Beasts of Beyond
` ✦ ° — THE RAINS DOWN IN AFRICA / DROWNING - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Frankie had not been in the area for long. The harsh winds and the pounding rainfall had been enough to coax the young feline into a temporary shelter, but unfortunately, her cover did not last long. The rains progressed, and eventually a wave had raged down her path and had swept her into its clutches.

Torrents of mud tossed her around like a ragdoll, and she had barely managed to resurface. Parted jaws expelled a desperate cry, "Help!" Was Frankie usually one to seek the assistance of other? No, of course not. She was independent and determined to prove to the world ( but mostly herself ) that she didn't need anybody else. However, this was a different situation. Her life was at stake, and there was no way that the girl could possibly help herself — she didn't know how to swim.

The Japanese Bobtail had managed to latch onto a tree-branch jutting out of the river of mud and debris, and as she hoisted herself to safety, she parted her jaws, "H-Help...!" This time, it was a more weakened call, seeing as fatigue and the freezing chill of the flood waters was numbing her down to the bone. Frankie wheezed and hacked up the water that had gotten lodged in her lungs and throat, her eyes half-lidded, and she nearly had let go of the branch she was hanging onto.

Re: ` ✦ ° — THE RAINS DOWN IN AFRICA / DROWNING - rhosmari - 11-10-2018

Rain, rain, for days now it had just been rain and it wasn't safe for anyone anymore. No one was going to have a easy time with this rain and the river was making itself more and more known. They had taken advantage of it and thought it was docile but the river was now showing it's power. Even as the cry rang out for help the woman was moving, shifting her thick muscular body through the boggy ground that had become soaked and well muddied. Her paws sunk deep into it and she struggled to lift herself from the viscous ground, huffing as she yanked herself forward. Whoever it was they needed help and they needed it fast. As she saw the rushing river she looked around for whom had yelled but she couldn't see for the sheeting rain. Yet, it was fine because a second outcry had her hauling her butt into the waters. She had a chance to save a life here and she was going to take it. Huffing against the force of nature as waves pushed against her large form the woman swam.

Her eyes focused on the limb that held a form, one that was cowering against it and struggling to hold on. "Hold on! I'm coming!" She called out as she pushed against the waves of opaque liquid that threatened to take her under. As she swam forward she held her breath as a large wave washed over hear head, submerging her for a moment before she resurface and gasped, paws flailing for a moment before she caught her barring. Why was this so much easier before? Maybe because she had fins then and gills for that matter. But no other choice she had and as she came closer to the branch she dug her claws against whatever solid ground was below her before she huffed against the water's torrent. "Get on my back! I'll get you to safety!"

♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡


[align=center][div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Hope. With every passing moment, with every degree that her body temperature [sub]dropped,[/sub] her hope dwindled. Her will to live, to come out of this breathing and okay, was gradually fading from her mind. The feline's grip onto the branch began to weaken, the fast-moving floodwaters threatening to swallow her whole into its dark and gloomy depths. How long would this keep up? Should she just... let go?

"Hold on! I'm coming!"

A savior had come to her rescue, it seemed. Here Frankie had thought that nobody would've ever found her, but now a strange creature was coming to her aid. Jaws parted as she panted for air, she furrowed her figurative brows at whoever was approaching her. What in the hell was that?

That didn't matter. She either chose to trust this stranger with her life, or she'd lose it altogether. As much of a stubborn girl she was, she was going to willingly go with the former. The Bobtail cat pursed her lips and reached out, wrapping her paws around Marina's neck. She was too cold to speak, her maw trembling with utter fear.