Beasts of Beyond
` ✦ ° — DARK NECESSITIES / O, ATTACKED. - Printable Version

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` ✦ ° — DARK NECESSITIES / O, ATTACKED. - BABY — - 11-08-2018

// TW: violence, blood, death

It was pretty much common knowledge that straying outside of the Observatory's walls past sundown was... well, risky. There was a chance that you could have yourself a pleasant sunset stroll, the cool breeze winding through your fur and the fresh air exhilirating your senses. It could go just as normal as could be. However, with the neverending drama with Sunhaven quitting to cease, one could never be too cautious. One could never be too safe within the borders.

Titan had learned that today.

It had all happened too fast for him to even comprehend. Three or four wolves had him surrounded in a matter of moments. They held a certain feralness to them, an undeniable ferocity that only a bloodthirtsy wolf could harbor. They all attacked with keen strategy and considerable strength, and while Titan had managed to fend off two of them, the older two were harder to defeat.

Titan bared his canines, a [sub]low[/sub] growl rumbling in his throat as he backed up and tried to quickly figure out the best course of action. Just then, one of the two had lunged for him, and Titan quickly met its attack with his own brute force. He pinned it to the ground and wrangled it so that it couldn't escape. One [sup]high-pitched [/sup]whine later, its throat had been torn out, its mangled body cast against the base of a nearby tree.

The Astral Seraph let out an aggravated ( r o a r ) as the last remaining wolf latched onto his back and [sub]sank[/sub] its deadly whites into his shoulder. Titan gritted his teeth, channeling his energy so that he could focus on defeating the lupine instead of his bleeding arm. He had managed to roll over onto his backside, effectively squeezing the air out of its lungs and rendering it winded. Titan heaved, his lungs desperately c l i n g i n g for air. He got to his paws, his body's weight feeling [sub]heavy[/sub] under his week arms. He locked his luminaries onto the wolf, his amber eyes like a weakening fire — the glow was ceasing, but yet the embers still crackled and flared up with intensity.

One step towards the lupine and Titan had channeled his remaining energy into outstretching his foreleg in its direction. With one flex of his paw, the wolf wheezed and staggered, sounding as if it were choking and gasping for air. Its throat was closing up. Titan's brows knitted together as he concentrated, and the more he clenched, the more constricted the wolf's breathing became. It was a few seconds into this process when Titan's mind began to clash. "Resist... RESIST..." He ordered of himself, and yet a part of him wanted to see this pathetic creature perish.

Thankfully, he had been overrided, and he mentally demanded, "Re... S̵̮͗͐̋͊Î̶̥̚Ṡ̴̢̡̮̹T̵͙͛́́͝ͅ!̵̨͙͝" He set his paw down onto the ground, ceasing his invisible grip upon the wolf's throat. It continued to wheeze and stumble as it ran off to join its surviving packmates beyond the borders. Titan, on the other hand, was lucky that his jugular hadn't been ripped out. However, still sustaining a bite to the shoulder, various scratches and teeth-marks on his backside and flank, he panted heavily and cringed as the stinging pain began to settle into reality.

The lion had managed to drag himself away from the borders, but as soon as the Observatory had come into view, he had [sub]collapsed[/sub] onto the floor. After executing his abilities for the first time in months, his energy had been nearly emptied.

// tit was attacked by a small group of feral wolves and sustained bite marks in the shoulder, backside, and flank. he is also physically and mentally drained after use of his abilities. he collapsed on the outskirts of the observatory, barely clinging onto consciousness.

Re: ` ✦ ° — DARK NECESSITIES / O, ATTACKED. - ATTICUS - 11-09-2018

▹▹▹▹ There were many things that many people in life were lucky to have never been subject to hearing, or seeing. War, battle; pain, misery. How was it that some lucky few could have gone their entire lives without seeing sights that at least most people had brushed with? It wasn't a question he considered often, but it was a reality that he knew, traveling across lands and settling (though never as long as he had presently found himself in Ascendants), with others for a time. He knew the viciousness of the world and let it roll off his back; he knew the viciousness, for he had also been a part of it. The scars that littered his body attested to that fact, even if the majority of them were hidden deep beneath his black fur. But Kit was no fool, he knew the sounds of battle, the sounds of pain, perhaps more intimately than his mother had ever hoped for him.

It was the sound of fighting that had perked his attention. It was late, that much was true, but even Atticus was out in the territory. He had not been so unwise as to go as far as Titan, but just far enough to escape from the proximity of many people, to go out and view the stars above. To reflect, though it seemed reflection should have been the last thing on his mind. It was Titan. He knew the voice of the Astral Seraph who was now bellowing a war cry. Yet, even as he gathered half a mind to turn and find where Titan was, the bellows of pain and war had begun to dim. His ears flickered faintly as his paw briefly stalled in midair where it was going to step forward further and further away from the observatory.

He stood still, his breathing slow and idle as he strained to hear as far as he could, beginning to turn himself and return to the observatory, faintly staggered towards where he had initially heard Titan in the far distance. While he could hear footsteps in the distance, it took him until he was turning back to the observatory in full and making his way towards him that he saw the Astral Seraph collapsed just ahead of him. A low rumble sounded in his throat as he quickly picked up his step to reach his side, his golden gaze finding the wounds upon his body, bite marks that had sunk in, yet did not fully explain his total collapse. Yet it was readily apparent they would not have him awake for very much longer. Resigning himself to quickly sit, he laid a paw across one of his wounds to help staunch some of the bleeding in the very least, choosing the one on his flank incase his back had further injuries from the bite than he had the knowledge of seeing. "We need someone with medical knowledge," he called out loudly, yet his voice remained utterly calm. He had seen worse; as far as Atticus was concerned, Titain would be fine. "Titan has been attacked."

//half asleep sorry for any weirdness xD


Re: ` ✦ ° — DARK NECESSITIES / O, ATTACKED. - agathe. - 11-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]At one time in her life, Agathe had lived and breathed violence- a savage that delighted in ripping and tearing and destroying everything. The scars that littered her form, crisscrossing and slicing white and black fur, were evidence of her bloody past, hidden only partially under the blood-red cloak that she loved so dearly. She might have been the fiercest Matron to ever grace her clan, her innate need for bloodshed and war an unquenchable force of her grandmother's own design. But her grandmother had never anticipated her to go rogue and forsake them all, realizing that all those feelings and cares she had pretended not to have lurked just beneath the surface of her frigid exterior. Now, she was simply the ill-tempered Seraph of the Ascendants. Nothing more. Nothing less.

But she could not be that person alone and, whether it be because of genuine care or her own selfishness, she felt her heart sink upon hearing Atticus' words. Titan was injured. Golden eyes would blink a few times as she descended upon the scene, cloak billowing openly behind her as she fixated that frantic gaze upon her partner. "What happened?" She demanded breathlessly, tasting the air for any indication of an enemy. Whether that be the Pitt or Sunhaven or some deity his or herself, she would extract her revenge. And it would be painful. So painful. She could not help but feel lucky that his injuries didn't seem that severe though. Her sisters had sustained life threatening injuries and walked off the battle field hungry for more, surviving by their own tenacity- Titan could do the same, would do the same.

Every part of her was buzzing with that need for blood and yet, Agathe somehow remained rooted to the spot, not moving in fear of a medic not showing up. They had no official medics, just a handful of individuals seemingly intrigued by medicinal practices. But she knew what she was doing, she could help- even if it was against her very nature to do so. "I need some type of bandage and," She paused, racking her brain for the name of that gold-shaded flower. It had been a rare commodity in her mountain home and one that only the most esteemed warriors were permitted to use- "Marigold." She didn't bother asking for anything to subdue the pain partially because they had never relied upon such things back home. Agathe figured that Titan would be able to deal with the pain regardless- he was strong. She just wished that ache to kill would dissipate already. She was going to need to be entirely focused on helping him, nothing else.