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Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - Printable Version

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Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - Masie - 11-08-2018

Masie had started out harmless enough, even born a raptor she had nothing besides baby fangs, barely able to rip apart her food much less pose serious threat to her group mates. The biggest threat? Had been if she accidently scratched or stomped on someone, unable to even hunt properly. Well, things clearly couldn't stay that way forever any living creature needed to grow and learn, Masie was no different much to the chagrin of some, as time went by the once harmless infant was going to eventually turn into a beast just as capable of causing harm as her sisters. If anyone ventured near some of the numerous streams today, they would quickly find the first evidence of this process beginning.

One thick tree trunk was chewed to the point it really couldn't be chewed much more, light brown instead of bark covered, several small raptor teeth imbedded in it from where she had shed them. Finally, the infant had begun to teeth and lose her baby teeth, the grown up set not too far beneath even if they would take a long time to emerge fully, the sharp tips barely poking out at the moment. Of course, the next thing able to be witnesses was the fact that Masie no longer even needed the adult teeth for her mouth to become dangerous! At the edge of the water she waited, prowling ever closer until she lashed out suddenly and grabbed up one of the fish. Yet, this catch was unlike her others! Masie had it by up near its head instead of the tail, head trashing around as her fangs sank in and blood spilled over her maw. Unlike every other time she had dragged fish out and given them to someone? She had killed this one, having learned not long ago that her mouth could do that.

Standing there she slowly tore pieces of the fish off, throwing her head back to swallow them whole, licking the blood off her maw here and there.

Re: Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - CAESAR CIPHER. - 11-08-2018

Caesar didn't like the raptors at all, mostly due to the fact that Owen's feral pack had killed one of his former bodies. But unfortunately they still hung around, with Masie soon joining The Typhoon. The Officer had yet to really properly 'meet' her but in all honesty, he didn't exactly want to. She was, after all, feral, just like Owen's pack.

Ever since Bakugou's promotion to Quartermaster, Caesar had started taking walks by himself to try and calm down fits of rages he found himself going into. Despite it being a couple of days since the young male's promotion, Caesar was still pissed. He had been here far longer than that brat! During one of his walks, however, the Head Officer noticed the tree with bite marks and teeth on it and frowned in thought as he tried to find the source of it. Coming across the lake, Caesar watched as Masie fished and ate the fish she caught and let out a snort, before continuing off on his walk.

Re: Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - OWEN. - 11-09-2018

It was odd to judge Masie as similar to her sisters, really. She had much more common sense, could follow orders better and even know the distance between prey and a child, which his utahraptors didn't know very well.

Slow, light steps carried Owen through the undergrowth before he stuck his head out of a bush, watching Masie snatch up a fish and bite down, eating it in bites. Impressed, really. Owen was impressed that she had grown so much- did that mean she could hunt on her own now? No- she still had a ways to go, she could only catch fish right now.

"Masie, teeth hurt?" Owen babbled to his daughter, worried she might have started teething already. He didn't want her eating anything hard while they grew, it would be pretty bad if she lost a tooth or two.


Re: Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - elijah - 11-10-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]He read about dinosaurs in his picture books. They weren't portrayed as evil like dragons. In fact, they were mysterious and old, ancient and inspiring. Sometimes the boy would close his book and give off a mystified sigh, gaze twinkling as he imagined such tall herbivorous beasts walking over The Typhoon and him weaving between their legs. He wanted to graze grass with the triceratops, walk on two feet like a tyrannosaurus-rex, fly like a pterodactyl. Elijah stretched his wings, outside exploring and talking to a rabbit plush that was hanging over his head, speaking Latin to the inanimate object as he pointed out plants of interest. For example, he found some marigold, telling his imaginary friend its healing qualities and how his mama used it. He didn't, however, expect to hear an unfamiliar sound of an animal he didn't know, ears perking in curiosity as he toddles towards some bushes. He pushes himself through the spaces, wriggling his bottom and flopping onto the ground on the other side. He slowly looks up, tilting his head at the language being spoken before rising onto his paws, squeaking: "Dinosaur!" The small boy was running towards the raptor, wobbly movements as his eyes gleamed in elation. If he was allowed to, he would probably run straight into Masie and fall onto the ground. He wasn't really thinking about what he wanted to do once he got there. He simply was overwhelmed to see that dinosaurs were alive.

