Beasts of Beyond
the boy talk — p, beck - Printable Version

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the boy talk — p, beck - Amaranth - 04-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]It had been hours that Amaranth had been knocked out, enough time to drag her through the mud to Tanglewood, and by the time she'd woken up, she seemed to be tied or locked down by her back leg, and she let out a groan as the shackles rubbed painfully against her paw.

Blinking her eyes open, she glanced around - she seemed to be in a kind of Bunker, empty shelves on the walls indicated that something had been moved recently, likely supplies. Shifting herself to look around further, she heard a noise outside - maybe her movement indicated to a guard she was awake. Shit.

Amaranth weakly slumped against the ground again - she hoped her plants were okay, and that Khepri was safe. The last she'd seen of her beloved hermit crab, he'd jumped into the hands of Fish and then back to the plants. And god, Edgar would be worried sick. Tears started to stream down her face again - it hit her that nobody was going to look for her, worry about her. Edgar wouldn't stand a chance against Tanglewood and nobody would try and help him, either.


Re: the boy talk — p, beck - beck. - 04-23-2018

    One could learn nearly anything about a person if they knew what they were looking for. Observing from the shadows was much easier than outright asking about how a creature behaved. His eyes were constantly searching for movement to latch onto, be it a nervous fidget, habitual tic, or subtle shift in posture that relayed more information to him than could be said aloud. Partially to be on the lookout for any sudden moves to grab him, yank him up by the scruff, and drag him to exchange his head for a bounty, and partially select his targets. Who was the weakest based on the uncertain way they slouched, who was the slowest based on their shuffling gait, who wasn't aware of their surroundings and could be ambushed. The thought process was ingrained into his mind, to the point where he couldn't help but take silent notes on every face that entered his blurred, ever-watching vision. Not to brag, but with centuries of practice, Beck could admit he probably knew more about his peers then they did themselves. Probably. He was selectively observant after all.

    And Amaranth had piqued his interest. She wasn't alone; an unseen glare was staring her down from a shadowed corner. The bunkers did indeed come in handy for keeping unwanted visitors hostage. Beck wouldn't want to be trapped down here himself -- labyrinthine and expansive, he could barely navigate the abandoned hallways. And it smelled like rotten food. Amaranth wouldn't be able to exit the underground shelter without his assistance, and really, the only reason she was tethered was because it was intimidation. The sight of the shackles made his throat tighten and wrists painfully aware of the black-iron cuffs cutting into his bloodless skin, but Beck shook away his thoughts and focused on observing for any sign she had been planning on spying for the Typhoon. While he was firm in his suspicions, he had no evidence. Or she was a good actor.

    By the time her sobs had stretched on for more than a couple minutes, the poltergeist was bored. If we carve out her tear ducts, then she won't cry anymore! A venomous voice suggested in a tempting tone, but Beck was better than that, he wasn't going to listen anymore. Instead, he approached, materializing from the stale air with only a blank expression on scarred features. He didn't attack or tease or even speak, only stopped to blink owlishly down at her hunched form. "Why d'ya keep cryin'?" The feeble wheeze that broke the tense silence wasn't edged with maliciousness, nor the bitterness commonly lacing his hoarse words. Just a mumbled croon that was awkward coming from his disfigured maw. He almost appeared to be just as young as he had been when he kicked the bucket, until he recovered and wrinkled his snout in a failed attempt to appear threatening.

Re: the boy talk — p, beck - Amaranth - 04-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Behind you. Amaranth was suddenly very aware of Beck's eyes in the shadows behind her - she couldn't crane to see him, but Amaranth's eyes shimmered with an eerie glow as her senses were heightened by her demonic powers; and she froze dreadfully still, almost like a statue if it weren't for her slight tremors.

Why d'ya keep crying? Amaranth made an attempt to wipe her eyes, but she couldn't really reach. Shifting to look at least somewhat sideways at him - she wished she could be polite and keep eye contact, but she couldn't move much with her short chain. "Nobody knows I'm here. Not even my brother. I fucking abandoned him in the Typhoon with those assholes like a fucking-" she cut herself off, her anger starting to flare up her elementals. If she wanted, she could melt through the metal shackles around her legs, but she wasn't going to try and make this any worse. "Why does it matter to you. You just think I'm garbage, a rat from the Typhoon wanting to run off with your secrets like a petty thief."
