Beasts of Beyond
between the houses / family intro - Printable Version

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between the houses / family intro - JUNJI - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]It had taken the angel some time to finally get to this point. The labor, the birth of his children, it had come too soon. For the first few months he had been rather overbearing of them; several had been born with defects, things that struck worry in the boy's heart. He wanted to keep them safe. He wanted to make sure they were healthy and alright, and for about the last month he spent his time trying to prepare them for the rest of the island. If he was being honest, Junji was afraid. He didn't want them to have such a harsh wake up call as he did. He didn't want the world to corrupt them. He didn't want them to get hurt. But, he couldn't keep them locked away forever.

On the four month anniversary of their births, Junji decided it was time to show them the island. He was cautious as he led them out from his secluded little hut, his wings curled around the five of them to keep them close and protected. The angel cooed to his children as they walked, telling them about the island and the people on it. He spoke of Pincher the most; their strong, good leader, the captain of all the pirates that lived on Paradise Island. As they neared the bustle of Barracuda Bay he paused for a moment and dropped his sweet blue eyes to look at each of the little kittens beneath his wings. "Ready to meet the others, parum columbas?" He purred out softly. A little murmur of agreement from them, and he led them out from the jungle and onto the warm sand of the beach.

He kept them closer still as they weaved between huts and the crewmates that wandered about, until they reached an empty space among the crowd. He lifted his wings and urged the kittens out; some of the other pirates slowed their movements to come and see them, others kept on with their day. Junji gave the little ones an encouraging smile before trilling,"I'd like you all to meet the newest additions to our crew." He lowered his head and gently nudged them all forward. "Introduce yourselves, amores."

/ please wait until all of the kids have introduced themselves before posting. thank you

Re: between the houses / family intro - stella - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]four months, time so short and fleeting for the young and impressionable hybrid children to grow in mind, body and soul. to the little cloaked one it was ample enough time for her - she thought. growing from a mindless and feeble mess of fur and feathers had arisen a child with thoughts and morality. mature? not nearly enough, but stella held herself to the highest of standards despite the reality of their childish behaviours. her siblings? well of course they were just as mature as stella envisioned in her mind, they were her siblings, her blood. maturity in the mind of the young was fearlessness, calm collectiveness and a respect for those who protected sanctity. staring those individuals in the face was a little more daunting than stella had initially imagined. 

from within the soft and familiar warmth of their pater’s wings, as stella’s lavender gaze drifted along the crystalline beaches of barracuda bay, the thoughts of playing among such beautiful nature had stella pumping pure excitement through her veins. was this just the start of what the outside world had to offer? awe-inducing majesties? at the soft sounds of their pater’s encouraging words, inciting the small swarm of fumbling youthful messes forth, stella gave one last glance towards her pater, her siblings too wrapped up within the warm cocoon of their pater’s loving wings. before the ambitious child went forth.

feeling the mild sands sinking deep into stella’s pink toes, encompassing them with their warmth, lavender hues were taken by the sea and its glass-like waters washing up gently against the white shores. it probably was fun to splash amongst the gentle waves idle thoughts mused. moving slowly towards the waters despite the cloak still attached to her neck that would not meld well with moisture, stella felt their heart burst with bliss at the sight for a fleeting moment suddenly filled with startle and embarrassing nervous energy. somehow stella had failed to envision these lands inhabited by anyone other than her loving and familiar family, the little child shocked by the form of someone unfamiliar and foreign to her side. in fact, many more of these unfamiliar people had come to the beck and call of stella’s pater and were investigating the child and her siblings like new shiny things. others lived here, those of which stella knew few names of like the captain’s, but never had stella ever seen their physical form. why were they so much bigger than stella’s dads? frightening. but that feeling, fear, it went against every expectation of maturity that stella had come to expect of herself, it wasn’t what the small and lithe child wanted to feel after four months of growth.

pushing their nervous fears to the side as best as she could, stella puffed out her chest proudly and let their expression not hold any clue to the real emotions the hybrid felt inside as she held her head high. stella rosario. what else did an introduction entail exactly? the monotonous reciting of her name seemed enough, but the confused glances from strangers around her made stella reflect on her choice of words and wonder why such a reaction had been elicited. h-hello? surely now that was enough. stella nervously picked at her cloak, only lavender eyes peaking out from behind the alabaster fabric as they darted from the strangers to the comforting sight of her siblings and pater.


