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testing - Seina - 11-08-2018

He had never really liked civil life not even as a pup. Fane had growed up in a pack but had always felt like a outsider; someone how not suited in and in all honestly crowds made him feel anxious. It had always been to much for him to handle, but of course he had carried a heavy responsiiblity on his shoulders thanks for being born into the royal blood line to one day lead the pack like thier Alpha. It was all thanks for this royal blood that he was cursed.. A cruel joke by a evil witch how's jealously of rejected love had done this towards him, curse him for life to cause a bloodbath wherever he went. Taking life after life until his whole life was completely damaged. No pack, no life at all just this monster inside of him how broke itself free and took life after life, soul after soul and he couldn't do anything about it. His life was doomned but there was no escape out from it. Countless of times Fane had tried to end it all to end his own life but he always come back cursed to be stuck with this curse for an eternity.

Who knows how much time even had past. For as long he had remembered had been running, hidding, to get himself away from everyone around him so he couldn't harm anyone. So this monster inside of him not could take anymore victims. After years in isolation though... Fane just couldn't stand it anymore. For five years had been living all on his own far up in the snowy mountains no one dared to step a foot upon because of the danger of living there and the lack of food. But there he had lived, trying to found a way to keep the beast in chains, to have him all locked up and finally Fane believed he had found a way to succeed to have him all locked up. For two years now he hadn't heared anything of him. No voices, no blackouts and waking up somewhere else. Just peace and silence and for a while that had been nice. But after years away had realised how lonely it actually was to live a life all by himself without anyone there to keep him company, to talk to. It had pulled on his sanity which in turn had resulted with him talking to himself even.

By that point he had realised he needed to get down from the mountain to found himself back into the civilsation again otherwise he for sure would go mad. So that was why he had come here, picking one of the clans for no other reason then them living out on a island which seemed like a nice way to live in his opinion. Other then that he didn't knew much about this clan but he wasn't sure he even cared. Just being here to breath in this fresh air and the salt of the ocean made him felt a little bit more alive. On this outside though he looked a bit like a mess. Messy fur, exhausted eyes and all this scars he had covered on his body after all of this times he had tried to either kill himself or someone else doing the job. He looked like a soldier how had been out in a long war ready to come back home, and in a way that was true. All his life had been a war thanks for that parasite that lived inside of him, thanks to that hollow.

Hopefully it would last or so...he would like to believe but he knew this nightmare never would come to a end.

Back to the present on the shore though the lupine stood, a rather nervouse tight line on his lips with a not so confident look inside of his eyes. Now after having come this whole way now felt hesitant, rethinking his decision to come here, for it to even be a good choice. Years had past since his last encounter with any living being aside from the preys he had killed but those didn't count unless talking to thier corpses counted as having a 'normal conversation'. Yeah, probably not. Just sounded creepy and something he would make sure to keep for himself. Better give a first good impression on himself right?. Well, Fane had never been good with those but if he just could get himself through this and survive he could work on his poorly social skills. Just play it cool.

He could do that, maybe.