Re: Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - Masie - 11-10-2018

Feral was the common thought when it came to her, but honestly she didn't even know what that was yet, unaware of how different she was from her sisters. Obviously, in not too long someone intelligent as her would realize it, but for now she was blissfully unaware of everything, just an innocent child. Just like every other minnow, she was just another baby, yet few saw her that way and anyone clever could eventually deduce it was possible if allowed to run rapid this judgement would eventually rob her childhood from her. How could an intelligent child get by if they were treated as nothing besides some savage feral? The simple answer was that it wouldn't happen, eventually something was going to break somewhere, someday likely far too early, Masie would be forced to realize how incorrectly other's saw her. Luckily, for now Owen was able to protect his ever growing child from the harshness surrounding her sweet intentions.

"Teeth Hurt, Mouth Hurt." her clawed hand rose to rub at the side of her maw as one of her fish pieces dropped, reminded of the soreness there. Luckily she had recently demolished the tree's bark so her mouth felt a little better now, but it wouldn't for long. Considering all the teeth raptors had in their mouth? Teething would not be any bit of an easy process for her.

She than heard a loud noise and felt something impact her leg, suggesting to her it was another way someone had of calling her that she had not learned yet. Golden gaze flickered down to see the kitten, a soft chitter coming from her, another play mate! He was new, she could tell by how untouched he smelled, lowering herself to sit down with him against her leg. "New baby!" she would aim to nuzzle him if he didn't move away, fond chittering low in her throat as she than nudged her fish towards him to see if the new baby was hungry like her, taking a bite herself as if showing him how to eat. Masie was delighted to have someone else she could play with, not to be the youngest anymore.

Re: Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - OWEN. - 11-10-2018

Owen watched on with interest in his amber eyes as Masie complained of sore teeth, his paw stroking her head gently before he jumped at a voice below him. Being so big, it was hard for him to see the kitten until he glanced downwards, eyes blinking for a moment. Masie chittered in greeting, and Owen chuckled.

"She's greeting you. Her name's Masie, she's rather fond of children. What is your name, little one?" Owen asked the child, unaware and uncaring of the fact that this was Luca's kid. It would be a mess if Luca saw his kid near Masie, but Owen would still defend his child.


Re: Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - elijah - 11-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]He fell onto his bottom, cushioned by excess baby fat that he didn't quite seem to mind Masie nuzzling him, instead giggling in amusement when he attempts to pat the raptor's nose. It looked more like a swat but coming from someone the size of Eli meant it wouldn't hurt, feathered wings ruffling when he looks at the fish the utahraptor was trying to feed him. His whiskers wriggle, the boy lowering his head to sniff at the fish. He didn't really like that it was raw because mama and papa had made sure to give their family such delightful dishes. He liked helping around to cook, though most of the time not hearing the ones around him. On the topic of Elijah not hearing anything, his mind didn't process the words that Owen was saying. It was his selective hearing at work, often causing the child to appear rude or distant because he didn't realise others were talking to him. There was, of course, a trick to making Elijah listen. While one could grab his attention for a limited amount of time and have him listen, it was likely that the boy would grow bored and tune their voice out. But, of course, mama's Latin words never failed to reach his ears. There was another way but it was something others had to simply find out themselves.

"My name's Elijah," the kitten says abruptly (though his introduction of himself was of his own accord rather than prompted by Owen), breaking the silence after he sees Masie take a bite. He can't help but smile, deciding to oblige to the raptor's offer for him to eat and taking a bite himself, chewing at the fishy flesh and thinking slowly about how else to approach and understand this dinosaur. He suddenly notices the german shepherd, blinking his baby-blue hues and pointing at Masie: "Does it understand me? What's its name?" Maybe by now, Owen might come to the conclusion that Elijah had tuned him out. Whether or not the canine would deduce it was selective hearing or not was up to chance.