Re: between the houses / family intro - elijah - 11-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]His name was Elijah Rosario and the first few months of his life hadn’t been great ones. While he was smothered with love with his family, given lots of care, it was obvious that something was wrong with his heart. Sometimes, it was almost as if it didn’t beat – deathly quiet, hardly alive enough to make a sound. He was a tired boy, energetic in spirit and mind but often exhausted after running around Junji’s home attempting to play tag with his siblings. It was obvious that he was...fragile. For that reason, the child would often sit out, lying around to read fairy tales that showcased princes, magic and dragons. Though it made him lonely, it put dreams in his head. He looked happy. The boy was content with imagining fantasy lands, re-envisioning the world around him, letting the universe evolve into his own playground. In his mind, he was a powerful warlock, master of magic, protector of all things good (because in his mind you were either a force of good or evil, there was no in-between). Armed and ready, Elijah had fought countless nerve-wracking battles between the dark side and the light side, parrying back and forth with his inanimate soft toys. Remarkably, as a child, one could realise the boy was quite isolated despite the ineffable affection his parents gave him. It was likely because, after a while, Elijah begun to realise just how mundane reality was. He found himself far more entertained when exploring the realm of fantasy.

It was that morning that the distracted boy had set up what appeared to be a warzone. He had dolls on one side, dolls on the other, colour-coded to show that they were oppositions. He was getting excited to begin this part of his adventure, hopping on his paws and shuffling his feathery wings in anticipating, imagining the way the battle would ensue. The war was his society versus the other and their goal was to recover Merlin’s magical book, the boy ordering his cavalry to move onwards. “They’ve outnumbered us!” the child would squeak, rolling quickly towards the back of the enemy lines and putting on a deeper voice that he assumed to be what a sinister general sounded like: “Onwards! We will defeat them because we’re evil!” Elijah jumps back to his own rows, puffing his cheeks as if everything was reaching the climax of the battle. The darkfurred boy grins from his seated position, putting a paw over his chest. “They took the bait – unleash the traps!” Nothing could stop him now; his brain was so absorbed in his fun and games. It was usually like this. Even if someone were screaming at his name for help, the words would fall onto deaf ears, strangled and dying out. His selective hearing made things all too difficult to get him to do chores and it was hard to maintain his attention for too long, the kitten becoming quickly bored by the words of whoever was speaking. He had the tendency to be quite rude, ignoring others because his brain wouldn’t stop to hear out their words.

When it came to Junji expecting the children to follow him, Elijah was a little slow to realise everyone had started moving, stick tackling at a teddy bear and biting its arm whilst dramatically ‘struggling’ on his back. He heard the Latin words the angel tended to say, brown ears perking as his baby-blue gaze followed the sound to meet his mother’s form. His nose wriggled curiously, rolling towards his side, cheek squashing against the cold ground. Parum columbas. Mama always called them his little doves. Elijah, with a soft smile across his chubby features, quickly waddles towards his wings, sheltered from the sun when he walked. His own strides were wobbled, not perfectly balanced when he tried to walk through the sand, paws sinking with the unfamiliar texture. His whiskers twitched at the smell of the ocean, the salty crisp air. He wasn’t listening to Junji at all, not hearing a single ounce of it, not even hearing the sound of the Captain’s name. His world was still closed, expansive but unshared because no one seemed to see the same wonders as he did. For the first time, the child had seen the sea. His eyes were wide, sparkling with interest that upon being nudged forward, he immediately broke into a sprint. He was stumbling with his run, baby fat jiggling as he seemed to almost trip onto his face more than once. He fell in love with the look of the sea, stopping in surprise when is paws hit wet sand.

He lowers his head, eyes staring directly at the grainy texture before a tide pulled in. He was pushed back by the force of it, flopping onto his soft belly with a yelp in surprise. Then, when about to get up, the water was being drawn back in that he fell again. ”H-Help!” he cried, getting a mouth full of sand.

