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Compliment game because why not - Printable Version

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Compliment game because why not - MirrorEdge - 11-09-2018

Do you ever need a reason for this game?
I'm pretty sure you guys know how it works, but still, basically compliment the person above you!
Since I have nobody above me to compliment I'll just compliment all of you and say that you guys are the best Smile

Re: Compliment game because why not - pallid-i - 11-09-2018

crashes in here

we dont talk to each other but i always watch everyone from the side and you seem pretty cool! i'd love to interact more with you lmao

Re: Compliment game because why not - Orion - 11-09-2018

eyelidd, you're an amazing human being i do enjoy talking to you a ton over discord!! you're an amazing person and i support you all the way with your endeavors!!!

Re: Compliment game because why not - toboggan - 11-11-2018

orion,, you’re super nice, and i just gotta say, you’ve got one of the coolest tastes in music there is with how diverse it is. you’re really fun to talk with, and i absolutely revel in how stryker is written (whenever i see he’s in a thread, i think “uh oh, crap just got real”). also, your livestreams are really fun events for everybody.

i promise i’ll work on that beatsaber song list SOON

Re: Compliment game because why not - miss ririchiyo - 11-12-2018

ohohoho toBO
you knew this was coming bb

sO, you're pretty amazing. when i see you in discords you're hella welcoming and one of my favorite people on this site bc you're so unique and??? amazing??

the way you write your characters is so good and i love the relationship leroy and delilah have as well as how leroy views delilah. you play him so well and ??? i love

also wend bb?? marry me son. wend makes me want to sob when hes sad and smile when hes happy and i just,, adore him!!

you're so talented and majestic and ejdnskxhs you're great and now im rambling

That was awkward but AAAA UR THE BEST TOBO

Re: Compliment game because why not - toboggan - 11-21-2018

[imma keep this thing goin alright bc everybody needs some wholesomeness in their lives]

riri, it utterly astounds me how you can have so many characters, and maintain a unique personality for all of them. whether it’s the unlucky but caring delilah, or the once-good now-psychopathic tsuyu, it’s a different experience every single time you post. and the fact that you can actually manage that many characters, and still produce quality posts for them; it’s inspiring. i can barely keep myself up with my three babies, let alone you and your i-don’t-know-how-many. please, keep writing! you have the ability to make someone genuinely sad when something happens to a character, which is very important indeed. off site, you’re such a warm person, it immediately lightens my mood when i see that you posted a message not too long ago on discord.

ps stop hurting Delilah

Re: Compliment game because why not - tricky - 11-22-2018

tobooo i've already told you how highly i think of your writing and characterization in the fact that you really manage to make me feel the emotion you write into a post, but you as a person?? although you get down on yourself, you're one of the most understanding people i've met. thanks for being there for me, mi amigo, and may i be there for you

Re: Compliment game because why not - MirrorEdge - 11-22-2018

Tricky, when I first started rping I will admit I was a bit intimidated because of how great your writing was, and wondering how I could live up to such great writing you and everybody else was churning out. Now, I admire you and your writing, and still do, still strive to do better in writing, and can say you're one of the reasons. You don't sugarcoat anything when I asked for an opinion on my character, but you also didn't aim to completely tear me and my self-confidence down, and I remember that. I absolutely love Beck, and hope both you and he continues to be around BoB for a long time! Smile