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montserrat mystique | MEETING - Printable Version

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montserrat mystique | MEETING - Stryker - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Stepping out from the back and onto the stage once used by previous leaders, the white lion felt enlightened by the very idea of him being on such a high podium. Unlike previous meetings, he was growing confident. With a suave smirk, he sashayed towards the front with his muscles loosened. Taking one sheathed paw, he ran his split tongue over the top of it and began to groom down the top of his white mane. An ardent needed to look presentable. Slick. Finally, he was ready to unleash his hellish and cocky rambling to the likes of his wonderful clan and the rest of the world that was willing to his ungodly speeches. "Get over here, sweethearts," he called into the distance, catching the attention of many nearby. "We don't have a lot of time to talk." The urgency of the matter just happened to catch their eye. Nevertheless, that was a lie. The manipulative ardent knew exactly what he was doing by getting their attention, but he needed to be heard today. If he wasn't, he'd be rather pissed.

Mostly, this meeting was going to be a reiteration of the previous with some shoutouts, announcements, promotions, and demotions of all kinds. There was plenty to report. Still, Stryker would like to wait for his audience. It was only polite. If he had begun to speak before they arrived, they would definitely miss his oh-so important announcements! After all, if they wanted to know about some special things, they had to stay tuned.

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - ninazu - 11-09-2018

© lexasperated
With a decent idea of what the 'urgency' of the meeting involved, the erudite picked her way across the gathering people to the front. Her usual leather satchel was nowhere to be seen, though the scent of herbs and alcohol still clung to her fur. Daintily, she sat down and curled her five tails around her as she looked up at the ardent.

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-09-2018

A small almost tiny black wolf walks and sits at the edge of the torchlight doing her best to stick to the shadows. Her twin tails tipped with red sway slowly about as her ears also tipped (along with red paws) are perked up so as to hear any talk and she sits there watching waiting and listening

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - teef - 11-09-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


jerisidie laid in the shadows, upwind so that his scent wouldn't be taken. ruffling his fur he barely relaxed, keeping his low profile. he would be interested in seeing how this meeting went, what with the monkey wrench he would throw into any plans, at least, in a minute way. the hellhound was still recovering from a recent scrap with the ardent but he wasn't going to miss the meeting, no matter what. any loyalty he received from others would be from tsuyu, anyone else was fooling themselves.

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - TSUYU. - 11-09-2018

Wherever Jerisdie was, Tsuyu wasn't far behind him. The crippled frog hybrid had dragged herself over to lay down beside her adoptive father, her muscles aching from the strain, but she had to protect him. She was still incredibly unstable, but the loyalty she felt towards Ji was new and strong.

A tiny croak left her jaws as her long tongue swiped over her father's cheek, hiding her form from the others in the meeting. She needed to listen.


Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 11-10-2018

Ah, his first meeting since returning. Dante was quite happy and excited for this meeting, if he was honest. At Stryker's call, the hybrid quickly made his way over, taking a seat next to Ninazu (mostly to just try to irritate her).
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - ninazu - 11-13-2018

© lexasperated
Her nose twitched as Dante's stink settled around her; after their back and forth at the border, she hoped he might have the intelligence to lay off for a bit. But the shark hybrid held even less neurons in his head than Ninazu gave him credit for. "Hey, ugly, you're in my space," the lithe sand cat growled, her tails lashing behind her.

The moment Dante turned to look at her -- or, if he didn't, she'd simply become impatient -- Ninazu would attempt to bitchslap him across the muzzle with a sheathed paw. She wanted to sling a fireball at his nasty mug, but that seemed a bit much.