Re: between the houses / family intro - Grimm - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 360px; line-height:120%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"][ ] ;; – Caught within the grand structure of all, large this universe they had found themself apart of, creature crafted from the structure of bone and sinew drawn together beneath covering of muscle and skin, they are nothing – bare speck are they, seconds though within the scope of thought they have lived for a time longer.

Quiet had been the rush of breath into structure of lungs, unseen the damage which rose upon each breath, harsh the exhale of broken, crackling edges as it pushed through the teeth. Yet the touch had been unwanted, given no prior warning and from within the depths of mind it had broken apart, fragile the encasing veil of dream. Still had pieces clung to edges of thought, found within the mind root as it spiralled further, seeking attention though fleeting was such. Beyond the harsh scrape of breath through lungs, found itself drawn across throat before rising into air that left stale a tang upon tongue, there had been no sound from child toned in cream and lilac. It mattered not the dull sheen to eyes, minimal the sight they offered until all seemed a blur, colour drawn together into a kaleidoscope, still they tracked him. Gentle and sweet was him, toned with hints of herbs – rosemary and honey, gathered upon the fine tips of fur toned in gentle shadings, trailing along the quill of each wing, warmth within the large structure of them.

Then the others had been there, baring their own tones of sweetness. Somewhat tart was it, the tang of raspberry tinted until the sheen of blue took over what once had been touched with red, sweeter then it had right to be. Almost they could taste the next, tones of grape over sweetened, as though permitted more time until it pushed upon the bounds of ripeness. Behind it the tang of lighter sweetness, touch paling beneath it all yet present, drawing about pale lips a smile. Familiar and welcome was it all, gentle the touch of cheek to chest or throat, found within warmth they leaned into, greedily took in. Routine almost this greeting within form of contact, allowing each brief moment of touch, enjoying the contact as they allowed the last remnants of sleep to fade.

Soft was the sweep of wings, the encasing touch of feathers about a slight body, drawn from small chest sound of confusion yet within was ting of joy. Pleasant was it, the feeling of feathers brushing along them, soft and light, holding a light that calmed the startled beat of their heart. And then they were moving, confusion parting within the gentle wake of something else, slight the touch of it as excitement found root within, infectious a feeling as it touched them, rising from those deemed family. Slow was the pace set, dragging steps of lilac toned paws, head ducked though within the curtain of feathers none may see them clearly, hidden away from all.

Difficult was it to gauge the time within which they moved, the one deemed Kaisa grown weary as minimal reserves of energy were depleted, parting of lips showing the slight curve of baby teeth in a yawn. Stumbling, almost falling into sand touched with warmth, as Junji drew to a stop and thus they too were expected to do such. Voice rose above them, call for those few that lingered upon the bay, tone softening as towards them he spoke. Squeak rose, paw lifting from the strange surface upon which they had stopped, attempt to touch nose to cheek yet difficult was it to balance the weight of baby fat, slight as it may be, with the heavier presence of developing muscle. Upon side they fell, breath rushing forth in a sudden exhale, seconds spent merely resting there with no want to arise. Warmth touched upon side, found way into the wavey length of cream toned fur, cheek pressed atop the minuscule grains. Slow was the close of eyes, the dull shades of blue and green hidden for but second before – head rose and gentle was the voice, word caught within throat. “Berry.”

Waving of short legs, paws struggling to find purchase upon the unfamiliar, the grains greedy as it drew them down. A few times were attempts made, many leaving them once more to tumble, gathering within fur an excess of sand, before they were moving. More waddle then it was run, the difficulty of legs all too short carrying forth a body laden with the weight of youth, progress a slow thing. There was little they may do though within the quickening pace of thought there was only panic, the worry within the call, pulling them forth. He was nothing more then a darker mass, small paws reaching with no hope for him, trying to find him but falling all too short. Upon belly they fell and a little closer they wriggled, reaching until the water found them. Loud was the squeal which parted their lips, paws sinking into the wet sand as futile attempts to draw themself away from the oceans reach were made, for now the plight of Elijah forgotten in their haste to escape.

