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mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - Printable Version

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mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - Stryker - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Traveling across the from the seas came two Pittians with malicious intents. One large, the other tiny. They traveled through the underbrush..... More like Stryker traveled. The small cat remained on his back while he did all the work. Her reason? "I have to run to keep up with you while you're walking, you really expect to get in and out of there fast with my short legs holding us back?" They had a plan in mind and to the ardent, the more energy Ninazu had to use on her fire manipulation, the better the city would go up in flames. Led along with a suggestive roll of his eyes, the lion agreed to have her travel on his back while they traveled.

After a long ways, the two arrived. The Typhoon had not noticed their presence yet, but they soon would. After all, their situation (literally) would go up in flames if they didn't happen to! Once coming along the edge of the island's desired city, the lion shook his shoulders lightly to signal Ninazu to pay attention and be his lookout. Stryker lowered towards the ground. Ready to pounce and head in, all he had to do was find an opening... Neon orbs wide and ears alert, the ardent watched as unaware pirates crossed his path in the midst of the night. Many were headed to their jungle homes, others out on patrol, but others were heading to the Tavern to rightfully party the night away. The ardent found his chance.

He began moving out slowly. Soon his small paces turned into fast strides as he headed into the Typhoon's territory towards the tavern with Ninazu on his back. Stryker slashed at anyone in his path and continued to dash towards the Capricorn Tavern. Growing close enough to get a major hit, the ardent gave his signal.


It was showtime... and thus the flames began.

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - ninazu - 11-09-2018

© lexasperated
Smugly sitting in the midst of Stryker’s coarse mane, the tiny sand cat flicked her tails as she hung on. The lion moved quicker than expected, but she managed to stay atop her perch  – with the occasional tug on his mane or a horn to keep herself upright. She kept her golden eyes sharp as she watched the territory bleed past them; so far, they managed to avoid the bulk of them. Well, she heard their target was a popular hotspot, so she doubted that would last for too long.

Seeing the building come into view, her tails lashed in anticipation as Stryker continued to charge forward. Breathing deeply, the mage focused her energy; she felt her lungs grow hot in her chest. Her chin tilted up as a puff of smoke accompanied her exhale. Pupils dilating, she waited for his signal, to get close enough!

With a hiss, fire streamed from her maw – expertly avoiding Stryker’s mane and charging towards the Tavern with the plume of a flamethrower and flames wider than herself. Her flames burned and smoldered before flickering out as she took another inhale, ears flicking as she looked at her carnage. The target, while not reduced to a pile of rubble, crackled and popped with her flames constricting around its walls. It was out of her paws now – her fire took on a life of its own, and she wouldn’t think of controlling it further.

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - Stryker - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Once the flames had a life of their own and had managed to take hold of the Tavern, soon spreading to other parts of the territory, the two parted their ways. In the middle of the night, the pirates would awake to see their precious tavern in ashes and the rest of their territory being destroyed by the Pittian's flames. The rest, luckily, was salvageable.

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - Luciferr - 11-09-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
for being there supposed 'arch enemy' , the slavers didn't seem to know them all that well.

because chucking fire at a clan with predominantly fire users is a moot point - not to say when he spotted the fire on the horizon, the greater never sleeping dragon didn't immediately pull a sharp U-turn in his flight and practically sprint-wing it to the scene already grasping at the flames with his innate sense and belting out a roar to alert the others and wake them the hell up.

he already began bending the fire away as much as he was able hovering above the burning tavern, and bending it to hold it back long enough for the others to get out


oh he might seemed worried and busy now but no, Lucifer was hella seething - there were youngsters in there and whether he had to raise hell or bend heaven, the slavers wouldn't get away with this.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - Masie - 11-09-2018

Masie had unknowingly had experiences with fire in the past, but her encounters with the element were all 'indirect' controlled in someway. Even when Baku had burned her, it was exposure to flame through another conduit, someone else was controlling it. When fire was not controlled by some creature directly? It was a whole different ball game, the scent of smoke awakening her from the nest and causing her to race off in order to investigate, not quiet connecting the scent of the fire with the substance known as fire. She had very little reason to draw such a line, even with Techno occasionally sparking up and burning things like macaroni, that was different from an actual fire that spewed smoke and charred the air with what it had destroyed.

