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stitchin' you back up // any med request - Printable Version

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stitchin' you back up // any med request - teef - 11-08-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gotta keep her safe !! "


the taste of blood and pain was thick on his tongue, claws tearing at the peat below him. all that mattered was the small limp body he carried upon his broad shoulders, a small wall of vines resting around the frog hybrid he bore, keeping her from falling off his back.

his tongue lolling from his jaws, the hell general slowed, striking out towards a more secluded piece of the pitt's territory, knowing subconsciously that help would come in the strangest places. the battle-tested old-blood demon carefully entered the area of the jungle he had tamed into a den far from others for the sake of his sanity. he was escaping stryker at the moment, carrying poor crippled tsuyu upon his back.

sliding into the large opening he gently lowered, using his element to set her down in the pile of moss and slight twigs, licking at her head in quiet despair. yeah, it had probably been stupid to attack stryker when he was on tsuyu still, even stupid to interfere but some part of his mentality had woken earlier and fed him memories of watching a young woman reaching out in his direction, white hair askew and purple eyes turned red, a mini version of an unnamed man in his memories.

shaking off the memories he exited to go find a medic, voice ringing out as he called, "I need some medical help!" he called, voice shaking with the remnants of his rage and his sadness.


Re: stitchin' you back up // any med request - TSUYU. - 11-08-2018

It was stupid of her to believe that she did something right for once. She was touched when she didn't want to, she was unstable. Dabi should have seen it coming. A fresh, deep wound was buried into the back of her neck from Stryker's claws, bruised welling up to the surface as blood dripped out in heavy, toxic igor. The frog hybrid's breaths were ragged, her back legs hanging limply off the side of the nest Ji had built for her.

Her legs, she had lost the use of her legs. Dead charcoal eyes seemed lost in time as she felt a tongue against her head, soothing as it may be. She wished, silently, that this was all just a dream, but life wasn't so easy for her, was it? Her memory seemed to dim a bit as the bird hybrid in her memories showed up, the manx-mix hallucinating seeing her first love for a moment. He shook his head, disappointed at what he saw, before disappearing once more into thin air. It was then that Tsuyu had told him, over and over again, that she was going to kill him once more if she could. She always killed those who seemed to like her but end up not liking her in the end, it was a section in her brain that had been created as a defense mechanism, as unhealthy and toxic as it was.

The frog hybrid let her head turn a bit, trying not to bleed out from her wound as blood rolled down her long, frog-like tongue, her body covered in blood that wasn't her own. She smelled like rotting flesh, thanks to the body she had been shoved into.

//Injuries: Deep open wound on the back of her neck, Crippled below the waist due to shattered hips.


Re: stitchin' you back up // any med request - Stryker - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] OOC: Not going to post here because he'd probably throw a fit, but I'll tag [member=2048]COSETTE[/member] and [member=2040]ninazu[/member] !

Re: stitchin' you back up // any med request - ninazu - 11-08-2018

© lexasperated
Heeding the call, the lithe sand cat briskly trotted over with her leather bag bouncing against her shoulder. For the past few days, she'd nothing to do but check her supplies and perform her experiments; though that never meant she neglected her duties. "Jeri, what happened?" she asked the hellhound, though her gaze stayed planted on Tsuyu. Fortunately for the hybrid, the erudite could see with her x-ray vision just how far the damage went; she held her tongue on that matter for now, not wanting to get into the nitty gritty of the long treatment plan required for broken hips.

Instead, she focused on preventing the most immediate concern: bleeding out. "Tsuyu, I'm going to cauterize your neck. Try not to move -- I promise it'll be over quickly," she murmured, ears flicking as she took a seat behind the practically crippled creature. Holding up a paw, she narrowed her golden eyes in focus; a ball of fire corked and sparked in the air around her toes, and it took little effort for her to attempt to drag it through the gaping neck wound.

Re: stitchin' you back up // any med request - teef - 11-08-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


jerisidie returned to tsuyu's side, pressing his nose against her cheek in silent misery, "tsu killed dabi. ... stryker did the rest." there was a sudden ball of unbidden violence in his voice as his pelt bristled. he was covered in both tsuyu and dabi's blood but his own blend of purple and gold ichor.

turning his head to watch, he kept guard and studied with a certain protectiveness, his ears flicking and a growl ready on his lips. he had somehow magically managed to get tsuyu away from the scene of the crime after stryker and he had fought over the matter. or rather, after he had had his ass handed back to him on a silver platter with a kiss.

he breathed out, shaking his head. "please do what you can. its ... bad. if she passes out, leave her in the bedding. I'm going to patrol." he spoke to ninazu, voice low and full of unspeakable pain. there were too many voices in his head at the moment, too many thoughts and memories colliding. he had to remember his original reason for being there.

stepping close once more he crouched, ignoring any pain he might feel or any wounds that would crack open again. he nuzzled against tsuyu's nose, licking her face with a soft breath, blood dripping from his own nose in a small puddle. "please dont let stryker in here or I will know." his words sounded like a threat, the hellhound fixing the sand cat with a serious look, his lips curled. he had something to settle with stryker, when his body had healed up and he wasnt as weak as he was now compared to the past, before he went to the human parts of the land and fell in love.

(I mean, jer will be leaving tsu open while he's gone -- getting his ass handed to him again but by goldie -- but ty)
((ily stryker but jer doesnt lmao))

Re: stitchin' you back up // any med request - TSUYU. - 11-09-2018

Normally, if someone had touched her without her permission, Tsuyu would have hurt them like she did to Dabi, but Ninazu was an exception. The voice of the medic made Tsu's eyes close if only for a moment before she braced herself for the roaring pain from the hot temperature on her neck wound, front paws digging sharp claws into the ground as a loud grunt left the frog hybrid's lips. Jeris' presence was soothing, a fatherly feeling radiating off of him and Tsuyu was grasping for it more than she needed to. A father figure, someone to care for her, someone who wouldn't hurt her. Charcoal eyes slid shut when Ji got up to leave, a soft whimper leaving her as bloody ice began to form in small crystals at her paws, her vision going blurry.

"My legs.. I can't feel my legs.." Tsuyu groaned, for once not croaking like usual. She was in pain. It hurt.


Re: stitchin' you back up // any med request - teef - 11-09-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


looking back into his deep nest where tsuyu lay hit something inside of the hellhound, the hell general's ears laying back. he hated this, being unable to do anything for her. "ninazu. please, do what you can. I'll make it up to you somehow." he told her quietly as he looked down at tsuyu, wanting to take on her pain.

sitting down again he decided that his walk could wait, and so could finding stryker. he might be a masochist himself, but he needed to oversee this and make sure nobody took advantage of tsuyu again. he would plot here, in his den as he watched. he would plot a way to keep her safe from everybody.

jerisidie knew that his name wasnt known around the pitt, but he was ambitious, and planned on changing that even through the bad ways. today was a good start, he supposed, in the fact that stryker would likely announce them as traitors at the next meeting. baring his teeth in a yawn he looked down at tsuyu, moving his paw closer to her's, wanting to be a man again, able to pick her up and hold her in his arms.

"shhh, its okay doll. i know you can't feel your legs right now, but it'll get better." he murmured, thinking to himself afterwards, and if it doesnt, ill travel to hell and heaven to find someone to fix if for you. his eye narrowed, gaze going to his mask laying beside his nest, thrown haphazardly. he just wanted to protect tsuyu ... maybe he could make her something to protect her back legs with his power?

Re: stitchin' you back up // any med request - ninazu - 11-10-2018

© lexasperated
The sand cat listened, her ears flicking as she grew irritated at the canine for involving her with this potential treason. Though, she supposed, if Stryker wanted them dead and exiled then it’d already been done – and, no matter her misgivings, keeping all members of the Pitt in functional condition fit her job description. “What did Dabi do?” she asked, her golden eyes narrowing slightly. Though she supposed, unless the answer truly convinced her, asking mattered little.

Not that she would tell Jeri so, but if Stryker came to her quarters… well, the feline never thought pissing off her leader a good career move. And, as far as she understood, Tsuyu belonged to Stryker. Not Jeri, no matter how protective the demon might act.

Looking at the murderous hybrid, she flicked her tails as she checked again with her x-ray vision. “You’re probably in shock from the pain – believe me, you wouldn’t want to feel that, anyway. Your spine looks intact, so you will move them again. But not soon. Not with those destroyed hips,” she explained, setting about bandaging up the cauterized strip of flesh to prevent infection.

She glanced up at Jeri as she continued to explain, “The fractures are extensive. It will take weeks to heal, and during that time it would be best for her to keep them as immobile as possible. I’d also suggest taking care to include additional calcium in her diet – crushed egg shells, perhaps.” Ninazu wasn’t a goddamn nursemaid; Jeri would need to do the extensive day to day care himself, as Ninazu had neither the time nor the patience to deal with such a patient. Especially a patient that murdered a Pittian and got her wounds from their ardent himself.

Re: stitchin' you back up // any med request - teef - 11-11-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_o67rxi03BQ1rzjf6bo1_400.gif]


" gonna swallow the blazing sun !! "


jerisidie listened intently to ninazu, keeping his eyes on tsuyu. everything she said he put to memory, eventually asking, "are there more foods that she should be eating?" he asked softly, tail sweeping over the ground and knocking away dirt. he was anxious, painfully anxious as he needed to look over tsuyu.

he shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not sure what more he did other than touch her, touch her inappropriately." he rumbled, ears switching back.

sorry gtg at work //

Re: stitchin' you back up // any med request - TSUYU. - 11-12-2018

If it was that bad, Tsuyu knew that she was going to be killed like this. They could easily eat her- she could be prey like this. Tsuyu didn't like the idea of being prey, she was a predator, normally a very formidable opponent on the battle field. Terrifying to those around her to the point that they avoided her.

She was supposed to be a predator.

When Ninazu spoke, Tsuyu's ear twitching slightly. Why did it matter if she killed Dabi? He never did anything, he was useless around the camp. All he ever did was sleep, eat, and fuck. It was nasty!

"Dabi touched Tsuyu, she warned him not to. So she killed him, ribbit. She didn't mean to, though, Tsuyu blacked out and when she came back she was standing over him with his guts all over her, ribbit." She croaked, her tongue trailing along her paws idly, as if willing them to work again. "Then Master punished Tsuyu, did she do something wrong? He was angry, ribbit."