Re: Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - OWEN. - 11-11-2018

Selective hearing was something he could understand, only because there were times when he just didn't catch what people were saying- It happened a lot with Bakugou, but it was mainly him ignoring the blasty idiot. Amber eyes watched the two eat as he slid onto his stomach, his head on the ground to watch, patiently, as the child pretty much passed his question by. He didn't think much of it- he figured the kid was so excited that adults just weren't interesting enough.

When asked what her name was, Owen lifted his head, patiently repeating what he said. "Her name's Masie." He replied calmly, scratching behind his ear with a paw before he continued. Could she understand him? "She's better at reading body language, but she doesn't understand the languages we speak. She knows 'Up' and 'Follow' in English, though. I'm teaching her some phrases, but we mainly speak in raptor tongue." Owen rumbled cheerfully, his tail sweeping over the ground as his large body shifted into one much larger, spines growing out of his back, talons sinking into the ground. Black fur replaced with white and brown scales, a single, scarred eye facing the child. He felt less comfortable in this form, but he'd remain calm in it, his body half-curling around Masie protectively, his tail circling to stop behind Elijah. "My name's Owen, Masie's my daughter."


Re: Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - Masie - 11-11-2018

Slightly her downy head leaned into her father's paw, content noise rising from her chest as she remained still as possible until his paw vanished from place. The focus was swift to shift back to the new kitten who was ever so interesting to the raptor as he seemed entranced by her to some extent, which was a reaction she hadn't seen others have before. The boop to her nose resulted in a brief little sneeze and a chitter that sounded almost laughter like. When he finally decided to take a bite of the fish she seemed very content, finishing off the object while he was speaking with her father. Shockingly for something that tore it's food apart she was a shockingly neat eater, licking any remains from her maw and using her small arms to further this until her maw was completely clean again. Unlike her sister's she had this thin layer of downy fluff that really held grime if she let it.

He was indeed right about the phrases she knew, but he would be able to add another one or question just how capable she was of learning yet again in just a brief moment. Of course, she was a constant source of questions for her father anyway, so much calmer and thus more capable of using her seemingly endless intelligence for the right things. "Elijah, Up?" she stood up and lowered her muzzle in an attempt to nudge it underneath the small kitten in an invitation for him to get onto her head. Small things went up onto larger things, it was just safer, he was so tiny any predator could pick him off if he didn't stay with someone bigger like her. When her father shifted? She was momentarily distracted to walk up and rub her muzzle against his. Yet, she was quick to return to sitting in front of the kitten to see if she could keep him safe, to see how much he could understand her compared to the other kids who could almost all understand her better than some of the adults. Although she had not realized anything near why, the small raptor was coming to realize other children were more receptive and communicative with her.

Re: Havana Oh Na Na;; Growth 1 Part 1 - Teeth. - elijah - 11-13-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]The sneeze the raptor gave off made the child jump in surprise from his spot, fur fluffing up before face returning to his entertained smile. Masie, the adult had replied to him. He didn't think much of the name, repeating it into his mind so that he could remember it. Unfortunately, while his eyes were fixated on the movements of the prehistoric creature, he stopped paying attention to Owen's words. He thought it to be too long and boring, it was hard to talk to Elijah for too long when one didn't know the trick for doing it. The kitten blinks confusedly at Masie's action, the lowering of her head that he thinks only to try patting her again, thinking that maybe the raptor just liked the affection he thought he was giving. It doesn't, however, take him long to realise the growing shadow behind him. He looks up, eyes twinkling in discomfort of the spiny albino figure of the indominous rex. Although Owen was a dinosaur, he couldn't help but say "Dragon" and raise his wings in a protective manner over Masie. In the fairy tales that Elijah had read, dragons were evil. They were supposed to be slain. The scar on Owen's eye only made him even more certain that the large dinosaur was bad. "Bad dragon," he tells him off, puffing his cheeks, "Spit out the dog you ate and go away. Don't make me fight you." He pokes his tongue at the big 'mean dragon'.