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Already Gone - Printable Version

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Already Gone - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-09-2018

A small wolf walks across the desert plane her twin tails swaying in the night air  cautiously keeping an eye out, she'd barely eaten in days he damned body was gettingin weaker. She hated being like this small,  barely able to match up against any other wolf her tails and size making her an oddity to be made fun of and laughed at. It wasn't her fault she'd snapped it wasn't her fault that the quiet slumbering thing had awoken. She had wanted to keep her head down but it had wanted out. It had awoken and was hungry and it wanted death. It wasn't her fault she came to drenched in blood two of her pack eaten their throats having been ripped out while theyd slept. It wasnt her fault.....

Re: Already Gone - teef - 11-09-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


jerisidie appeared at the edge of the jungle, the hellhound staying within the bushes, eyes watching the vixen with disinterest. was she approaching the pitt's jungle? well, she was already trespassing, not that he held any love for the group he was within. to help with it, as he said.

sighing he shook himself out, the hell general and current dweller stood up, breaking from the foliage that snagged at his fur as if trying to drag him back into the grounds. he felt his pelt bristle as he sensed something about her, something dark like him. swallowing down his anxieties over his daughter and her crippled state he approached, careful to keep downwind so she wouldn't know he approached. she looked exhausted and as if she was starving.

sneaking up alongside her, jerisidie cleared his throat, his skull mask flipped down over his face, showing off a frightening visage. "hey. are you lost? this place isn't a friendly location for the lost. you gotta work to keep your head up because there are some worse predators than me out here." his tone was brusque, his pelt ruffled and spiked by blood in places, some of it dark, some old, and some mixed colors. his one eye looked out at her, glowing in the luminescence of the moonlight. he almost feared that she would collapse, not that he would show his concern: he had enough on his plate.

Re: Already Gone - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-09-2018

At the sound of the man and upon seeing the Visage she leaps back a few feet attempting to distance herself barely landing. Staring at the new comer she asks with a strained voice "w-who are you" barely registering how much danger she might be in as a snarl prepared on her face she tries to remain concious "i-I can't let it out...i-I need to stay awake" she is wobbling barely on her legs at this point as the exhaustion and hunger have weakened her and the thing inside... it wants out... it wants out and it wants to tear this newcomer to shreds, but she can't let it. She can't ever let it do something again. So she just stared at the newcomer fighting a battle internally while also trying to keep consious and prepared externally

Re: Already Gone - teef - 11-09-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


his brows twitched under his mask, the earth elemental staring back at her, "[b]... who I am doesn't matter. I live here that's what matters. and there's ways to control things like that...[/b" he responded calmly, uncaring for whatever danger she might possess.

Re: Already Gone - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-09-2018

She stares at him trying to contain it. "How.. how do I leash and controll it how do  I...." she grunts with effort and a bit of pain "it wants out it'd hungry how do I controll it?" She continues to wobble on her feet on the verge of collapse

Re: Already Gone - teef - 11-09-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


he looked upon usagi with boredom, "well, first you need to eat actual food. dont look at me, not my responsibility. I'm just helping you out here because you look like you need it. and what is the thing?" he questioned her, gold eye glimmering in silent disapproval.

Re: Already Gone - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-09-2018

Looks at him wearily "I don't know something dark... its been there as long as I've known sleeping until it snapped until I snapped I guess then it awoke. I was tired of being ridiculed and made fun of the darkness it amplified my rage, my desire for revenge my.... my blood lust and one night.... one night I retired to my area when I was awoken by being kicked in the ribs.... I was beaten until I passed out and when I awoke... the two who had beaten me were at the ground throats ripped out amd mostly eaten. I left then.... I don't know what happened but if those of whatever pack i was a part of found out I'd be dead.... I have no concious way to fight them they would overpower me immediately... since then it hasn't rested again and it always wants out its always hungry and.... and if I let It out I don't think I'll awake again..."

Re: Already Gone - Stryker - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Odd. Stryker had been keeping an eye on Jeriside after his attempts on his well-being, but did not expect the demon to be helping this pitiful figure... if you would even call this an attempt to help. The lion, finding sympathy, wandered out from the shadows. He had no experience in these so-called 'demons' or whatever the two had gotten involved in, but perhaps he could of be of some help. It was only natural. There was a beast inside the stranger that obviously needed to be tamed. Seeing that he had turned slaves into warriors and traitors into loyals with the simplicity of torture and manipulation, perhaps this was a new experiment for him? That was crossing a line though.

After listening, Stryker nodded slowly. "I see," he enthused curiously. Neon eyes shifted over towards Jeriside, unsure of what else to say. Even so, he wasn't trusting of the other 'Pittian' to talk any further after their circumstances. "Perhaps I can help you." 'I', not 'we'. Jeriside was no longer involved in the Pitt's equation after his betrayal. "Though," came his weary tone, "I am unsure how to."

Re: Already Gone - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-09-2018

Too wary to even React she just turns her head to look at the lion "then I guess we both have just as much clue as the other on how I may... controll this beast... I only have to assume it greatens what little power I have on my own if... if I could use it, it could be a powerful weapon... but I don't know how much longer I can keep it down myself it's been a long journey, such a long journey for controll. If only I could rest withought worrying about awaking to more slaughtered at my feet and in my mouth...." her eyes show a great sadness and weariness but for a moment but a moment the wolf could swear something dark and hateful flashes past before returning to their nomad weiry gaze.

Re: Already Gone - Stryker - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] The lion's head tilts to the side curiously, wondering what the wolf what could be going on about. It was obvious something was controlling them. The 'beast' they call it. Stryker was still unsure what to do about it, but nevertheless proceeded on. "Perhaps it's time for you to rest then properly," he suggested. "We can take you to the prisons, chain you up, and let you sleep if that's what you wish." It wasn't a proper, hearty nest, but it would do. Plus, there was no way of escaping the chains, even if she tried and if she truly wanted to feel safe, this was the best option.