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out to get me | VALKYR'S RETURN - Printable Version

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out to get me | VALKYR'S RETURN - Stryker - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — "Traitor."


Stryker had managed to find their precious prize within the Ascendants, roaming around with no intention of leaving. After successfully grabbing them, with some trouble from the Ascendants along the way, he managed to drag them back into the temple's prisons and lock them away for good. To think that this one somehow managed to escape the slave rank without being whipped into shape properly was disgraceful. The ardent knew this had to be fixed. After finding the remains of Valkyr's scent at the border and a den with nothing in it, he knew their former member had left. Soon enough, he was on the hunt.

In the present, the lion hovered by the steel bars of the prison, watching the Sha from afar with a grim expression. They hadn't yet suffered his wrath. Even so, the ardent was ready to strike anytime soon, but first, he needed to present his prize to the clan. Valkyr would be another example of what would happen to someone that betrayed their clan, especially after Stryker had begun to trust their insight and even consider a promotion for them after they temporary led. For now, they would rot.


Re: out to get me | VALKYR'S RETURN - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 11-08-2018

The sound of Stryker's snarl brought Dante over to the prisons, his ears pricked with interest. The hybrid stood next to the leader, peering through the cage to see whom Stryker was all up in arms about. Whenever Dante caught sight of Valkyr, he raised his invisible eyebrows and let out a sharp laugh. "Of course you would end up betraying us." He hummed. Valkyr had been his former slave, Dante was not surprised that they held no loyalty towards The Pitt. "Shame, I heard you were a temporary leader for this place." He went on with a hum. "Disgusting."
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px darkorange; font-size: 24px;"]— DANTE

Re: out to get me | VALKYR'S RETURN - ; albion - 11-09-2018

valkyr's disappearance had been an.. odd one to benny. he hadn't seen any sense in it if he were honest. he had been chosen by esklav to co-lead beside him and quill, then the second stryker was chosen to lead he vanished. fled for... wherever he went. it was unfortunate, but benny had quickly forgotten about it within a week or two's passing.

seeing stryker drag the sha to their camp was shocking to say the least. benny slowly approached the ardent after dante, peering his head over dante's shoulder with a sly smirk. "get lost, val? glad to see someone found ya." the marauder taunted, walking around dante and tiptoeing closer, head low and eyes bright with mischief.

Re: out to get me | VALKYR'S RETURN - EROS - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: grey"]He thought his punishment would be swift, something he knew would come to pass and something he would have to endure. He understood where his place was and yet he couldn't understand why he had ran in the first place. Slaves didn't run and he couldn't remember what had went on in his head to possess him to do such a thing. He just couldn't remember. But there was little time to sit and dwell on it for he was thrown into a cage, into a prison. His body moved back standing against the wall and he looked ashamed really but not for the reasons others might think. But because he ran from his master, his owner, Stryker. His chest shuttered with breath that didn't see to want to move from his lungs and he swallowed thickly before looking down at his paws. There was nothing for him to do but to wait and serve. Do what he was told and to not make a fuss of it. But then a face he did not know came forward and it caused his head to lift up just a bit. Though he kept his shoulders hunched as he looked toward Dante, confusion at his words spreading his pink marble hues. "I-I don't.."

He didn't understand what the stranger was talking about. He'd never led anything and he surely would never have in the first place. He couldn't be something like that and from young he had been a slave so there was no reason or rhyme for the other's words. Was he trying to...make a joke? It seemed more appropriate so he didn't say anything. Instead he looked back down to his paws. Though that lasted little when a voice spoke up. His ears pulled back against his skull and he lifted his gaze to another unfamiliar face and yet they seemed to know him. Friendly enough to have shortened his name and yet he didn't know who he was. Who was he? He looked back to Stryker as if his master would help him but he knew he wouldn't get any from the lion. Though he could taste the taunting which confused him even more but he just wrote it off something he deserved once more. "What's punishment if I may ask? I don't know why I ran. I....I never run.." He just couldn't wrap his manipulated mind around it.