Re: between the houses / family intro - spacexual - 11-09-2018

priscilla "sil" rosario — female — the typhoon — tags
as she was collected with her siblings, brought underneath her da's wings, she finds herself closing her eyes. she is not just a little child, she is an adventurer, currently stowed away underneath the disguise of a box. she is going to a new land, one she could see if she peered outside far enough, and hear if she listened closely. various faces and voices in the distance, so close, but never close enough. and now she has escaped her home with her siblings and they get to explore this new land, together. was she excited? oh, absolutely. an explored territory is being made available to her - why wouldn't she be excited? even ari seems quite enthusiastic about this. the crow had made it clear to her he was quite grumpy about staying inside for so long.

when she opens her eyes though, da stopping and speaking out, she finds the excitement is replaced with anxiety. she tenses up, her light blue eyes blinking at all of the world around her. for a few moments, she stays completely frozen, clutching her blanket against her cold body. this is all unknown territory to her, and it is scary. she needs to stay put, and observe. priscilla would do just that, watching as her siblings made their own journeys into this world while she remained pressed against her da. she was not ready. she wanted to go back home.

it was not until she felt her companion peck gently at her back demanding impatiently, "what are you waiting for?" that she broke from her position, eyes darting behind her to the avian. she found out at a young age that none of her family seemed to be able to see, hear, feel, or even smell ari, which meant she had to be careful when speaking to him in public. others may get confused and think she's having some weird conversation with herself. she did not want to look like a crazy witch from those stories. "i'm nervous," she admits in a whisper towards him, glancing around her. everything is new. she does not know what to expect.

she shifts her feathery wings, turning her head towards her da. "introduce yourself at least." the golden crow states, a bit of annoyance laced in his tone. the ragdoll shuffles her paws, her tail twitching once. she is about to speak up, joining in her siblings' introductions, when she sees eli fall over. "oh no," she frets out loud, frowning. was the sand going to hurt them? she remembers reading stories with something called quicksand. did the beach have that? her fur lifts slightly at that thought. "is the beach gonna swallow us whole like quicksand?" she quickly asks to her da, clearly nervous. ari pecked at her back again, a bit harder this time. "no, fool. just introduce yourself." the female sniffles slightly, pulling her blanket tighter around her body.

priscilla does not say anything else for a few moments, deciding to watch her surroundings a little bit more. it appears that ari was right, though. nothing seemed to be being eaten by quicksand currently. "salvete. i'm priscilla rosario, or, um, you can call me sil." her voice is soft, though she tries to raise it a little for others to hear. she finds herself feeling a little better after stating the words and plans to say "nice to meet you", but is cut off as she spots kai now joining eli. oh no! the water is gonna drown them! she moves herself closer to her da in a panicked fashion, wishing to get away from the water and desiring someone to grab her siblings away from it.

Re: between the houses / family intro - Eris - 11-09-2018

if excitement could have replaced blood, eris's veins would have been thrumming with it. the first time he had learned there were other creatures out there besides his family, a spark of curiosity had sprung up within him. it had grown into a full-on fire and, finally, finally he got to see what was outside his sheltered world. he made a valiant attempt to listen to junji as he led eris and his siblings toward the beach, but it was hard. there was so much to stare at; other members of the typhoon, the scenic bay, the colorful huts... eris's head was whipping around so fast as his attention flicked from one thing to the next that it was a wonder he didn't pull a muscle in his neck. there were so many new smells, sights, and sounds. even the grainy warmth of the sand was new- of course, eris had been on sand before, but not this sand. he wanted to pause for a few minutes and just take everything in.

eris broke out of his awed daze when junji gently nudged him forward, with an instruction to introduce himself as well. right. he had only one chance to introduce himself for the first time with his family, but he now had all the chances in the world to go explore. he would not be the first to introduce himself; that prize went to stella, who proudly said her name and then faltered. next thing he knew, elijah was running toward the sea and tripping into the wet sand near it. then kaisa was dancing around the tide. priscilla introduced herself, worried about quicksand (it didn't look like elijah and kaisa were being sucked in... he decided it was safe), and went off to the ocean, and after watching this rapid succession of events, eris decided it was high time he introduced himself. he needed to get it over with and go see what was so great about the big, blue body of water that his siblings were gathered around.

"hey! i'm eris!" was his brief introduction. he followed it with a cheery "c'mon!" directed toward stella and priscilla, and shot off toward the ocean. he had never before seen so much water, and the size, coupled with the crashing of the waves, was pretty intimidating. he pattered over onto the wet sand anyway. it was a weird texture, like it was mud but grittier. he strode past elijah (there wasn't much he could do for him; it wasn't like he could make elijah's legs move on his own or pick him up) and kaisa and placed his front paws in the seawater, but skittered backward as soon as the tide rose. eris was a bold kid, but the ocean was so new and aggressive, and no way was he going to go in deeper until he knew it wasn't going to eat him.

Re: between the houses / family intro - PEPPINO - 11-09-2018

They made a cute picture. There wasn't an incredible gap between Pip's age and theirs, but those few months had great leaps in development and experience, so he felt much older nonetheless. It would not be entirely perfect, their family, because nothing ever was, but right now, in the present, they all seemed so...soft in their connections. Soft yet steadfast. Pip did not want to admit his jealousy, but it was there, creeping, fleshy green tendrils that twined through his rib cage. He was not as close as he wished he were to his siblings, to his father, and Jacob- he had such little time to know him. He wanted to laugh and tussle and bicker like siblings seemed to, wanted to give his father a reason to be proud of him, to see him more than at his throne. Pip kept careful polite distance between himself and everyone else, but he hadn't wanted that to extend to his family. They were supposed to be exceptions. Pip was supposed to care for them up close, not stare from afar as though he were capable of conveying any warmth that way.

He wanted to love them better.

But those were selfish thoughts, and they had no place here, with these children, with Junji. The children all seemed to race for the ocean, Typhooners already, but they didn't assist their brother. The young canine moved before fully recognizing that Junji was entirely capable of handling his own brood, attempting to gently lift the brown ragdoll back up onto his paws, out of the water's reach. The sand was troublesome, shifting as it did with the tide. "You didn't swallow the sand, did you?" A small amount wouldn't be too awful, but it could easily cause discomfort. "What's your name? I'm Pip." All the others had introduced themselves, names Pip had tucked away, though this one had been preoccupied with losing his balance.

Re: between the houses / family intro - elijah - 11-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]When he thought he got his grasp of the sand, water touched his ankles. Like a feather, sensitive to the breath of the wind, he flops again. Sand is clings to his stomach, sunken into his pelt. The boy is doused in water, wet and shivering. He hears the splash of water behind him, now looking back to see Kaisa approaching only to turn around and flee from the enemy that was the ocean. None of the rest of his siblings were willing to play the hero. It was…okay. They were not like Elijah who sometimes imagined himself to be a knight, armoured in the shine of metal, shining with an iron sword. Then he saw Eris, his own brother, bolt past him as if he were a lost cause for Priscilla. It seemed that the siblings, on first impression, were all over the place. Elijah’s problem was the strength of the tides, constantly pushing him the moment he got up because he had waddled too close. The sand was new to him, strange in texture because when it was dry he sunk into it, wet he slipped. It wasn’t solid enough for him to walk normally in. He felt alone, tired, betrayed by the sea. In the fairy tales he had so lovingly read, the ocean wasn’t supposed to be evil. It was kind and beautiful, filled with fishes that could somehow dance and sing, mermaids that played with the company of dolphins.

Suddenly, the boy feels his body beginning to move, eyes daring to open. They stung from the sea-salt, blue eyes wincing when he saw his saviour - his brimming hope, the incandescence of a dark and brooding tunnel, the angel that was gleaming within his blurred vision. His cheeks grew immediately hot, unsure if he was embarrassed or stressed. Diagraph contracting, lungs forcibly expulse the irritant particles that have shifted to his trachea – the boy hacking air and shivering. His own heart was thudding wildly, twinkling when he looked at Peppino, all-ears for his hero. A Doberman-mix. ”I-I’m Elijah Rosario, but you can call me Eli. I don't mind what you call me,” the child says, completely missing the other’s question about him having swallowed the sand. Whilst he was struggling, he had also gotten a mouth full of water which helped draw the sand away but now his throat was awfully dry. There was a bad taste left in his mouth, but he was far too pre-occupied with Peppino. ”What’s your name?” His ears were burning with interest, he could hear his own heart thudding against his chest. ”Y-You’re gorgeo --… I mean, thanks for saving me! You’re a true knight!”

Re: between the houses / family intro - stella - 11-10-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]boisterous children the small flock of rosario kids had turned out to been, their first impressions on the world somewhat of a lackluster spark. lackluster, but yet still youth was on their side to leave room for eventual good impressions on the bewildered onlookers - bemused by fumbling youths entrances and engulfed by the sea's touch. something as children of the typhoon they would come to co-exist more peacefully with.

chest and heart still drowning in pride, stella's lavender gaze never left the faces of the crewmates idly watching on, as if it were a dire challenge to her very integrity. chipping away at the fears lain so shallowly beneath thin skin, eventually the pressure of the confounded stares grew to a breaking point in which stella was the one to back down. for the best really. the cloaked child scurried away within her sterile white cocoon, shifting every so slowly towards her pater like a moth drawn to the light - safety. lavender hues darted from outside of the silky shield, darting along the shores and fixating on her brother and sister now being swallowed by the ocean. jealously stella stared on as the pair bumbled their way through the sea's bank, wishing that she too could muster the courage to frolic in the beauty of nature. glancing up to eris, stella noticed the boy's call to his two other sisters with sheer excitement brimming at the tops of his tone and overflowing into his words and subsequent joyous actions. drawing strength from the humbling thought that as a child of their loved parents, stella do anything she wanted, the ragdoll made her way down the sandy bay's length once more to slot alongside eris and his descent to the water's embrace.

liberating had been the feeling that stella had been anticipating to embrace when the water finally touched her skin, but an overwhelming sense of cold vulnerability soon washed over those high hopes and made stella inwardly cringe at the foreign feeling. how did something that shined and shimmered in the presence of the sun so beautifully, have a temperature stella feared would freeze her inner core? it made no sense. yet as the child ventured deeper into the depths of the bay's treasure, cloak and all, stella felt a weight building upon her and gently letting her know - time to return. maybe swimming would be a lesson learnt another day.

suddenly spurred on by a fleeting thought of amusement, the child collected some of the chilling water into her mouth devilishly plotting what to do with said water. moving along the banks of the ocean once more - dripping from head to toe with a cloak now completely soaked - stella raced up to beside her pater once more as if to rejoice in his gentle presence, but lavender eyes did not fixate on his taller frame. instead, they traced the sight of stella's sister who was the only child yet to not embrace the over-sized pool before them. trying to projectile squirt the collected water from her mouth at the form of priscilla, stella hoped to drench the other child as best as she could. bemused by the thought of the act.

Re: between the houses / family intro - Luciferr - 11-10-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
for once he doesn't wade straight in as usual when a gathering forms as he is often want to do, no the vantablack god stands at the very edges almost somewhat nervous perhaps,

these are his nieces and nephews he knows - even if his link to Luca is of adoption, he is still his little brother and he'll not let anyone disregard that due to lack of 'blood' ties, which to an eldritch god-being he finds he likes to choose his family as much as he likes his actual blood relations, but he can't forsake some of the blood ties he has no matter how he'd wish too, the fact he can choose some means something to his ancient self.

so the greater drake merely sits back and watches them with a glint of fond sadness in his eyes while they introduce and stumble about - he thinks back to his own children and his own siblings, an ache there that won't ever fade even if he has so many around him he names family and friends, there is an absence forever felt that widens the singularity in his chest - he's already extended a subconscious wing to them, a thing of shadows ephemereal on this plane, unseen but he'll hold it over them, a figurative shield like those he extends to the others he calls his own.

Lucifer shifts minutely, clawed paws folding across each other as he lies astride and inclines his head to Junji with a fond smile while he acts silent guardian to events - in an effort to appear less frightening, because he is aware, even at his most unthreatening, he is a tower of black shadows and spikes with a horrid red mar across one half of his face and the single red eye that never ceases staring - he's well aware he doesn't make the most comforting sight, he wasn't born to be though he is a gentle darkness as much as an overpowering one.

he lies his head across his stretched out crossed legs, watching them all with a contented hum - he'll speak if they address him but he finds loathe to interrupt there exploring.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme