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kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep / eddie - Printable Version

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kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep / eddie - sephiroth - 11-08-2018

[Image: tumblr_op0tpjgfs81vf7lvpo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The rainforest was always alive with noises, but this afternoon it was filled with loud and distressed chittering and thundering paws.

Sephiroth was currently chasing down soem sort of...animal he assumed.  He wasn't entirely sure this wasn't some prehistoric beast given flesh and form or a cruel trick of the eye.  It appeared to be a very large rodent, with short brown fur and face not even a mother could love.  The animal, a capybara his mind told him without really knowing, made all sorts of terrified noises as it scampered away from the hungry jaws of the lion.  This was one of the few times he hunted for himself exclusively, in the cover and solitude of the heavy and colorful foliage.

His senses were focused.  Mother had backed away for the time being to allow Sephiroth to act as the predator he was born to be.  The only sounds that came about were cries of distress from the prey animal as the Pharaoh pounced and dragged his claws into the flank of the hapless capybara.  Dragging the struggling animal towards him with long dangs bared was an easy task, sinking his teeth into the exposed throat of the creature even easier.  With a quick jerk of his head he ended the life swiftly and surely.  It was almost a painfully simple kill, but it was needed for survival.

One must survive if they are to be a god among others.  Mother had returned to his mind, her voice sweetly reminding him of his purpose.  gods have no use if they cannot rule properly.

"I suppose you're right, Mother."  Sephiroth would murmur thoughtfully, his voice falling into the velvety pitch it did when he spoke to the voice in his head.  He started to claw and bite at his meal, pulling skin apart easily with powerful claws and digging his muzzle into his catch with feral hunger.

And that is what you are right?  A god?

The silvery lion swallowed a hunk of meat, his eyes glazing somewhat as Mother spoke those words.  Sephiroth knew it was true, a fact that he was born to stand above others.  His voice came as a pleased purr, low and deep and honeyed without any regard to whoever might watching and wondering who exactly he was talking to other then himself..  "Yes.  I am a god."  He spoke with full confidence, as if what he was saying wouldn't come off as strange and odd to anybody normal.

Re: kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep / eddie - arcy - 11-08-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
There's blood dripping down from their teeth.
This is an inconvenience at worst, nothing important at best. They liked being on their own, without any other clanmates. They(venom, he reminds himself. Just venom.) like eating their food whole, still living. They had no interest in being judged for their habits, the somewhat inhumane treatment. Eddie, for all that it matters, is just glad so many animals are feral. It means they don't go hungry long, and considering that his other nearly ate his damn organs the first day, this would be .. not so great. He revisited this fact enough that Venom was, quite frankly, starting to get sick of it.
It's the scent and sound of the capybara screaming that alerts him to Sephiroth's presence. In another moment, it's just Eddie. The raccoon's ears twitch as he realizes that one of his clanmates were out hunting, too. He can pick out the exact moment the Capybara dies and, in the resulting silence, just stands there. There's no real need to approach Sephiroth, and while Venom had perked up at the screaming Capybara, they had no real interest in the lion himself. But Eddie, as it happens, is a nosy little fucker with no real inclination to stalk away, and simply stands there, ears pricked from where he hovers, watching, in the undergrowth.
.. Sephiroth speaking up is somewhat of a shock. Eddie is certain the other is alone, but his gaze slides around the clearing nonetheless. Nobody. No scent, just Sephiroth talking to himself. Eddie could relate, but still, what the fuck. He thinks the most interesting thing, though, is Sephiroth declaring himself a god. Eddie's brow would quirk up if he had one. So. Their leader has a god complex and talks to himself, huh. Okay, then. Eddie is in no place to be judging the lion, but he's still a little confused. Venom is particularly annoyed that the lion thinks so highly of himself, but Eddie likes to tell himself that he doesn't care about his other's opinion.
"Not to be a hypocrite," Eddie starts rather obviously, stepping out from his clever little hiding place in the bush, "But who are you talking to?" Confronting people on things that come off as symptoms of mental illnesses doesn't usually end well. Eddie knows this very, very well. But he's very good at antagonizing answers out of people. Oftentimes very physical answers. Sephiroth seems level-headed enough that he'd either deny it or answer straight-up. Eddie is honestly more concerned about a straight-up answer. Worst case scenario, though, Eddie antagonizes the lion to the point of getting kicked out of the Rosebloods. He's done stuff like that before. Eddie is rather apathetic towards this distant option, though. Maybe more than he should be. (his apathy isn't helped by how much he trusts Venom with his health. This kind of sucks, because Eddie doesn't want to trust Venom at all. It makes them smug.)

