he hadn't seen that part happen, and he even made a movement to look at the other's wet fur that clung to his body. Huh. "Oh yeah? Be lucky the lake wasn't frozen, and you getting stuck on the middle of it. You would have become a green apple popsicle." Killua would state with a grin that was spread across his facial features. It was nice to joke once in a while, but it was also true in regard to the other. Killua didn't have a problem with the cold, but he was almost always attentive to the environment around him. If he wasn't, it was clear that there was something really wrong. Killua offers Izuku a small chuckle from his jaws at the other's question. Making sure to stretch his long legs on the branch that he was laying in dramatic fashion. "What? Never seen a cat up in a tree before?" Killua said in a teasing tone toward the other. Cats were practically perfect at climbing trees, except for certain breeds. Had the maine coon never climbed a tree before? That would certainly be a shocker. "Never climbed a tree before though? The views are pretty nice." Killua states, and honestly he's curious. He would think that most feline breeds would have climbed a tree once in their life. Or maybe he was just thinking too much about the certain topic.

(Translation: It's okay. You just made yourself look like an angry grape)
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: camera's running genius ☀ private - arcy - 04-25-2018

//agsdfds iM SORRY!!! i didnt forget abt it i promise my muse has just been in hell :^((( (ive had this tab open for literal days lmao)
im gonna Die™ if i dont do smthing abt it adsfdsfa
Izuku had never really bothered with stealth before. the heroes he tended to idolize were also just so -- loud and obvious that he hadn't even bothered. Granted, there were a lot of things Izuku hadn't tried to do until he was actually training to be a hero, like regular workouts. And it wouldn't have even mattered since basically all of Izuku's skillsets had been practically reset. The only thing that really stuck with Izuku was his pain tolerance, and his ability to analyze. But that was ... basically all. If Izuku was still upset about all of this, he had the right to be.
"Ugh," Izuku says with feeling, but his grin widens nonetheless. There's comfort to be found in hearing his native language, considering how little he'd heard of it up until lately. (loveletter didn't count. loveletter really didn't count.) He's not surprised that his panic hadn't been considered intimidating. It was, for one, panic, and for two, Izuku just wasn't very threatening in general. He was like -- eighty percent fur, exactly four percent 'strength to back up willingness to fight'.  Not that he really liked fighting these days, considering it involved more blood than he was used to. Plus the fear for his life. (he'd still had that when he was human, but he didn't really have any form of strength to back him up anymore so.)
"Gr -- Green apple? Make up your mind," Izuku replies with amused exasperation, his tail giving a little wave. Broccoli, grape, and green apple. What a lovely collection of food to be called. Anyways, what did Killua's sentence mean -- oh. Getting stuck in a lake wouldn't be ideal. "I'm barely a good swimmer, getting stuck in a frozen lake would be ... very unfortunate. Definitely Popsicle-worthy" Izuku offers with a vague motion of the wing. The idea of hypothermia is -- not a very fun one, but Izuku quickly veers away from the 'serious' path and continues grinning at the white-furred serval. While his nervosity was pretty constant(his tail got really annoying, sometimes. When would he be free.), Izuku could at least feel the anxiety of the scare fading away with the light atmosphere.
"The trees in my old group were -- a little too high to climb, so not very often," Izuku's grin twists into something somewhat sheepish. The Thunderland's trees had been redwoods, and just the thought of being that high in the air made Izuku -- kind of nervous. Just the thought of falling from those. He'd fallen to near death only once, and once was enough. Though, as his wings became more reliable(not flight-worthy, just 'slow my fall' worthy), he'd been getting a little less nervous about heights. He still hadn't climbed many trees, though -- only really short ones, so he could sleep. He pauses before expressing this. "No, not many. I wasn't very good at climbing, and I couldn't ever really figure out how to get down," Izuku says, though he appears to be eyeing Killua's perch with a newly sparked interest. Climbing trees did seem fun, and probably good practice in general. But mostly fun. Good views were just a bonus.


Re: camera's running genius ☀ private - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-27-2018

(Nah its okay buddy!! Everyone gets busy sooner or later : D Now its my turn to apologize for the late post aaaa sorry!)