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - Stryker - 11-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] As soon as the majority arrived, a beat was not skipped. Stryker began announcing straight away, a shrill tone spreading throughout the stage and echoing down onto his audience. "Well," he cockily enthused. "Look who decided to show up." No kidding, asshole. They were supposed to show up at Stryker's call, otherwise they would hear the everloving fuck out his complaints later in the day. "Thank you for showing up so quickly." A sarcastic wink signaled towards his audience. "Sorry for such an urgent call, but I have been having quite the problem lately and I think we need to discuss it in depth." Paws clasped together in front of him, head leaning down towards those who watched. "I know we have no rules against harming other Pittians-" Slitted neon eyes shifted to Tsuyu. "-but I think it would be ethically wrong of us to pursue such a thing, so expect a punishment if someone does that." His head returned to it's previous position, staring out at the general audience instead of singling out a few certain members of the group. "We are, to my belief, a close group." That meant there should be no problems, right? "Keep it that way." Even so, Ninazu's actions towards Dante just now were proof that he was wrong. Seeing that Dante was on his shit list for being an annoying bastard during Yes Man's reign and pressuring him similarly before, the male excused her actions.

"Speaking of that subject..." Green hues laid on Tsuyu again, noting that her adopted father was also near her. "Tsuyu and Jeriside have been demoted to slaves." Despite their activity being strong, they had taken actions against their fellow members. Both have suffered physical wounds as punishment. Neither deserved the promotion that they should of received and instead received the opposite. "Tsuyu killed one of our own and Jeriside took her side, attacking your ardent in the meantime." A paw laid on his chest dramatically. "Feel free to get them back into shape any way you please. Once they prove they're loyal again, they can be promoted back up to regular dwellers." While taking advantage of their members was ethically wrong to Stryker, slaves were out of the question and could be punished as anyone saw fit.

"Full demotions also include Quill.." Obviously. They haven't been around for weeks and Stryker forgot to point it out last meeting. "Benny..." The former marauder had been active, but has stepped down on their own time. Truly, it was sad to see him go. "Eugene..." Another demotion forgotten last meeting, seeing that he was in a rush. Even so, Eugene happened to step down anyways. Stryker wasn't so pleased with people leaving their positions, but he kept that fact to himself. "Cosette..." Sure, she had been active, but not enough. The last time she showed up to an event was awhile ago.

A sigh left him. "But that leaves Ninazu as the only higher up we have." Thankfully she had stuck around. The ardent was hoping for her company after promoting her to be an erudite and that happened to succeed. "Since we have no authority, she can step up to marauder. It is her choice whether she remains an erudite in the meantime." Didn't matter to him.

/pt one

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 11-13-2018

Dante had no time to react to Ninazu's statement before the she-cat reached out and slapped him, causing the hybrid to shake his head in surprise. He clearly hadn't expected her to lash out like that, and at first Dante bared his teeth at her and opened his mouth to growl a response, only to be interrupted by Stryker. Dante continued to glare at Ninazu, as if he was saying Fuck you to her, before snapping his attention to Stryker.

There were a lot of demotions this meeting, that was a shame. However, what interested the shark-cat the most was the fact that Tsuyu and another were demoted to slaves. Dante chuckled to himself, amused that Tsuyu was once again back to the rank she had used to be in. Good. He thought to himself. Perhaps finally he could get back at her for being the annoying piece of shit she was.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: montserrat mystique | MEETING - ninazu - 11-13-2018

© lexasperated
Oh how she hated Dante, but that made his glare all the sweeter to her. Pleased that she got under his skin, the slender feline turned her attention to Stryker as he got on with the next part of the meeting. Most of what he went over failed to surprise her -- she recognized the lack of activity from the other higher ranks, including the disappearance of her own protege. However, she never expected him to offer the marauder duties to her. When had she proven herself strategic...?

Oh, right. She burned down the Typhoon's territory. And came up with a brilliant strategy to maximize her mage potential, while taking advantage of the fact people disproportionately went after Stryker during raids. Her bad.

"I will take up both, at least until you find other suitable members," she answered the lion. She made a note that she needed to hold some type of training or tryouts for the erudite position; she abhorred being the only healer in the group. It meant she had to heal everybody, including those like Dante that she despised. And it often meant she overexerted herself with having to keep all of these idiots alive.