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your heart shall burn - return - Printable Version

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your heart shall burn - return - darci - 11-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]His departure had been rather abrupt without so much of a hint he was leaving. Prior to his leave did he resign from his rank and simply vanished. He doubted anyone really noticed his absence, but he did not care either way. The trip had been much shorter than he hoped for, but he had happy to see his family alive and well. Enlisting the help of a few passing cars far out past the territories did Victor finally make it back to Alaska. With his limited time there, his family decide to celebrate thanksgiving early. A lot had happened back home, and he felt guilty for missing most of it. His brother had gotten married, his uncle had gone back to Russia to train younger sled dogs, and his sister had created quite a title for herself from racing. Thankfully, Victor had gotten the chance to see his uncle before his hasty departure. Much to his surprise, his uncle had asked him to come with him back to Russia, but Victor turned down the offer. While he would have loved to go back to his birth country, he felt more at home here than anywhere else.

After three days of extensive traveling, Victor had finally returned. His coat had grown thicker due to the colder weather setting in, but he was quick to remember how hot the island remained in the winter. It would thin out again, eventually. Passing over the tracks, the husky trotted throughout the jungle until he reached camp. It felt a bit odd being back here, but he doubted much had happened. "I'm back," announced the male. "Anyone miss me?"

Re: your heart shall burn - return - FELIKS - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]"About as much as a dog misses a flea," the male commented dryly, looking Victor over as he approached. With very little communication between the two occurring before the husky's prolonged leave, there hadn't been much to motivate Feliks into checking to make sure the absentee wasn't dead or worse. With how many creatures that took a short tenure in a group just to bail, he'd figured that the other had just done the same when he'd briefly crossed the Gryphon's mind - alas, he was wrong. Was he happy about it? Eh, truly it was hard to say yes or no, perhaps if he knew Victor better he wouldn't be so apathetic. "Suppose you'll want to know what's going on though," he pondered, finally offering something resembling a smile as he thought. What the hell had gone on that was interesting enough to share?

Before even giving the chance to say yes or no, Feliks continued. "Rosebloods are now enemies on the account of being 'bitches', not my words, finally got two Deputies in the form of Golden and Baku, had a couple of events, not much else really. There's never been anything to bother with since the Pitt's aggression died down, nowadays you'd be lucky to get an interesting conversation out of a drunkard,". The fact that there was nothing 'new' to do did put a damper on the male's mood more than conversing with a bunch of Slavers ever could, yet he was powerless to stop his boredom unless he wanted to throw himself to the wolves of the other groups. For now he'd stick to the Typhoon, he preferred his skin to stay firmly attached to his muscles as opposed to being strung up on a Pittian's balcony.

Re: your heart shall burn - return - rhosmari - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; color: grey; letter-spacing: -1px;"][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]The child had been keeping to herself as there wasn't much for her to do. She wandered around a lot on her own and found things that she could do but it wasn't exactly fun. Especially not being left alone with her thoughts. Really she was confused by how others treated their own group mates around here, as if they actually hated them. Or maybe they just didn't care. What kind of place was this actually? At first it seemed it was okay, fun even but now it seemed more sinister under the surface. A soft sigh left her muzzle, light smoke puffing up out of her body and she shook her head a bit as she walked along. Her paws dragged against the ground as she went about doing something but after a moment she heard conversation. Soft voices lifting up about something that she didn't bother to get too involved with. Instead she forced her energy to get up and she walked over, almost hopping to cover up how upset she was. It was easier to pretend and her smile slowly pulled at her muzzle as she finally spotted the two. But her eyes were on Victor as she had seen him around before and he was coming back from the looks of it. "Welcome back! Ah, where did you go?"

Re: your heart shall burn - return - darci - 11-08-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Pinning his ears back at Feliks' remark, he gave a small huff of amusement. Typical Typhoon, always cranky or aloof. It almost appeared that once you stepped over the border would anyone start to posses those traits. As for Victor, he tried his best to remain civil and kind. There was too much negativity out in the world as it, and he did not want to contribute to it. He could recall briefly meeting Feliks at one point in time, but not much of an imprint of the other had been left upon the male.The canine always had trouble forming any relationships past the standard acquaintance stage. "Yes please," Victor barked, his head nodding. He doubted too much had happened, but he could be proven wrong.

Rosebloods. New deputies. The Pitt was non-hostile. Nothing too much that flared his interest. Having two new deputies was a bit of a surprise to him for he had yet to see anyone hold that position until now. Golden and Bakugou? He knew Bakugou and was a bit surprised, yet pleased, that the male had obtained the rank. As for Golden, well, he was not too sure who she was. He had yet to have any formal interaction with the young girl. Blue eyes drew over to Technopaw as the creature arrived. Victor remembered the child, though he could not recall any specific interaction between them. "I went back to Alaska to visit my family." Apart of him wanted to stay, but he found himself rather content living here. Having grown use to this lifestyle, he was not sure if he could return to the life of a pet.