There were plenty of instances where other's felt creeped out by Killua almost seemingly appearing out of nowhere. He could really make it worse if he had decided to use his teleportation though. The wildcat had kept that power under wraps though so that no one would know about it in all of Snowbound. Other's could say that he was very secretive of who he was, and he would use almost every opportunity to try and lie toward other's just so that they would stop asking questions about him. The assassin had no need to have someone that literally knew everything about him, not because that they would just gain leverage over him, but also the factor that the wildcat knew that his family could use that to their advantage if they were trying to track him down. Which was obvious as they needed him to come back home so that they could complete his training. Their idea of training something that he never wanted to get close to learning again. They had created a monster, and now that monster was trying to seek redemption for the terrible things that he had done in the past. He didn't want to kill anymore, and yet that emotion and feeling were always there in the back of his mind. He knew exactly how easy it was for him to commit murder, and how easier it was to kill someone rather than deal with the problem itself. No one trusted him, and he gathered that. He gave off the vibe that he didn't trust other's and he had plenty of reasons not to. There were too many options when it came to the aspects of spies when it came to the Zoldyck family. One that he would wish to avoid at all costs, but if there was a spy he would have no choice but to kill that creature in order to preserve the small amount of peace that he had right now. He couldn't afford to keep someone like that alive when his brother was capable of sifting through memories. And possibly even taking memories away considering what the white wolf had told him that he couldn't remember. How he had killed her child without even remembering that because he didn't kill those that were at least younger than he was. It was too cruel even for the likes of an assassin to deal with. He was always cautious with those that he talked with and cautious of what he told others about himself. Even physically, he would keep himself a good distance away as one could learn a lot from anybody composition when it came to animals like they were. Although one could already have a pretty good guess on how much muscle he had based on his species alone. Learning the limits of any species was a great tool to have in any sort of fight, as those limits could be exploited very easily. The deputy couldn't help but let out a snicker from his jaws at the other's reaction to the nickname. Killua himself despised nicknames as most of them didn't even make any sense. Only his family used his nickname, and if someone had decided to shorten his name, he wouldn't exactly feel comfortable while that name was being used. The young male did enjoy teasing other's as he enjoyed seeing their reactions, whether they were angry or played along with it.

Killua raised one of his paws and rolled his wrist almost dramatically in the air. "Ā, anata wa matteimasu. Watashi wa sore ga doko kara kita ōku o eta." Killua would say as a smirk passes across his features. Killua took any chance he could to at least have a little fun. Unless he was too physically exhausted to really do anything about it then it would be difficult. "Well to avoid that problem you could always try to make yourself a better swimmer. Although, I wouldn't recommend trying to do that here." Killua would state calmly, although it was obvious that he was still in a light-hearted mood with the way that he was talking. Killua would recommend that the other travel to the likes of either the Ascendants or possibly sneak his way into the Typhoon to swim in a place that wouldn't kill him in the process. His sapphire blue eyes, of course, caught the movement of the other's wing. They were feathered, which meant that they probably had the same structure of any other bird wing. Killua flicked his left ear before his thoughts could continue, trying to get out of the bad habit of figuring out ways he could hurt someone given the chance. It used to be a way to give him some sort of security when meeting strangers, but now it wasn't necessary because he knew exactly how strong he was. The albino listened to the other talk about the previous group that he had been in. Oh? That was some interesting information. It meant that the other probably already knew how clans worked and had experience with them. "Oh? So you came from another clan? Why did ya leave?" As usual, Killua was blunt when he talked, but the other obviously had a choice whether or not he wanted to answer such a question so soon. He doubted the other even trusted Killua so he didn't really expect an answer. Killua could practically see the change in the other's eye as the other eyed where he was on his branch. Killua seemed to debate it for a couple of seconds. He knew that he probably wasn't going to be the greatest teacher, but it was obvious that the other wanted to learn how to climb a tree. The serval knew that he could simply use the excuse that it could pass the time and keep his mind off the whispers in his head. He was going to do exactly that. The wildcat would move into a standing position, before letting himself fall down onto the snow-covered ground. As soon as his body made an impact, no sound could be heard, not even the sound of crunching snow. "Well... if you wanted I could try to teach you." Killua's voice seemed to almost be a mutter. He was nervous. He had never done anything like this before. He just sure as hell hoped it didn't result in any sort of physical contact with the other. His body almost being as cold as the surrounding air thanks to his air elementals, so as soon as the other would touch him the other would probably think something was wrong. Killua remained standing next to the tree that he had just been in, gauging the other's reaction, a neutral look now on his face. 

(Translation: Oh just you wait. I got plenty more where that came from. )
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: camera's running genius ☀ private - arcy - 04-28-2018

//excuse me i had all the time in the world i just wasted it watching hour long vine compilations lmao
uwu ur fine!! we're just one late post after another tbh

To be honest, the day Izuku discovered teleportation existed would be the day Izuku accidentally killed someone. He struggled enough with regular 'out of nowhere' type things, he couldn't fathom the idea of somebody appearing before him out of literally nowhere. And to think once he hadn't reacted with aggression to a surprise. Izuku almost wished it wasn't like this -- that his only respond would be a cry of surprise. He didn't ... like being this on edge or so quick to violence. But, well, it was what happened after you spent months upon end in the wild, and Izuku was just luckily the only way he could really hurt anyone these days was with a volatile blast of electricity.
"Matemasen" Izuku replies dryly, his tail giving a little wave. He'd been called a lot of names in his lifetime, but they'd all been so ... mean-spirited, up until recently. So the new cascade of fruit-based stuff was a little jarring, but it was rather funny, and maybe a little comforting. Better fruit than 'quirkless loser', after all.
"I'd probably freeze to death if i tried to learn, here. That's just counterproductive," Izuku allows himself to laugh now. It's rather dark humor, but it's at least light dark humor, and not just somebody implying that Izuku should do it and freeze to death. Wow, he should really stop comparing his interactions with Killua to his bullying experiences, shouldn't he? He shouldn't even have to think about it, considering that it was all behind him now. Literally. If it weren't for the presence of people he used to know, Izuku would be as distant from it as possible.
"Y-Yes, actually. I spent a few months in the wild before that, it wasn't hard for them to goad me in from there." Izuku explains, because oversharing is just his thing, unlike Killua. He doesn't really mind other people knowing his backstory, though large chunks of information tended to be left out, more for his sake than anything else. Izuku tended to be unnervingly trusting of others, even strangers, unless they set off alarm bells. Killua -- well, Killua made part of him a touch nervous, but by this point, Izuku had already established Killua as 'trustworthy unless otherwise proven', and it was too late now. "I spent like ... a month there? Then i met an old friend. I helped him out, and then he ended up persuading me to leave to go on some journey. Then we got separated and ... I was too scared to keep on my own," Izuku looks a little downcast by this point, his gaze sliding towards his paws. He doesn't regret joining Snowbound, of course -- and even if Todoroki showed up and tried to convince him to leave again, Izuku isn't sure he would. He liked the people here, even if he wasn't close with a lot of them, and he felt comfortable just ... existing. He's not sure how much he had to offer in terms of service,
He quickly loses focus as he sees Killua land on the ground in front of the tree. Izuku starts, but otherwise only blinks in surprise as Killua begins to speak. And then -- he beams. "Sure, if you're willing!" Izuku chirps, his voice enthusiastic, even if his confidence fluctuates. It was just tree-climbing, but Izuku did always learn better from teachers than just ... on his own. Probably because he didn't ever actually try to learn. He'd done hero analysis, yes, but if he'd wanted to become a hero that bad he probably should have taken matters into his own hands and started training before All Might gave him the schedule. Wow, maybe then he would have had more control over his quirk and wouldn't have died. Anyways, that was a new, somewhat annoying revelation, but not one that Izuku really cared to mind a lot at the moment. Though he'd probably over-analyze it later and hopefully get better.

//tfw google translate
translation: can't wait


Re: camera's running genius ☀ private - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-29-2018

(Vines are great so I don't exactly blame you haa)