Re: kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep / eddie - sephiroth - 11-13-2018

[Image: tumblr_p2mk7fd1GL1vrtvtlo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]….He wasn’t counting on being caught.  Sephiroth’s muscles would freeze and he would swallow what was in his mouth quietly as he gave off the image of somebody who really didn’t want to be caught doing whatever the hell he was doing.  He could hear Mother’s hissing chuckle in his ear, apparently she took amusement out of the situation.  He would’ve snarled some sort of comeback, but that wasn’t exactly going to help the situation.

The leader would slowly turn towards Eddie, his eyes big in an uncharacteristic show of emotion.  He hadn’t considered the raccoon too much, or really questioned anything he did.  After his encounter with Jiyu and his failed attempt to pick at her mind, Sephiroth had learned sometimes it was best to leave secrets be and not to confront one on them unless it was a direct threat.  Apparently now he was in her paws, stuck and being prompted to explain himself to his groupmate.

Hypocrisy?  Did Eddie have somebody whispering in his ear as well?  The thought of that also made him delay his reply to the inquiry presented to him.  Eventually it seemed to occur to him that maybe he should say something to help his case.  He didn’t exactly have anything prepared, he thought he had kept his secret well enough.  Well, now to confront this issue head on.

With a silent gulp the male would relax his tense and hard muscled posture, his eyes lidding in his typical impassive gaze.  ”…Someone.”

Honestly?  Mother continued to guffaw in his head as his pathetic excuse for a reply came from his mouth, and Sephiroth found himself lowering his ears somewhat in a passive show of annoyance.  Up until now he had enjoyed her presence, but now he wished he could tell her to leave him in peace to decide something for himself.

Sephiroth would clear his throat, his eyes averting from Eddie’s somewhat as if direct eye contact would worsen the situation.  His mouth was a thin line before he spoke again in a half hearted explanation for his odd behavior.  ”I simply…speak to myself for assurance.”  A lie, and an obvious one at that even that not doubt made him seem even more suspicious.  Great move there, Seph, totally convincing and not at all a symbol of your deteriorating mental state.

Re: kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep / eddie - arcy - 11-13-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Eddie used to be what equated to a reporter. He pushed for questions from people, he wrote about it. Eddie knew body language and expressions and when people were lying like the back of his hand. The problem here being that Sephiroth was a shit liar. Sephiroth was banking on Eddie not having heard him call that voice mother.
.. YOU WOULD NOT LIE THAT BADLY. Venom says. They don't sound smug. They sound, surprisingly, neutral. Which is fair -- Eddie could probably come up with a good lie, but probably not on the spot. Eddie was pretty good at masking his emotions. Granted, he was .. kind of shit at coming up with lies on the spot, too. At least Sephiroth tried. Eddie hopes to god this guy is at least sane, given that he has a god complex the size of the Rosebloods as far as he can tell.
"So, you called yourself mother?" He points out, distinctly unimpressed. The raccoon's tail swishes, and he tilts his head, considering his next words. God knows he doesn't want to get kicked out for being a nosy little fucker. Sephiroth seems pretty reasonable, though, even if he's fucked up beyond all hell. "You're a shit liar." He informs the lion, rolling his eyes. Damn, Eddie wasn't gonna tell on him, even if he was insane. Eddie would normally write about it and spread it, being a reporter, but he actually lived here, first of all, and he wasn't going to spread rumors about this guy who had full control over Eddie's life. He says as much. "Listen, I'm not gonna tell on you or whatever, but you really need to get better at lying at least," He snorts. Eddie could probably help, except he didn't care if Sephiroth was discovered or not. Listen, the dude was fucked up, Eddie wasn't gonna offer him any favors if he could help it.

Re: kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep / eddie - sephiroth - 11-16-2018

[Image: tumblr_p2mk7fd1GL1vrtvtlo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Okay, so he was caught.  Either he was talking to somebody in his head, or he had some strange complexes he needed to work through.  well, that second part was true but at the moment.  Sephiroth's posture of confidence faltered a small bit, his gaze averted from Eddie's.  He snorted almost stubbornly as Mother continued to snicker in his ear.  In this hasty situation where he was cornered without a way out seemingly, Eddie's reassurance of keeping his secret was mildly comforting.  Might as well come clean, there was nothing ti hide at this point.

"Fine."  Sephiroth's voice was a grunt, his tail lashing about in an annoyed fashion.  "I...listen to somebody.  In my head.  Mother is kind and comforting.  Somebody to confide in.  And maybe I do reply vocally, but she replies to me and me alone.  Which is...what you just saw."  The male would confess briskly, clearly not happy about doing so.  Not like there was any other option available to the Pharaoh at the current time.  Other then perhaps intimidating Eddie into silence with threats of violence, but that wouldn't bode well for him in the future.

Re: kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep / eddie - arcy - 11-16-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Eddie was pretty good at bullying answers out of people, if he did say so himself. Not that he'd call it bullying, of course. He just didn't know how to let things lie -- pressuring people was just one way of getting answers. But you've also got to be ready for negative reactions to said pressuring. Of course, this time was .. fine. Sephiroth seems a little upset by being out, and Eddie himself is ... a little smug. It doesn't show on his face, of course. There's just something nice about transparency.
"I see," Eddie says, just a little too understandingly. There was always the chance that Sephiroth was actually just absolutely insane, but it would honestly be hypocritical of him to attempt to push for that. And Eddie wasn't a hypocrite -- except that he kind of was. Just not about this. For a long moment, Eddie is silent. There weren't exactly words to say to stuff like this. WHAT IS SO IMPORTANT ABOUT MOTHERS, ANYWAYS? THEY ONLY BIRTHED YOU, Venom hasn't quite learned the lesson that they shouldn't talk in front of people, no matter how many times Eddie reminds them. Eddie nearly grimaces. He hadn't grown up with a mother himself, which might be part of the problem. Venom got most of his world knowledge from Eddie's memories. AND THEY SHOULD BE CORPOREAL. I DO NOT THINK -- Understanding that Venom was just going to keep going on, Eddie hunches his shoulders and hisses "Shut up" Under his breath, momentarily forgetting that Sephorith could hear him. Sometimes it felt like the world narrowed down to just them two, which, of course, lead to Eddie having full conversations with what appeared to be himself in public. He catches himself a moment too late, and actually grimaces this time. Between the hypocrite comment and this ... Yikes.

Re: kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep / eddie - sephiroth - 11-20-2018

[Image: tumblr_p2mk7fd1GL1vrtvtlo1_500.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Unfortunately for Eddie, Sephiroth had both sharpened senses and absolute no mercy.  The male would catch ear of Eddie's response to his own friend in the head, lifting an invisible eyebrow and flicking an ear.  The corners of his lips curled slightly, his own embarrassment seemingly put aside at the chance to return the favor.  Sweet revenge was his specialty and something he took great pride in being able to do.

"Eddie."  Sephiroth's voice turned to honey, sharp and on the edge of taunting.  His eyelids lowered in a smug fashion, amusement in his voice.  "Is there something you want to tell me?"  The lion would practically purr.  Looks like he wasn't the only one caught with their secret today.  Karma usually took longer and was much more violent, but Sephiroth could very easily handle this sort of vengeance.

Re: kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep / eddie - arcy - 11-20-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Oh Fuck.
It's Sephiroth's voice that yanks his concentration from his other. Eddie's face twists into a sharp scowl as he regards the leader. Fuck.
Nobody else was supposed to know. For Venom's sake, mostly. Eddie could prove that he wasn't insane, all he had to do was coax his bodymate from hiding. Oh, but what timing this was.
"Oh, now look what you've done," Eddie groans. He could deny it, but Eddie isn't a very good on-the-spot liar. It's evidently not directed to Sephiroth, his gaze angled towards the sky, as one did when there wasn't any physical body to direct their attention to. "I've told you to stay quiet when people are nearby," Venom was like a child. It took a punishment for them to actual understand why. Venom rumbles, feeling somewhat chided by Eddie's emotions and perdicament, but mostly indiginant. At Eddie's mental push, a coil of shifting slime, dark in color, pokes its way out from Eddie's skin. There's a shape of a head, long in the way a crocodile's head would be. "I COULD EAT HIM." Venom offers, helpful as ever. It's a moot attempt at placating the raccoon.
"No the fuck you won't," Eddie replies. The look on his face shows that he's probably on the verge of a headache. As much as Sephiroth would probably deserve it, Eddie could get in trouble for that. "We've talked about this." He says. No eating sapient animals unless they really really deserved it. .. Eddie, abruptly, again, remembers Sephiroth exists. His gaze turns on the lion's, gaze sharp as he regards him. Venom's follows, predatory in the way a cat's would be, except that Venom didn't fucking need to look, since he relied on Eddie's senses.
"So." Eddie says, somewhat strained but still inherently Eddie. Eddie, meaning that it's still accompanied by a crooked grin, still somewhat playful, no matter if it was forced or not. "Guess we're even." He says, something sharpening in his gaze. A threat, maybe. A 'you spill, I spill.' sort of thing.
//big aesthetic is eddie arguing with venom while sephiroth looks on