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lavender bones - return - Printable Version

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lavender bones - return - darci - 11-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]A shadow had been cast over his heart, corrupting his mind and knocking his entire world off balance. Who was he? A definitive answer would be near impossible to conjure at this moment in time. He had come to accept the fact that his mother was dead. Being a bit older than he was when he first arrived, he now possessed the ability to cope with the feelings that smothered him. Having only been here no more than a few days did the child suddenly vanish, left without a trace. He needed to calm the storms in his mind, and doing so in the public eye displeased him. Still classified as a kitten, Rodion was now four months old, old enough to learn how to strike out on his own, but young enough that he still had a lot to learn. He was better now, but the experience of loosing his mother would never leave him.

White paws carried the child out of the shadows, his blue eyes hastily looking to and fro. He did not know anyone here, and having gone missing in action for so long did not help. Biting down on his bottom lip, the smoke tabby took a seat, tail curling around his paws. "H-hello? I'm back. It's me, Rodi, if anyone remembers," he meowed, his words rather hushed.

Re: lavender bones - return - radeken - 11-09-2018

"[color=black]No, but, okay." Was her own succinct input on the matter, sidling near when the scent of small and new pulled her away from her usual walk about the territory. Radeken's bag rattled when she sat, staring at the kitten like his arrival was attacking her, personally. She leaned forward. Should she be asking this kid where he came from? Why he left? If someone was trying to get one over on us, they'd do better than to send a sentient rag. Any one of the Ascendants could step on the kid and end him, if he turned out to be trouble, and besides, though she didn't acknowledge it, she had no place criticizing others for taking breaks. It wasn't like she really cared, at the end of the day. Just wanted to busy herself with checking off the proverbial boxes.

'[color=black]Welcome back, I suppose. Is there anything you need?" She skipped the part where she was supposed to introduce herself because Radeken didn't care to have this tiny thing know what to call her by. Cynically, she thought that they might find a pint-sized body floating face down in the Starpool sometime soon, or carried off by a hungry bird, but realism spoke sternly in the back of her mind that there was no shortage of bleeding heart parent figures waiting to add another child to their collection. So she banished her fantasies of getting to open up a dead kitten and see what was inside, looking away from Rodion as if he had finally lost all her interest.

Re: lavender bones - return - agathe. - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]She remembered this one vividly: the little boy whose mother had abandoned upon the border. He had insisted that she would return for him or something like that, but Agathe hadn't been able to find it in herself to care too terribly much and easily forgot the intricacies of his arrival within the Ascendants. Was he returning potentially because he had gone to find his lost mother? Had he truly been so naive that he believed her to still want him? She frowned at the brutality of that inquiry, a sigh bracing ebony lips. Gentle, she needed to be gentle, especially seeing as she was winning herself no favors by being so cold and abrasive all of the time. Especially to children.

Even still, Agathe failed to warm her expression any as she joined Radeken and Rodion, her golden stare trained intently upon the latter. "Where'd you go?" The Seraph inquired lowly, scenting the air as if to detect whether or not he had been stained by an enemies scent. She picked up on nothing and her original suspicions once more stood. Hm. Rounded ears would perk in faux interest, though a part of her truly did want to see where this one had scampered off to. He seemed bigger, a little more confident in himself. Perhaps he had found that elusive mother of his. But that didn't explain why he had returned and so Agathe could only wait, a claw absently tracing shapes into the ground.

Re: lavender bones - return - guts - 11-10-2018

Losing family members was a heavy burden she carried herself. But, unlike Rodion, she had never coped. Instead she left it festering, the grief inside her bottled up even now, though the glass was cracking steadily. Her brother's brief disappearance hadn't helped, either. She didn't want anyone to leave anymore. Most of all, she didn't want anyone to die anymore.

She hadn't known much about the other kitten, only knowing his name and not much else. She had barely noticed his absence, and yet was still happy to see him return. Despite not even knowing he had left, she greeted him with a big smile, padding up after Radeken and Agathe. Their dull greetings made her expression falter, but it didn't last long.

"Welcome back! I remember you!" she says, as if to console his worries of not being remembered. "I'm Isabelle, in case you forgot." with that she falls silent, waiting.