Re: out to get me | VALKYR'S RETURN - Stryker - 11-09-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Dante's words were true. Valkyr was a temporary leader in place of Esklav's absence, signaling they had great intent for their group, but yet, they betrayed the Pitt. By leaving when Stryker took lead, Valkyr had signaled their discontent. Obviously, the lion was pissed. Unnerved and ready to throw a shitfit, the male had set out on hunting down the former slave till his legs grew tired. Luckily, he had a lot of energy. After hours of searching one desperate night, he came across the familiar scent within the Ascendants and happened to find the former leader within their midst. Unknowing of what lurked in the shadows, Valkyr was oblivious as Stryker encircled him. Soon, the ardent had him in his grasp and managed to drag him back to the Pitt so he could serve his rightful sentence.

Not only were his memories erased, but Valkyr had been brainwashed. "He's clueless," the lion mentioned to the two. "Tabula rasa." Otherwise known as 'blank slate' in Latin. With a clean conscious, Valkyr was going to be unwillingly manipulated into Stryker's newest projects, but this one was not going to end clean. The ardent's motives were shifting. Unlike the others, the sha was not going to have a redemption arc, but instead dig a deeper hole for themselves and be stuck in this endless loop of agony that Stryker controlled. Eventually, their former leader would be a hollow shell. Valkyr was soon to be cold and calculating, leading an ever-so frightful, hollow life of their own.

At Valkyr's words, slitted orbs grazed over to meet the Sha's own gaze. "This is your punishment. Leave your unknown past behind and don't pick up the pieces." If that happened to be the case, there would be a confounding variable in his little experiment that could possibly send things in the wrong suggestion. "I suggest you don't speak or object to my command, otherwise your punishment will get worse though." A cruel glimmer worthy of the devil's praise glimmered within his gaze. Perhaps negative reinforcement would work better this time around...

Re: out to get me | VALKYR'S RETURN - ninazu - 11-09-2018

© lexasperated
Valkyr. She remembered his look and smell; her slender frame moved towards the gathering group, as she found herself curious as to what happened to the sha creature. She remembered teaching him the chores she hated doing, castrating him, and various other situations that befitted a slave belonging to a healer. Unfortunately, with her vampiric slumber, she found herself without her slave when she awoke -- though she'd felt annoyed when he fled, taking plenty of pickled oddities with him, the sand cat neglected to do anything about it. Part of her wanted to let him find his own happiness.

Her ears flicked as she looked at Stryker, gold eyes narrowing slightly. She knew Stryker went after the traitor, but failed to act on that knowledge; she found herself annoyed at she hesitated on that. The male used to belong to her, and she choked back a possessive hiss that wanted to sound from her throat. But she knew she hadn't a leg to stand on -- Stryker dragged the canid back to the Pitt and he outranked her. Risking her carefully taken rank and position of trust with Stryker for a gelded beast made no sense. Still, to know that she failed and that her goddamn failure was going to live among them as property to someone else... well, that burned.

Still, she supposed the punishment fit. Like the frog-bitch hybrid, Stryker crafted an excellent sentence for the traitor. Perhaps she ought to look into that kind of mental magic -- she never saw much use for it, but there seemed use for it in cases like these.

Re: out to get me | VALKYR'S RETURN - miss ririchiyo - 11-09-2018

15 M/O

Toxic green eyes seemed to slide across the people whom had arrived here at this.. Gathering, was it called? Chat wasn't one to enjoy bloodshed or evil, he didn't even know why he chose to stay here, maybe it was for Jikai, for his mate and the child he had adopted, but he couldn't be open about such.

Thankfully, Chat wanted to live.

So, the panther had slid behind the group, watching with a slight cringe from a distance, biting back a snarl that rose in his throat. This was wrong, but the hero couldn't just stop it. He had no right to.