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END OF AN ERA / bonfire - Printable Version

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END OF AN ERA / bonfire - FELIKS - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]He'd promised this three days ago, expressed an interest to host something trivial and chilled out to celebrate the failed terrorist attack on King James all them years ago, but Feliks had been caught up in his own private affairs. Cold rains and dampness bringing about more agony than what was bearable mainly, but enough about that, now it was time for the Bonfire to finally get underway. Having been able to pick a dry night, the gryphon had created a cabin-sized mound of sticks and logs in a clearing far away from as many fire hazards as possible (having an affinity for flames didn't justify burning the whole territory down). Ground floor cleared of leaves, parts of the ground were replaced with hay, in case animals wanted to lay down or further fan the flames with the dry bedding. So much for being safe, eh?

Sticks with marshmellows pre-planted on them, biscuits and dog friendly chocolate, alcohol he'd stolen from the local drunkards, leaves full of rain water for the non-drinkers like him, Feliks had tried setting up everything as best as he could. There was a stereo looking device to fiddle with, aged and with a poor sound quality, but it was there in case others wanted sounds regardless. One of the more interesting things around aside from that was a stack of ten horseshoes, several meters away from a stick planted firmly into the ground. If watching the fire got too dull, at least they knew that they could play a game of horseshoes, perhaps bet on the game in their stupor. All that was left now was to light the fire and start the party.

Up in flames as soon as the gryphon placed a lit matchstick to the base, the male perhaps regretted making the thing so flammable with a few special ingredients amongst the wood. Too late now though, as the smoke billowed and peaked at the tree line, Feliks figured it was best to offer an explanation for those who missed the meeting. "Alright guys, we're having our own special bonfire over here. I can't justify including fireworks in the occasion but feel free to make your own whistling noises to imitate the spectacle. Other than that, have fun, and if you're gonna set yourself on fire then please do so appropriately,".

Re: END OF AN ERA / bonfire - Grey - 11-08-2018

Back in his old world, he had heard strangers talk about their fears of dying in an unknown place, the idea of being buried in an alien land. He had never really minded because he didn't think much of his body's dignity after death. As far as he was concerned, death was the absolute end, the full stop to a sentence. No more could be continued unless it were new life. And yet he was wrong, plague with the sensation of death, horrified of the void emptiness that consumed his body whilst his soul drifted. When he re-opened his eyes into this strange world, he realised he would die here, this place would become his grave sooner or later. Although some days the past rattled him like a mouse in a trap, he was beginning to notice that he would be experiencing his first winter here. The coldness of Autumn was beginning to take shape, his sanguine eyes noticing the sudden shivers of pirates, the alabaster breaths that materialised before his lips. The weather was dreadful and the rains made it far more annoying when it came to his use of fire. It didn't burn his flames out but he still had to throw in extra effort and soils often became mud, the water content making it difficult for him to try to manipulate. Then again, he saw it as a good opportunity to work on his abilities even further.

Today, however, seemed to be a rather good one. Aside from now no longer feeling comfortable walking through Barracuda Bay, often seeing stares and whispers in regards to the fact that he was now a Quartermaster, he was able to go about his usual routine just fine. Admittedly, he had been a little slow to come to terms with everything. Nothing felt right and the one change in his position within The Typhoon led the male to notice the smallest of things. He noticed the tiniest of scratches on one of his pieces of armour, the smudge across one of his blades, the light grains that spread across his table. They now bothered him, disturbing his once peaceful perspective. Bakugou had been trying so hard lately to be calmer, let his emotions ease aside that his own feelings were stone-cold, locked and repressed for him to finally stop to analyse what was happening around him. In understanding the situations that echoed, his own emotions were eased, tranquil from revelation. Now everything had changed around, his prison of emotions escaping, running away like a flock of frightened birds.

During his walking, it didn't take long for him to come to a clearing and see the mountain of sticks, toppled on top of one another, a mass to be marveled at. Feliks had done a lot of work and, if he remembered correctly amidst his distracted thoughts, Luciferus was due to hold some kind of session. Sparring, perhaps. He knew that the dragon excelled in combat, not one he would ever wish to meet in battle. Not now, at least. His eyes couldn't help but continue to scan the way the griffon had carefully adjusted and added to the scenery - the food, the bed of hay for others to sleep in, the game of horseshoes, the broken down stereo. He didn't feel deserving of his position. If anyone deserved to skip ranks, jumping straight to deputy, he could suggest that Feliks would have been the best choice. He felt awful just knowing that others were more deserving than him, biting his lip when he thought back of Caesar's outburst. Truth be told, he had thought the same. Part of him, in those nanoseconds of time, had thought Caesar was going to be promoted twice in the meeting.

"Verse me in horseshoes, birdbrain," Bakugou says to Feliks, forcing himself away from his thoughts. His own gaze looked clouded, mystified by his negative mind. The best way to go about his feelings would be to be active, throw his energy towards something else until he was too exhausted to hate himself and his memories.

Re: END OF AN ERA / bonfire - PEPPINO - 11-09-2018

There were more fire hazards than there should be here. Pip could feel the heat wavering off of it from where he stood, and it had his stomach clenching, raw skin prickling, but he did his best not to indulge the foolishness. Nonetheless, he kept the fire at his front, where he could see it, and further scrutinized the area. The leaves had been swept away, at least, but then Feliks had -for some reason- chosen to set out hay. Lots of it, as though for participants to lie upon, and he would have felt more comfortable if there were some sort of barrier between the bonfire and the hay, but it wasn't a fire pit. He was certain someone had the ability to control the fire should it escape, though that did not comfort him very much, and the young canine checked on the aloe supply given to him by Val, just in case. It was the only reason Pip decided to stay, seating himself at the periphery of the area, glancing briefly at the stick in the dirt, at the game clearly meant for it. Bakugou was the only other person besides Feliks present, and had some interest in the horseshoes.

Pip wouldn't participate, though, instead pulling out small tins from his satchel to work on creating more first-aid pouches, occasionally looking to the bonfire, as though making certain nothing had happened yet. Staring at it so often wasn't especially reassuring, in all honesty.

Re: END OF AN ERA / bonfire - Luciferr - 11-09-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
"If you needed fireworks feliks, I'm sure I could throw a few fireballs across the sky for simulated effect" an idly amused voice cut in with a small grin upon surprisingly feline features for one that was almost always in his dragon skin - which was his preferred comfortable form, folding himself into a smaller form made him feel somewhat stiffened but after nigh on millennias to sort it out it felt less a hassle, though the niggling feel of flexing wings larger never went away in truth.

as it is he shifted to lounge comfortably by the fire and watching the flickering spitting flame idly - Ashlyn would have liked this, he thought, pyromaniac his little sister literally was - Bakugou's words brought him from his wandering thoughts and he hummed quitely "You two contesting each other in that? friendly competition is always fun"

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme

Re: END OF AN ERA / bonfire - darci - 11-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Bonfires were a familiar sight to him. Back home, bonfires were used in everything from festivals to a simple gathering. He always enjoyed them, the orange embers dancing against the night sky. It was always a beautiful sight, but that was just half of the fun. The humans always sung and danced around the fire, drinking and eating themselves into a food coma. Victor always made sure to join in on the activities. Him and his brother always got drunk and intentionally embarrassed their sister, which they all laughed about in the end. It was traditional event that would always hold a special place in his heart. He could still remember the heat of the fire against his fur, melting away the frost in the air. The feeling of his siblings pressed up against his sides as they all sang folk songs and told stories that stemmed form their own unique lineage.

The call for the bonfire quickly caught his attention, almost too quickly. "this'll be nothing like back home." He gave a shake of his head, chasing out the thought. There was no need for the comparison for it did not matter. Each place was different, and he would not let his own personal experiences and ideas mar the chance to experience something a little different. His eyes drew over the scene, taking it all in and pondering on what he should do first. Drinking alcohol was not a common thing that occurred in his life, but he considered drinking some and relaxing. He would not get drunk for he saw no reason too. That, and he needed to keep up appearances.

"I'll join in on the horseshoes as well," he barked. Trotting over to Feliks stood, he gave a wag of his tail, excited to get this party started. While he was not very good at the game, he was still more than willing to give it a go. Casting a look at both Peppino and Lucier, he sniffled. Would there be fireworks? He had a feeling something would catch on fire and or explode as a result. Nonetheless, he was sure a few fireworks would be a nice addition.

Re: END OF AN ERA / bonfire - Grey - 11-11-2018

Events didn't usually take long to begin filling, funneling with members, brimming with new life. While one could be concerned by the fire hazard that was the bonfire and the hay, Bakugou didn't feel particularly concerned. As egotistical as it sounded, he was here to make sure everything went smoothly. If the fire dared to erupt embers onto the flammable pelts of members, he would be there to bend the flames away, throw them into the sky. By then the molten glow would die before hitting the soil or grass, avoiding any outbreaks. The appearance of Luciferus only furthered the safety of the group. No one should have been concerned about anything but the male twitches an ear at the dragon's offer. Bakugou could make fireworks too in that case, a little threatened by the eldrich creature's usefulness compared to his own but refusing to allow himself to get too caught up in his thoughts. He didn't want such evasive feelings to ruin his night, soon recognising the familiar alabaster of Victor. He was almost fond of the husky's appearance mostly because he had spoken to him so many times.

"Okay," he says rather indifferently, picking up a horseshoe with his earth elementals before gripping it between his jaws. It was heavier than he expected but, at the same time, he was quickly used to the weight. In all honesty, the Quartermaster would rather have used his telekinetic abilities to throw the bent metal but he had a feeling no one would be particularly happy with him doing that. It would ruin part of the challenge as he turned his head and swung to let the momentum overtake the horseshoe, throwing it in the right direction but missing the target to the right. He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, agitated before looking at Victor or anyone else wishing to play, expecting them to take their turn after him.

Re: END OF AN ERA / bonfire - FELIKS - 11-15-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]
/ oofers this is late. got caught up in a low muse bug, my bad

Verse me in horseshoes, birdbrain. It was a wonderful comment to hear first, not a compliment or other praise, but instead a half-hearted jab. Even if part of him was hurt he wasn't getting the appreciation he deserved for setting something up like this (he'd heard others be praised in the past), a competitive smirk was still adorn his black beak. "You're on fire-crotch," he snorted, standing from his relaxed position to give his newly found opponent a better look. A tail wasn't exactly a crotch but hey, not even the wittiest of folk could come up with a comeback 24/7, to ask for otherwise was simply asinine. A quick gaze was offered to Peppino, and though noting the silence with a pinch of salt, it was too late for him to question the other.

Lucifer had arrived you see, and though his stature was something that Feliks wished to rival more than Bakugou at this current point in time, the Privateer always found time for the dragon. It was a sign of endearment not to offer up his Napoleon Complex anymore, his neck and shoulders didn't have to be straight and tall around such a friend contrary to the usual. Seeing a feline instead was... odd, but not unwelcome. "Sorry mate, I'd rather not be responsible for a potential forest fire if one of them balls gets a mind of its own. Send it in the Pitt's direction if you insist though, I'm sure it'll hit if you try hard enough," he chuckled, surprised he had been able to let out such a sound. I'm laughing again. Am I going back to normal?

He nodded in confirmation at the talk of a competition, tapping his talons when Victor stated he'd also be involved. It hadn't taken long for the game to start after that, with Bakugou hopping right in with his attempts to throw the horse shoe. Giving off a click and a whistle as the other missed, his amused expression widened at the other's shortcomings. "Well you're never gonna get it first try kid," he spoke, overconfident as he went to the starting line. The griffon picked up the cold steel, jerking his head lightly a couple of times to see how his grip was. Abyssmal was the answer, a sharp beak never a truly good gripping tool when others had teeth.

Quickly the high position tossed it towards the post, unable to find the power to get it much farther than a couple of feet or so. It seemed to land straight enough even if it was no where near the target, the male believed it to be nothing more than luck however in that regards. He cleared his throat, ducking his head as the heat rushed to him. That was awkward.