Re: your heart shall burn - return - Luciferr - 11-09-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"Aside from that Caesar's salty so if he's extra pissy this month that'll be why - just to forworn you there" hummed the vantablack form of the local dragon god - Lucifer padding along after Feliks and Techno to greet their returning canine friend, it'd been awhile since he'd seen Victor about after all.

he inclined his head to Feliks though "Hm, maybe we should raid them while they're lying low, just to lighten up the monotony" maybe ease tempers after the salty dorito had his tantrum and the ensuing bitching going on because of that.

somedays Lucifer thinks he's surrounded by children.

a sigh blows through his nostrils until Victor speaks up again and he blinks nodding "I trust they're doing well?"

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: your heart shall burn - return - OWEN. - 11-09-2018

Owen snorted as he walked over, the german Shepherd nudging the dragon's leg in greeting before sitting down. "Hey! Drunkards can hold some pretty interesting conversations, and so can angst-filled, tantrum throwing demon cats." Owen joked, trying to lighten the mood before his gaze turned to Victor. Ah, the fluffy dude was back.

"Welcome back, man. Hope your thanksgiving was good?" Owen barked cheerfully, his tail sweeping over his paws idly.


Re: your heart shall burn - return - darci - 11-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Caesar was crankier than usual? That did not surprise him to any degree. The other was always so cranky and negative, thus Victor tried to stay as far away from him as possible. He held a quite a bit of distaste for the officer. "I appreciate the warnings," he chuckled, a smile etching its way across his muzzle. Apart of him was glad Caesar did not become deputy, but those thoughts would never venture past his mind. Blue eyes looked back at Feliks for a moment at the mention of a raid. While Victor did not enjoy fighting as much as anyone else, apart of him was craving a bit of action. He needed an excuse to stretch his legs and hone his fighting abilities.

The silver male nodded at the dragon's inquiry. "Yes, they are. I'm officially a brother-in-law." Victor had known his brother's new wife since they were young, so not much changed. She was a very kind gal, though she had the temper of a rattlesnake. His attention shifted towards Owen as the fellow canine arrived. "I agree. I've had my fair share of conversation with drunkards." Some got awkward real fast, others were nothing more than pure entertainment. "It was. My old owner grilled up a bunch of steaks and made a roast."

Re: your heart shall burn - return - Grey - 11-10-2018

No, Bakugou hadn't noticed the other male's absence. Since heading off to train, he wasn't up to date with the events running within The Typhoon and the members who came and went. Then, with his return, a meeting came shortly after the male was settling back into his island-life that he was only filled with stress and inconveniences. There was the mess of an announcement that led him to be the unsuspecting second Quartermaster of The Typhoon, not expecting himself to have skipped the rank of Officer entirely and leading him into a scuffle with Caesar who was clearly unimpressed with the Captain's decision. Now that he had thought about it, the entire situation had resulted from the demon's power-hungry and petty nature. The male's tantrum only solidified why the savannah cat wasn't receiving the responsibility as Pincher's second-in-command any time soon, ironic considering the other was simply demanding it to happen. Still, the feelings still stayed: he didn't feel worthy. It didn't sound right. Quartermaster Bakugou sounded off.

Although he hadn't noticed the husky's absence, he didn't forget about Victor. He remembered the sled dog, having interacted with the ugg-boot loving male a number of times to feel comfortable to just approach him for no reason. While the other had the tendency to try and draw him into his stupid games, he was always doing something interesting enough for him to criticise and judge. His ears fold slightly when he overhears Feliks' summary of what had happened, particularly at the fact that the griffon had mentioned his promotion. "Careful. If Pissfur hears that you went visiting your family, he might try to burn your ass," the ragdoll then comments, hearing Victor mention why he had disappeared to begin with. He remembers the time Marco had left for family business and Caesar threatened him for not being loyal. It was interesting considering how lax The Typhoon was themselves about having visitors. Marco wasn't exactly a member. From the beginning he remembered that the angel had asked just to stay for some time, not join. Alas, not everyone remembered details perfectly. Heck, Bakugou only ever remembered the strangest of unneeded details.

He glares at Owen, unimpressed. He was still bitter that the male was trying to lick Caesar's paws, remembering how he had failed to insult him considering Caesar thought the 'sir blasty' comment was directed to the Officer himself. "You have no taste in interesting conversations," he says with a roll of his eyes, finally tossing his sanguine gaze back to the sled dog. "Well now that you've got your whole 'I'm back' shit out of the way, get your ass back in line and do some work, slacker." He thought Victor to simply have too much free-time or at least, by the looks of it, far too lax.