Golden eyes widened and she took a single step back after darting into the clearing expecting some new joyous experience like most of how she perceived the world. Masie couldn't twist this positively or annoying, something wasn't right here! Before her young eyes bright red consumed the building, heat like what had burned her floating off it. Small claws tapped as she stepped back again, remembering the pain that shot through her muzzle, slowly coming to the realization from the jumping and licking of flames that the threat they couldn't touch without injury was now mobile! "CC! TECHNO!" The actual list of names she shouted was longer, but it was kind of lost in her rapid head snapping, alarmed cries rising from her throat, panicked by the realization she had no idea where some of the rest of this pack was, and there was a very real threat that could hurt them. How could she protect them like Owen protected her if she couldn't find them? The smoke scent blanketed everything, her nose unable to work as it should have. Father and sister's had been at the nest, but not everyone slept with them, so where was everyone else!

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - adomania - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]They had almost forgotten about the petty rivalries that existed between the different groups that dotted his earth. It was the same in every world, every dimension... even in death, the ghosts all tore at each other's immortal throats, like dogs till the end of time. It was what had caused them to leave, the anger and destruction tiring already ancient bones, and had it not been for Sol they wouldn't have cared much to come back.

They also wouldn't have cared much to try and do anything to put these fires out. Life ran its course, and people would fight and destroy and kill each other until they died themselves. This was no different, and they rarely saw a reason to help or even hinder opposing forces just because their supposed 'alliances' told them to. Their alliances were to people, not to clans, and in all honesty they had never once mentioned that they joined. They had only asked to shelter Sol here.

And now his shelter was going up in flames.

They were uncharacteristically perturbed by the spectacle, something they had seen time and time again and approached with naught but a calm disposition now causing them some semblance of panic. It was all because of the little boy they had sworn to protect, who had no powers of his own, and who would surely burn to a crisp if nothing was done and fast. Their golden gaze flickered, briefly flashing, only to turn the darkest shade of black as the fear finally took a grip on them.

They were fast to approach, all but running towards Lucifer and Masie, frantically peering around them and trying to find the tiger cub. One glance showed that he wasn't with them, or anywhere else close by... and so the only thing a panicked creature could conclude was that the chances that the child was burning up inside of the fire was highly probable. "Has anyone seen Sol?" they inquired, the panic seeping into their usually controlled voice even as they used their powers to start tugging at the fire itself to try and urge it to calm down and simultaneously reaching out for the nearest water source to douse the flames as fast as possible.

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - OWEN. - 11-09-2018

Yelling, he had been awoken by a loud roar from Luciferus, his eyes widening as he darted up onto his feet, searching around for his child- Masie must have ran off to find CC and Techno, he knew she wouldn't wander off in moments like these for no reason.

That didn't mean Owen didn't get worried, though.

Soon, what was once just an oversized german shepherd, was now a indominus rex, pale white and brown scales seeming to become crimson from the fire around him. The dinosaur crashed through burning trees, a loud roar leaving his jaws to respond to Luci's alert. He had no elementals, but he could evacuate as many people as he could on his back. The tendrils along his spine was great for holding onto when you knew what you were doing, but also dangerous.

The indo-rex moved onto all four feet, massive head leaning down so NPC's could run up onto his head and down his back. "Any of those who are affected by the fire, I can carry. Luci, do you have everything under control with the fire?" Owen called over his shoulder, nostrils flaring against the smoke that rushed past his nose.

"All children are to stay close to your parents or climb aboard! We're going to move to safety! I'll lead the evacuation away from the Tavern and over to the water more!" Owen called out, his long tail flicking a piece of burning wood into the forest that had begun to burn.

The fire was spreading fast, and Owen was worried about Masie. Masie, Masie, Masie.


Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - Grey - 11-10-2018

The Quartermaster was having a bad night. He couldn't seem to sleep, rolling back and forth that he eventually gave up and set light to his fireplace, sitting up and simply staring at the crackle of flames. There was no need for the warmth of it. Sitting so close to the fire didn't phase him because his body was already so unnaturally hot that he was only watching the shape of the red and gold crackles, the way the light danced and struggled, consumed the logs and air. Fire was always hungry. No matter how much you fed it, it would never be satisfied. It could consume and engulf the earth to its end if allowed to. He thought it to be similar to his ambitions - the ambitions he used to have in that other world where he wanted to be number one. He wanted to be the winner, the best of the best. Since coming to accept this world as his own home, he started to realise that he didn't exactly have ambitions. In this world, powers could manifest through birth or suddenly. Even if he wanted to be the strongest, it wasn't possible. Someone would develop some kind of stupid, spontaneous mutation to outgrow his abilities. He simply had to accept that he could be strong but not invulnerable. There were other beings closer to it than he was.

Bakugou didn't live close to The Tavern. His hut was closer to The Tempest, overlooking the sea, shaded by overhanging palm trees. It was usually quiet where he was at night because he never usually noticed pirates sitting on the sands, watching the way the ocean glistened under the moonlight. But Luciferus' roar was something he could not ignore, the call being unsettling that he called for those with the abilities to manipulate fire and water that he darted immediately out, letting his door swing open before smashing closed. He ran towards the source and noticed the thick smell of smoke, sanguine eyes flickering with a sense of rage when he teleports closer. His nostrils flared at the awful odour when he realised it was the Tavern being burned. The alcohol must have fed the fire's rage when Bakugou too joined in to bend the fire upwards into the air, knowing that it would not survive with oxygen alone. He heard Lirim's concern, voice over the sound of consuming flames. "Was he supposed to be inside the Tavern?" he asks in return, eyes widening, "I'll go in to check." Luckily it was only the Tavern that was on fire.

Before going inside to see if there were any members caught inside the flames, he looks at Lucifer who seemed to be leading the control of the fire: "YO, LUCIFER. MAKE SURE THE FLAMES DON'T SPREAD PAST THE TAVERN. I'M GOING INSIDE TO CHECK FOR ANYONE CAUGHT IN IT."

[ ooc ] bakugou went inside the tavern to see if anyone's inside the mess. he's using his fire elementals to keep the flames from burning him.

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-10-2018

Funny how the clan most known for being around water was being hit with fire. Caesar found it even more ironic, with how he used flames to destroy both his Home Dimension and Snowbound. If Caesar hadn't been alerted to the scene by the sight of smoke alone, he probably would have been drawn over by the sound of Lucifer's roar ringing about camp. The Officer watched the flames with awe and curiosity, watching it burn and eat away at the Tavern as much as it could, despite being manipulated by Lucifer.

Should he be helping? Yes, probably, but Caesar simply choose to sit down a few ways away from the scene, watching in an expression that showed he was enjoying the sight of the flames before him. He showed no concern for his crewmates, wrapping his tail over his paws as he watched the scene unfold.

Re: mannequins + TERRITORY IN FLAMES - adomania - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Des always had an affinity for fire, often showing off small tricks to Sol to make him laugh and his eyes light up. He always held a little bit of it between his lips (a cigarette, as he had explained) and a lot more in his heart, burning through and manifesting as both bravery and pain. His dad had explained to him that fire was a dangerous thing, that even though it offered warmth, there was a thin line between a hearth and hellfire. It didn’t stop Sol’s fascination with it. Maybe it was to be expected, for he was a child borne of a creature with one leg in hell and the other in nonexistence. Perhaps it would have been safer to prepare him for the consequences of life like Desperado was trying to slowly do rather than shelter him from it all like Lirim was now doing. He was a child, and it was inevitable he would be drawn towards danger if his father was anything to go by. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree, and Sol seemed particularly close to it.

He had been wandering when the flames started, breaking free from Lirim’s sleeping grasp to instead explore his new home in hopes of finding his father. Lirim still refused to explain his disappearance, staying silent whenever the question fell upon their ears, and the child was getting tired of sitting by idly while his dad was gone. No one was doing anything to search for him, no one seemed to care. But he did. He would find him alone if he had to.

The first place he coincidentally thought to start that search was the Tavern. It was fairly boisterous, even without all of its members there, and it seemed like the best place to start looking. A crowd as big as this would surely bring someone interesting, someone who would be able to answer his questions. Or maybe Des himself would be there to gather his son up in his paws, taking him back home. Because he was the child’s home. Sol didn’t really view places without any emotional connections as homes. It was all just temporary shelter until you had someone there with you.

But as it was, his father wasn’t there, and he had chose to search at a very, very bad time.

The heat of the flames started off subtle, and could have easily been mistaken for the warming of a room when too many bodies started to fill it. It didn’t take long for the heat to start getting uncomfortable, however, and for the tiger’s fears to start trickling in as he slowly started to realize that the heat wasn’t just a coincidence. The smell of charring wood was the first give away. The smoke that started to fill his tiny lungs was the second.

Everything seemed to explode into chaos soon after. Bodies started shoving each other out of the way to try and get out, friends were helping other friends to find holes they could crawl out of... but no one noticed Sol. He was too small, and no one expected a child to be up so late and in the tavern of all places. He was left alone, still trying to find his dad, convinced that he would be here, following the fire to find his son.