Killua didn't really have to deal with the aspect of bullying due to the way that he was. He grew up in a household that other's simply threatened each other's lives instead of using rude names to call one another. Although Killua did call one of his brother's piggy because all the other ended up doing was sitting around the house not doing anything. It was funny to Killua, and what he regarded that brother as because it would the reaction out of him. But would he fault someone in the clans for something that they couldn't control now? He would more likely call someone an idiot or that they were weak and that if they didn't get their stuff together that they would ultimately just end up dying and that would be their fault. It was easy for Killua to be a bully because he had been taught at a young age exactly how to get underneath creatures skins. Most of the time if he made someone angry during a fight it just meant that their actions would become sloppy and Killua could take advantage of that. The assassin could make his job easier by pissing off his opponent, or there were a couple times that pissing someone off simply made their actions stronger in that regard. He had to be careful during which times to try and poke and prod, but if someone had a backstory and they didn't want to share it, he would never force anyone to share their life story. Just like he expected the same for them when he wasn't one to try and share where he came from because that would probably terrify anyone that came to him the next time. He was an assassin, and had an assassin name basically. It was hard for him enough to get away from his past so he wasn't really fond of talking about it to those that he didn't trust completely. He didn't have any friends after all, just like his older brother had predicted during his training. He wasn't supposed to have any, and yet he was trying his damn best to try and figure out how to make friends. Killua could be cruel and blunt when he talked to other's, and most of the time no one knew if he was serious or not. Which he could use to his advantage again to take control of a situation fairly easily. Killua never liked not to be in control because that meant there were too many potential factors that could ruin a scenario if he wasn't careful. He always had to plan ahead and piece together how someone would end up reacting to what he was doing so that he could come up with a proper response. Due to the way that his mind worked, Killua was constantly thinking all the time, and it was that thinking that could deteriorate his mental health if he wasn't careful. He was always stressed without actually showing it. He was always paranoid. His family gave him reasons to be and trying to break a habit that had been with him since birth was a difficult thing to do. It had been a while since he had heard anyone laugh, especially around him. It made his large white ears perk a little bit more on the top of his head as he listened to the sound, and he couldn't help but return the laughter back toward the other. His chest expanding as he inhaled and exhaled the air that was needed to make the sound. When had been the last time that he could just joke around with someone without worrying what was happening? "Well, you aren't wrong. I would say go to the Typhoon but most of the animals over there are assholes." Killua stated with a smug shrug of his shoulder. Of course he himself could take anyone on in the Typhoon with ease. Izuku sure? He wasn't sure. The other didn't seem to be confident enough in himself to be able to deal with a fight like that. The grin was still on his facial features though when he spoke to the other. Killua hadn't expected the other to actually answer his question with such honesty. It made no sense to him why the other could potentially tell him the truth, but there was a chance that Izuku was lying about his story. The grin that was once on his facial features disappeared to a neutral expression.

With the way that the other was reacting to his own story, he was either a good actor or was telling the truth. While the other looked down at his paws, Killua began to study the other, formulating different opinions in his head of the other male. He had friends. He hadn't heard that term used for a while, and he could feel a flow of jealousy through his face. Although he didn't show he was feeling like usual. The other had gotten separated from a friend. Killua couldn't relate to that feeling, never really having a friend before. Killua wasn't the greatest when it came to giving comfort to other's, and it was difficult for him to try and come up with the right words to comfort the maine coon in front of him. "Considering that there aren't any other groups in the area, you're bound to find them again." It was true, there were few open areas in the territories where a loner could live without being seen by the likes of a clanner. Killua also didn't expect the winged feline to be so excited about the aspect of climbing. The positivity was almost painful for the young assassin. But it wasn't something that was annoying and something that he would want to push away. Killua had to clear his throat for the pressure that had been building while he looked at the feline. Killua shrugged, acting like the gesture wasn't a huge deal, even if it would be entertaining for him. "Why not. I got nothing to do today." Killua stated casually, albeit him being the deputy. He rarely ever did his job, he just kept the rank so that he could eventually use the power over others if he needed to get something in the future. He gestured with one of his stark white paws for the other to walk toward him. "Come on over and put your front paws on the tree and try to get a good grip with your claws. If you try to catch yourself if you fall by trying to grab the tree, you'll probably rip out a claw. You need to have some upper arm strength to be able to start climbing, but once you get all paws on the tree it focuses more on the muscles of your back legs." Killua explained as he was looking up and down the tree. His claws were like knives, sharper than knives actually, so he had an advantage when it came to climbing in general. Although, sometimes he didn't even have to climb, and would simply jump onto the lowest branch, being capable of jumping 10ft vertically was handy. Killua would then face himself toward the tree and would demonstrate, raising both of his long front limbs as he sank his metal claws into the flesh of the tree. Putting most of his weight on his front paws once they were attached. From there, Killua would then use the muscles in his front arms as he lifted one of his front arms and moved it upward, giving him room so that he could use his back leg claws to attach himself to the tree. Compared to his front paws, his back claws were completely normal, having not been modified at all. A couple movements and all four of his paws were attached to the tree. He would look over his shoulder and carefully watch how Izuku moved. Not entirely worried about him hurting himself if he did fall since there was plenty of new snow laying on the ground that could act as a cushion.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: camera's running genius ☀ private - arcy - 05-01-2018

//u w u
Izuku had heard very mixed things on the Typhoon -- some people, like Killua, just didn't like them, Jacob seemed dead-set on an alliance, and most everyone else seemed fairly neutral? Meanwhile, all Izuku really knew was that they were warbound and something had happened between them and Snowbound a little before he joined. Basically, Izuku didn't know enough about the Typhoon to really care, but Izuku finds he's inclined to listen to Killua. Well, it's not like Izuku had any plans to break into another clan's territory just to swim, anyways -- that sounded like something that would start drama.
"I probably wouldn't either way, but I'll take your word for it," Izuku says, still grinning. There's always going to be a mix of good and bad in clans, but sometimes it leans and it's just sort of -- well, that's how it's got to be. Either way, though, Izuku wasn't equipped to deal with assholes, with or without violence. He wasn't a good fighter, and wow, if he didn't need to rectify that. Izuku's luck was -- fickle. Somebody would inevitably pick a fight with him no matter what Izuku did if he left the territory for some reason, but so far, Izuku had survived, so it was a double-edged blade here. And if not violence, well, Izuku isn't in tune enough with himself anymore to know how he'd respond. Either way, it wouldn't be pretty.
Anyways -- when Izuku looks up, he's rather startled to see the neutral expression on Killua's face. He blinks a few times, somewhat puzzled and maybe a little worried. Had he said something wrong? He considers asking for a moment, but the thought flickers by without any further contemplation as Killua speaks.
"I suppose so," Izuku says, despite not fully understanding what Killua means. I mean -- there was a chance Todoroki would realize that Izuku would head off to join a new group after too long, but that probably wasn't what Killua meant. Also, putting it that way made guilt curl in Izuku's chest. It'd only been a few weeks, after all, and then he'd just -- given into his paranoia and gave up on finding the other. His gaze flickers back down for a few moments, before Izuku decides that it's not any use feeling bad about it now and how he just ruined the light atmosphere. That can't be a healthy way to deal with guilt, but it's all he's ever known, at least for these past few months, so --.
Izuku's tail continues to thrash in excitement as he hears Killua's agreement. He could, again, never figure it out himself, but that just could be the mental disconnect from his own body and instincts. What it was was unfortunate. Even so, tree climbing could be useful, not just fun, if Izuku could figure it out at all.
So with Killua's instructions, the little Maine Coon approaches the tree. He's still for a long few moments, contemplating, though is promptly distracted by Killua appearing to demonstrate. Izuku starts, but otherwise merely blinks as Killua proceeds to attach himself to the tree. To be honest, he imagines there'll be another disconnect between him on Killua on this. Killua had the long metal claws that had absolutely terrified Izuku in the beginning, plus servals could jump ... what, two meters? Izuku knew regular cats such as himself could jump awfully high too, but Izuku certainly hadn't tested how high he can naturally jump. He might try later, but it'd probably end with far more bruises than he'd like.
With this, Izuku considers the tree once more. His face scrunches just the slightest as he rears up to brace himself against the tree. Then he just -- does his best to follow instructions. He digs his claws in a little, then pushes himself up higher. He digs his claws in as best as he can in now, and he spends a moment scrabbling for purchase as gravity calls. He ... doesn't exactly get it in time, though, and Izuku is sent tumbling to the ground with stinging claws. The Maine Coon is dazed for only a moment before he's back on his paws, shaking the snow out of his fur and puffing up. He certainly looks ... determined. In all fairness, Izuku had seen pictures of tiny kittens climbing trees, and this was just ... sad. Without waiting for input from Killua, Izuku marches back up to the tree to try again. This attempt Izuku does manage to secure himself in time, perilous as it may be. Also, his claws were still stinging from being yanked out of the tree, and that made this kind of ... unfortunate, really.


Re: camera's running genius ☀ private - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-01-2018

There were plenty of reasons that Killua didn't exactly like the Typhoon all that much. Some of it was his own personal opinion, while the rest of it dealt with the rest of the clan entirely. It wasn't something he even remotely enjoyed either. The first time almost felt like months ago when he finally traveled to the other groups that were in the area. There obviously wasn't much that was going on in Snowbound in the first place so he found no reason to situate himself in one area for all that long. Besides, if he started to move around it would help throw his family off his trail if they were currently searching for them. Which Killua, of course, knew that they were because he was an important asset to them anyway. It was only a matter of time before his family decided to rear their ugly mugs in an attempt to take Killua away from where he was. The assassin had approached Typhoon without really any thought about what he was going to end up seeing. From there, a white wolf, one that he now knew as Argus, approached him casually. He had thought that everyone in the Typhoon would have a similar personality that she did, but he couldn't have been more wrong as the Typhoon revealed their true colors. Turned out Argus had actually remembered Killua from a long time ago from what it sounded like. Killua wasn't exactly sure what that meant though until he realized that the other was talking about memories that he no longer seemed to have. She knew so much about him and he knew nothing about him. He had killed her son when he lived in a group, although she said now that he hadn't really been the one to kill him. Instead, the assassin had tried to save her son, but ultimately her son was crippled and Killua had delivered him to the border of the clan that she was living in and her son died. Killua still felt guilty, more guilty than he would have liked out of consideration that he didn't remember what he had done. He usually didn't end up taking jobs when it came to dealing with those that were around his age. He would much rather sink his claws into the flesh of an adult rather than someone that had a long life to live ahead of them. Besides, if someone was hiring an assassin to kill them, it usually meant that the target had basically no moral code. This didn't mean that Killua was a good guy though. When Argus had told him these things, Killua became more confused and afraid. Emotions that were not his own as he dealt with the female wolf before he couldn't take it anymore and fled. Killua couldn't remember the last time he had ended up running in fear, but there was something that he didn't know. Something that he was missing and was going to attempt to try and restore as much as he could without asking anyone's help. Then came Guru, the caracal deciding that it was a good idea to try and attack Snowbound while Killua was currently living in it. Killua didn't consider the place to be his own territory, and instead, he considered it just a base of operations for the time being as he didn't stick to one place for very long. A bad habit of his but it was one that had kept him alive. Killua had been there to punish Guru for the attacks that the other had done to London. Which had simply pissed him off because the albino clouded leopard could have just died where she was standing and no one would have been able to save her if he hadn't been there. She was lucky to be alive, and during this time had built up frustration after talking with Argus. Killua completely outmatched the Typhoon member, carving up her flesh with his claws and ripping through tendons so that she wouldn't be able to walk properly. He could have done worse. So much worse.

He could have tortured her to the point where she was nothing but a puppet, but he had to stop himself because there were far too many eyes on him. Eyes that he couldn't let see the truth. Killua had let Guru live, and looking back he should have just killed her to save the trouble. This way Jacob would have never been captured and the male wouldn't try so hard to try and become allies with them considering the type of creatures they harbored in their midst. Although, Snowbound wasn't any better considering that they had a mass murderer underneath their noses that was keeping his presence hidden or from being revealed. He was worse than any other animals that lived in the clans of all the other creatures that he had killed. His kill counts well being over a hundred, some of them belonging to important heads. Either way, Killua didn't like the Typhoon despite Argus now being someone who wanted to help him with his own issues. He didn't trust her completely, and probably would never trust the Typhoon as long as they remained a threat to them. What Killua would give to show Guru that she should be afraid of him because he was better than her in every way. The albino serval would let out a low huff from his jaws at what Izuku said about taking his word. "At least you seem to understand. But good, we don't need anyone being captured again." Killua had no doubts in his mind that the Typhoon would try to have at least something happen between them. It was only a matter of time. The group was a ticking time bomb, but so was he so he couldn't really talk because he would be hypocritical if he did. The other watched the other's body language seem to immediately change after what he said. Killua had thought that what he said would lift the other's spirits even if it was just a little bit. But instead, it seemed to do the complete opposite. Killua had no idea how to really help the other though in that regard, and he let a soft look spread across his facial features as he chewed the inside of his cheek. Focusing on the sensation instead of becoming awkward about how everything progressed right about now. But they were training, and it would keep both of their minds occupied in the end. Izuku was indeed smart considering that his facts about servals were right. He could jump ten feet vertically to be able to reach the nearest branch instead of just climbing up the trunk. It depended on whether or not a tree did have low hanging branches though, and had the advantage of his metal claws. The albino serval watched the other carefully and the mistakes he was bound to use. He wasn't surprised to see the other fall to the ground, and he figured the other would be upset about what had just happened, and instead the other seemed to take it as a challenge, making a grin spread across his facial features. He was tired of hanging though and moved climbed up high enough that he could stand up on a branch. He could get a better viewpoint of the other's footwork here too. "Not bad for the first attempt. If you need to have a handicap, you could just use your wings to give yourself balance while you climb. Remember to keep your body weight leaning forward so you don't end up falling backward." Killua instructed calmly, but he was glad the other didn't rip out his claws like he thought he might. He was a maine coon, not the full-grown size of one but one nonetheless. The weight could hinder the other if he wasn't careful, but since the other had wings that could help him if he's willing to use them.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: