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MARCO? MARCO?! — joining - Printable Version

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MARCO? MARCO?! — joining - Evelyn - 11-09-2018

The desert is a familiar sight.

When she squints, she can almost imagine a bleeding river cutting across the ginger sand like an open gash, smelling of thick rot and fester—revolting, true, but ever so familiar. With a little imagination, she figures she could pretend, and she walks with familiarity echoing in each step as she teeters precariously on the line separating reality from memory.

Her attention turns towards the bond and tugs gently, lightly.

I remember this. I remember.

She closes her eyes and lets the shallow wind stir at the long fur around her neck, jostling the golden bells that hang from it until the space around her comes alive with its gentle, rhythmic chiming. It’s from this sound, soft and reassuring, that she grounds herself back in the present.

Talia collects herself and pushes on.

She wanders aimlessly until the soft dunes give way to hard earth, until the ground doesn’t shift underneath each pawstep, until she’s sliding gently down a slope and into the shade of twisting vines and looming trees standing higher than she’d care to count. The temperature drops as soon as the sunlight twists its attention from her pelt to the forest canopy, and it’s refreshing and daunting all at once. She wishes she can just turn around, subject herself to the blistering heat again, and taste the past… but she moves forward instead.

The past offers nothing more than a thirst for what can no longer be brought back.

Within the forest, it’s easier to detect signs of civilization. While the soil has long since been washed away of dimpled steps, the air is alive with a plethora of scents (feline, canine, or otherwise), and tufts of fur dance from where they’re caught in the undergrowth. They leave a colored trail, breadcrumbs that she follows closer and closer to the heart of the territory until she stumbles across the waterfall.

Marco! Marco! She tugs on the bond enthusiastically, eyeing the entrance behind the crystal waters and knowing on instinct that it must be a way in. What clan wouldn’t take advantage of a hole behind a waterfall, after all? Perhaps it’s a little cliché, but at least it makes it easier to find the Clan that her brother had once called home.

”Boob, you know what to do,” the hellhound whispers, snout tucked against her chest. From within the strands of her decorated mane, something shifts and shivers before dashing out in a flurry of white-and-brown feathers and flashing amber eyes.

The tiny figure, a ferruginous pygmy owl, spirals into the air, waiting for a command.

”Why don’t you sing for me, my dear?”

The small owl nods its head before trilling loudly to herald their arrival.

ooc. hot damn my writing is rusty as fuck!! but here, have this old lady's rushed joining thread

Re: MARCO? MARCO?! — joining - purgatory - 11-09-2018

It was the abrupt loud call of a bird that made the cub jump out of his fur. Big blue eyes were wide and wild as premature claws pressed into the ground as he assumed a threatening stance. Maybe 'threatening' was a bit of a stretch as fluffy, snowy white fur with short stubby legs, small ears and a chubby frame isn't exactly threatening. But like most children, Koda likes to think he'll grow up into an intimidating creature to make up for being more cute than scary in his childhood. To be so frightening, no one would dare question him. To be so intimidating, no one would look him in the eyes. To be so powerful, there wasn't a soul who didn't know of his name. To be so feared- feared? Now that he thought about it, all of that sounds awful! He didn't want to be scary or feared! He wanted to be loved and adored! Others wouldn't want to be his friend if he was scary! He'd get lonely without anyone to talk to and will absolutely be driven mad. With fear comes isolation and with isolation, insanity. He takes back all that talk of being a force to be reckoned with. But he couldn't be strong and powerful unless he was intimidating or scary, right? That sounds about right. Powerful and scary with no friends or weak and cute with lots of friends? He doesn't want to be anything that would make it much harder to make friends but also wants to be strong. They were conflicting ideas in his mind, as different as winter and summer.

He managed to calm himself down after a couple seconds, panic giving way to curiosity before he was already scampering towards the source. Was it the smartest idea? No. But what if the bird was calling for help? It also was a new sound for him so of course, being the inquisitive child he is, he had to investigate. Due to their stature, it stilll took them a while to get there but once he did, he was met with a tall creature. Great, another individual to remind him of how short he was. In reality, he was about the size of a full grown domestic cat but in a clan where he was familiar with manticores, a lion, a wolf, coyote and an indoraptor, he felt small. Where was Ourias? The cub felt his self-esteem plummeting and he needed a hug. The stress of meeting new people and the fact that the new individual he was faced with was many times taller than he is was enough to make him whimper softly, as lips pressed together in a pout. Shyly taking a step back, he dropped the notebook he had been carrying and scribbled down a few words. "Hello! May I have your name and business with the Roseblod Rosebloods, please?" Clicking his pen, he held it up to her as he hid nervously behind the book. If following every bird call would lead him to a new person, he was going to have a heart attack. Will he stop investigating things that interest him?


[align=center]✯ "speaking" / "writing" ✯

Re: MARCO? MARCO?! — joining - sephiroth - 11-10-2018

[Image: tumblr_op0tpjgfs81vf7lvpo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]There were many bird sounds in the jungle so the sound didn't surprise the Pharaoh at all.  But this one did catch his ear's attention, and the rest of his body followed soon after to see the stranger at the border.  A hellhound, with a small owl companion.  Reminded him of the relationship he had with Gwen before, and other animals he had occasionally seen being kept as pets by other animals in the world.  Hm.  Interesting.

The lion would prowl closer on confident steps, looking down at Maekoda with an approving nod at their behavior.  He had seen others occasionally get on their case for their method of communicating, and since then Sephiroth had privately pledged to make sure nobody did that.  Sephiroth would lift his grand head towards Talia, flicking an ear.  "As they said."  He rumbled, mildly motioning towards Maekoda.

Re: MARCO? MARCO?! — joining - arcy - 11-11-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Eddie was not particularly fond of birds, at least not ferals or pets. He had nothing against them, he just didn't particularly care for them, either. They're just ... loud.  Eddie grimaces at the loud trilling of some sort of ... bird. And then, shortly, the voices of clanmates. Eddie allows himself a soft sigh, a little agitated, a little indulgent. It'd been a week -- he sort of liked this place, and border duties weren't .. terrible. Though, Venom, Eddie's bodymate, wasn't terribly fond of how they had to stay quiet whenever Eddie was in public, now.
Sephiroth, Koda, and a stanger. Eddie tilts his head, and wonders, a little concerned, how Koda would talk to somebody illiterate. Eddie didn't know if Koda was actually mute, and he wasn't insensitive enough to ask, but it didn't really matter in the end, just that he seemed to prefer writing. So, as he arrives, Eddie settles next to his clanmates, and voices their thoughts. Their useless thoughts. Eddie had a habit of running his mouth, but usually it was fairly harmless. "You wouldn't figure a bird, owl, cry would attract a lot of attention, with all the birds in the world." An owl? Was it an owl? It's little, but not a regular bird, at least. At the least, Eddie doesn't seem terribly judgmental, despite his words. Just .. a little uncaring to the situation, maybe.

Re: MARCO? MARCO?! — joining - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 11-11-2018

Keeping watchful eye over things that was what she did best, yet she saw what she should be doing as something social, were she had no skills. Anyway, she was there standing beside the Pharaoh with her usual deadpan expression. The singing of the bird filled her ears, but she didn't care either way for it. Jiyu's main focus was evaluating the owner of the bird to see what was up with them. So many had pets, and it briefly made her remember when she had her own. Albeit her 'pet' had been an oversized mentally broken cougar whom unless she kept snow around would attack anything that moved if he happened to get out of his enclosure. She'd inherited him from a friend who passed into the afterlife after breaking the beast, done what she could for him.

Re: MARCO? MARCO?! — joining - MIRIO! - 11-11-2018


Re: MARCO? MARCO?! — joining - MIRIO! - 11-12-2018

[Image: Mirio-Togata-My-Hero-Academia-AOTW-7-Featured.jpg]
Togata Mirio is an 18 month old golden retriever whom is currently residing in the Rosebloods. As of right now, he has no rank. He is best friends with Tamaki Amajiki, and adores Eri. He is physically hard and easy to befriend.
Mirio wasn't one for quiet greetings. He preferred to be remembered as the one who went out with a bang instead of a soft pow. What could he say? He was a hero, born to fight and have a crowd of his own fans.

Confidence seemed to push the golden retriever out to greet the newcomer, a toothy smile greeting her happily. "Hiya! The name's Mirio." He barked, adjusting the cape on his back idly.

//rushed but fuck i love talia